Episode 1: Meeting an Old Friend

(A/N): Heyo Everyone. I hope your ready for the first episode of this story. Lets-a-go. Also I will censor the bad words, because I never cuss. Ever. Also I will say the word "Gawd" instead of "God" cause I feel like that's disrespectful to the lord and the word "Gawd" is even safer. I will probably use the word "God" in a sentence if it's not disrespectful. I hope you guys are really fine with this.

Third POV

It was a peaceful day in the Mushroom Kingdom...or just anywhere on the planet. Our Heroes were relaxing at Princess Peach's Castle. SMG4 was watching his memes as usual,  Bob and Boopkins were watching...some weird anime(?), Saiko was reading a book called "How To Kick a$$ 1000 Times Better", Meggy was training for the splatfest by shooting targets on the wall...and getting the walls dirty, Tari playing video games, Luigi playing with....dolls(?), Bowser eating chicken nuggets, Toad checking...whatever the heck he is doing on the phone, and Mario was eating spaghetti...as usual. Yep, Everything is just sooo normal for the gang. After the Waluigi Arc, everyone thought that their crazy a$$ adventure is finally over, but ohh no, it has only just began. While everyone was enjoying their time, a certain blue and white italian was gonna get a certain call from an old friend.



I was sitting in my room, on my computer watching some sexy memes. I love mah memes so much, it's pretty much my entire life right now. After the incident of Waluigi and the T-Virus Posing Apocalypse, everything has finally returned to normal. Waluigi seriously needs lots of therapy. All that negative in him is not that good. I'm really glad that everyone is enjoying themselves.

SMG4: Hmmm. I wonder what else I can upload on my channel besides memes this time. Probably a music video? Meh. I don't even know. Doesn't anyone knows how to sing a real song, other than rap?

While I was thinking for a new video idea, my phone phone started ringing. I wonder who was calling me and in the middle of my sexy meme time. I picked up my phone and decided to answer it...without even thinking about looking at who the caller was.

SMG4(On the phone): Hello? You have reached the meme god himself.

???(Caller on the phone): Heh Meme God? Well, What's up SMG4. It's been awhile my friend.

Friend? What is he talking about? Do I know this guy?? Have we even met??

SMG4(On the phone): I'm sorry? Have we met before?? You have probably gotten me confused by someone else. Perhaps this is the wrong number?

???(Caller on the phone): Y-Your serious SMG4? H-Have you forgotten your bff in Highschool??

My Bff in Highschool?? I had lots of friends back in highschool, but the one I would mostly hang out with back then was that one kid- Wait a second?!

SMG4(On the phone): H-Hold on..A-Are you-

Hiroshi(Caller on the phone): Hehe. Looks like you have figured it out bro. Yes, Its Hiroshi Tatsunori. It's been years since we last spoken to eachother.

I-I can't believe it. H-Hiroshi?! My Close bff and close brother. Oh man..It's been soo long..

SMG4(On the phone): H-Hiroshi. Oh wow, Bro I missed you so much! You don't know how happy I am to talk to you once again. How have you been?

Hiroshi(Caller on the phone): Heh. Well SMG4, I've been good lately. After the whole Zombie T-Virus Apocalypse that happened, things has been very peaceful lately. By the way, Did you know on who was the cause of the virus?

The T-Posing Zombie Virus...A lot has happened and we were almost losing hope. But Thanks to new friends, we were able to win.

SMG4(On The Phone): Y-Yeah..It was Waluigi. He was the cause of it.

Hiroshi(Caller on the phone): H-Hold up! Wait! Waluigi?! Why?!

SMG4(On the phone): Long story short; He was jealous of not being in Super Smash Bros and he kept getting rejected because Master Hand refuses to make him a playable character in the game cause he has no talent. Soon the jealous and being rejected only grew stronger and stronger and soon Waluigi became unstoppable with the power he called "Rejection" or something like that. Don't worry, after we won, Waluigi started taking therapy to feel better.

Hiroshi(Caller on the phone): H-Hold on? We? Defeated? You fought with Waluigi?!

SMG4(On the phone): H-Heh Yeah. With the help of my new friends, we were able to take him  down. By the way Hiroshi, were you..uh..also affected by the virus?

Hiroshi(Caller on the phone): W-What? N-No! Oh Gawd No! I was actually fighting for my life, to protect myself and my family. Of course it was difficult, but I made it through.

SMG4(On the phone): F-For Reals? Heh. I kinda forgot how strong you really are. I remember when a lot of girls were in love you, even though you were just a kid back then and a lot of boys were super jealous and angry at you. Every boy in the school started to fight you...and in the end, you easily won.

Hiroshi(Caller on the phone): Ugh. P-Please don't remind me, it was a total pain to deal with. Over for a stupid reason. Anyways SMG4, I was wondering if I can come over today and hang out with you, just like old times?

SMG4(On the phone): O-Oh sure thing pal. I'll send you the address. See ya when you get here. I can't wait to introduce you to my friends.

Hiroshi(Caller on the phone): Alright SMG4, I'll see ya later bro.

SMG4(On the phone): Alright bro. Bye Bye.

                             ~Call Ends~

SMG4: Oh Boy! I'm so excited! 😁

Mario: <Appears behind SMG4> Hello! :D

SMG4: <Screams like a girl> AHH!! M-Mario?! What are you doing in here!?

Mario: I want to use your computer for my sexy spaghetti time.

SMG4: What? No! There is no time for that! My best friend will be here and I need to clean up a bit. Get out!

Mario: Alright. Fine! >:(

After Mario left, I breath a sigh of relief.

SMG4: Alright! Time to look good.


Hiroshi's POV <2 Hours Earlier>

Another Day, Another boring lesson at college. Most of the students are either crazy, retarded, or..just both. A Classroom literally got caught on fire today. Some people panic, some people were saying "This is fine", and some other people were singing "This girl is on fire", while they were also on fire and doing stupid stuff. Pretty normal huh? Welp, Not really for me. This world is just full of crazy, but..it's probably normal for everyone else. I'm almost finishing up college and I'm trying to find a place to live on my own, since I live with my mother and baby sister. I finally arrived at my house. Now I can finally relax from this tiring day.

Hiroshi: Im home!

???: Onii-chan!!!

Oh no...not Aki. I turned around slowly and was greeted by happy sister who f**king head butting me soo damn hard in my back as we both crahed into the ground.

Hiroshi: <weakly and in pain>....ow....my poor back.....again...

Aki: Hi Onii-chan. Welcome Back! :D

Oh yeah...I forgot to mention this. Meet my 7 year old little sister, Aki Tatsunori.

She is just adorable and too pure!!💖 I love my little sister so much. If anything would have happened to her, I would probably just lose it..she is my one and only cute little sister.

Hiroshi: G-Get off sis...I think you broke my spine....again!

Aki: Hehe Sorry Onii-chan. I just missed you soo much.

Aki then got off of me, as I got up slowly and cracked my back a bit.

Hiroshi: Y-Yeah Yeah, I missed you too. Anyways where is mom?

Aki: She is cooking dinner in the kitchen, your final grades from college came in the mail today.

Hiroshi: Alright, Later sis.

After I finished talking with Aki, I walked into the kitchen were my mother is cooking. She looked over at me and smiled.

Mom: Weclome back home sweetie.

Oh yeah, another side chara- ahem! I-I mean, let me introduce you to my mother, Ruby Tatsunori.


he is a wonderful and lovely lady, but once she gets angry, its freaking scary. Even I'm scared of my mom when she's angry. She can be overprotective of me and my baby sister, but I really don't need her to worry about me. I'm strong and smart enough to handle myself. Of course, my family knows that I have powers. I had my magic when I was a baby. It took me years of training, growing, and mastering my abilities. Im stronger that I look, but my mother is still overprotective no matter what.

Hiroshi: Oh Hi Mom, What are we having for dinner?

Ruby(Mom): We are having meatloaf tonight.

Hiroshi: Aw c'mon! Again? I hate meatloaf.


When my mom burst out in anger a bit, my head shrunken down of being scared.

Hiroshi: Okie dokie.. o_o

Ruby(Mom): Anyways, I got your final college grade in the mail today. I gotta say, I'm super impressed again. You got all A's once again.

Hiroshi: W-Well, All I do is mostly study and-

Before I can continue on what I was gonna say, the stupid fire alarm went off and my mother freaked out a bit, meaning one thing.


~Timeskip after dinner brought to you by Hiroshi yeeting Francis across the universe and into the sun~

After Dinner, I went into my room and sat down on my rolling chair, being bored a bit. I decided to play and spin my rolling chair..until I did it too much and got yeeted out my own window. Ouch. 5 minutes after repairing my window and sitting back on my chair, I looked at two picture frames on my counter. I took one that has a picture of me and a girl with blue hair. If I remember correctly, her name was Tari, she was a shy and a very fun girl to hang around with. I still remember on how we first met around one year ago.


I remember when I was at the store looking for the new video game called "Duckie Simulator" that my sister wanted. My sister loved animals, especially cute little duckies. She begged me to get the game for almost a week. I finally gave in and went to the store to buy the stupid game, so my sister would stop bugging me so much.

Hiroshi: <Sigh>...What a pain. Now where is this dumb game at?

While I was looking around for the game, I found the game on the shelve and it was the last copy left. I was actually pretty lucky.

Hirsohi: Wow, There is one copy left? Lucky me..I guess.

As I was reaching for the game and grabbed it, at the same time, another hand grabbed the same game and our hands touched. We looked at eachother and the girl started blushing a bit and started to stutter, which I found it pretty cute.

???: I-I'm s-sorry, I-I was just getting this game and I d-didn't notice you wanted it.

Hiroshi: Hehe. It's fine. I was just a buying this game for my little sister so she can stop bothering me a lot for it.

???: O-Oh, Well y-you can have it..I-I don't need it anymore....

I couldn't help but feel bad for her. She wanted this game more than anything. She looks so sad..ow..my heart. I wanted her to smile, so I finally made choice for both of us.

Hiroshi: Wait miss. I'll be right back. Wait right here.

???: H-Huh?...o-oh ok.

I went to the cashier and bought the game then I came back to the blue hair girl and gave her the game, which she was really shocked.

Hiroshi: Here you go. You can have it instead.

???: W-What? N-No. I-I can't. It's yours.

Hiroshi: Hehe. Ma'am, It's alright. Im fine. I can always come back if they have more copies. Plus, I didn't wanted to see you sad. It hurted me inisde to see you upset.

???: <A bit flustered> A-A-Are you s-sure?

Hiroshi: I'm very positive miss. I'll just tell my sister that they were out of copies at the moment, so here, take it.

The Blue hair girl took the game and held it close to her and smiled. The smile that I wanted to see.

???: T-Thank you so much. N-N-Nobody has ever done anything so nice for me before. H-How can I ever repay you.

At that moment, I was thinking about it. She said that nobody has done anything nice for her? Does she has any friends? If not, then I'll be her first friend.

Hiroshi: Well, How about we hang out and get to know eachother, just what would friends do.

Hearing the word "friend" surprised her a bit.

???: F-Friends? We're friends?..

Hiroshi: Hehe. Of course we are miss. So, wanna hang out.

???: S-Sure. I would like that...um..I-I'm sorry, I haven't gotten your name yet.

Hiroshi: Oh oops. Hehehe. Sorry, I'm Hiroshi, Hiroshi Tatsunori, and what is your name?

Tari: M-My name is Tari. It's very nice to meet you.

Me and Tari started to hang out on that day for awhile. It was really fun. We went to a carnival, a cafe, and a gaming center. She was really good at video games. Crazy Good. I was super impressed. The Day was fun while it lasted. At the end of the day, it was time for us to say our goodbyes.

Hiroshi: Well Tari, It's been really fun hanging out with, but I gotta go. My family is probably worried about me.

Tari: O-Oh well bye Hiroshi. I really had fun today.

I smiled and started to walk away until I felt someone grabbed my hand and it was Tari, who was red as a tomato and was looking at the ground. To be honest, I had no idea why.

Tari: W-W-Will I ever..s-see you again Hiroshi?

Hiroshi: Heh. Well Someday my dear friend. I promise we will meet again someday Tari. But first...

I put my arm around Tari, who was even redder than before and I brought her close to me and took a selfie.

Hiroshi: I can tell this is gonna be a start of a new friendship.

~Flashback Ended~

Hiroshi: <Sigh> And that was a year ago. I shouldn't keep promises that I couldn't keep. I don't know if I would ever meet her again.

I put the picture frame down with me and Tari in it and picked up the next picture with a younger version of myself and a italian man who was graduating from highschool, who was wearing blue with white overalls. His name was SMG4. Weird name, but I don't judge. He was my very first best friend during my first year of highschool. I remember on how we first met.


When I first began my freshman year in Highschool, most boys laughed at me, saying why is a little kid like me in highschool. Well, I really didn't care on what most people say. Most girls were screaming or fan-girling, saying how cute I was. It was a bit embarrassing and I literally grew tired of it that quick. I seriously don't understand girls. I was just thinking that they are super weird. There were 2 months left until summer vacation, so I kinda did started school very late, but at the same time, it didn't really matter. When I took my seat, I saw my seating partner, who name was SMG4, looking at some memes. I, then started to introduce myself to him, hoping we can become very good friends.

Hiroshi(10 yrs old): Hiya, I'm Hiroshi Tatsunori, please to meet ya.

SMG4 then looked at me and smiled, not even caring if I was young.

SMG4: Hiya Hiroshi, I'm SMG4. Nice to meet ya also.

Hiroshi(10 yrs old): Are you looking at memes?

SMG4: Heck yeah! These are dah sexy memes.

Hiroshi(10 yrs old): um...Cool! Memes are amazing. I love a good laugh. I even also love puns.

SMG4: <Gasp> You love memes?!

Hiroshi(10 yrs old): Oh yeah! Memes are the best in the world.

SMG4: Hehe. I believe we are gonna be the best of friends.

Hiroshi(10 yrs old): I couldn't agree more.

That was literally the start of our new friendship. We both love memes and talk about our favorite meme and became friends really quick. Our highschool life was really fun for the past month. During that, most girls won't leave me alone, saying how cute I was and they wanted to cuddle me. That was a BIG H*LL NO to that. Nope. Anyways, almost all of the boys in school were jealous and tried attack me, but since I can dodge really fast and have good reflexes and know who to fight, I literally won at the end. Don't worry, I didn't use my magic at all. Seriously, it was a total pain fighting them and it was tiring. I could've used that time for a long nap. The adults were lazier than me, they didn't even help. At the end of the school year, it was finally graduation time for SMG4. I was very proud of him that he made it, but also a bit sad that I won't be able to see him again.

Hiroshi(10 yrs old): Well, I guess this is it huh bro? I'm gonna miss you.

SMG4: I'm gonna miss you too. It's been a blast hanging out with you, even though your a young kid. Who knew that a little kid so smart, yet so young to be in highschool and can be very fun to be around with.

Hiroshi(10 yrs old): Heh. Well I guess anything crazy can happen.


SMG4: Yeah. Hey Hiroshi. Let's take a memory selfie together.

Hiroshi(10 yrs old): S-Sure. Let's take one SMG4. For memories cause we are brothers forever.

I gave SMG4 my phone so we can take a selfie together, since I was very small and he's taller than me. After we took a selfie, we both smiled and shook hands.

Hiroshi(10 yrs old): Goodbye SMG4, until we meet again brother.

SMG4: Until next time Hiroshi. Take care little brother.

After that, we parted ways. Walking our own path.

~Flashback Ended~

Hiroshi: <Sigh>...That was almost 9 years ago. I really do missed him.

While I was thinking about my flashbacks in my room, I just starting to remember that SMG4 gave me his phone number before we went our separate ways.

Hiroshi: Hold on! Wait a minute! How can I forget something so simple and important!? SMG4 gave me his number. I should call him if he's doing alright and maybe we can hang out once again.

I grabbed my phone and started looking through my contacts.

Hiroshi: If I remember correctly, I nicknamed him the "Meme God". Ah-Ha! Found it.

I clicked on his contact and hit "call" and my phone started ringing. I was really excited to be able to talk to my best friend.

SMG4(Caller on the phone): Hello? You have reached the meme god himself.

Hiroshi(On the phone): Heh Meme God? Well, What's up SMG4. It's been awhile my friend.

SMG4(Caller on the phone): I'm sorry? Have we met before?? You have probably gotten me confused by someone else. Probably this is the wrong number?

E-Eh? Did he forget about me?

Hiroshi(On the phone): Y-Your serious SMG4? H-Have you forgotten your bff in Highschool?

SMG4(Caller on the phone): H-Hold on...A-Are you-

Heh. Looks like he finally figured it out.

Hiroshi(On the phone): Hehe. Looks like you have figured it out bro. Yes, Its Hiroshi Tatsunori. It's been years since we last spoken to eachother.

SMG4(Caller on the phone): H-Hiroshi. Oh wow, Bro I missed you so much! You don't know how happy I am to talk to you once again. How have you been?

Hiroshi(On the phone): Heh. Well SMG4, I've been good lately. After the whole Zombie T-Virus Apocalypse that happened, things has been very peaceful lately. By the way, Did you know on who was the cause of it?

SMG4 (Caller on the phone): Y-Yeah...It was Waluigi. He was the cause of it.


H-Hold up! Wait! Waluigi?! Why?!

SMG4(Caller on the phone): Long story short; He was jealous of not being in Super Smash Bros and he kept getting rejected because Master Hand refuses to make him a playable character in the game cause he has no talent. Soon the jealous and being rejected only grew stronger and stronger and soon Waluigi became unstoppable with the power he called "Rejection" or something like. Don't worry, after we won, Waluigi started taking therapy to feel better.

W-Wait a sonic second? Did he just we? Did he-

Hiroshi(On the phone): H-Hold on? We? Defeated? You fought with Waluigi?!

SMG4(Caller on the phone): H-Heh Yeah. With the help of my new friends, we were able to take him down.

Wowie. Looks like I missed on a total new adventure.

SMG4(Caller on the phone): By the way Hiroshi, were you..uh..also affected by the virus?

Hirsohi(On The Phone): W-What? N-No! Oh Gawd No! I was actually fighting for my life, to protect myself and my family. Of course it was difficult, but I made it through.

SMG4(Caller on the phone): F-For Reals? Heh. I kinda forgot how strong you really are. I remember when a lot of girls were in love with you, even though you were just a kid back then and a lot of boys were super jealous and angry at you. Every boy in the school started to fight you...and in the end, you easily won.

Hiroshi(On the phone): Ugh. P-Pleasedon't remind me, it was a total pain to deal with. Over for a stupid reason. Anyways SMG4, I was wondering if I can come over today and hang out with you, just like old times?

SMG4(Caller on the phone): O-Oh sure thing pal. I'll send you the address. See ya when you get here. I can't wait to introduce you to my friends.

Hiroshi(On the phone): Alright SMG4, I'll see ya later bro.

SMG4(Caller on the phone): Alright bro. Bye Bye.

                              ~Call Ended~

After the call ended, I hanged up and put my phone down. I smiled brightly.

Hiroshi: Hehe. I can't wait to meet SMG4 once again. It's been ages since we last seen eachother.

As I was happy on meeting my best friend again, I just remembered the conversation we had about the T-Virus Posing Zombies.

Hiroshi: <Sigh>...Who knew a meme can cause so much chaos. Why would Waluigi cause so much chaos over something stupid!

I remembered my encounter with Waluigi and his brother, Wario one time. Me and family were at the store getting some more supplies, like food, drinks, and other stuff useful. The two morons came up to us and threatened us for money. It..uh..really didn't end well for them. Once second they trying to rob, then a second later they go flying out the building. Thanks to me of course. I guess you can "Team Dumb*ss" was blasting off again.

Hiroshi: Alright, Time to head over to the location that SMG4 sent me. It will take me around 2 1/2 hours to get there by train. Alright, Let's get going.

I put on my jacket, grabbed my phone and ear buds, and headed out to were the address will lead me too, but not without telling my mother that I'm heading out.

(A/N): This is what Hiroshi is wearing of course.

~Timeskip to 2 1/2 hours later brought to you by Hiroshi vs SSJ Taichi~

Ok. I thought SMG4 lived in a house, NOT IN A HUGE CASTLE! I was a bit speechless and I have no words.

Hiroshi: W-Well...uh..lucky him...I guess. Ok, Let's do this.

I walked towards the entrance and knocked on the door, then I waited.


Third POV

When SMG4 was waiting for his best friend to come visit, there was a knock on the front door. SMG4 quickly went to open the door since he knew who it was.

SMG4: I'll get it 😊

Luigi: SMG4 looks-a kinda happy today.

Bob: DId hE fINallY gOt a gIrlFrieND?

Boopkins: Well, Whoever it is, I hope they love anime.

Toad: Who cares! I bet they are annoying and retarded, like this fat*ss Mario.

Mario: Hey! I'll have you know that I have 2000 IQ! >:[

SMG4: Alright Everyone, Shut up!!

SMG4 opened the door and saw his friend there, who smiled and hugged SMG4.

Hiroshi: Hey bro, I missed you so much.

SMG4: I missed you too also, Hiroshi.


Tari's POV <Minutes Earlier>

When I was playing Super Smash Bros, I heard that SMG4 was bringing a new friend over. I hoped they love video games and we can get along. Once SMG4 opened the door, I heard a familiar voice, then I heard something that shocked me.

SMG4: I missed you too also, Hiroshi.

I dropped my control and gotten up then slowly turned around and then I saw him. H-Hiroshi was there, he was talking and walking with SMG4. H-Hiroshi is looking cute as ever. O-OMG, My heart is beating super fast and my face is flustered. J-Just looking at him m-makes me feel weird. C-C-Calm down Tari. A-Ah, He's looking at m-me! H-He's running towards me a-and he is HUGGING ME!!???! OMGOSH OMGOSH OMGOSH! My heart can't take it!! My face is flustered so much!!

Hiroshi: OMG Tari, I missed you sooo much!!

Tari: I-I-I m-missed y-you too H-Hiroshi.😳


Saiko's POV <Minutes Earlier Also>

I was just drinking some wine, not giving a care in the world. SMG4 said that he has a friend that he was bringing over. I didn't really care at all. Once SMG4's friend came into view, OH MY GAWD!!! HE IS SOO HOT!! My heart is beating super fast, m-my face is flustered a lot, and....omg I'm drooling! His looks, his smile, his hair, his eyes. I need to get to know him more. He needs to be mine~💖 All Mine~💖 My Senpai~💖😍. I did grew...maybe a bit jealous when he hugged Tari out of the blue though.


Third POV

When Hiroshi finished hugging Tari, SMG4 asked him a question.

SMG4: Hold on Hiroshi?? You know Tari? You guys met before?

Hiroshi: Hehe, Of course I know her. We met a year ago and started hanging out with her.

SMG4: Heh, Alright. Anyways Hiroshi, why don't you introduce yourself to the gang.

Hiroshi: Oh right. <Ahem> Hello there everyone, I'm Hiroshi Tatsunori, it's all very to meet you guys. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Boopkins: Oh Oh me! I wanna ask first. Um..D-Do you like anime?

Hiroshi: Uhh....To be honest, I don't watch anime. I mostly study or just read books.

Bob: LoOkS liKe wE hAvE a NeRD.

Saiko came behind Bob and smacked him on the ground so hard.

Saiko: S-Senpai~ , Sorry for him being rude. H-He doesn't have any manners.

Hiroshi: Oh Heh. It's fine miss, I've been called that a lot. It doesn't bother me.

Mario: Do you like spaghetti, Hiroshi?

Hiroshi: Uh....S-Sorry Red, not really. It's a pretty boring dish to eat.

Mario starts to whine.

Mario: Then we can't be friends! ;^;

Hiroshi: <Sweat drop> Um..ok then?

SMG4 came over to Hiroshi and whispers in his ears.

SMG4: <Whispers> Don't worry, he'll change his mind once he knows you can cook.

Hiroshi: <Whispers back> Got it. Thanks.

Meggy: Hey Hiroshi, Do you love a good challenge? Also, Do you love noodles?

Hiroshi: Hehe. Heck yeah, Squid girl! I love challenges and noodles.

Bowser: How about chicken nuggets?

Hiroshi: <Drools* Oh heck yeah. Chicken~

SMG4: Hiroshi sure loves his chicken, especially chicken nuggets.

Bowser: We are gonna be great friends Hiroshi.

Tari: U-Um, H-Hiroshi? D-Do you want to play some video games with me s-someday? 😳👉👈

Hiroshi: Heh. Your on Tari. Your crazy good at video games. I'll always be happy to play with you.

Tari blushed and looked away while smiling, happy with Hiroshi's compliment and his answer. Saiko, on the other hand was a bit jealous.

Saiko: U-Um..Senpai? A-Are you..s-sin-single?

Everyone was surprised on Saiko's answer. They were wondering why she would ask that. Tari was shocked too. She was thinking that Saiko was trying to steal Hiroshi away from her. On the other hand, Tari wants to know if Hiroshi is also single, if she isn't too late, she might have a change to confess to Hiroshi before Saiko.

Hiroshi: <confused>..uh...yeah? Why do you even ask?

Saiko: N-No reason at all Senpai..I-I just don't know what to ask. T-That's all.

Hiroshi: uh...well ok then?

Both Tari and Saiko breath a sigh of relief, knowing Hiroshi is still single and they still have a chance.

Hiroshi: Oh right, I forgot to ask your names, since I already know both Tari and SMG4.

Mario: Its-a-Me Mario.

Luigi: Imma Luigi. Number 1.

Bowser: I'm the Koopa King, Bowser

Boopkins: My name is Fishy Boopkins, but everyone just calls me Boopkins.

Bob: I aM bOb, ThE sExieST maN aLi-


Meggy: The Names Meggy Spletzer, but just call me Meggy. Woomy.

Hiroshi(mind): Adorable😊❤

Saiko: I-I'm Saiko Bichitaru, b-but just call me Saiko or anything, Senpai~💖😉

Hiroshi(mind): Why does she keeps calling me Senpai? She's a bit odd.

Hiroshi: Heh. Sure, Saiko-chan.

Toad: I'm Toad or whatever.

Hiroshi: Well, It's very nice to meet at all. I hope we can all get along. Anyways SMG4, I wasn't really gonna say anything, but I didn't know you love pink for your castle.

SMG4: O-Oh, This isn't my castle, Hiroshi. It belongs to Princess Peach.

Hiroshi: Princess Peach?? Who is she?


Everyone but Hiroshi agreed with Mario.

Hiroshi: <Sweat drop> W-Well, I'll bet she's nice.


Everyone quickly turned around see a blonde girl in a pink dress. Princess Peach.

(A/N): Just ignore the meme and focus of the face. This is the only pic I can find.

Why does she looks likes she's on crack?


Meggy: U-Um...I-I was-

Before Meggy say anything, she was cut off by Hiroshi.

Hiroshi: I'm so sorry about my friend, Princess.

Peach: Oh? Who even are you?

Hiroshi gets on one knee and did a royal bow, surprising everyone, including peach.

Hiroshi: I am Hiroshi Tatsunori at your service, Princess. I'm sorry about my friend's mess. Please let me clean it up. It's the least I can do for coming to your castle uninvited.

Peach: Wow, you got some manners. Also, you can clean?

Hiroshi then gets up.

Hiroshi: Yes, I can also do other things too.

Peach: Please tell me on what are these "things" you can do, Hiroshi.

Hiroshi: Well, I can cook, clean, and do many other things that will be revealed later on.

Mario than ran up to Hiroshi's face being happy. A little too happy.


Hiroshi: <Sweat Drop> um...y-yep. I can cook any dish.

Mario: You are now my new friend!

SMG4: Told you so.

Peach: Hmm. Do you have a place to live at the moment, Hiroshi?

Hiroshi: N-No. Not at the moment-

Peach: Alright, I decided. You will be living here for now on as a cook and house(castle) cleaner.

Hiroshi: F-For reals? Well I was looking for a place to live for awhile. Thanks Princess, I also don't mind being a cook and a butler here.

SMG4: Alright, Now we can completely catch up on everything.

~Timeskip 2 hours later brought to you by Hiroshi vs Yami~

Hiroshi just got finished cleaning Meggy's mess around the castle and calling his mother, saying that he found a place to move in. Everyone was happy that he was moving in. Meggy came up to Hiroshi, she was a bit embarrassed.

Meggy: H-Hey Hiroshi. T-Thanks for sticking up for me. E-Even though we barely met.

Hiroshi: Hehe. Don't worry about it Meggy. We are friends after all. I'm always happy to stick up for someone and always be there for them. Even protect them. <smiles> The same goes for you, Miss Meggy.

Meggy turned red a tiny bit and smiled brightly.

Meggy: Hehe. Your already so cool, Hiroshi. I'm so glad to have met you.

Hiroshi: Same here Meggy. Anyways, I gotta go. I'm gonna talk to SMG4. Later.

As soon as Meggy and Hiroshi said goodbye to eachother, Hiroshi went to go see SMG4 in his room.

☆SMG4's Room☆

Hiroshi: Hey SMG4? I was thinking that maybe I can help you with a new video idea for your channel.

SMG4: For reals? Well what do you have in mind?

Hiroshi: Hmmm. How about a music video. I can sing.

SMG4: You can sing? Well Alright buddy, but are you sure?

Hiroshi: 100%. I'll always help you anyway I can.

SMG4: Thanks Hiroshi, Your really are the best.

Hiroshi: Hehe. I try. Anyways, I already recored the audio, so let me send it to you and we can get started.

SMG4: Alright. Let's do this!

Both SMG4 and Hiroshi started setting up the recording, microphone, and audio. Hiroshi got his headphones got into position.

Hiroshi: Ready SMG4?

SMG4: Ready!

Hiroshi: Alright, Let's do this!

SMG4:  In 3...2...1...Go!

🎤♡Hiroshi's Singing♡🎤


Everything Surrounding Me

Leaving Me With Nothing Left To Say

Imagine It, Grasping It

It Feels So Far Away


Every Night I Wake Up In A Dream

And I Can't Get Too Close

I Let It Slip Away

I Can Only Hide From All The Lights

Before I Hear A Voice

That Calls Me To The Day

Giving It My All As I am

Wondering Through The Dark

Could I Find The Answer

And Wake Up New

Everything Surrounding Me

Leaving Me With Nothing Left To Say

Imagine It, Grasping It

It Feels So Far Away

Do I Throw It All Away?

If It Means That I Can Cross The Line

All Aloud

Scream It Out

Even If I'm Alone

Day And Night

I'll Win The Fight

Now I Can Go Beyond

Even If I Take The Fall

And Lose It All

I'm My Own Hero

I Know That I'll Become Something New

I'll Shed All My Tears

Drop All My Fears

Even If I Don't Bloom

Am I A Hero To You?

🎵Song Ends🎵

Hiroshi: Phew. That felt great. It's been awhile since I started singing once again. How was it SMG4?...SMG4?

SMG4 was completely speechless. He had no words to express on how he was feeling.

SMG4: That...was...so...AWESOME!! I'm so speechless right now, even the others are speechless.

Hiroshi: E-Eh? The others?

Hiroshi turned around, to only notice that SMG4 was right. Everyone was there. They all heard him sing.


Saiko's POV <Earlier>

I was very busy day dreaming about Hiroshi. Me and him will date, k-kiss, get married, and have many kids and be together forever until we die together as a lovely couple when we are old~💖. I was blushing and drooling a bit. While I was busy day dreaming about my future with Hiroshi-Senpai, I suddenly heard music coming from SMG4's room. Everyone also heard someone singing. We all went and opened SMG4's door slightly and we saw Hiroshi-Senpai singing. OMG! My heart is beating so fast! His beautiful voice is so sexy to my ears. I can just listen to his sweet voice all day long.


Tari's POV <Earlier>

I was so very happy that Hiroshi is here. We can hang out all the time. Play Video Games together, B-Be Together Forever a-as a c-couple, h-hold hands, a-and even k-k-kiss. I was blushing so hard. Thinking about me and Hiroshi being t-together makes my heart pound soo much. While I was thinking about my future with Hiroshi, I suddenly heard singing, we all heard it. It was coming from SMG4's room. We all went towards SMG4's room and opened the door slightly and we saw Hiroshi singing. He looks so dreamy. His voice is like an angel. I could just stare at him all day long.💖


Third POV

Hiroshi was a bit surprised and embarrassed a bit that everyone heard him sing. Next thing he didn't realized, was that everyone started clapping for him(Except for Bob and Toad).

Meggy: Wow Hiroshi! Your very good at singing!

Saiko: I agree Senpai~ You were really amazing.

Tari blushed hard and nodded fast, agreeing with Saiko. Soon, everyone agreed with them (Except Bob and Toad, Of course).

SMG4: Your such a great singer Hiroshi.

Hiroshi smiled nervously, since he was embarrassed a bit.

Hiroshi: H-Heh. T-Thanks guys. B-But I'm still a bit rusty.

SMG4: Hey Hiroshi, I was wondering if you can please come to the award ceremony tomorrow night with me.

Hiroshi: Oh, Sure SMG4. It will be an honor. I hope you'll win.

SMG4: Of course I'll win, cause I'm SMG4.

Hiroshi: Heh Alright bro.

For the next hour, Everyone was talking and getting along with Hiroshi, even Toad. Well, Mostly Luigi, Bowser, Meggy, Saiko, and Tari. When the moving truck came to the castle with Hiroshi's stuff, everyone except Toad and Bob(as usual) helped Hiroshi move his stuff into his new room. Hiroshi then thanks everyone for their help. Later at night, Hiroshi was in bed, wearing a grey T-shirt and grey sweatpants. He had his arm behind his head, looking at the ceiling with a smile.

Hiroshi: Heh. I finally have a place to live and it's with SMG4. My very best friend. I wonder what type of adventures I will have with the gang. Will it be life or death? Sad and Happy Moments? Will I...have to reveal my magic to them someday?

Hiroshi then looks at the screen, towards the readers and smirked.

Hiroshi: What do you do guys think? <Activates Eye> Is anyone gonna have a Bad Time? Only time will tell.

To be Continue...

(A/N): HOLY GUACAMOLE!! Holy cow! This took me forever!! All day. I did took a nap in the middle of making this story. I was drained. Now I finally finished the first episode of this story. I might need to take a bit of a break. I literally finished almost 2 hours later the next day. 6k+ words. Wowie. Anyways, I hope you love it. Make sure to follow and stay updated for new stories. Until next time. ♡Chow♡.


November 4, 2020


Time: 1:58 Am

Words: 6715

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