Chapter Five

Elladan woke with a start, he was breathing deeply and felt an odd sensation of cold and fear. He looked around at the group that was there, almost everyone was up. He shook his head and stood up walking towards the others. It had already been almost three weeks since they had met at the Sea of Ruhn. The only clue they found was a single set of tracks that looked to be from a wagon and everyone agreed that seemed to be the best way to go.

The group consisted of his father, Glrofindel, Aragorn, Haldir, as well as Legolas. It seemed that they felt it was best if they had a larger group for strength in numbers since this enemy seemed to be highly skilled. Yet, the biggest problem besides not knowing where to go was that they knew next to nothing about this new enemy. So who knew what they were up against?

"Elladan? Are you alright?" Legolas asked.

"Just tired," He replied as he sat down. He looked around and realized that Aragorn and Glorfindel were not with them. "Where are the others?" He then asked.

"Scouting on ahead," Haldir answered.

"Alright. Should we pack up then?" He asked.

"No. We should wait here until they get back," Elrond said. Elladan nodded and sighed. Elrond moved over to his son and pulled him into a hug. Elladan accepted it and pressed close to him. "It's okay. We'll find them." Promised Elrond.

"Right," Elladan replied softly as he pulled back. Elrond offered him a smile and Elladan smiled back. He looked back to the fire which was cooking a small meal for the group. "It looks almost ready,"

"It is almost ready," Answered Haldir.

"That's good," Elladan responded as he sat back. He was quiet for a long moment and when he looked up he stood up. "They are back."

The others looked up and saw Glorfindel and Aragorn coming back. Once they got into the camp Elrond stood up and asked, "Did you find anything?"

"There is a village not too far from here," Replied Glorfindel. "We can start there."

"Yet, the town is an Easternling town so we should be carefull." Added Aragorn.

"Alright then we should pack up and head there then," Said Elrond. The others nodded in response and started to gather up their things they had. A half an hour later they were all ready and they started heading to the town.


When they got to the town they first stopped at an inn and got themselves a place to stay for the night. Then after they put their major bags away they split up and headed to look around down. Elladan went with his father, while Legolas and Aragorn went on their own way, and Glorfindel and Haldair, they went on their own way. They told each other they will meet back at the inn at the end of the day but until they would search the town for any clues.


Glorfindel sighed as he looked around the town there wasn't anything really in this part of town. Just a few merchants and a run down tavern. He walked down the streets with a cloak wrapped around him and a hood over his head. Yet, he paused as he saw two figures walking quickly towards an alleyway. He followed them and drifted his hand towards his sword but he paused once he reached the alleyway since when he turned and saw them. One of them was someone he once knew, a very long time ago. He blinked in surprise and when he rubbed his eyes and looked up there were just two random people there looking at him strangely.

He turned and just walked away. His mind racing since he was sure what he saw was real. He had seen his fair share of 'ghosts' from his past but none were ever this real. None a single one. Yet, it was impossible, they died in the first age of this world. They couldn't be back...could they? Yet, if it was them then why didn't they come to him first? Could this have to do with Elrohir and the other's capture? His mind would have kept racing if someone called him.

"Glorfindel?" The golden-haired elf turned to look at Haldir who was standing behind him. Haldir went off to check something out.

Glorfindel paused for a moment then said, "Well I just thought I saw someone I knew but...I was wrong."

Haldir looked slightly puzzled but nodded. "Alright. Come on, we should continue on and try to find something."

"Right," Glorfindel replied and followed after him. Yet, his mind was on the figure he saw, it looked so much like them. He just shook his head and focused his mind on the task at hand.


Elsewhere, Elrond and Elladan were walking around through the streets trying to find anything that would point them towards where Elohir and the others may be. Yet, just as they feared there was nothing there. They knew it would be heard to find a single wagon that was in or passed through a traders town.

"What are we going to do we! We have nothing!" Elladan exclaimed after the walked away from one of the stolls that they were told dealt a lot with traders.

"We will," Elrond said. "Come now, Elladan. You can not give up hope this easily."

Elladan opened his mouth to throw an angry reply but he closed his mouth and walked away. Elrond sighed and started to walk away but stopped as someone behind him said, "Excuse me? Sir?"

"Yes?" Elrond asked and turned to face the woman who stood behind him.

"I couldn't help but overhear your conversation with that stall owner. If you are looking for outside traders I can help," she said.

"You can?" Elrond asked and when she nodded he turned and called Elladan back over. His son came back over and stood next to Elrond.

"What kind of outsider traders are you looking for?" She asked.

"Well. That's hard to explain, just did you see any strange traders that passed through here recently. They would not have traded anything but just stopped here." Elrond said.

"They also could have been going quickly." Elladan added.

"I can think of a few traders but I know them. I do not think they would be the ones you are looking for," She said.

Elrond sighed and said, "Well thank you-"

"I didn't finish," She said cutting him off politely. "I knew all of them but one. They seemed strange and were going rather quickly. It seemed they just wanted to get their jobs finished."

"Really? Where did they head?" Asked Elrond quickly.

"Well I saw them head towards the east. Towards another town that's right on the edge of all the known lands in the Easternling kingdoms." She said, "Here. Come with me, I can get you a good map."

The two nodded and followed the woman quickly as she led them to a small shop. She nodded at the person at the desk and then headed into the back. She looked around the back shelfs and then pulled a rolled up scroll. She laid it out over the table and pointed to a mountain range.

"Here." She said, "This is the town you'll want to look at, the town is called Niran. Since there is nothing else out there. There is no where else they could have gone,"

"Thank you very much," Elrond said. "If it's alright can we have this map? We'll pay for it of course,"

"No. No, it's fine. Take it," She said, handing it over. "Also when you get there look for someone named Nahtar. He's a friend of mine, he who travels through there often. He can help you out, just tell him Rinil told you about him."

"Right. Thank you very much, my lady." Elrond said being respectful to her. Yet, she smiled and shook her head. "Just call me Rinil and good luck. I can tell by how both of you are finding these people are important."

"You have no idea," Elladan said. She just nodded gently and walked them out of the store and waved them goodbye. 

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