chappy two
The next day at night. Steven decided to take in the moth as it was 'to adorable to leave' he also stuck with the name as it felt right but however Emperor has been kinda sad, devastated even Steven didn't know the cause but he will try anything in his power to make her feel better.
Emperor was laying on the couch drawing circles in the fabric, then the warp pad lit up making her head lift up. "We're finally home." Steven said his arms outstretched. "Aww hello house!" He said as Garnet flicked on the light. "Hello bed!" Steven said as he hugged his bed. Emperor fluttered over to him and gave him an lazy nudge on his leg right where Leggys gem was Steven paid no mind and thought of it was a silly coincidence, Steven chuckled.
"Hello Emperor!" He said giving a soft pat in the head, she gave a nod and fluttered back to the couch. "Hello TV, we've got some catching up to do." Steven Said hugging the television. "Hello kitchen!" "Hello food-" Steven got knocked back by the smell. "Uh-oh, did that cake go bad?" Amethyst asked "that was a cake?" Steven says flabbergasted. "Hello temple!" Steven says as he begans running around the beach Emperor trotting after him. "Hello beach!" "Hello town!" "And hello, my favorite place to get a snack, the big donut! Is closed?!" Steven screamed as he ran to it faster, Emperor picking up speed and eventually flying after him.
"Oh hey Steven. Haven't seen you for a while! You missed all the earthquakes! woah is that a moth?" Sadie said as Steven panted. "J was out in the field saving the world! And her names Emperor." Steven says taking breaths of air. Emperor nudged at Sadie's leg, still right where Leggys gem placement was. "Wow nice. Uh is this how Emperor says hello?" Sadie asked, steven nodded.
"Are you closing up? I really wanted a donut. Theres got to be atleast one in there." Steven said pushing his face against the glass. "Sorry I already set the alarm for the night." Sadie explained petting Emperor then stuffing her hands in her pockets. "But Sadie, I've been gone so long, and all the food in our house went bad. And I'm just starving." Steven whined taking his face off the glass.
"Um I think fish pizza is still open." Sadie said pointing lightly toward fishstew pizza. "I don't know if I'm hungry enough for a meal." Steven said looking off to the side. "But you're starving?" Sadie asked. "No, I'm dying!" Steven said falling to the ground with a 'blegh!'. "Well if your dead now, I guess you can't come by tomorrow." Sadie says taking her hands out of her pockets and shrugging. "I won't be dead then! What happens tomorrow?" Steven asked excitedly.
"If you didn't know, we started baking our own donuts after that workplace safety lawsuit got thrown out. So if you get here tomorrow right when the shop opens, you can have the very first fresh donut of the day." Sadie explained. "What an honor! First thing tomorrow, I'll be here, right when the store opens, to taste your first delicious donut of the day!" Steven exclaimed a bright smile plastered on his face, Sadie walked past the boy. "Yeah, sure. Later, Steven!" Sadie said, beginning her walk back to her house.
Outside on the porch of the beach house was Steven setting his alarm clock for 6:55 A.M. "that should give me enough time to get to the big donut right when it opens at 7." Steven said placing down the alarm clock and walked towards the balcony staring at the water. "And I can start another beautiful, beach city day." Steven sighs. "It feels so good to be home." He says getting off the railing of the porch. "Hello beach city! It's great to be back!" Steven yells happily jumping up into the air, and being face to face with the statue.
"Whoa!" Steven exclaimed, floating in the air. "I jumped super high! I didn't know I could do that!" Steven said beginning to fall at a slow-ish pace. As he decended, his feet lightly touched the ground, his face was enveloped in shock. "On my gosh, this is a new power!" Steven says in amazement. "Its like I'm super light!" Steven says and jumps off the porch. "I can jump really high and float down really slow!" Steven said jumping and floating down slowly.
"Jump! Float. Jump! Float. Jump!" Steven says jumping on the light house. "And jump!" Steven says jumping up in the clouds. And falling very slowly. Steven took in the view, clouds on the bottom of his vision and rather ocean, it seemed surreal like something out of a dream a paradise of sorts. Steven's eyes moved to beach city. "Beach city looks so small from up here. Oh man I wanna jump around funland!" Steven says then flails his legs to get down.
It doesn't work. "Huh?" Steven crosses his arms and hummed. "I guess it might take a while to land. Maybe I shouldn't have jumped so high. Oh Steven how do you keep getting in these predicaments?" Steven asked himself, he looked down at the temple. Amethyst walked out with Emperor following behind flying and nudging her leg.
"Hey it's Amethyst and Emperor! She could help me!" Steven said beginning to flail his arms around. "Amethyst! Hey! Over here!" Steven yelled trying to get Amethysts attention. "You Steven! Are you still up? Last chance for some cake!" Amethyst yelled looking for the boy floating behind her. "Ah She can't hear me! I'm too far away!" Steven looked at his shoe, took it off, and threw it near Amethysts figure in hopes that would get her attention.
It landed near her. Amethyst turned her head at the direction of the shoe and looked at it. "No no! Look up here!" Steven said taking his other shoe off, throwing it and successfully hitting Amethyst. "Hey! Why was the wiseguy?" Amethyst said looking around eventually looking up at Steven, widening her eyes. "She saw me! she saw me!" Steven said flailing his arms getting Amethysts attention. "Oh there's Steven, just flyin' around." Emperor flew to the floating boy. "And Emperor going to join him." Amethyst chuckled, turning on her heel and walking back to the house. "No Amethyst, come back!" Steven said not noticing the moth next to him.
Right when Amethyst was at the door however, she paused. "Wait, can Steven fly?" Amethyst said taking a second look at the boy and bug in the air. "Yeah, I think I remember that." She said opening the door and going through it, but immediately going out. "No, no, I'm thinking of Lapis!" Amethyst said. "Hey Steven! How did you learn how to fly?" She yelled at the boy. "Amethyst! Go get help!" Steven said not hearing the question, or not caring. "What?!" Amethyst yelled. "Ugh she can't hear me." Steven said. "Hey air-Steve!" Amethyst said jumping in the air to match Steven's height. "Amethyst! I need you to-" Steven cut himself off. "Dang too slow. Better ask quicker." Steven said.,"what'd you say?" She asked jumping again. "I could really use your assistance dealing with a sudden appearance -aw, rats." Amethyst was falling again, but jumped back up "of a power which previously was unbeknownst to me, which I can't control- umm." Steven explained. "Dude, summarize!" Amethyst demanded. "Go get Garnet!" Steven yelled.
"Hmm." Garnet hummed, one of her hands of her chin. Emperor landed on Garnets head and curled up, looking off to the side.
"Well Garnet?" Amethyst asked beside the fusion, Garnet hummed again. "WHAT ARE YOU ALL DOING?! STEVEN IS FALLING! HE NEEDS OUR HELP! I'LL CATCH YOU, STEVEN!" Pearl squawked trying to catch the slowly falling boy, Garnet looked up. "I think it's gonna be a while." Amethyst said looking at the squawking bird mom.
Garnet gave two taps to Emperors thigh signaling for her to get off, Emperor jumped and flew midair as Garnet jumped into a car, shattering the glass, and taking a phone, before walking back to the group. "I found a phone." Garnet said walking to the group. "Whose is it?" Amethyst asked. "Thats not important." Garnet said stopping, typing in Steven's number in the random phone, and calling the boy in the air. Emperor layed back on Garnets hair.
Steven got a call from Kofi. Wearily he accepts the call. "Hello?" Steve said into the phone. "Ground control to Steven universe." Garnets voice answered back to the boy. "STEVEN! ARE YOU OKAY?!" Pearls voice shouted in worry ,making the bot lean away from his phone.
"Oh, yeah, I'm fine." Steven said. "See? He's got this" Amethyst said. "Not exactly!" Steven said making everyone look back up at the phone. "I think this is some kind of new power!" Steven yelled into his phone.
"Rose could regulate the speed of her descent." Garnet comments. "Yeah, and she could control how fast she fell." Amethyst replied. "Thats what I said." Garnet said. "Steven, try falling a little faster." Pearl said somewhat calming down. Steven sighed. "I can't figure out how, and it's taking forever to reach the ground." "Can you guys just keep me company until I land?" The gems looked at each other.
Amethyst threw a can of juice at the boy, which he caught and looked down. Amethyst was lightly throwings bag of chaaps up and down into her hand. She threw the bag right when a seagull was in the way. The seagull got hit and tumbled with the the bag. "Ooh." Was all she said.
Steven was holding a checker board and moved one of the black pieces, Garnet hopped up and moved a red piece, Steven moved another black piece, and Garnet hopped up and got check mate, moving her red piece around the board to the black pieces. "Oh." Steven said wide-eyed then sighs.
The horizon was turning a blue fade to pink as the sun was coming up. Emperor had taken a nap in Steven's arms as he tried to guess what Pearl drew in the sand. "Is it a broom? No its a spear!" He spoke into the phone. Pearl gave a thumbs up, as Steven's alarm from the night before started blaring. "Hey Steven why's your alarm going off?" Amethyst asked as Emperor woke up from her nap. Steven gasped, almost dropping Emperor.
"6:55 A.M. that should give me enough time to get to the big donut right when it opens at 7"
"Oh nuts! My donuts!" Steven yelled accidentally dropping Emperor, she flew back up in the air. "Guys, I need to get down right now!" Steven said kicking his legs to try and get down faster. "Whats the hurry, dude? You got nowhere to be." Amethyst said as Garnet fixed the alarm clock.
"He's clearly very tired from being up all night and he's eager to get some sleep." Pearl said, "there's no time to explain! Just help me down!" Steven said frantically. "How we supposed to do that?" Amethyst asked. "Maybe we could weigh him down?" Pearl said.
Pearl jumped in the air and gave him a jacket. "Its not enough! Keep it coming!" Steven said, Amethyst jumped next giving the child a bowling ball Steven let out an 'oof!'. "More, more!" Steven said, Garnet jumped next putting a boat on the floating child. "I don't think this is working." The boy said holding the extremely heavy boat. Everyone jumped on the boat attempting to weigh the floating boy down to earth. "Nothings working! Is there anything else you can put on me?" Steven asked. "Just this alarm clock." Garnet replied showing Steven the time, 7:26.. "it's past 7" Steven sighs looking down. "Thanks for trying guys but there's no point anymore." The boy says dejected. "Sorry, Steven." Amethyst apologized letting go of the boat falling back down to the earth. "Sorry Steven." Pearl said before hopped back down to earth. "It wasn't meant to be." Garnet says before falling down to earth, Steven sighs again before letting the boat go, making it fall. Emperor fluttered onto his back and chirped as if apologizing to. "It was too meant to be." He sighs.
"My first day back and it's already ruined, I wonder who'll get my donut instead of me? Probably Peedee gell be up for his morning jog. Mr. Smiley will have the second donut. Lars will embezzle one. Ronaldo will buy one that he thinks is a mutant. Onion'll buy one and take it for granted. Then mayor Dewey will order a dozen, and then a dozen-dozen for the whole town! And then a dozen-dozen-dozen for all the starving children in the world! But not for Steven. They'll say, 'where's steven? We saved a donut for him' but they won't see me. Because I'm in the sky. And then they'll feed my donut to a dog. And then I'll die. Noooooo! Huh?"
Steven shouted as he was falling very quickly, he gasped. "I'm falling! Oh geez , I'm falling. Guys!" Steven yelled falling toward the group still on the ground.
"Yeah but if he did have a jet pack, he could just put if on upside down!" Amethyst said trying to explain her logic to pearl.
"Uhh, they still can't hear me!" Steven yelled but gasped as emperor dived to catch his speed. "My phone! I dropped my phone!" Steven yelled "why do my powers just keep coming and going?! I was just so happy to be home!" He yelled, then realized. "Wait! That's it! Happiness! My floating powers are tied to my emotions!" Steven groans in irritation. "Right, just like all my stupid powers!" Steven yelled in angry realization before falling faster.
"Ooh! Okay, right, I can control this! I just have to think happy thoughts, and no negative thoughts!" The boy yelled. "So what makes me happy? Donuts? No I'm not gonna get any. The beach! No that's where I'm going to die. Mom? Oh geez those feelings are complicated. Come on, come on, brain times running out! I just needs somethingthat makes me happy! Something I can always depend on to cheer me up!" Steven says as his body came closer and closer to, the ground.
He looked over to the gems and emperor whom was sitting upon Garnets head half listening to their ideas to get him down half taking in whatever warmth Garnets head could give in a small sorrow. "My guys! They spent all night with me just to keep me company. No matter how much I mess up, they'll be here to help me." Steven smiled at the figures below him.
"But if he can't control his power-" Pearl was cut off by Garnet. "Its all right." She said her arms folded. "How is it all right?" Pearl asked wide eyed. "By now Seven has realized his powers are tied to his emotions. Just like I knew would happen, he's used the memories of happy and sad things to land safely behind us ready to give us a hug." A few moments after Garnets said that, Steven face planted into the sand. "Close enough." Garnet said. "Guys!" Steven said getting up from the small sand hole he created he rushed up to give Garnet a hug but was stopped by Garnet herself. "Wait! You have somewhere else to be!" Garnet said stopping the boy. "What?" Steven asked. "There's no time! Run to the big donut! Run!" Garnet rushed making the boy run. "Uh, okay!" As Steven rushed out of sight pear, muttered "I would have liked a hug." Emperor gets up from Garnets head and chases after the boy, flying of course.
Steven rushed to the big donut seeing it insight and gasping. "No way, no way no way no way no way!" Steven says leaping to the big donut as Sadie started to unlock the door of the restaurant, Steven fell on the floor of the establishment as emperor glided down and Sadie pat her head. "You're just opening? I thought I was late!" Steven said smiling. "Late? We always open at 7:30 on Sundays." Sadie says opening the door and entering the establishment. "Ahh, duh!" Steven said entering with Sadie. "Well your just in time." Sadie says grabbing a donut from the counter. "Here you go, my treat." Sadie says handing the donut to the boy. "A fresh baked frosted donut with sprinkles! I also got your moth pet something too"Sadie said handing Emperor a small bowl of nectar. "My favorite!" Steven yelled jumping up and hitting the ceiling of the building with a 'ugh!'. "Oh." Sadie said as Steven stayed stuck on the ceiling. "Oh bother."
Leggy sat in her chair bending a usless item she had found in the ship. It looked like some kind of collar, Leggy had found some scraped parts of random things and made something resembling a kind of round name tag she had carved out Emperor name in gem and attached it to the leather looking collar. Leggy sighed and muttered, 'if only she was here.' Navy came up behind her, "Are you brooding about that winged organic again?" She asked, Leggy blushed in embarrassment. "huh! N-no..." Leggy mumbled Navy stared at the Ruby then shrugged. "Whatever, were at Neptune." Navy said before exiting the ship. Leggy swallowed, placed the collar on her desk and exited with the rest of the Rubies.
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