I think I'm going to cry , this is really the end of the book .
Thank you to everyone who was a part of it , thank you for reading it and supporting me throughout eveything , I love you guys so much . x
Enjoy x
"Don't you dare cry on me , Zee ." Louis giggled with teary eyes , Zayn smiled and wiped under his eyes , "My best friend is getting married today , I'm allowed to cry ." He wrapped his arms around Louis , who hugged him back tightly .
They were both dressed and ready , waiting for the queue for Louis to go to the Ceremony area , where Harry and their friends and families are waiting .
"We need to stop crying or Lou would get mad that we ruined the makeup ." Louis said and pulled back , Zayn nodded and reached to wipe under Louis' eyes , "I can't help it though ."
"Me neither . I'm hundred percent going to cry during our vows ." Louis sniffled a little , Zayn grinned , "I still can't believe you two are getting married ."
"Me neither ." Louis shook his head , when Niall , Liam and Cara walked into the room .
"See ? Told you he's just the same as Harry ." Cara said , Louis raised his eyebrow , "What do you mean ?"
Cara went over to him and hugged him , "Harry is just the same as you . He can't stop smiling , I'm pretty sure he's about to cry . You look so good , he's definitely going to cry ."
Louis laughed softly and they pulled back , Cara pecked his cheek , "I'm so so happy for you guys ."
"Thank you ." He smiled , letting out a giggle as he was attack by Niall squeezing him in a bear hug . He hugged him back , "Hey Ni ."
"I'm already crying and you didn't even walk down the aisle ." Niall said into his shoulder , Louis grinned and squeezed him even tighter . "Don't you cry on me , too ."
"Oh no , not now . I'm saving the tears for the Ceremony ." Niall pulled back to look at him , Louis giggled and nodded , "Agreed ."
Liam hugged Louis into his side , "Harry is just as excited as you are , if not more . He literally can't stop smiling , his cheeks are permanently stretched right now ."
Louis leaned his head on his shoulder , "Is everyone there already ?"
"Yeah , just a few more minutes ." Liam said and rubbed his back , "I'm really happy for you guys , been waiting for your wedding day . Partly because you two are just destinied to marry each other , and the other part is for Harry to stop stressing over it and go crazy ."
Louis giggled , "Yeah , he has his moments ."
The five kept a talk going , when the door opened and Juliet , the wedding planner , walked in . "Louis , it's time ."
Everyone grinned , Louis took a deep breath and followed them outside . Soon enough he was outside , Harry had his back towards him . Zayn linked his arm with Louis , since he's going to be the one walking him down the aisle . All the guests were standing , looking at him with a smile on their faces .
The band started playing softly , and it was Harry's queue to turn around . His heart was beating loudly in his chest , suddenly stopping when his eyes landed on his very-soon-to-be husband . His grin couldn't possibly get bigger , and he could feel tears rising up to his eyes .
Louis smiled at him , slowly walking with Zayn by his side . He had tears shining in his eyes aswell , feeling like any second now he can break down crying of happiness .
After what felt like forever for the two Louis reahced Harry , Zayn kissed his cheek and went to take his seat next to Liam . Harry took Louis' hands in his large ones , bringing him to stand right next to him in front of the priest .
"You look amazing ." He whispered , Louis grinned and reached his hands up to wipe under his eyes , "You look great too ."
Harry wanted to kiss him so bad , but he'll have enough time for that later . He took Louis' hand and laced their fingers together , both turning to face the priest .
After another forever feeling , the vows arrived .
"You go first ." Harry said , "I kind of prepared a long one , but I'm going to save it for just a few minutes more ."
Louis bit his lower lip and nodded , squeezing Harry's hands in his own before he started talking .
"Harry , Haz . I know I told you this more than a million times , but I'm just so grateful to have you in my life . You know very well how you changed my life , what I was before and what I am now . I can't be more grateful and I will spend the rest of my life repaying you for turning my life 180 . You were so patient and loving , you still are . I remember you used to tell me that 'it's a work in progress' every time I fell a step back , and you helped me so much . You loved me and you were there for me more than anyone has ever been in my entire life . I can't tell you how thankful I am . Thank you for filling my life with everything I never had ." Louis stopped to breathe , grinning through tears . "I know I kind of never admitted it to you , or anyone for that matter , but you are absolutely perfect to me . Even though you annoy me a lot ." He caused everyone to laugh quietly . "And I love you , so so much . Thank you for everything ."
Harry was grinning , a tear making it's way down his cheek . Louis wiped it softly , "Don't cry ."
"Did you really think I wouldn't cry ?" Harry chuckled , Louis giggled and poked his dimple . "Your turn ."
Harry bit his lower lip , bringing Louis' hands up to kiss his knuckles .
"My baby Louis . My tiny bug . I can go on with the pet names but it's literally going to take forever ." He chuckled . "Ever since the beginning you were my baby , and I had to protect you no matter what . We kind of went though this before , but you can't blame me for being overprotective . Of course , I need to tone it down , but I will never stop protecting you . Even if it's a tiny spider that makes you scream ." He teased , laughing when Louis slapped his arm . "I always knew you were different . A good kind of different . I had the need to hold you , and protect you , and give you everything . Which I still do , by the way . I have never loved anyone as much as I love you , you're my one and only , my forever , my angel , my soulmate , and any other word telling that you're mine . Because you're mine , and I will never get tired of being a possessive hulk , so shush ." He poked his stomach softly when Louis rolled his eyes playfully , Louis giggled and pushed his hand away . Harry grinned and continued . "I never thought I'd be this inlove with anyone at this age , but even though we're both young I can't wait for us to have a family , and continue our lives together . I love you baby , always have , forever will ."
Louis covered his face with one hand , the other still holding Harry's hands as tears ran down his cheeks . Harry brought him into his chest and rubbed his back , "Who's crying now ?" He chuckled , making Louis laugh tearily against his chest . Even the guests were crying .
They pulled back , Harry wiped Louis' cheeks and kissed his forehead . The priest exchanged their rings and they vowed , and they were abbounced as official husbands .
"You may now kiss ." The priest said with a smile , Harry grabbed Louis' waist in lightening time and pressed their lips together , Louis stooed on his tip toes and wrapped his arms around his neck , his hand going through Harry's hair at the back of his head .
They said 'I love you's against each other's lips , Harry pressed a few more quick kisses to Louis' lips before pulling back so they could greet their friends and families .
"I'd like to invite our newly-weds , Harry and Louis Styles , to the dance floor for their first slow-dance as a married couple ."
Ed Sheeran's song , How Would You Feel , started playing , asHarry led Louis to the middle of the dance floor and pictures of them throughout the years were shown on the big screens .
Louis wrapped his arms around Harry's shoulders and neck , Harry's hands resting on his waist . They swayed softly side to side , Harry took Louis' hand and twirled him around , making him giggle and bury himself back in his chest .
"I think I'm going to cry again ." Louis said , Harry squeezed him softly into his body , "Honestly , me too ."
"I'm really excited for our honeymoon ." Louis grinned his hand caressing Harry's cheek . Harry smiled down at him and pecked his lips quickly , "It's going to be the most amazing ten days you'll ever have ."
"I'm sure I will ." Louis smiled , allowing Harry to twirl him once again .
Soon enough they were surrounded by other couples slow-dancing , when the DJ called them to switch couples .
Everyone mixed around , Harry ended up with Anne and Louis with Shane .
It was late at night when the hall was mostly empty , except for Louis and Harry's close friends and family members .
"I can't believe I won't see you for two weeks now ." Niall pouted as he had each arm wrapped around them , the two smiled and hugged him back .
"Have fun at the honeymoon , it'll be the best time of your lives ." Liam said and went to hug Harry , while Zayn wrapped his arms around Louis' waist and lifted him off the ground . Louis giggled and hugged him , kissing his cheek , "Take care of Bear and Milo for us ."
"Of course ." Zayn smiled and kissed his cheek , "Don't worry about us , we'll be fine ."
Anne , Gemma , Robin , Lottie , Felicite , Dale and Alberto were the last ones to stay ; Gemma drove Louis' sisters back home , Anne and Robin drove back to their hotel , and Dal and Alberto drove the newly-weds to the airport .
It was a little hard for Lottie and Felicite to be at the wedding but eventually they made it happen . After a long talk and a big argument with their parents , the two made it clear that they will not miss their brother's wedding by any chance , and their parents had to deal with it . With Harry's family's help the two were able to make to to the wedding , and they were all grateful .
"Come on , Mr. Styles . Our flight is waiting ." Harry wrapped his arms around Louis from behind , Louis grinned and leaned against him .
After a long flight they reached their destiny ; A private island . They were both a little sleepy , though they slept throughout the flight .
They got their cabin keys and an employee took them in a golf-cart to their cabin . They thanked the guy and tipped him , taking the suitcases into the large room .
"It's so beautiful ." Louis looked around as he placed his suitcase down , Harry closed the door , "Yeah , much more beautiful than the pictures on the website ."
"Which is surprising , isn't it ?" Louis asked , making Harry chuckle .
The cabin was isolated just the way they wanted ; they didn't want any papparazzi or fans in those ten days , so they decided that the best way is to isolate themselves as much as possible , just enough to make them MIA .
Louis kicked his shoes off , gasping when Harry suddenly picked him up bridal style . "You scared me , you idiot ." Louis smacked his chest , Harry smiled at him and took him through the room to the deck outside , just in time to watch the sun setting .
He kissed Louis' cheek , "Let's make the most out of these ten days , shall we ?"
Louis nodded with a smile , pecking his cheek . He squirmed a little to be put down , Harry placed him back on his feet , keeping his arms around him . Louis stood on his tip toes and wrapped his arms around Harry's neck , pressing their lips together .
Harry leaned his head down , one arm around Louis' waist , his other hand going into Louis' back pocket .
"Up ." Harry brought his hands down and tapped the back of Louis' thighs , Louis jumped and wrapped his legs around his waist , Harry's hands going under his bum .
They slowly walked back into the room , Harry reached one hand out to close and lock the glass doors and the curtains , he then placed Louis down on the bed , "Go check the door is locked , I'll get a condom and lube ."
Louis nodded and they both separated ways , Louis hung the small note outside the door and locked it , going back to bed . Harry joined him less than a second later , throwing the items on the bed and wrapping his arms around Louis , pressing their lips back together .
They walked backwards a little before falling on the bed , both laughing softly .
Louis sat on the deck with his legs in the water , Harry just finished putting on his swim trunks and walked outside , taking a run and jumping into the water , splashing on Louis .
"Haz ." He whined , Harry chuckled and swam over to him , "Join me ."
"Not now , the water is cold ." Louis shook his head , Harry settled himself between Louis' knees with his arms around him , head on his stomach . Louis wrapped his arms around his head , tangling his fingers in his hair .
What he didn't expect , was to be pulled into the water , making him squeal .
"Haaaz why ?" He whined , Harry laughed , "It had to be done , baby ."
"You're such a mean frog ." Louis turned around in his arms and held onto the deck , trying to pull himself up .
"Nooo , stay with me ." Harry wrapped his arms around Louis , hanging off him , making it harder for Louis to pull himself up . Louis pouted and kept holding onto the deck , "Let me go back to tanning ."
"Let go of the deck and give me an ocean cuddle ." Harry tickled him , grinning as Louis laughed and tried wiggling away from him , refusing to let go of the deck . "Let go of the deck and I'll stop ." Harry said as he kept going , even after Louis let go of the deck .
"Haz !" Louis laughed and tried pushing his hands away , his legs kicking as much as he could in the water .
Harry stopped and turned him to face him , keeping his arms wrapped around him and kissing his cheek , "Thank you ."
"Mean frog ." Louis pouted but wrapped his arms and legs around him , "Just don't let me drown ."
"I would never ." Harry playfully gasped , ptetending to pull Louis underwater with him . Louis' eyes widened and he tried squirming away , Harry laughed and straightened up , "Fooled you ."
Louis smacked the back of his head , "That wasn't funny . I can't swim ."
"I'll never let you drown . Never ever ." Harry shook his head and nudged their noses together , kissing his lips .
Later that day , after dinner , the two were laying on one of the tanning chairs on the deck covered in a soft blanket , just quietly talking , laughing and kissing .
"I still can't believe we're married ." Louis said quietly as Harry kissed his cheek a few times . "I mean , it took me time to get used to us being boyfriends , then it took me time to realize we're engaged , and now we're married . I mean , I'm only twenty one and I'm married . I never thought I'll ever get married , let alone have a boyfriend ." He kept rambling until Harry cut him off with a kiss .
"I will never regret taking you in that night . You brightened up my life just the right way and I'll forever be grateful for you being with me ." Harry said , pecking his lips . Louis smiled and caressed his cheeks , "I'll forever be grateful for you taking me in , and being with me ."
"We're so cheesy ." Harry scrunched his nose , Louis giggled , "It's you and your cheesiness , you infected me ."
Harry put his head in Louis' neck , "Play with my hair ."
Louis ran his fingers through Harry's hair , smiling as he felt a warm kiss pressing to his neck . He kissed Harry's temple , "Comfy ?"
"Mhmm ." Harry hummed , tucking his hand under Louis' shirt to trace patterns on his lower back . "I love you baby ."
"I love you too , Haz ." Louis smiled , Harry lifted his head up and pressed their lips together once again .
So this is officially the end .
Of course , the Last Character Asks will be up shortly too , but basically this is the end .
I love you guys , thank you for reading this book and telling me how much you love it . I'll never forget you x
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