Character Answers 3

Heads up : It's freaking long (:

Enjoy x



Q : When do you think Harry is going to propose ?

L : I don't know , I mean , it's supposed to be surprisal so I shouldn't know .

Q : Do you think your dad will come back to hurt you ? Do you think you will see your sisters again ?

L : I hope my dad isn't planning anything , but I think things will remain good . And I'm positive about seeing my sisters again , I definitely will .

Q : Why are you soooo cute ?

L : *Giggles* I'm not doing it intentionally .

Q : On a scale of 1-100 - how much do you hate when people hit on you when you're with Harry ?

L : I hate it so much , if I'm with or without Harry . It's annoying when I tell them I'm not interested and they keep going .

Q : On a scale of 1-10 - how much do you love Harry ? Do you love him more than Bear and Milo ?

L : I love all three beasts just the same . *Giggles*

Q : Why didn't you tell Harry that you were sick ? We all know he's overprotective but is there another reason ?

L : I didn't want him to have his head wrapped around me the whole three days , I wanted him to have a break and not worry so much about how I'm doing . I wanted him to do his thing and think about other things other than me , he's been worrying about me 24\7 .

Q : How much do you miss your siblings ?

L : I miss them so so much , I really can't wait for the next time I see them .

Q : If you were pregnant , how would you have reacted ? How would Harry have reacted ? What gender would you want it to be ?

L : I can't get pregnant , but if I could , I'd most likely be shocked and ecstatic . I don't know about Harry though , I hope he'll be happy too . I don't care what gender , I'll love the baby nontheless .

Q : Give your boyfriend a smack at the back of the head for cutting his flawless hair , I know it was for a good cause , but just do it .

L : Gladly . *Giggles and smacks Harry's head*

H : Hey ! That wasn't nice . *Pouts cutely*

Q : How does it feel getting tickled by Harry all the time ? You're so cute 

L : *Giggles* It's annoying , but I love Harry , so I guess I need to be okay with it even if I hate it .

Q : What's the worst thing Harry has done when he was jealous ?

L : *Giggles* He hasn't punched anyone , if that's what you're asking . He just - he grabbed my bum multiple times and kissed me a lot , but there were times that he just snapped at the person . That's not nice and I smack him for this , but yeah , the worst he's done is snap at people . Well except that guy a long time ago , the one he punched a few times for t-touching me .

Q : I know Zayn cares about you and your safety because Harry has hurt you before , but don't you think it was a bit too much asking about your first time ? If it were me , I would have been livid that he would think Harry would hurt me during such a special moment 

L : I understand where you're coming from , trust me . But Zayn is a really sweet guy and his intentions aren't to snoop around and get informations , he's simply worried about me . When he asked about our first time it was really embarrassing , to be honest , but he just made sure it was okay . 

Q : Do you want any children ?

L : Yeah , i'd like to have two kids when I'm older . *Grins*

Q : Give me some advice so I can be a better person in 2017 . I think you're a caring person so that's why I ask you . And please kiss Harry for me 

L : I'm flattered you chose me . *Blushes* Well , I'll give you a few ones ; don't give up easily , be open-minded and try your hardest even if you think you won't make it .

Q : Are you still camera shy ?

L : I think I am . I mean , it takes time to get used to it , but I'm not as shy as I used to be . Harry helped me through it . *Smiles and blushes*

Q : Why are you so sweet ?

L : *Blushes* Well , why not be nice ? I mean , everyone deserves nice treating . Not everyone , but you know what I mean .

Q : Why are you and Harry are literally the cutest couple ever ?

L : *Giggles* Harry insists on being cheesy , so I guess that's the source of us being cute . I don't mind at all , he's funny when he's being cheesy .

Q : Does Harry grab our ass often ?

L : *Giggles* That was straight forward . Yeah , he - he doesn't really grab it , more like patting it or putting his hand in my back pocket . 

Q : If Harry were to propose to you , how would you want it to be ? What would be your reaction ?

L : I don't care how he's going to propose , as long as it's him . I'm pretty sure I'll be shocked and start crying and shaking . *Smiles softly*

Q : On a scale of extremely froggy to not froggy , how froggy is Harry ?

L : Extremely froggy . *Laughs*

Q : Are you scared to go out now because of all the bad things that had happened to you and Harry ?

L : No , not really . I mean , I'm a little worried about what might happen , but the - the two main problems aren't around anymore to make it hard on us , so I'm more relieved than scared .

Q : You're an angel that must be protected at all costs .

L : *Giggles* I -




Q : If you could be anywhere with Lou where would it be any why ?

H : I'd really like to be on a private island with him . Just the two of us , having a good time at the beach . Though it doesn't really matter where I am , as long as I'm with Louis . I feel like home when I'm with him .

Q : Are you going to grow your hair out again for Louis ?

H : Yeah , I'll think about it . I liked it long , and now the short hair is much easier to cope with . So I have some time to think about it .

Q : Would you kill a guy if he hit Louis ?

H : Not kill him , just beat him up until he looks like a pile of shit

Q : What's your biggest fear ?

H : Losing Louis . Nothing scares me more than this .

Q : When are you going to propose ?

H : Soon , I promise . I have it planned already . *Smirks*

Q : Are you excited to marry Louis ??

H : I can't be happier , though he doesn't know when and how yet . No one knows , pretty much , so I want to keep it a surprise for as long as possible .

Q : How would you react if Louis got into modelling ?

H : I wouldn't be surprised , to be honest , he's beautiful and perfect for modelling . And perfect in general . *Smiles warmly*

Q : Please prank Louis for me , then give him an eight hour cuddle apologizing multiple times then kiss him a lot and dress him up in an oversized adorable onesie so you die when you see him 

H : *Chuckles* I'll make sure I do it all and get it on camera just for you .

Q : It really angers me how your friends always ask Louis how you're treating him because of the past when you were drinking . Does it make you upset ? They need to back off ! You don't even drink anymore !

H : I kind of find it annoying , to be honest , but they're nothing but concerned about Louis , and I understand their point . I've been horrible . The only thing that upsets me about it is that I caused them the suspicion .

Q : Do you want any children ?

H : Of course I want , I'd love to have children . When I'm older though , I want to wait with it .

Q : If you had a baby , what would you name them if they were a boy , or if they were a girl ?

H : For a boy I'd want to name my child Lucas , it's a nice name . For a girl I'd name her Sophie , or Maia .

Q : Why do you worry about Louis so much ?

H : Because he's my baby , and I worry about every little thing . I'm like mama bear when it comes to him . *Chuckles*

Q : What would you do without Louis ?

H : I have no idea , to be honest . I'd be doing nothing and have a boring life .

Q : One thing you would change about Louis ?

H : His last name . *Smirks*

Q : On a scale of 1-10 , how sassy is Louis ?

H : He isn't always sassy , but when he makes sassy remarks , it burns you so deep . 100 .

Q : Would you get more pets or are you fine with Bear and Milo ?

H : I'd actually like to get a baby kitten , though I don't know how Milo would react . I don't worry about Bear , he's good with everyone , but Milo would be a problem .

Q : You've changed a lot since Louis came into your life . No one is more perfect for you than Louis . Proud of both of you - always staying together no matter how hard things were between you 

H : I agree with every word . I wouldn't want anyone else .

Q : What would you do if you accidentally (or not) hurt Louis and he left ?

H : I'd - I ... - I have no idea . I'm hoping it won't ever happen . I'd be so lost and - and broken .

Q : What does having Louis in your life really mean to you ?

H : He makes me happy , he's there for me , and I've fallen head over heels for him . Having him in my life means to me that I'm blessed to have god's most perfect angel and getting to call him mine , have him in my arms and never let go .

Q : Take care of my baby hedgehog . If you hurt him once again I'll end you . You're sweet and I like you though .

H : Baby hedgehog , I'll use it *Chuckles* . And don't worry , I'll end myself before you even get the chance to end me .

Q : Stop being possessive and let us hang out with Loulou .

H : Oi , I enjoy being possessive . You can hang out with Lou , just make sure my baby is okay and smiling .

Q : Are you ticklish anywhere ?

H : Not really , no . I don't have any sensitive spots on my body .



Q : When's the wedding ?

Li : We haven't really decided when , but we're taking it easy , not trying to get it done asap . Stressing over it won't be good for the both of us .

Q : How long have you and Zayn been together ? 

Li : We've been dating for two years , known each other got two and a half .

Q : What's your least favourite thing about Zayn ?

Li : He won't kiss me in the morning because of 'morning breath' . Meh .

Q : Favourite video you filmed with Zayn ?

Li : Well , apart from The Boyfriend Tag , which I obviously loved , I loved filming how I wake him up in the morning , it's cute and funny .



Q : When do you think Harry will propose to Louis ?

Z : I have no idea , though I'm hoping it'll be soon .

Q : Prank your boyfriend by photoshopping a picture of him and another girl and tell him you'e breaking up

Z : I don't like those kinds of pranks , where you pretend to cheat , or break up , or get hurt . Those pranks aren't for me .

Q : I know you love Harry and Louis and you want the best for them both . Harry has been doing great and has stopped drinking . So back off him , yeah ? Asking about their first time , really ? That was too much . Like you said many times , Harry loves Louis , so let him without your questions ! Just trust he won't hurt him again .

Z : First of all , I stand beind my words of Harry loving Louis , because he does . Second , you can't blame me for wanting the best for my friend . I worry about Louis , and even though Harry stopped and everything is good I still worry . I asked about their first time because I wanted to make sure , not snoop and get information , I'm not this kind of person . I'm simply looking out for my friend . 

Q : Which part of Liam's body do you like the most , and why ?

Z : I love his chest , it's really comfy to sleep and nap on .



Q : Food or FOOD


Q : Are you in a relationship with any type of food ?

N : I'm in a relationship with the word food and everything included in it .

Q : What is one Larry memory you can share with us ?

N : If I had to choose one , it's probably the one when Harry had Louis on his lap , and Louis , Zayn and I were talking , and Harry wanted his attention so he started counting his ribs and Louis kept slapping him away because he's ticklish , I swear it was really cute . I barfed three times in one minute .



Q : I like you , you're cool

C : Thank you , trying my best . 

Q : Eyebrows goals

C : Yaaas thank youuuu

Q : You and Harry are best friends goals

C : Goalzzz for lyyfe

Q : Did you ever think about dating Kendall before she was a prick ?

C : No , she's always been a prick . She became a bigger prick when she first heard about Harry dating Louis , so no I never thought of dating her .



Q : How did Harry tell you about him being bisexual ? Or did you already kind of know ?

A : He called me one evening and started explaining things , about how he feels something to girls but also to boys , specifically one boy . I kind of knew he wasn't straight long before he called me , but I didn't want to say anything and wauted for him to be comfortable with telling me .

Q : Can I please have a motherly hug ?

A : Sure darling , come here

Q : What would you do to Kendall if you could get your hands on her ?

A : I wouldn't want to deal with her , I'd let the police and psychiaters deal with her .



Q : Do you have a boyfriend \ girlfriend ?

G : Yes , his name is Michal .

Q : Are you still really mad at Harry for what he did even though that was a while ago ?

G : I'm not mad anymore , but that doesn't mean I forgot . I understand what happened and no one really saw this coming so it couldn't have been stopped or known in advance . I want it to stay in the past .

Q : What hair colour do you have now ?

G : I'm blonde right now , bleached .

Q : Do you want kids ?

G : Yeah , I want three children when I'm married .



Q : What do you like most about being bodyguards ?

D : Harry is an amazing guy , and it's nice to travel around the world with him .

Al : Yeah , and let's not forget how funny it is to see Harry wrapped around Louis' finger so easily .

Q : I like you , you're cool

Al : Best boduguards ever

D : Forever ever

Q:  This isn't a question but thank you for looking after Harry and Louis

D : If not us , then who ?

Al : Yeah , someone needs to make sure Harry isn't being cheesy all over Louis

Q : In your personal opinion , who is the most beautiful person you have ever seen ?

D : My wife .

Al : My wife aswell .

Q : What's the cutest thing you've seen Harry and Louis doing ?

Al : One time Louis fell asleep in the car , and Harry didn't want to wake him up so he carried him into the hotel , he sat in the lobby with Louis still asleep and made sure he doesn't wake up while Dale went to check us into our rooms . Then we went to the lift , and Harry rocked him like a baby to make sure he keeps sleeping .

D : For me , it was the time Harry and Louis were in the dressing room before one of Harry's interviews , Harry wouldn't fucking stop poking Louis in the stomach , and the poor boy was trying to keep his conversation with Caroline going but Harry was just being a little shit to him and wouldn't stop . It was cute though .



Q : What's going on between you and Troye ?

T : We're best friends , he's my little bestie

Q : How are you and Connor Franta doing ?

T : We're doing very well , thank you for asking .



Q : If Harry wasn't with Louis would you date Louis ?

Tr : Of course I would , Louis is a cutie

Q : Do you have a crush on Louis ?

Tr : Who doesn't have a crush on Louis ? The entire universe has a crush on Louis



Q : Why do you keep clickbating on YouTube ? Stop that !

J : That's all the fun in clickbating *Laughs*

Da : Clickbating is really fun , to be honest

Q : Get married ?

Da : Soon , I promise . I want the perfect proposal for my boy

J : I'll propose first

Da : No you won't



Q : Are you still going to continue to go after Harry ?

K : No doubt . Harry is mine -

C : Another word and I'm slapping you .

Q : Why are you such a bitch ?

K : Why is Louis such an ugly whore ?

H : I swear to god -

N : Leave her Harry , she's nothing but a cunt

Q : How is it that whatever you try you can't get Harry , like , there must be something special about that boy that he keeps embarrassing you like hell , right ?

K : This isn't over until Harry is mine

H : Will you please fucking let go of me ? Look for someone else to harrass , have fun on the other side of the world and stay there , away from us .

Q : He is with Louis ! Got that ? You will never have Harry , Louis is the only one who gets to kiss him, cuddle him , call him cute names and sleep with him (in more than one way)

K : And you think I'm okay with it ?? I am not going to quiet down until -

N : Yeah yeah , whatever , now calm your non-existant ass down

Q : Damn you're dumb ! Everything you try to do is going to fail ! True love can't be broken , stupid !

K : The only true love here is my love to Harry -

H : You need to back the fuck off , I'm cutting these questions right here



*Louis cuddles closer to Harry*

Q : Having fun in jail ?

Ni : No , actually . I'd like to have Harry here

H : Another phycopath ..

Q : Hope you'll never come back

Ni : Honey , I always come back . I don't give up that easily .

H : Yeah ? The restraining order says otherwise



Q : Stop being servants to evil people

B : Trust me .. once you're involved , you can't go back

Ad : Yeah , it's not that easy .

Q : You two are horrible human beings

Ad : We know , no need to remind that

B : We're trying to get better , now that Kendall is away and we're not near her for her to tell us what to do



Q : How do you come up with ideas to your books ?

Au : I always get this question , and honestly - I don't know . I just do ? There's no explanation . I like cute fluffy stories where Louis is the cutie little one and Harry is the protective buff one , so yeah .

Q : How long will this book be ?

Au : As I mentioned before , the books is going to end soon , though it'll take me some time to update , so it'll take a few months .  but prepare for it to end soon (ten or so chapters) .

Q : What's your favourite book and favourite author ?

Au : I can never pick a favourite , it's too hard for me . I love all the stories I read equally , though some have smut in them but I'm just reading them for the fluff

Q : What's your favourite book to write ?

Au : Again , picking a favourite is too much for me , and I'd rather not pick one . I enjoy writing all my books

Q : Do you plan on another story ?

Au : No , unfortunately . Once I finish school (which is in five months) I'm recruiting to my country's defensive force and I won't have time to write . I'll still be on Wattpad and read , just not write .

Q : Where do you get writing skills from ??

Au : Practice , practice and practice .

Q : Teach me how to write a story ?

Au : Well , writing a story isn't as hard as it looks , but it's also not easy . First you need to think about the concept of the story , for example "Louis gets kicked out of the house just as famous Harry walks by , what happens next ?" . The next step is thinking about the main characters ; give each one a background , a personality , something to work with . Then comes the story process , how the characters' personalities make the story interesting . Then the 'bad guys' , how they twist the story but keep it standard and realistic . Just flow with it .

Q : How old are you ?

Au : Turned 18 a little over a month ago 

Q : How's volunteering going ?

Au : It's going great , I love it so so much 


So that's it , sorry it was so long , took me foreveeeer .

Hope you liked it , tell me if you didn't x


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