Character Answers
Okay , you guys are seriously so so awesome , you commented so many questions and you make me so proud of my story :')
Enjoy xx
Q : Can we be best friends ?
L : Y-yeah , sure . You're invited for our sleepover when we'll be back in England .
Q : When are you going to film another video with Haz ?
L : I , I don't know . When he'll ask me to , I guess . Depends on what video .
Q : How are you so adorable ??
L : *Blushes* O-oh , I uh , I don't know . Thank you . *Smiles*
Q : I've always wanted to break my arm or something to get a cast
L : No no no , please don't . It's not nice .
Q : Is your arm itchy where your cast is ?
L : Sometimes , yeah .
Q : Who's your favourite YouTuber (besides Haz) ?
L : I don't know , I have a few . I like Liam's videos , I like Tyler , Shane , Joey , Phil and Dan . Kian and JC are funny too , Ricky is good aswell . Jesse and Jeana are a good entertainment . I have a lot . *Giggles*
Q : What made you start watching Harry on YouTube ?
L : Well , I was fifteen at the time . I saw him collabing with Troye and , and something about him made me want to watch more . Maybe it was his smile , maybe his dimple , maybe his curls . Maybe everything about him . *Blushes*
Q : Can I kidnap you ? You're SO CuTe mY LoVe
L : Uh , p-please don't .
Q : Tell us one thing about Harry that we don't know and Harry DOESNT know you know
L : *Giggles* He sings Melanie Martinez quite loudly in the shower . I don't mind though , her songs are great .
H : Am I really that loud ?
L : *Nods giggling*
Q : If your family apologize to you will you take them back ? Why ?
L : I'm not going to get any apology from my parents . My sisters have done nothing , the only ones I'll never forgive are my parents . They th-threw me out for being who I a-am , I wanted to die , I-I -
H : Shh , baby , it's okay . You're here with me now , aren't you ? They're uncertain .
Q : How much did you love watching Harry on YouTube before you met him in real life actually ?
L : I really loved watching him , his smile and stupid jokes always made me smile , even when I was down . And now , everything is so much better than I expected it to be .
H : *kisses his cheek* I'm glad I can be the one to make you happy .
L : *Smiles and blushes*
Q : What trait is your favourite from Harry ?
L : I really can't choose one . But I love how sweet he is , he's nice and generous and amazing , he's perfect . *Blushes*
H : Aw thank you , love . *Pecks his lips*
Q : Are you and Haz ever going to hang out with Dan and Phil ? Because that would make my life tbh
L : I hope so , they're one of my favourite YouTubers .
H : We will , I'll arrange that .
Q : How are you feeling honey bun ?
L : *giggles* I'm feeling well .
Q : Do you like it when Harry tickles you ? He seems to be doing this a lot .
L : No , I don't like it , he's mean to me . *Pouts*
Q : Who are you the closest to in the group apart from Harry ?
L : Niall , I guess . I'm really great with Zayn and Liam aswell , so it's hard to choose .
Q : Is your anxiety getting better ?
L : I think so . It's not as hard for me to talk to new people as it used to be , but I still have moments when I panic and shut down a little . I'm still not used to big crowds , though .
Q : Is your arm almost healed ? Get better soon love xx
L : I need to wear the cast for six more weeks unfortunately . It doesn't hurt at all anymore , well unless I try lifting something heavy . And thank you ! x
L : I'm not small , I'm literally 5"9 .
H : Babe , Niall is 5"9 and he's taller than you . You're probably 5"6 .
Q : My tooth hurts , cuddle me ?
L : Sure , if Harry doesn't mind sharing . *Giggles*
H : I'm not sharing you , you're mine and mine only . *Wraps arond him possessively*
Q : How much do you love Harry ?
L : This is a hard question , because I can't explain in words how much I do . He's my saviour , my knight , I'm grateful for everything he's done and does for me . I can't describe in words how much I love him .
H : Aw my baby , I love you so much more ! *Kisses him*
Q : If you could do anything to Harry without him caring , what would it be ?
L : Probably straighten his hair . *Giggles*
H : You straighten my hair , I'm hanging you upside down from the ceiling .
L : *Giggles more*
Q : Which one of Harry's YouTuber friends do you like the most ?
L : I like them all , but the one I really get along with , beside Liam , is Tyler .
T : Aw Lou ! You're my favourite too !
Q : Can I get a kiss on my cheek from you ?
L : Y-yeah , sure .
H : Mine .
Q : Do you want to have sex with Harry ?
L : U-uh , I - I , uhm . I - I'm not -
H : Baby , don't answer . When you're ready , alright ?
Q : When are you going to see your sisters again ?
L : As soon as I can , hopefully . I haven't seen Phoebe and Daisy in a long time , and I really miss them all .
Q : Can you stop being so bloody cute all the time
L : I'm not doing this on purpose. *Giggles*
Q : Not that I don't love you two together , but why so you keep going back to Harry after he hurts you ?
L : Harry ever hurt me only when he was drunk . Drunk Harry is not my Harry , my Harry is sober and gentle and caring . I love him , and I hope he loves me back .
H : I love you so so much . They have a point though -
L : Please don't , it's in the past .
Q : Will you try to stop Harry from drinking again ?
L : No , he's his own person and he's wise enough to decide himself . I won't be near him until he sobers up , though .
H : I'm not going to drink like that ever again .
Q : Are you scared of Harry after the incident ? Do you trust him like you used to do ?
L : I'm not scared of him , I'm just not going to be around him when he drinks . I do trust him , it's taking a bit of time but I'm sure I can get to where we left off .
H : God , you're amazing .
Q : You should do a thing where you secretly record you and Louis doing adorable things together and post them on either vine or YouTube
H : Hm , maybe I will . I actually thought about doing that , but I'm going to wait a little until Louis gets more comfortable with being on camera .
Q : What's the next video you want to film with Lou ?
H : Maybe baking cookies together , or something else .
Q : Can you tickle Louis for me please ??
H : *Smirks* Gladly .
L : *Eyes widen*
H : Come here .
L : No ! *Runs away*
H : *Chases him and tickles him*
Q : Make the fans go crazy by posting a secret video of you and Louis kissing !
H : I can do that . *Winks Louis*
L : *Blushes*
Q : When and how did you start your YouTube career ?
H : I started at seventeen with Troye , at first it was just for fun then I was paid for the videos . It's really fun , one of the best jobs ever .
Q : What is the meaning of life ?
H : Work hard , play hard and be kind .
Q : Keep my babu Lou safe please ? Don't hurt him again , okay ?
H : First , Louis is my baby . And second , I won't hurt him again . It's the last thing I want .
Q : What's your YouTube channel called ?
H : HarryEStyles
Q : How did your mum feel when you told her you're starting a YouTube channel ?
H : Well at first she didn't know , but then we were walking in the mall together and people recognized me so I told her . She thought it was stupid , but she knew I liked it so she kept supporting me .
Q : Next time you see Nick , punch him really hard on my behalf please ? Thank you xx
H : I can't promise you that punching him would be the only thing I'd do to him .
Q : What's your favourite thing on Louis ?
H : Literally everything . I won't get into details , it's going to take so so long . I adore everything about him .
L : *Blushes* Thank you .
H : *Pecks his lips*
Q : If you ever hurt Louis again I'm going to smack your face upside down , got it ?
H : You're welcome to hit me more than that .
Q : What inspired you to make a YouTube channel and your first video ?
H : I saw all the YouTubers , they seemed to have a really good time filming and talking to the camera . So I decided I'm going to try that too . My first video was 25 facts about myself , and the rest is history .
Q : When is the boyfriend tag happening ?
H : Soon , I hope . I'd really like to film that with him .
H : *Laughs* We're only two months together, love . Wait a bit .
Q : Which of your YouTuber friends did you meet first ? And how\where\when ?
H : Well , Liam and I grew up together , and Troye joined us in middle school .
Q : Can I brain your hair ?
H : Sure , go for it .
Q : Do you want to have sex with Louis ?
H : When he's ready . It's going to be both our first time with a male , so it's going to be extra special .
Q : When will you stop drinking since it's obviously not good for anyone
H : I won't drink for now , I don't want to say anymore because I'll obviously drink sometime . But not as much as I used to , only two drinks , maybe three .
Q : Are you going to marry Louis one day ?
H : It's too early for this question , although I really hope I will .
Q : How are you going to fix the mess you made ?!
H : I'll be gentler than I used to be , more careful , more loving . I'll show him how much I love him .
Q : How's the modeling going ?
Z : It's good , I like my job .
Q : Have you ever thought of dating another model , or was Liam like always your own personal model ?
Z : I wasn't into relationships at start , then Harry introduced me to Liam and he was my goal . He's my very own personal model . *Smirks with a wink*
Q : How did you feel when you saw what Harry did to Louis ?
Z : At first I was startled , I wasn't expecting it to happen . I really wanted to punch Harry so hard for this .
H : You should have . *Lowers his head*
Z : Yeah , I should have .
L : Stop with this already , it's in the past . *Pecks Harry's cheek*
Q : Does Liam top ?
Z : Mostly , yeah .
Q : When did you meet Harry ? What was your first impression of him ?
Z : Well , we're both signed to the same modelling agent , and since we lived close we got to hang out a lot . We first met on a photoshoot , he seemed nice because he shook everyone's hands before starting to shoot . When our agent introduced us he gave me that dimpled smile and shook my hand , and we got along ever since .
Q : Marry me ? I'll always buy you food !!
N : Sure ! I'll get us onion rings for the wedding !
Q : Do you ship Nyler ?
N : I cruise Nyler .
Q : Food ?
N : Food .
Q : Is Harry an idiot ? Yes or yes ?
N : Definitely yes , in every meaning .
Q : Get a clover for your first tattoo Niall , get it together with Louis please .
N : I was thnking about getting a tattoo , but I'm not sure Louis is into tattoos . Maybe he'll get matching ones with Harry , though .
Q : Do you have a crush on anybody right now ?
N : Not at the moment .
Q : How do you feel towards Harry right now ?
N : Sometimes I want to smack him really hard , but then I remember everything he's done for Louis and I hold myself back .
Q : So ! Can you give me a kiss ? Like ... can you be my first kiss ?
N : Sure , come here !
Q : Favourite couple ? Ziam or Larry ?
N : Larry , Ziam are fucking loud in bed and Larry are fluffy and cute .
Q : How's your relationship with Zayn going ?
Li : Going great , it's almost our two years anniversary . *Smiles*
Q : What's 0 devided 0 ?
Li : 0
Q : Who are we really ? People may not even truly exist ... nothing exsists ...
Li : Maybe we're all aliens but we don't know that because the real aliens gave us a brainwash !?
Q : How big is your ..........................................................................................pinky ?
Li : Jeez , I thought we were going somewhere else , there .
Q : What is the longest word ?
Li : Definitely not 'go' .
Q : How's it dating greek god Zayn ?
Li : Amazing , he's perfect and I love him . My own personal greek god .
Q : What's your YouTube channel called ?
Li : Liam James Payne .
Q : Who it the cutest together ? Harry and Louis or you and Zayn ?
Li : Zayn and I .
N : Larry .
H : We are the cutest .
Z : We are the cutest !
T : Larry are the cutest .
L : We're all cute , stop arguing !
Q : Otp ?
Li : Louis and Harry .
Q : What was Harry's first reaction when you told him that Louis left ?
Li : He was frozen at first , then he screamed at me for not telling him earlier .
Q : How much of a hardcore Larrie are you ?
Li : Biggest Larry shipper in the world .
N : No you're not , I am !!
T : I am the biggest shipper !
L : *Giggles*
H : Oh dear god .
Q : Hi mum !!! I love you !!
A : Love you too honey .
Q : Are you proud your son is dating Louis and not Eleanor ?
A : I don't know who Eleanor is , but I'm very proud of my son for finding someone as good as Louis , I couldn't have asked for anyone better for my baby .
L : Thanks , Anne . *Smiles and blushes*
A : Aw thank you , hello to you too .
Q : What are your thoughts on Louis ?
A : He's very sweet and gentle , he gets the best out of Harry . He has such beautiful features , he makes Harry happy and that's all I need .
Q : Can you kick Nick's ass for me please ?!
G : Sure , lend me a baseball bat because I broke mine .
G : Unfortunately I don't have that many pictures , but when I will have a shit ton of pictures i'll post them all .
Q : What do you love most about having Harry as a brother ?
G : I raised him to respect everyone , and he's my favourite human being , everything about him is great and Louis makes him even a better person .
Q : Hi queen !!! Do you ship Nyler or Troyler more ?
T : Oh no , don't make me choose ! I love them both , we can be all three together ! Right ?!
Q : Who do you love more , Harry or Louis ?
T : I love Harry for getting me to meet Louis , and I love Louis because he's the cutest tiniest boy in the world . I love them both .
Q : Who are you closest with in the group ?
T : Niall and Louis .
Q : NYLER ?!
T : I'm sailing the Nyler ship !!!!
Q : Have you ever watched Harry and Louis having a moment ? What was it like ?
T : Okay , so there was this one time we were hanging out together and Harry couldn't stop kissing Louis' cheek , and Louis was giggling and telling him to stop even though he looked like he didn't want him to stop . And Harry just smiled and kissed him on the lips , it was the cutest moment ever . Also Harry likes tickling Louis and it's adorable too .
Q : Can you be more in the fic cause I love you
T : Aw I love you too girl , and I hopefully will , ask the author !
Q : Who's your favourite Harry or Louis ?
D : Both
Al : Both , but Louis a little more .
H : Heeeeey .
Q : Are they the biggest idiots you've ever met ?
D : Kind of , yeah . I mean , we met Niall too .
Al : He has a point .
Q : So ... Who is the biggest idiot ?
D : Harry .
Al : Harry .
Q : Do you ship Larry ?
D : We indeed ship them together .
Al : I do too , even though Harry deserves a few punches .
Q : What's the cutest thing they've done in your precence ?
D : One time Harry had Louis in his arms and he kept kissing him all over his face and Louis couldn't breath from laughing .
Al : Well for me they were sitting together in the back of the car and Harry kept tickling Louis until Louis kneed him in the chest .
Q : Why are you so awesome ?
D : Because we are .
Al : Best bodyguards ever .
Q : Die
B : After you .
Q : Who the hell are you ?
B : Briana Jungwirth , Harry's future wife .
H : In your fucking dreams .
Q : How does it feel to be a nasty jungleworm ?
B : Jungwirth , bitch .
H : Don't you fucking talk to her like that .
Q : Larry is real
B : What the hell is Larry ?
Q : Go back to making porn
B : Only if Harry is there too .
H : Someone get her out of here before we all lose it .
N : I'm really close to using Gemma's baseball bat right now .
G : You get to use it after me .
Q : Who the fuck are you ?
Ni : Harry's official boyfriend .
L : *Gets up to leave*
H : *Stops him* You're not leaving , he is .
Q : Go fuck yourself with a cactus .
Ni : If the cactus is called Harry , then gladly .
Li : If you don't leave now I'm shoving your head into a fuel tank .
Q : Do you feel bad for being responsible for what Harry did to Louis ?
Ni : Not in the slightest . I'm actually very proud . *Grins*
L : *Leaves*
H : Someone punch him for me , I'll go get Louis .
D : I'll do it .
Q : Why did you say those things to Harry ? Do you like him ?
Ni : Harry was mine before he was Louis' . I said those things because they're true -
Li : *Punches him* Get out of here right now .
Q : I love you my favourite person ever !!! How are you ?? How are you so awesome !?!?
Me : Hiii ! I'm doing good , quite tired and mentally exhausted . I'm not that awesome though , but thank you ! x
Q : Do you love me back ? Because I loooooooooove youuuuuu !
Me : I love you toooooooooooooo !
Q : Will there be any drama later on ?? Can't wait !
Me : I'm not a fan of drama , but I think I'll put something in there .
Q : Have you ever cried while writing any parts on this book ?
Me : Well , no . I don't cry easily . I've never cried because of a book , but definitely cried in a movie . (Fun fact : I cried on three movies my entire life - The Lovely Bones , Life of Pie and Shrek's Cat .)
Me : Oh , thank you ! And you're right about the smol part , I'm seventeen and literally 4"9 (1,47 meters) . And I always feel like my chapters are bad , but then you tell me you like them and I feel better . (:
Q : How did you come up with this story ?
Me : Well , I've always liked the stories of Louis being small and cute and adorable and shy and giggly , and Harry being the protective , cheesy , dorky boyfriend , so I decided to try writing a new one (after PVF) , and it came out quite good so I went on .
Q : WHY . ARE . YOU . SUCH . A . GOOD . WRITER . ?
Me : Well , i'm not that good , there are better than me . And I guess I got better from when I started writing , practice helps .
Q : You're an amazing writer and this book is awesome . I also write myself , do you have any advice for me to improve ?
Me : Well , improving is all your thing . Keep reading others' writing styles and create your own , go over what you already wrote and think of ways to make it better . I always go back to the chapters I wrote and come to conclusion about things I want to change for the future , so maybe you can try too .
Okay , that was freaking loooooooong .
Hope you liked it , next chapter will be up as soon as I can . Love you all , stay amazing !!
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