Character Answers 2

Ayyeeee this is finally up . You blew me up with questions , and god I love you for this .

Enjoy x



Q : Why are you so cuteeeeee ?

L : O-oh , I don't know ? Thank you . *Blushes*

Q : How much do you love Harry ??

L : I love him so much , I can't express it in words . *Smiles*

H : I love you more , baby . *Pecks his cheek*

Q : Can you adopt me ??

L : Uhm , I'm barely twenty years old . I'll think about adopting when I'm married , though . I love children .

Q : What helps you most when you get mobbed by fans ?

L : Harry helps me , he holds me and doesn't let anyone else touch me . I never got mobbed alone , though .

Q : If there is anything you would change in your life , what would it be ?

L : I - I don't know . I would want to change my parents' thoughts on me , but then if they accepted me that night I wouldn't have met Harry . 

Q : What is the most important thing in your life ?

L : Harry , without him I would have nothing . He helped me so much , I can never thank him enough .

Q : Why are you so cute and adorable ?? You're gonna be the death of me agh

L : Why is everyone telling me I'm cute ? *Blushes*

H : Because you are . *Smiles at him*

Q : Can you teach me to be cute ?

L : How do I teach this ? I have no idea what to do .

Q : Do you hate it when Harry drinks ? And if you do why don't you stop him ?

L : Yes , I don't like it when Harry drinks , y-you probably know why . I don't stop him because he's his own person , I don't want to hold him back from having a simple drink . He's responsible enough to know what it takes of him when he's drunk .

H : I'm never drinking again , not anymore . I've had enough hurting you .

Q : Can I be your friend ?

L : Sure , new friends are great . *Smiles*

Q : When will you and Harry get married ?

L : We haven't been together for a year yet , I think the wedding will be later . I-if he wants to .

H : Who will I marry if not you ? 

Q : I feel bad you have so much drama in your life how does it make you feel when Harry saves you ?

L : Drama is not nice , I know . I've had it my whole life , though . I feel so so protected and - and loved , when Harry saves me . He's like a knight in shining armour . *Blushes and smiles*

H : I'll always be there for you . *Kisses his lips*

Q : I hope Harry is treating you better . What's your favourite shirt of Harry ?

L : Harry has been treating me well , except for him being mean sometimes .

H : *Laughs* Come on , a little tickle and kiss wouldn't hurt you .

L : Still mean . And I don't have a favourite shirt , I like all his shirts , because they smell like him . I like wearing them to bed mostly , sometimes for work .

Q : Sleepover at my place ? (You can bring your Hazza with you)

L : Sure , I like sleepovers . *Smiles*

Q : Do you like Harry's videos ? Do you give them a thumb up ?

L : I do like his videos , yes . Not because I'm in them , but because they're fun to make and funny to watch after . *Giggles*

Q : If you could describe Harry in three words what would it be and why ?

L : Protective , because he barely lets people touch me when he's around . Loving , because he always tells me he loves me and proves it too . And Dorky , because he's a dork . *Giggles*

Q : On a scale of Hillary Clinton-Donald Trump how awful is Kendall ?

L : I'm not very good at politics , but I guess Donald Trump is the worst ? So yeah , Kendall is beyond Trump .

K : You fucking wimp , I -

H : You shut the fuck up , slut , mind your own fucking business .


L : I don't know ? You guys keep asking me that and I don't know , I'm acting the way I always do .

H : Most adorable tiny baby bug in the world . *Kisses all over his face*

Q : Will you let me cuddle you and give you light kisses on your tummy

L : I don't mind cuddles -

H : Mine . *Wraps around Louis protectively*

L : *Giggles* Haz it's just a cuddle -

H : She wants to kiss your tummy , I'm the only one allowed to kiss your tummy . 


L : Feels amazing , he has such soft lips . *Grins and blushes*

Q : Will you ever forgive your parents if they apologize ? And can you please kiss Harryyy

L : I won't forgive them , no . It's too late now to say sorry . Oh - wait , I didn't mean to make a pun . *Giggles madly*

H : Come here , she asked for a kiss . *Kisses his lips*

Q : Can I pretty please with a Harry on top get a hug from you ?

L : Yeah , sure . *Smiles*

H : Just a hug , yeah ?

L : Stop being possessive , frog .

H : You're mine , everyone needs to know that .

L : They know , Haz . *Pecks his cheek*

Q : Hiiiiii :)

L : Heyyyyy *Giggles*

Q : Do you prefer Kendall or Nick ?

L : U-uh , none . What kind of question is this ?

Q : Can I be your best friend and we can watch mean girls together ?

L : Sure , but I think Harry will make himself tag along . *Giggles*

Q : What is your favourite thing about living with Harry ?

L : I can't choose only one , honestly . I like his cooking , I like Bear and Milo , I like Harry's cuddles . Everything is just amazing . *blushes and smiles*

H : You'll have it all for as long as you want . *Smiles*

L : I want it forever . *Giggles*

Q : Are you okay after almost drowning ? How are you feeling ?

L : Yeah , I'm okay . I'm feeling well , Harry has been taking a good care of me . *Smiles shyly*

Q : Can I hug you ?

L : Yeah , of course . *Grins*

H : Just a hug , okay ?

L : Stop it , Haz . You possessive frog .

Q : How do you manage to be so strong after everything you've been through ? It's quite admirable .

H : I know , Louis is a great person to just sit and admire what he's like .

L : I just - when my parents kicked me out I thought it's going to be the end , but then Harry came into my life and raised my hopes up . I still hold on because of him .

H : You're not going anywhere . *Kisses his temple*

K : Go to hell -

N : No you actually go to hell , crazy bitch .


L : *Giggles* I think Harry will get too possessive and jealous .

H : He's right . That's my job to do . *Cradles Louis into his chest*

Q : You are the cutest lil kitten ever ! Harry is so lucky to have you ! Can I hug you cute thing ?

L : Thank you , and I think that's me who's lucky to have Harry . Yeah , sure , a hug is okay . *Smiles and blushes*

H : Too many hugs .

L : Never too many hugs . *Giggles*

Q : You're such a strong human being with angelic voice and the biggest heart . I'm so sorry for the bad things that happened to you since there was a lot of them . Hope Harry won't do anything bad ever again , but I trust him with you , because he loves you to the moon and back . And because he gets jealouis *wink wink* sometimes , I'll just stay here and watch you from afar (that sounds a little bit stalkery....ehhh) and cry from fluffiness .

L : That was beautiful . Thank you so much , I really appreciate it . *Grins*

Q : I'm going to kidnap you and keep you in my basement . How would Harry react ?

L : He'll go mad and kill anyone who's trying to stop him from finding me .

H : Every word is true .

Q : Is Harry good at night ?

L : I-I uh - I assume you mean - mature things ? We h-haven't done it yet . *Blushes*

Q : Has Harry built your confidence up ? Do you see a future with him ?

L : Yes , one of the many things Harry has done for me is help with my confidence , I wasn't confident a lot before I met him , and now it's not as hard as it used to be . And yes , I do see a future with him , if he wants to .

H : I can already imagine us old and grey , watching grandchildren running around . *Smiles and kisses his cheek*

Q : What would you do if Harry proposed ?

L : Probably cry and smile until my cheeks hurt . *Giggles shyly*


Q : If you and Louis were stranded on an island , what woud you do to keep him safe ?

H : I'd hug him so so so cluse every night , and during the day I'll build us a place to be safe in . And hug him a lot more . *Smiles*

Q : How are you ... you look good *looks at you carefully* .   I still love you though

H : I'm doing good , thank you . And I'm glad you still love me , I know it's hard .

Q : PLEASEEEE try to persuade Louis to start a vlogging channel with you

H : If anything , I'll try persuading him to join me on the channel , so every video will be the two of us , and we'll vlog and do challenges . 

L : I don't know yet , maybe a bit later ?

H : Whenever you're ready . *Pecks his lips*

Q : What do you love most about Louis ?

H : This is a hard question , I can't choose only one thing . But , out of the oh so many things I love about Louis is his giggles , he's just adorable when he giggles . *Winks at him*

L : *Blushes deeply*

Q : Do you do it *wink wink* often with Louis ?

H : We haven't done it yet , we're waiting a bit more with it .

Q : Are you and Louis going to get married ?

H : Yeah , we are . Later though , I mean , we've been together for only seven months . *Chuckles*

Q : How badly do you want to hurt Kendall for what she did to Louis ?

H : As much as I want to , I'm not going to . But how badly I want to hurt her back ? I want to take everything that is close to her and burn it in front of her eyes . Maybe she'll understand what she's done . I doubt it .

K : Oh come on , you love me -

N : You'd better shut the fuck up or I'm letting Gemma on you . And this girl has no mercy .

G : Watch your back skank .

Q : When are you going to stop getting drunk ? I hate it when you hurt Lou-Lou

H : I'm never getting drunk ever again . I hate hurting my baby too .

Q : Would you ever leave Louis ? :(

H : Never . Never ever . He's stuck with me forever .

L : I wouldn't say 'stuck' ... *Giggles*

H : Aw love . *Kisses his cheek*


H : First , I will never hurt him ever ever again . Second , He's my baby boy . Mine.

L : Possessive frog . *Giggles*

H : The only pain he should feel is in his cheeks and tummy after laughing .

Q : How do you feel about poor Louis going through all of the traumatic events he has to endure ?

H : It rips my heart , I hated every second of watching him crying or in pain .

Q : Are you treating Louis right ?

H : Yeah , I am . Doing the best that's in my power to make my baby happy . *Smiles*

Q : Are you and Louis thinking about starting a vlog channel together ?

H : I think vlogging is a lot of effort , but if you guys want us to vlog some of our days then sure , we can do that .

Q : How much to you love Louis ?

H : I can't describe it in words , but I can try . You know infinity has no end , it just keeps on going ? The I love Louis infinity times infinity and back .

L : *Blushes* Sap . 

Q : Describe Louis in one sentence .

H : Most beautiful , precious , adorable boy in the world with the most perfect smile and cutest giggle .

Q : When are you going to ask Louis to marry you ?

H : I don't know yet , but I definitely will ask him . Anyways , it's a surprise . *Winks*

Q : Are you going to get a restraining order against Kendall ?

H : I can try , I don't know if court will get it . But with or without a restraining order , she'd better not get close to any of us .

K : Come on my Harry , you -

N : He's not your fucking Harry , dumbass cunt . Shut the fuck up and talk only when your questions are asked .

Q : How do you feel about having Louis ?

H : I never felt any better in my life .

Q : What was your favourite video with Louis and can you please tickle Louis I love you both so so much 

H : My favourite video with Louis was probably the Chapstick Challenge , even though I love every video of us together . And of course I will , I'm always up for making my baby laugh and smile . *Smirks playfully*

L : No , Haz ! Please . *Giggles*

Q : When you marry Louis make Bear and Milo bring over your rings

H : That's exactly what I'm going to do . *Grins*

Q : Can I be your best friend so we can talk about how cute and tiny Louis is ?

H : I'm always up for it . Okay listen , Louis is just so so tiny he needs to stand on his tip toes to reach my lips , and I always up any chance I get and he squeals and giggles , he's the cutest .

L : You're embarrassing . *Blushes*

Q : Can I touch your curls ?

H : Sure , but I don't plan on leaving my hair long , I thought about donating it and getting a haircut .

L : Oh no , please don't .

Q : Who out of everyone in you group are you closest to ?

H : I'm close with eveyrone , but I guess I'm closest with Liam since we've known each other for a very long time . Except for Louis , of course .

Q : Can we be siblings ?

H : Sure , ask my mother to adopt you then .

Q : What happened to you when you found Louis drowning ?

H : My heart literally stopped beating , and the world just blocked out . I thought I was going to lose him , but thanks to Liam he's with me .

Q : Does Louis go limp like a kitten if you blow a raspberry on his tummy ?

H : I haven't given him a raspberry on his tummy yet , only on his neck . I'm pretty sure that on his tummy he'll giggle and squeal , like he always does when he's tickled . *Chuckles*

L : *Wraps his arms around his tummy* Don't get any closer .

Q : Pleaaase ! Can I just hug that little cute boyfriend of yours ?

H : *Sighs* Only a hug though -

L : Yes !! *Giggles*

Q : Are you eager to have some little Harry's and Louis' running around the house ? It's too soon , I know , but , you know ... you can dream a little bit . Also , have more cuddles with Louis  and Bear and Milo (tell them I said woof) and do more videos ! And please , hit that giggle button in the next chapter for me :)

H : I do want to have out little ones running around , we're both good with children and having our own will be just perfect . And my boy will get all the cuddles he wants , whenever he wants . Bear and Milo are a good addition , but I like it better when it's just us . Hitting his giggle button is my favourite thing to do . *Pinches Louis' side*

L : *Giggles* Stop it . *Pushes his hand away*


Q : Are you hungry ?

N : Always . Hungry is my middle name .


N : Hell yeah , come here !

Q : What's your favourite food ?

N : Fuck no , i'm never choosing . Too hard question .

Q : Pancakes or waffles ?

N : Pancakes with waffles topping .

Q : You're my favourite I love you !!

N : Gah I love you too 

Q : Who do you ship more Larry or nandos&movies ? Larry obviously but you're a bit risky when it comes to food I need to be sure

N : Larry watching movies and eating nandos . Never giving up os these two .

Q : We should date don't you think ?

N : As long as you love food . Food is my power .

Q : Can we be friends ? I have food :)

N : You had me the moment you said you have food

Q : Sup ?

N : Yo



Q : Pizza or pancakes ?

N : Pizza then pancakes . Or pancakes then pizza . As long as I get to eat them both .

Q : Hi dad

N : Hi daughter

Q : Would you like some food ?

N : Is this even a question ? Bring it on .

Q : Next time Harry does something to Louis , kick him in the balls and eat all of his food , okay ?

N : Can I eat all of his food before I kick his balls ?

Q : Do you want to go to nandos payment on me as FRIENDS

N : I'm always up for food , let's go

Q : I walked around irish club the other day and I thought of you . Larry or Larry ?

N : Is that a question ? Larry . Always Larry .


Q : I love the new song

Z : Yeah me too . ... What song ?

Q : What shoes are you wearing ?

Z : Uh , Li got me these for my birthday . Grey Nikes , I like them . 

Q : Who is your fave pop singer ?

Z : I don't think I have a favourite one , but Demi Lovato is a good singer .

Q : How much do you love Liam ?

Z : I love him more than anything in the world .

Q : Would you hug me please ?

Z : Of course , come here . *Opens arms*

Q : Look after Louis for me please ?

Z : Always , Louis is like my baby brother , I'll always keep him safe .

Q : What's your favourite thing about Liam ?

Z : I can't choose , but I guess one of the things I like most about him is his cute puppy face he makes . Just adorable . *Smiles*

Q : Favourite movie to watch with Liam ?

Z : Any movie , because sometimes we do watch it but other times we end up talking and forgetting about the movie , or we take things up to the bedroom . *Winks*

Q : Zayn , do I have permission to cut Harry's dick off and make him eat it if he hurts Louis again ?

Z : No , because I want to do this myself .

H : *Eyes wide* Dude -

Z : I'm serious . Don't hurt him again .

H : I won't . Never again .

Q : What do you want in the future with Liam ?

Z : I want to have a nice wedding , and have two children , a boy and a girl . As long as Liam is with me in the future everything will be just perfect .

Q : Who is your best friend ?

Z : Except for Liam , I have Harry , Niall and Louis . I can't choose who's a better best friend .

Q : You and Liam are so cute cuddle me please 

Z : Li come her ! Cuddle alert !

Li : Wait I'll get a fluffy blanket !

Q : What was yours and Liam's first date like ?

Z : It was a bit awkward , actually . We were both nervous , because for me he was THE Liam Payne from YouTube , and to him I was THE Zayn Malik the model , so we were both a bit quirky and giggly . But I liked it nontheless .

Q : How long have you and Liam been together ?

Z : Two years now , we'll celebrate our third year in November .

Q : How cute are Louis and Harry compared to you and Liam ?

Z : Harry and Louis are sickeningly adorable , Li and I are less cheesy and icky . *Chuckles*

Li : You're icky !

Q : Who tops ?

Z : Most of the time Liam does , and the few other times I top . I have no idea why I just answered that .

N : We don't complain . *Laughs*

Q : Next time Harry does something to Louis punch him , then listen to him

Z : I always listen to both sides , it's the best way to solve a problem .


Q : I'm gonna plant you in the ground ... Lima Bean

Li : Where did that name come from ?

L : I'm calling you Lima Bean from now on . *Giggles*

Li : You call me that I'm sending Harry to press your giggle button .



Q : Can you kiss me on the cheek ?

Li : Sure , come closer .

Q : Would you survive without Zayn ?

Li : Most likely not , he's my stregnth .

Q : Do you and Niall fight about who's the captain of the Larry ship ?

Li : A lot , yeah . He knows I am the captain .

N : Fuck no , I am .

Li : I am !

N : No I am !

C : I am the captain , so you two shut it .

G : Wait no ! I want to be the captain !

Q : Marry Zayn , will you ?

Li : Of course I will , never thought about marrying anyone else .

Q : Punch Harry for me if he gets drunk again that might knock some sense into him 

Li : I won't punch him for getting drunk , if he hurts Louis then yeah I'd gladly punch him .

Q : Spiderman or Deadpool ?

Li : Batman .

Q : What's your favourite thing about Zayn ?

Li : I can't choose only one . But , one of the things I love about him is his voice when he's singing goofily with me while we dance . I love those moments .

Q : Can you call me over if Harry ever hurts Louis again ?

Li : Sure , after I punch him though .

Q : Favourite movie to watch with Zayn ?

Li : I don't have a favourite , because as he said not every time we actually watch the movie .

Q : How much do you love Zayn ?

Li : More than words can even start describing .

Q : Did you ever use the phrase 'gotts Zayn' ?

Li : No , I have no idea what that means .

Q : Do you love Harry more or Louis more ?

Li : I can't choose , honestly . They're both my best friends , it's hard to choose .


Q : Can you punch Harry next time he hurts Louis please ?

G : I'm always up for hurting Harry if he hurts Louis .

Q : Do you watch your brother's youtube channel ?

G : Of course I do , I even make fun of him like the good sister I am .

Q : Do you take pride in smacking your brother when he does something stupid ?

G : Always .

Q : Help me kick Harry's ass if he hurts our baby Lou again ?

G : Of course I will !

Q : Single or taken ?

G : I uh , I'm taken but haven't said anything because Harry will get protective .

H : Damn well I will , I need to meet the guy right now .


Q : Can you please talk to Harry about his drinking problem ? I don't like that he hurts Louis :(

A : I will , I don't like it when he hurts Louis aswell .

Q : When did Harry discover he wanted to become a youtuber ?

A : At a quite young age , actually . He was fourteen when he started watching all the people on youtube , and he liked the idea of doing this . At sixteen he started posting videos , and by the age of eighteen he started working as a youtuber , and he enjoyed every moment .

Q : Is there anybody better than Louis for Harry , do you think ?

A : Honestly , no . Louis is the best for Harry .

L : Thank you , Anne . *Smiles and blushes*

A : You're welcome , my dear . Keep my son happy as always .



C : Haha you're welcome , and no I don't need a kidney , keep it to yourself .

Q : I dunno what I would've done if Louis and Harry have broken up ! Thank you for getting them back together !! They're truly adorable , aren't they ?

C : Yes they are !! Cutest couple in the world , I swear .

Q : Can I hug you ?

C : Of course !! I like hugsss

Q : How did you feel when Kendall told you what she did ?

C : First I was shocked , I didn't want to believe that's what happened . Then I was so so angry , I was furious . Wanted to push her off a cliff or something .

Q : Next time Kendall does something , beat her ass will ya ?

C : For sure . Or maybe I'll send Ramsay Bolton's dogs at her .

N : Or Khaleesi's dragons 

C : Or The Mountain

N : Or The Hound

C : Or the white walkers

N : I ran out of ideas


Q : Why are you such an evil dick ?

K : Why is Louis such a wimp ?

Q : No one likes you

K : Come on , we all know everyone loves me

H : Not me

N : Not me

Li : Not me

Z : Not me

G : Not me

C : Not me

N : Conclusion - no one

Q : What are you doing with your life weirdo

K : I'm the weirdo ?? Have you seen Louis , or Niall ?

H : You'd better shut the fuck up .

Q : Why would you go through the trouble of almost killing someone just so you could date someone

K : First , not my fault he can't swim . What a loser . And it's not me that pushed him in .

N : But you told the bastard to do it , do technically it's you , dumbass bitch

Q : Why do you even try with Harry ? He'll never like you

K : Harry loves me , okay ? He -

H : I swear to god I will rip your tongue out if you keep saying that .

G : Do you need a small knife or a big one ?

Q : Why are you so problematic ? Go away already

K : If you want me to go away , bring Harry with me .

H : Fuck you .

K : You can , anytime *Winks*

L : *Leaves*

H : *Runs after him*

Q : Why do you want to date Harry so bad ? Find someone else , he's taken

K : Harry is not taken , that wimp he 'dates' doesn't mean he's taken . Louis is a toy and -

G : *Slaps her* Get out of here , before I hurt you worse .


Q : Why are you here you irrelevant person ?

Ga : I'm here because I want Louis , okay ? He's just - perfect .

H : *Keeps Louis behind him protectively* If you say one wrong thing I'm knocking you out .

Q : Will you still try to get Louis ?

Ga : Always , he's supposed to be dating me not Harry .

Li : *Holds Harry back*

Q : I'm laughing 'cause you think you actually have a chance with Louis

Ga : I do have a chance with him though ! He just needs to dump Harry -

L : I'll never dump him , you psycho . *Hides behind Harry*


Q : Leave

Ad : Okay , I know what I did wasn't okay -

N : Hell yes it wasn't .

Ad : I was payed ! I didn't know what I was doing it for !

H : You should've asked , you fuckface

Q : Why would you take money from some bitch to hit on someone who's taken ?

Ad : I don't know !! I really don't okay ? Kendall was just a good friend , and she asked me to do this , she didn't tell me why -

C : But it doesn't make sense ! Hitting on someone who's taken , knowing they're taken ? And get paid for this ? You two are mad .


Q : Teach me your ways

Me : After me , my child ! What now ?

Q : How did you come up with this idea ?

Me : I always liked the fics where Louis is the cute , shy , giggly one , and Harry is the protective , romantic , cheesy goof . So I don't know , I just thought it'll be cute .

Q : I always feel blessed and excited whenever you update , I hope you know that (-: also how was your day ?

Me : Ahh thank you !! My day was good , hope yours was good aswell . x

Q : How did you choose your way or writing and how to improve it ?

Me : I just thought of the ideal fic I would want to read from others , and - ugh I don't know how to explain it . And I improve myself by reading old works of mine , and thinking what I want to improve for the future chapters .

Q : Who are your favourite musicians ? Do you have any idea how long this story is going to be ?

Me : Okay , so ; I love Panic! At The Disco (Brendon is my secret hubby) , Twenty One Pilots , Melanie Martinez and of course One Direction and Zayn Malik . I don't know how long this story will be , but I'm pretty sure it'll be a long ass book .


Thank god it's over . So freaking many questions . I love you for this , though . Stay amazing .

Next update will be .. I don't know when . I'm tired from this Q&A .


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