Ch. 99
Enjoy x
"Haz ?" Louis walked into the living room , Harry was laying on the couch with Bear and Milo . "Yeah ?"
"Can we talk ?"
Harry's heart skipped a beat as he sat up , "Is everything okay ?"
"Yes , everything is good . It's just , I want to talk to you about something important ." Louis said and sat next to him , Harry nodded and reached to hold his hand . "What about ?"
"Your jealousy . And protectiveness ."
Harry sighed , "Is it about yesterday ?"
"Yes . Haz , you had no right to punch the poor guy , okay ? He wasn't touching me and he wasn't forcing himself on me ."
"I had every right to fucking punch that shitface , even after you told him you're not interested he kept insisting ."
"Hey , beautiful ."
Louis looked up to see a guy smiling at him , he raised his eyebrows , "Hi ?"
"Saw you were alone , wanted to give you some company ."
"Actually , my fi-"
"What's your name ? We can get to know each other ."
"I'm not interested ." Louis gripped Bear and Milo's leashes tighter , since Bear started growling at the guy .
"Don't play hard to get , I promise to treat y-"
"He said he's not fucking interested , why are you still here ?" Harry appeared next to them , towering over the guy .
The guy raised his eyebrow , "I don't think I asked you for permission to -"
Harry cut him off with a punch , Louis was quick to wrap his arms around his middle and pull him away .
"I would've let it go if you just told him off and we walked away . I know he was being rude , but -"
"But nothing , Louis , I will not let any guy think they can just hit on you and expect me to do nothing !" Harry got up from the couch to pace around the living room .
"Atleast stop punching people . I get that you're angry , but it's not necessary to punch them ." Louis tried , getting slightly desperate . "You have to understand that no matter who asks me out or hits on me , it will always be you ."
"It's not about that . At all . I trust you with everything in me , but I absolutely don't trust anyone else ."
"But all you need is to trust me . You know that if someone causes problems I always tell you ." Louis got up from the couch aswell , reaching his hands out to hold Harry's . "Even though it's not just about yesterday , it's about you getting jealous so easily to the point you see red ."
"So you want me to do nothing and just watch people throwing themselves at you ?" Harry pulled his hands out of Louis' grip , Louis sighed , "You know that's not what I meant -"
"You want me to let guys hit on you ? Let them think they can do whatever the fuck they want to you ?"
"Harry -"
"No , you need to listen ." Harry grabbed Louis' elbows and backed him up against them wall . "You are mine . I will not let just anyone put their hands on you or talk to you in a way I should . Not now , not ever ." Harry looked him dead in the eyes , Louis gulped before shaking out of the shocked state .
He pushed Harry back softly , "It's not just strangers , it's our friends too . You're getting jealous just by me hugging my friend , Harry , you go all possessive and -"
"Because you're mine ."
"And the entire world knows that . Trust me ." Louis sighed , getting a little frustrated . "You need to learn to control yourself , if not around strangers , then atleats around our friends ."
"But -"
"No , listen to what I'm saying ." Louis cut him off , "I'm asking you to do something , and I expect for you to respect me . Can you do that ?"
Harry sighed . "Then is it okay if I punch a stranger for touching you inappropriately ?"
Louis groaned softly , "I don't want you punching or threatening anyone . I don't want you to act like a possessive demon around our friends . I would allow you punching someone if they take things too far for my liking ." He finished and looked up at Harry , furrowing his eyebrows when he saw Harry smiling gently . "What ?"
"I never saw you like this . So ... sure of yourself . Standing up and saying what you have to say ." Harry took a step forward and put his hands on Louis' waist . "I love seeing you so confident ."
Louis blushed softly and tucked his arms against Harry's chest . "Were you paying attention to what I was saying ?"
"Yeah . And I promise to do whatever you want ." Harry smiled down at him and leaned in to kiss his lips .
"Anything I want ?" Louis raised his eyebrows .
"Anything you want ." Harry laughed .
"Make me lunch and give me a back rub ?"
Harry laughed slightly harder , leaning down to kiss him again , "Whatever my baby wants ."
"Lou , everything is ready , where are you ?" Harry called from the living room as he finished setting up the camera ; they were about to do a challenge video .
Louis walked into the living room , "I'm here ."
"Go sit on the couch , I'll be right there , I'll just get the laptop ." Harry said .
"I was just in the bedroom , you could've told me to get it ." Louis laughed a little but sat on the couch , watching Harry walking away with a laugh , "Forgot ."
When he was back he sat next to Louis and placed the laptop on the living room table , "Let's get started ." He scooted closer , Louis hooked their arms together as they did the small intro .
"Hey there , Larry here ." They said together , and Louis couldn't help the small giggle escaping his lips .
"We did this like ten times already , is it still awkward ?" Harry laughed , Louis nodded , "I'm still getting used to it , though it's better than before ."
"Alright , uhm , back to the video ." Harry said , turning his attention to the camera , "So lately Louis and I have been quite obssessed with Liza koshy , because she's funny and her puns are great . Every time we watch her videos , no matter what video , we end up laughing ."
"And we thought , it could be fun to try not to laugh while watching her videos . Which to me seems impossible ." Louis said with a smile , "So today we'll be doing the Try Not to Laugh Challenge , Liza Koshy Edition ."
"We also haven't decided what happens to the loser ." Harry said .
"Thw winner gets ..." Louis started , making a thinking face . "The winner gets to pour five different foods on the loser's head ." He giggled , Harry raised his eyebrow , "Interesting ."
"I suggested that because I know that her puns always make you laugh , like every time you watch her videos you die laughing , so I know I'll win ." Louis said and opened the laptop , Harry poked his side a few times , "Don't be cheeky ."
Louis smacked his hand away with a giggle before going on YouTube , typing in "try not to laugh challenge Liza Kohsy edition" , picking a video .
"Haz , do the thing where you can videotape the screen ." Louis turned the laptop towards Harry , a minute later it was set up .
"Ready ?" Harry asked , Louis bit his lower lip and nodded , "Ready ."
Harry pressed Play , Louis leaned his chin on his hand as Harry kept his eyebrows knitted , lips pursed .
Louis was biting his lip throughout the video , his chest moving with silent laughs . Harry squeezed his lips , biting on the inside of his cheek .
They were holding on pretty good , until this little joke came on . (min 6:12)
"What do you do for a living ?"
"Lock picking ."
"You pick people's locks ?"
"Yeah ."
"So you break into people's homes ?"
"No no no no , when they leave , I pick their locks and I go inside ." "I have the place open and ready for when they come back ."
David laughs . "That's not how it works ."
"When we go inside , I want you to whisper , alright ?"
"Why would I have to whisper ?"
"'Cause I don't know if they're hom-aa - d-don't , scare my furniture ."
That line made both Harry and Louis let out a laugh , before they pointed at each other , "You laughed !" They said together , setting off another laugh .
"This cracked me up , that was a good one ." Harry calmed down , Louis nodded , "Yeah , she's really good ." He wiped a little under his eyes .
"Well , we both lost , but we're going to keep watching , because she's funny ." Harry said and threw his arm over Louis' shoulders , pulling him into his side .
Soon the video was finished , Louis leaned his head on Harry's shoulder , "What are we going to do ? We both lost ."
They sat up a little , Harry kept his arm around Louis . "Since we both lost , we each get to pick three different ingredients , and we'll go to the bathroom because there's no way we're doing it outside , it's freezing ."
"You go put the camera in the bathroom and cover it , I'll go cheese my foods ." Louis said , poking Harry's cheek and getting up from the couch . Harry chuckled and smacked his bum , making Louis squeak and smack his shoulder , "If you got that on camera please don't put it in the video ."
"This is exactly what I'm going to be doing , you know ." Harry chuckled and stood up , his hand giving Louis' bum a soft squeeze .
"Harry !" Louis squeaked , but he couldn't help but giggle . Harry grinned and kissed his cheek , "Go already ."
Louis swatted his chest lightly before going to the kitchen , Harry lifted the camera and it's stand and carried it to their bathroom , positioning it infront of the bathtub .
Louis walked into the bathroom with his tiny hands full , his back turned to Harry , "Go pick three foods , I'm not showing you mine until then ."
Harry pinched at his sides before walking out of the bathroom with a smile , he loved his giggle too much .
He walked back into the bathroom , "Got the foods , let's show the camera ."
They stepped into the bathtub and put the ingredients on each side .
"Okay , I picked ; Ketchup , flour and eggs ." Louis held up each ingredient infront of the camera .
"And I picked ; Mustard , barbecue sauce and milk ." Harry held up each ingredient , Louis pouted , "I don't like mustard ."
"I know you don't ." Harry winked , "And I'm going to take my shirt off , because it's white and I'm not letting you pour ketchup on it ." He tugged his shirt off and turned to Louis , saying quietly , "Want to take your shirt off too ?"
Louis shyly bit his lower lip and shook his head , Harry nodded and pecked his lips .
"We'll take turns , I'm going first ." Harry said , but Louis shook his head , "I'm going first ."
"No you don't ." Harry chuckled and turned to grab the mustard , he turned to Louis only to have ketchup squirted on his face . Louis laughed and took the cap off , squeezing the ketchup ontop of his head .
"I'm having so much fun ." He giggled , Harry chuckled and took the mustard's bottle cap off , pouring it ontop of Louis' head . Louis squealed , "It's so cold !"
Harry laughed , he shook the bottle a little before putting it down . When he stood back up Louis cracked an egg on his head , then another one . Louis giggled as he cracked the third egg on his head , massaging his hair and down to his face .
Harry reached backwards and grabbed the barbecue sauce , pouring it on Louis' head with one hand , the other hand massaging his hair , "Not so nice when it's you , eh ?"
Louis pouted and crossed his arms , Harry kissed his cheek , "Cheer up , buttercup . Or should I say , barbecup ."
Louis hit him in the balls , "That was lame ."
"I'm sorry ." Harry squeaked , clutching his crotch . Louis took the opportunity to take the flour , he opened the bag and poured it on Harry , "There you go , 'I used to be a baker' boy ."
Harry stood straight covered in white , he shook himself around making a cloud of flour around himself and Louis . He took the milk and poured it on Louis , making him gasp , "It's cold !" He tried battling the carton out of Harry's hands , but soon the carton was empty so Harry lowered himself and wrapped his arms around Louis' hips , lifting him up , "Kiss me ."
Louis pressed their lips together , giggling softly against his lips . Harry smiled and pecked him quickly before putting him back down , "Careful not to slip ." He said before they turned their attention to the camera .
"So that was it , hope you enjoyed this video ."
"Comment down below which one of us looks better after this makeover ." Louis said with a smile , Harry laughed and squeezed him into his chest .
"Give the video a thumbs up , subscribe to the channel and turn the notifications on . See you next video , all the love ." Harry said , they waved at the camera and smiled .
"We really need a shower ." Louis said as Harry stepped out of the bathtub , Harry turned to smirk at him , "Together ?"
"We could ." louis laughed , "Turn the camera off first ."
"No ."
"Then get out so I can shower alone ."
Harry chuckled and washed his hands so he could turn the camera off , "You know the camera is still going , yeah ?"
"Yes , but I'm going to edit it out , don't need the fans to see you being a pervert ." Louis stuck he tongue out .
Harry laughed and turned the camera off , carrying it out of the bathroom . He placed it in the bedroom without stepping out of the bathroom before closing the door so they could shower .
"I need you to help me with my shirt ." Louis said as Harry was taking his (own) pants off , Harry nodded and threw the pants to the laundry basket . "Arms up ."
Louis held his arms up , Harry grabbed the bottom of his shirt and slowly peeled it off him , surprising him with a kiss as his head got out of the shirt . He threw the shirt asideand wrapped his arms around Louis , Louis smiled , "Haz , I really really need a shower ."
Harry smiled and pulled back , "You owe me more kisses ."
Harry stayed in the bathroom a little longer to clean the mess they created with the ingredients , or atleast what was left after they showered . Louis sat on the bed with the camera and laptop , he was tired but wanted to atleast transfer the video to the laptop so he could edit the day after while Harry is at a photoshoot .
He yawned and put the laptop aside when he was done , Harry walked out of the bathroom , "Done . Do we need anything else ?"
"I just transferred the video to the laptop so I can edit it tomorrow . I'm about to go get me some tea , want some ?" Louis asked from the door of the bedroom , Harry nodded and lied on the bed , "I'd like that , thank you ."
Louis nodded and walked out of the bedroom , smiling as Bear followed him . Milo ran over to him from the living room barking cutely , Louis picked him up and kissed his head . Milo squirmed a little and snuggled into his neck , Louis rubbed his back and kissed his head again .
Milo was too adorable , so he ended up making tea with him on his shoulder , but he had to put him down in order to carry the two mugs up to the bedroom .
The two dogs followed him , Louis walked into the bedroom and put the mugs on the beside table . Bear jumped on the bed , Louis picked Milo up and placed him next to Harry before sitting on his other side .
"The beasts need a cuddle too ?" Harry smiled and brought Bear into his chest , scratching at his ribs . Louis leaned his head on Harry's shoulder , "Milo was being too cute cuddling me , I ended up making us tea with him on my chest ."
Harry awwed , "And you didn't call me to take a picture ?"
"I'm tired , I just wanted to be done with the tea so we can go to sleep ." Louis smiled softly , Harry kissed his forehead and reached his arm out , taking Louis' mug and handing it to him , "Finish drinking and go to sleep , don't hold yourself up ."
Louis thanked him and took the mug , taking a sip . Harry turned the TV on and leaned backwards , one hand holding his mug , the other scratching gently around Louis' back .
When Louis was done with his tea he put his mug on the beside table , shifting around to lie on his side facing Harry , who was still sitting .
"Good night , baby ." Harry said quietly and ran his fingers through Louis' hair , Louis smiled , "Good night ."
When Harry was done with his tea aswell Louis was fast asleep , he put his mug next to Louis' on the beside table and scooted down to lie on his side facing Louis .
He put one arm around Louis' waist , the other snaking it's way under the pillow . He pressing soft kisses all over Louis' face and neck , going slowly and softly , not rapidly .
"I love you , my baby ." He rubbed their noses together gently and kissed the corner of his lips .
Sorry it took me so long to update , I'm during finals time for the next two months . Also next update is the last chapter .
Hope you liked it , tell me if you didn't x
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