Ch. 97

Enjoy x


Harry woke up in the morning to the smell of food , he smiled and shuffled around the bed a little .

Milo walked up to him and licked his cheek , he chuckled and pet his head , "Good morning to you too , mate ."

He stayed in bed a little more , Milo resting on his chest , before he got up to brush his teeth . He then walked out of the room to the kitchen , grinning when he saw Louis talking to the camera . 

The camera was on the kitchen counter as Louis stood in front of it , his back to Harry . Breakfast was ready on the table , making Harry coo mentally .

"... I planned us something small for the morning , mainly because I insisted . Harry is always the one to plan everything and not tell me a word about it , so now it's my turn ."

Harry held back a small laugh , his fiance was too cute . He creeped up behind him as he kept talking , the grin never leaving his face .

"So now that I finished making breakfast I might aswell go w-" Louis was in the middle of the sentence when he felt a pair of hands on his waist and a body against his back , he jumped in his spot with a gasp as Harry hugged him from behind .

"You scared me , you idiot ." Louis placed his hand over his racing heart , Harry put his head on Louis' shoulder and chuckled , "I didn't want to disturb you , you were too cute ."

"I'm still working on talking to the camera like that , it's so awkward ." Louis giggled , relaxing into Harry's chest .

"I know , it is at first , but then you get the idea and it flows . You're doing an amazing job though , i'm so proud of you ." Harry kissed his cheek , Louis smiled , "Thank you ."

"Happy Valentine's Day ." Harry turned Louis to face him and kissed his lips , Louis's smile widened , "Happy Valentine's Day ."

Harry lifted the camera from the counter and held it in front of them , still hugging Louis , "So today is Valentine's Day , and Lou planned us something for the morning , though he wouldn't tell me . I planned the evening and I'm not telling him either , so I guess it's only fair ."

"I'll tell you after breakfast ." Louis looked up at Harry , Harry nodded and pecked the tip of his nose , "Deal ."

They sat at the table to eat , Harry filled Louis' plate for him , "Before we go , I have some presents for you ."

"I knew you'd get me something ." Louis giggled , "I got you some presents too ."

Harry smiled at him , "You didn't have to get me presents ."

"You didn't have to get me presents either but you still did , so we're even ." Louis poked his dimple , making Harry chuckle .


After breakfast Harry cleaned the table , Louis went to the guest bedroom to fetch the presents he got for Harry .

He walked into the living room with the bags , Harry following right behind him , "I'll go get your presents and be right back ." He said and disappeared into the bedroom , Louis placed the bags on the table and sat on the couch .

Harry walked back a few seconds later with bags too , he placed them on the table in front of Louis . Louis pecked his cheek , "Thank you ."

"Thank you ." Harry smiled at him and kissed his lips shortly before they reached for the presents the other got them .

Louis opened the first bag , grinning as he pulled out three new sweaters . "You know how much I love wearing sweaters , eh ?"

"Yeah , you look so soft ." Harry smiled and pulled out of his bag three button-down shirts , grinning , "I love them . Thank you baby ."

Louis smiled at him and put the sweaters back in the bag , reaching for the other one . He awwed as he pulled out an album full of pictures of him and Harry . He opened a random page , giggling at a picture of Harry with his face full of jelly , from the challenge they did with Joey and Daniel .

Harry's lips stretched into a smile at the fur vest , "I love it ."

"I'm glad you do ." Louis grinned , looking up from the album .

Harry took out the perfume bottle , he opened it with the same wide smile and sprayed a little on his arm , moaning a little at the smell , "It's so good ."

"Knew you'd like it ." Louis poked his cheek and took his last present , gasping with a smile . "You got us tickets to see Ed Sheeran ??"

"I know you love his music , and he's been a good friend of mine . Talked to him a while ago , I asked if we could come to his first show of the tour in London , he was excited and said yes , so we got special tickets and he said we can bring some friends ." Harry put the perfume down and turned his body to face Louis , smiling at his soft , excited expression .

Louis threw himself at Harry , arms wrapped around his neck . He managed to knock them down to the couch , Harry laughed and wrapped his arms around his waist , "I'll take that as a good sign ."

"Of course it is ! Thank you so so much ." Louis kissed his cheek a few times , making Harry grin wider . He sat up , making Louis straddle his lap in the process . Louis pulled back a little and kissed him quickly , "Thank you ."

"You're more than welcome ." Harry bit his lower lip , "I love seeing you so happy ."

"You make me happy ." Louis grinned back at him , Harry awwed and brought him into another kiss .

Louis giggled and pulled back , "We'll have enough time for that later , let's go now ." He got up from Harry's lap , Harry pouted a little and got up aswell , "Remember you owe me more kissies ."

"Trust me , I won't forget ." Louis teased and poked his cheek , Harry smiled and put his hands on his waist , "Let's get going ."


"I didn't have much time to prepare anything big , so I'm sorry it's not -" Louis was cut off by Harry kissing his lips , "I love it , baby ."

Louis bit his lower lip and nodded , "Wait here , I'll go to the reception ."

They were in a Spa&Massage place , Louis thought it'll be nice for them both . He was nervous though , he's never been to a place like this before , though Harry got to experience it a few times .

"Hello , uhm - I made an appointment yesterday - Louis Tomlinson ." Louis told the receptionist , the woman looked in her computer and nodded , "Yes , an upper body massage and pedicure for two ?"

"Yes ." Louis nodded , the woman nodded aswell , "Go down the hallway and turn left , you're in room number 38 . You'll have robes , undress to your underwear and put them on , you have a small closet for your personal things in the room , put everything there . The ladies will be there shortly ."

Louis nodded and thanked her , he turned back to Harry and took his hand , "Let's go ."

Harry smiled and let his small fiance lead him down the hallway , they turned left and walked into room number 38 . The room smelled of vanilla , there were two massage beds on one side , the other side had two large chairs - most likely for their pedicure . There was a large window , from one side of the wall to the other , where they could view out to the forest .

"This place is amazing ." Harry took off his coat , helping Louis out of his , "Oh look , there's a fruits tray ."

"The receptionist said to undress to our underwear and put the robes on ." Louis pointed to the robes on the ends of the beds , Harry nodded and started undressing . Louis followed , though he still felt somewhat shy around Harry . He knew he shouldn't be , but this is just one of the things it takes him the longest to get over .

Once they had their robes on Harry pulled his phone out , "Come here ." He opened the camera , Louis hugged him as they both smiled at the camera , Harry took the picture and smiled down at Louis .

Louis reached for the fruits tray and fed Harry a strawberry , Harry smiled and fed him a melon back .

A few minutes later there was a knock on the door before two woman walked into the room , they looked in their late thirties-early fourties .

"Good morning ." One of them said with a smile , the couple smiled back , "Good morning ."

"I'm Shay , this is Lee ." They introduced themselves , Harry put his hand on the small of Louis' back , "I'm Harry , this is my fiance Louis ."

"Nice meeting you , let's get started ." Lee said with a smile , "First we'll go for the pedicure , so please take a seat ." She gestured to the two large chairs , they sat down with thair fingers intertwined .

Lee and Shay sat on small chairs at their feet , while they heat up the water in the buckets they made a small talk with the couple .

"Is this your first time at a Spa ?" Shay asked , Harry squeezed Louis' hand softly , "It's not mine , but it's Louis' first time ."

"I'm a little nervous , to be honest ." Louis gave them a small smile .

"You have nothing to be nervous about , you're here to relax , physically and mentally ." Lee said , Harry nodded , "She's right , no need to be nervous ."

"I know , it's just - uhm , I never had someone massaging me , like , professionally ."

"Am I not professional ?" Harry pouted playfully , Louis giggled as Shay and Lee smiled at them .

"You are , but - you're close to me , I feel comfortable around you . I meant - I meant strangers ." Louis bit his lower lip , then said quietly , "You know how I used to be all shy , I was barely comfortable with hugging you at the beginning ."

"I know , and you've come so far , baby . I'm so so proud of you ." Harry brought Louis' hand to his lips , kissing the back of it .

"Boys , feet in the bucket , please ." Shay told them , they dipped their feet into the warm water and let the two women do their job .

Harry noticed Louis gets a little fidgety , biting his lower lip . Harry chuckled , "You okay ?"

"Y-yeah ." Louis said with a small giggle , instinctively pulling his foot back . He blushed deeply and put his foot back down , "I'm really sorry , I - it tickles ."

Harry awwed , not helping the wide , fond smile spreading on his lips .

"You're all good , trust me , there are people worse than you ." Lee laughed softly , "I'll try to be gentle , I promise ."

Louis nodded , one hand still holding Harry's , his other one pressed to his mouth .

"You're adorable ." Harry grinned at him , Louis shook his head , "I'm embarrassing ."

"You're mot embarrassing . Trust me when I say I had worse than you ; there was this one person who couldn't even take the feeling of something touching them and he didn't let me touch him at all , or this person who actually kicked me a few times , it was kind of light but still . And then there was this person who couldn't stop squirming around , like a fish on a hook ."

Louis laughed softly at her stories , "Guess I'm not so bad , then ?"

"No , you're all good ." Lee smiled at him .

Twenty five minutes later they were done with their pedicure , Louis took a deep breath and slapped Harry's hand away from pinching his cheeks .

"We'll be back in twenty minutes for your upper body massage ." The two women said and collected their things  Louis and Harry thanked them and they left .

Louis moved to sit on one of the beds , Harry stood between his knees , "You're absolutely adorable ."

"I was so embarrassing ." Louis covered his face , Harry brought him into his chest , "You weren't , baby , you were perfectly fine ."

Louis pouted a little , "Feed me ?" He stretched his hands out for the fruits tray on the other bed , Harry held the tray with one hand , the other feeding Louis .

Louis fed Harry back with a smile , making a playful disgusted face when Harry admitted he likes kiwi .

"Take a bite , it's good , I promise ." Harry held a kiwi piece in front of Louis' mouth , Louis shook his head , "No , you said that about the kale salad too and it tasted like cows' grass ."

Harry laughed and took the piece for himself , holding a witermelon up for Louis to bite on .

Soon enough Lee and Shay were back , Harry put the tray aside .

"Alright , lay down on your front , robed off . We'll cover you waist down ." Shay said , Louis shyly opened the robe and lied on his front , Lee covered him in the while towel before helping him slide the robe off .

Harry let his hands dangle from both sides of the bed , his head turned to the side so he could see Louis . Louis reached his hand out so he can hold onto Harry's fingers , Harry smiled at him and sighed out as the massage started .

Louis let out a breath and closed his eyes , relaxing into the touch . Harry kept his eyes open , a soft smile on his lips as he took in Louis' beauty . His fluffy brown hair , small button nose , long eyelashes , tiny freckles .

How did I get so fucking lucky , he asked himself in his mind . I'm sorry , no swearing . He added , chuckling softly when he realized just how whipped he is .

"What's funny ?" He heard Louis' soft voice asking , his eyes now open . Harry smiled , "I asked myself how did I get so fucking lucky to have you . Then told myself not to swear , and realized how whipped I am over you ."

Louis grinned shyly and buried his face in the soft cushion under his head , Harry squeezed his fingers a little , "You're too cute to not be whipped over ."

Louis turned his head back to face Harry , "You're the cheesiest frog in the lake ."

Harry laughed  , squeezing Louis' fingers once more . He kept watching Louis with a soft smile , letting out an 'aww' whisper when Louis giggled and squirmed on the bed .

"I'm so sorry , it's a sensitive spot ." Louis apologized , blush covering his cheeks . Lee chuckled , "It's all good , I'll avoid it ."

"I swear you're too cute it should be illegal . Are you even legal ?" Harry teased him with a grin , Louis giggled and buried his face back in the cushion , "Stop it ."


Louis pushed Harry away forcefully before handing the receptionist his money , he didn't want Harry to pay .

"Thank you for today , tell Lee and Shay they were lovely ." Louis said , pushing Harry's fingers away from his sides . The receptionist nodded , "Will do , have a good day ."

"You too ." Louis smiled and took a hold of Harry's wrists , walking out of the place with him . "You're so annoying ."

"You love me ." Harry chuckled and brought him into a kiss , Louis cupped his cheeks , "Haz , it's freezing outside , let's get home ."

"Then you'll give me all the kisses you owe me ." Harry scooped him up bridal style , Louis yelped and kicked his legs a little .


After they had their dinner at Louis' favourite restaurant they went back home , Harry loved how Louis was in a silly , giggly , playful mood .

"Piggy back to bed !" Louis jumped on Harry's back , Harry quickly caught him and carried him into their bedroom , placing him on the bed .

"I'll go lock up the house , you can go change into your PJs ." Harry said , Louis nodded and rolled off the bed towards their walk-in closet .

Harry walked out of the room , he locked the door and the windows , re-filled Bear and Milo's bowls before going back into his and Louis' room .

Louis was laying on his front on the bed , his phone in his hands as he fooled around with the Snapchat filters .

Harry chuckled and went into the closet , he changed quickly and crawled on the bed next to Louis .

Louis turned the phone towards him , giggling at the alien filter .

"Why doesn't the filter work on you ?" Louis asked teasingly , Harry raised his eyebrow , "You're digging your own grave , baby . Don't start ."

Louis rolled his eyes playfully , Harry kissed his temple , "Are you tired ?"

"Not yet ." Louis locked his phone and put it on the nightstand , he turned back to Harry and played with his hair . "Your hair is really soft today ."

Harry smiled at him , "Just today ?"

"Yeah , every other day it's yucky ." Louis teased him , squeaking when he was wrestled down on the bed . 

"You are a cheeky little hedgehog , aren't you ?" Harry caged him down against the mattress , Louis giggled , "Why am I a hedgehog ?"

"Because you're tiny , you think you're dangerous , but as soon as someones rubs your belly you turn soft ." Harry brought his hand to Louis' tummy , Louis giggled and pushed his hand away , "You're not rubbing , Haz , it tickles !"

Harry chuckled and kept going a few seconds more , Louis rolled away , "I've had enough for today , stoooop ."

"'Today' is almost over , it's close to midnight ." Harry chuckled and pulled him back to underneath him , leaning down to peck the tip of his nose .

"You're mean ." Louis whined and turned his face away , Harry pressed kisses to his cheek , moving down to his neck playfully . As soon as he puffed his cheeks , getting ready to blow a raspberry on Louis' neck , Louis squealed and shot his arms up , pushing him away .

Harry threw his head back in laughter , "Oh my god you're so precious !"

Louis laughed too , he wrapped his arms around Harry's neck and brought him down into a kiss . Harry relaxed against his lips , leaning down more to kiss him deeper . His body now lied across Louis' , his arms wrapped around him .

"Haz ?" Louis mumbled against his lips , "C-can we - you know ."

Harry smiled , "I love how you're still shy after we've already done it a few times ."

Louis blushed , "I'm just - just not used to , uhm - mentioning it ? I guess ."

"You're too cute for your own good ." Harry cooed and kissed him once more , "I'll go get a condom and lube ."

Louis nodded , Harry kissed his cheek and got up from the bed , they immediately missed the other's warmth against them .


"I'm getting cold ." Louis said raspily against Harry's chest , Harry brought him closer and kissed his temple , pulling the covers further up to their noses . "Better ?"

"Yeah . Thank you ." Louis breathed out , "I'm exhausted ."

Harry smiled and rubbed his back , his nose pressed to his forehead . "You know what I've been thinking about lately ?"

"What ?"

"How you've come so far since I met you . I mean , you're the same shy , cute , tiny Louis , but you're so much more confident . I love seeing you so happy . I love that you're comfortable around me with things you used to be shy about , like changing your clothes or even being silly . I remember you being so shy that in the first two-three months you barely had the courage to kiss my cheek , and now you do it freely because you know how much I love your kisses . I love that you're comfortable with our friends , you used to be so shy around them , and now you feel free joking around and being yourself ."

Louis grinned sleepily , "You're the one to help me through it all , you know ."

"I'm more than honoured to be the one to help you , baby ." Harry kissed his forehead , "I die a little inside every time you tell me how happy you are , because it makes me so happy ."

Louis giggled a little and looked up at him , bringing him into a soft kiss . "I know I'm still shy about things , but I just know that I'll get over it in the future ."

"And in the meantime , I don't mind you being shy , you're adorable ." Harry smiled and kissed him once more , Louis smiled against his lips before yawning .

"Bedtime , eh ?" Harry chuckled , Louis nodded , "Yeah . Good night ."

"Good night baby , I love you so much ."

"Love you too , Haz ."


So I made it extra long , because I love you guys .

Also , I took one of the readers' advice , I'll continue this book to a 100 chapters before the Epilogue , so three more chapters to go .

Hope you liked it , tell me if you didn't x


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