Ch. 96
Enjoy x
(Please read the small note at the end of the chappie)
"Is Zayn picking you up or you want me to drop you off there ?" Harry asked as he tied Louis' shoelaces .
"Zee is picking me up in a few minutes ." Louis said , Harry nodded , "Okay , please be careful ."
Louis nodded with a smile , "Have fun at the interview ." He pecked Harry's lips , Harry smiled back and kissed his cheek , "Have fun at the mall . Li and I will join you two when the interview is over ."
"Sure ." Louis nodded , Harry kissed him goodbye and left the house .
A few minutes later there was a knock on the door , Louis opened it and smiled at Zayn . "Hi Zee , I'll lock up the house and we can go ."
"Sure , no rush ." Zayn smiled and brought Louis into a short hug before helping him lock up the house .
They said goodbye to Bear and Milo and walked out , locking the door behind them .
"It's Valentine's Day tomorrow ." Zayn said as he pulled out of the parking lot , "Do you have anything planned with Harry ?"
"Well , we haven't really talked about anything , but I'm sure we'll do something ." Louis said , "What about you and Li ?"
"We're going to a resort for the weekend ." Zayn said with a smile , Louis grinned , "That's cute ."
"Yeah . It's one of the reasons I wanted to go to the mall , to look for a present for him ." Zayn nodded , Louis let out a small laugh , "Now that you're talking , I haven't found a present for Haz too . I'm sure he already got me something , the sappy frog ."
Zayn chuckled , "He loves spoiling you , let him be ."
"I know he does , but he's making me feel bad because I don't buy him as many presents as he gets me ." Louis pouted a little , Zayn shook his head with a fond smile , "I swear you two will be the end of this world . You're too cute ."
Soon enough they made it to the mall , Zayn parked his car near the entrace and they got out . Zayn's bodyguard , Preston , joined them as they entered the mall , they greeted him with a smile and started walking around .
Louis had his arm hooked in Zayn's , they made a small talk with Preston as they walked through the shops .
"Ooh , Harry loves those ." Louis mumbled to himself as he looked at a rack of button-downs , Zayn out his arm over his shoulder , "Pick your favourites , eh ?"
"Yeah ." Louis nodded , he took in one hand the white fur vest he already found for Harry and picked his three favourites button-downs .
Louis took the shirts and vest to the cashier , he payed for the clothes and thanked the lady , taking the bag and leaving the shop .
Zayn put his arm back around Louis' shoulders , "I need some new jeans for Li and I and there's this really nice shop over there , I'n sure you can find something for yourself too ."
"Yeah , let's go ." Louis nodded , they entered the shop and an employee walked over to them , "Hello , how can I help you ?"
"I'm looking for black jeans for me and light-blue ones for my fiance ." Zayn said and turned to Louis , "What would you like ?"
"Uhm , tight-blue jeans will be good . Maybe tight light-blue too ." Louis said , the employee nodded , "Sure , let me show you what we have ."
They followed her to the Jeans rack , "Are you looking for ones with rips of not ?"
"Uhm , knee rips are okay ." Zayn said , Louis nodded , "Yeah ."
She nodded and took out a light blue tight jeans , "I think these will be good for you ." She handed them to Louis and pulled out black jeans , handing them to Zayn . After a little more searching she found blue tight jeans and another light blue ones , she handed them to the boys , they thanked her and went to the changing cells .
They went into seperate cells and tried on the jeans , Louis walked out with the tight light blue jeans at the same time Zayn did , he looked in the mirror . "What do you think ?"
Zayn looked over to him and smiled , "They make your bum look amazing ."
Louis blushed and turned to the side , his bum really looked nice . He walked back into the changing cell to try on the blue jeans , he walked out and did a little spin , "Those are good ?"
"Yeah , you look great in these ones ." Zayn nodded , Louis smiled at him , "You looked great in ripped jeans too ."
Zayn laughed and gave him a playful wink , Louis giggled and walked into the changing cell to change back into his jeans .
They payed for the jeans they got and left the store smiling , Preston put his hands on each of their shoulders , "The fans know you're here , it's just a matter of time until they start filling up the place ."
Louis hooked his arm in Zayn's , "Let's keep going , and when the crowd looks like it would get out of control we'll leave ."
Zayn nodded , "Okay . Let's keep going ."
They went on the escalator to the second floor and to the beauty shop ; Zayn needed a new face cream and convinced Louis to get a face mask so they could put it on together , Louis got himself and Harry new perfumes , and he really liked this musk body cream he just had to get it .
"Let's get some coffee , yeah ?" Zayn said , Louis nodded , "Sure . I mean , I don't understand how you like coffee , it's bitter . I'll always love hot chocolate ."
Zayn laughed and led them to the small Cafe place , they took a table with Preston and ordered their drinks .
"Haz told me he and Li want to join us but I think it's best if we go to ours or yours ." Louis said as he sipped his hot chocolate , Zayn nodded , "I'll call Li ." He pulled his phone out , tapped the screen a few times before pressing it to his ear .
"Hey love , how are you ? ... Yeah , we're okay . .. No don't come over , tell Harry you're going to our place . .. the fans are crowding , Lou and I think it's best if we stay indoors . ... Of course . ... Okay , love you . Bye ."
Zayn put his phone back in his pocket , Louis smiled at him , "Have you ever noticed your voice goes soft when you're on the phone with Li ?"
Zayn smiled , "Does it ?"
"Yeah , it's cute ." Louis nodded , Zayn's cheeks turned slightly red and he sipped on his coffee .
When they were done with their drinks they started heading to the exit , Louis had his arm hooked in Zayn's once again , making sure his grip is firm ; he doesn't want to lose Zayn like what happened with Harry .
The fans started following them , taking pictures and calling their names . Papparazzi started flashing pictures , Louis bit his lower lip and clutched Zayn's arm tighter . Zayn noticed and moved his arm to wrap around him , "You're all good Lou , we're almost at the car ."
They exited the mall , Preston helped them quickly through the crowd to Zayn's car . Zayn kept talking to Louis , he opened the passenger's door for him and closed it when he slid in .
"Thanks for helping , mate ." He shook Preston's hand and got into the driver's seat , pulling out of the parking lot quickly .
"That's it , we're going home . You're okay ." Zayn rubbed his knee , Louis nodded and took a deep breath , "Yeah , okay . Thank you ."
"No problem . You're my best friend ." Zayn smiled at him , Louis took another deep breath and smiled at him .
Soon they reached Zayn and Liam's place , their cars parked outside , which meant they're already there .
Zayn and Louis took their shopping bags and got out of the car , Zayn locked it and walked with Louis to the door .
"We're home !" He called as he opened the door , they took their shoes off in the entrace and walked to the living room .
Liam and Harry were sitting on the couch with their feet up on the coffee table , they smiled at their fiances and raised an eyebrow at the shopping bags .
"Suprise presents ." Louis and Zayn said in sync , giggling at each other .
"Can't you show me the presents now ?" Harry pouted at Louis , who put the bags aside and shook his head , "Nope , tomorrow ."
"I made a reservasion for us for tomorrow , at your favourite restaurant ." Harry opened his arms for Louis , who smiled and leaned on his chest , "Aw , thank you ."
Zayn handed them a soft blanket and took one for him and Liam , draping it over their bodies . Liam wrapped his arms around Zayn and leaned his head on his shoulder , "You're warm ."
"How was the interview ?" Zayn asked and rubbed the back of his fingers on Liam's scruffed cheek , Liam cuddled closer , "It was great . How was shopping ?"
"Really nice . Got you some nice things ." Zayn said with a smile , Liam smiled back , "You shouldn't have , you know ."
"Well I wanted to . You'll love the presents ."
"Not as much as I love you ." Liam whispered , Zayn smiled and kissed his cheek .
"Oh by the way we ordered chinese . I thought we could make something to eat but there was nothing in the fridge and cabinets ." Harry said , Zayn chuckled , "Yeah , we're going away for the next four days so we haven't gone grocery shopping ."
"Are we doing something tomorrow morning ?" Louis asked Harry , "Because I thought I could plan something for us ."
"I haven't planned anything for the morning ." Harry smiled down at him and moved his fringe from his forehead , "Do you have a place in mind ?"
"Not yet , but I'll think of something ." Louis reached up to poke his dimple , Harry kissed his forehead , "That would be lovely ."
Back in Louis and Harry's place , Harry eagerly tried getting Louis to show him the presents .
"No , wait until tomorrow ." Louis shook his head and kept his eyes casted down to his phone , texting Lottie .
"Pleaaaassseee ? I don't want to wait until tomorrow ." Harry pouted and buried his face in Louis' stomach , "Pretty please with a Harry ontop ?"
"Be patient , you goof ." Louis smiled down at him , sneakily opening his Snapchat and recording him .
"Please ?"
"No ."
"Pretty please ?"
"No ."
"But -"
"No ."
"Baby -"
"No ."
The recording stopped , Louis captioned "Annoying , impatient goof" with a cry laughing emoji .
Harry whined , "I want to knooooow ."
"I know you do , but you have to be patient and wait for tomorrow ." Louis ran his fingers through his short hair .
"Can I get one present then ?"
"No ."
"What about -"
"No ."
Harry sat up with a scowl and turned his back to Louis , crossing his arms over his chest . Louis giggled and turned to lie on his side , "Haaaaz ."
Harry didn't answer , Louis rolled his eyes playfully , "That wouldn't make me want to give you the presents now , you know ."
When Harry didn't budge Louis sat up and scooted closer , hugging his torso from behind , "Haz , come on ."
Louis sighed and fell backwards on the bed , "Well then , if you don't talk to me , I guess I'll call someone else to cuddle me ." He bit his lower lip not to laugh as Harry tensed a little , though he still didn't turn around .
"Maybe I can call this guy who gave me his number -" He didn't finish the sentence before Harry pounced on him , his eyebrows furrowed , "What guy ?"
"Hm , no one you should worry about ." Louis kept the act going , a small smirk on his face .
Harry leaned his head closer to Louis , "What guy ?" He repeated , before Louis started laughing .
"You're cute when you're jealous ." He laughed , "There was no guy , just wanted you to stop ignoring me ."
The scowl didn't leave Harry's face , making Louis laugh more , "I promise ! There was no guy Haz ."
Harry growled playfully at the back of his throat and brought his fingers down to Louis' sides , tickling him , "Say you're sorry for scaring the shit out of me ."
Louis threw his head back laughing and tried rolling away , though Harry was caging him down under his large frame . "I-I'm sorry !"
"Now tell me you love me and no one else ."
"H-Haz !"
"Say it or I won't stop ."
Louis kept trying to push Harry's hands away from him , though he was weak from laughing , and Harry is much stronger . "I love you and only y-you !"
"Now say you -"
"Nooo !"
Harry laughed and stopped , leaning down to kiss his cheek , "Glad we settled it down between us ."
"I hate when you use my weakness against me ." Louis pushed him off , the push was light but Harry still rolled off him to lie next to him .
"For the record , you used my weakness against me too ." Harry poked his side , Louis jerked away , "Did not ."
"Yeah you did ." Harry put his arm around Louis , "You are my weakness ."
Louis' cheeks turned bright red , "I - I am ?"
"You've always been . Always you ." Harry brushed their noses together , smiling .
Louis caressed his cheek , "Are you ever tired of being sappy ?"
"Never . Being sappy is not a choice , it's a way of life . And you are my life , therefore I shall be sappy ." Harry said with a smile , laughing along with Louis .
"You're a goof ." Louis smiled at him , "My goof ."
"And you're my baby ." Harry smiled and pressed their lips together , Louis cupped his cheeks , "We should get some sleep now ."
"Mm , okay ." Harry mumbled against his lips but made no move to get up , Louis giggled , "I'm serious ."
"Alright , alright ." Harry chuckled and pulled away , "I'll go get Bear and Milo ."
I'm so so sorry updates are late , my time is taken away by so many things , that I'm barely even home .
Also , I have a little note for you guys ;
Unfortunately , this book is about to end , as I told you before . There will be chapter 97 , then an Epilogue , and the book will be done . Of course there will be another Character Asks , but then it's over .
I'm sorry but this has to end some time , I keep dragging it and I don't want it to drag . I love the book and I'm sad it ends , but everything enfs eventually .
*The Epilogue will be extra long , it'll be their wedding and a bit of their honeymoon*
Hope you liked today's update , tell me if you didn't x
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