Ch. 95
Enjoy x
Louis and Harry landed back in the UK at eleven a.m , along with the other YouTubers ; Liam , Troye , Zoe , Alfie , Dan and Phil .
There was a very large crowd waiting outside the airport , and Louis almost forgot they're here for him too . They screeched and called all their names , the guys walked over to them and had their pictures marathon with them .
Louis then heard two familiar voices calling his name , he turned his head to try seeing who it is . His eyes widened and he grinned when he saw Lottie and Felicite in the crowd .
"Please let them through , they're my sisters ." Louis asked , the girls created a path for the two girls to run over to him and attack him in a hug .
He grinned and hugged them back , squeezing them , "What are you two doing here ? Mum and dad won't be happy ." (A\N : I don't know if you guys noticed but I never mentioned the names of Louis' parents throughout the book , bc Jay is a sweetheart and I can't picture her like that)
"They'll have to deal with it , we're old enough to decide for ourselves ." Feicite nuzzled him close , he kissed both their heads , "Could you wait for me a little more ? I'll be done with everyone then we'll go see Harry and the guys ."
"Of course , go ahead ." Lottie nodded , the two kissed his cheeks and waited for him to be done .
Once they were all done they left the crowd , Louis held both girls' hands as he walked over to his friends .
"Girls ! Hi , haven't seen you in forever ." Harry grinned and walked over to them , bringing the two into a hug . They hugged him back , giggling when he tickled them playfully .
"Guys , these are my sisters ; Lottie and Felicite ." Louis put each arm around each girl , the two waved shyly and smiled .
"Can we get pictures ?" Felicite asked , the friends nodded and took their pictures with the two .
"We'll drive you two home , yeah ? Let's go ." Harry said and took his and Louis' suitcases out to his car , allowing Louis to hold his sisters' hands .
The papparazzi were outside , Harry sighed , "Wait for me here , okay ? I'll get the car ." Harry told them and left the suitcases with them .
While Harry went to get the car from the parking lot , Louis started catching up with his sisters ; asking about the two pairs of twins , how's school been .
"What about your boyfriend eh ?" He nudged Felicite , she rolled her eyes , "We broke up , he said dad scares him ."
Louis giggled and pulled her into his side , "He is kind of scary though ."
Soon Harry called Louis to tell him he's outside , Liam helped him get their suitcases to the car through the papparazzi .
Harry was in the driver's , Liam in the passenger's and Louis and his sisters in the back .
The hour drive home was filled with jokes and laughter , they enjoyed every minute of it .
They dropped Lottie and Felicite off , but sadly they couldn't get out of the car or their dad would lose it .
"I'll see you soon , okay ? Send me pictures of you and the little ones . I love you ." Louis hugged the two , they hugged him back and promised to send the pictures .
Louis watched as the two girls got out of the car and waved at him , he blew them a kiss and watched them getting into the house .
Then they drove to their place with Liam , since they were having a dinner with everyone ; Zayn , Niall , Cara , Gemma , Anne and Robin .
Zayn , Niall and Cara were waiting at Louis and Harry's place , since Harry gave Zayn the spare keys so he could watch over Bear and Milo .
Liam got out of the car and walked into the house , smiling at Zayn . Zayn hugged him and kissed his lips , "Hey ."
"Hi . Missed you ." Liam buried his face in Zayn's neck , Zayn squeezed him and kissed his cheek , before pulling back with his eyes wide , "Harry proposed ."
Liam chuckled , "Yes , he -"
Before he could finish the sentence Zayn rushed over to Louis and engulfed him in a hug , picked him off his feet and spinned them in circles .
Louis laughed , "Someone is excited to see me ."
"You're engaged !" Zayn put him down and squished his cheeks , Louis nodded with a smile , "Yeah , I am ."
Zayn hugged him again , feeling Cara and Niall joining them .
"You have no idea how loud I screeched when I saw Harry's video ." Niall shook his head , "I'm not sailing a ship , I'm sailing a fuckin' cruise ."
Louis laughed and leaned into Niall a little , "Missed your jokes , Ni ."
"Am I not greeted too ?" Harry raised his eyebrow playfully , "Well then ."
The three left Louis and jumped on Harry in happy calls , he laughed and hugged them back .
Louis leaned on Liam's shoulder , "Were we like that when you proposed too ?"
"You have no idea ." Liam chuckled , the three let go of Harry eventually and the six walked into the house .
Bear and Milo took Louis down first , he squeaked and let them have their fun before sitting up . Harry willingly lied on his back with his arms spread to the sides , allowing the two pups to lick-attack him .
Louis giggled and wiped his face , watching as Harry sat up too with Bear laying across his legs and Milo still running around him excitedly .
Liam helped them up and he and Harry went to get two mattresses ; they were having a hang out in the living room and since they couldn't fit on the couch they decided to have mattresses , pillows and blankets .
Niall threw himself on the couch , "King of the couch !"
Louis giggled and went to help Zayn push the living room table to the corner of the room just in time for Liam and Harry to be back with the mattresses . Louis and Cara went to get a few blankets and pillows , throwing them all on the mattresses .
Cara sat next to Niall on the couch , while Zayn and Louis positioned themselves on the mattress on the floor . They cuddled under a blanket while Liam and Harry went to get the drinks and snacks Cara , Zayn and Niall brought .
Louis snuggled into Zayn's side under the blanket as they talked , Cara lied behind Louis so she could give him back scratches , and Niall moved to lie on Zayn's other side as Louis told them about the proposal .
"And then he got down on one knee and I was crying my eyes out , I was so emotional ." Louis grinned , "And Lior literally guessed it before it happened , that was so weird ."
"I saw the video on your channel and I was in tears , that was so cute ." Cara cooed , Louis laughed a little , "I don't know if he planned it or not , but it was perfect nontheless ."
Harry and Liam walked into the living room with a few drinks and snacks , stopping when they saw their fiances being cuddled to each other and others .
"I haven't seen you for five days and you cuddle someone else ?" Liam raised his eyebrow at Zayn , who rolled his eyes , "Come on Lima Bean , Louis is a great cuddle buddy ."
Liam put the drinks on the table , "I demand you get over here and cuddle me ."
Zayn laughed but turned to face Louis , they hugged each other and laughed even more at their fiances' expressions .
"So now Cara gives you back scratches , huh ?" Harry asked , Louis nodded , "Yeah , her nails make it feel really good ."
Harry scowled cutely and turned to look at Liam , "What should we do ?"
"I'm not cuddling you , mate ." Liam raised his hands , Harry rolled his eyes , "Not what I meant . How do we make them cuddle us ?"
"I cuddled with you a lot in the past four days , I want to cuddle with Zayn , Cara and Niall now ." Louis said and pulled Niall and Cara closer , so the four were all hugging each other .
"I would love to stay and cuddle you to annoy these two , but I want some snacks ." Niall said and got up , moving to sit on the edge of the mattresses so he could drag the living room table closer .
Liam quickly moved to lie behing Zayn , his arms going around him the best he could . "Are you going to cuddle me back ?"
"But I want to cuddle with Louis too ." Zayn teased back , Liam gave him his famous puppy face before starting to poke and prod his sides .
Zayn squirmed and let go of Louis to protect his body , laughing as Liam kept going even after he let go . Liam laughed along and stopped to kiss his cheek , "Hope you learned your lesson ." He turned him to face him and pressed their lips together , Louis and Cara cooed at them .
"You two are so cute ." Louis smiled at them , then gasped as Harry lied ontop of him and Cara .
"I can't breath !" Cara tried pushing Harry off , but he had each arm wrapped around them to keep them under his body .
"Haz you're crushing us !" Louis giggled and squirmed under his weight , Harry laughed and rolled off them , laying on Louis' other side .
"My ribs are crushed ." Louis wrapped his arms around his torso , Cara rolled on her side to put her head near his , "Let's give him the silent treatment until he makes it up to us ."
"Heeey ." Harry pouted , Louis winked at him with a soft smile before turning his back to him , facing Cara .
Harry looked around for help ; Niall was busy eating while taking pictures and videos of them and Zayn and Liam , Zayn and Liam were busy with themselves , kissing and talking .
He whined softly and pressed his face to Louis' back , he put his arm around both him and Cara , "Talk to me ."
Cara rolled her eyes with a smile , Louis giggled lightly and kept telling her about the YouTube party .
Harry sat up crossed legged and crossed his arms too , pouting at Louis and Cara . "I'll keep staring at you until you talk to me ."
"He's such a creep ." Louis whispered , Cara laughed a little , "We're cracking him up , but I know a way to make him apologize ."
Louis raised his eyebrows , "Okay , I'll just go along ."
Cara nodded , she scooted closer , and put her hand on the back of Louis' thigh , "You know , these jeans make your bum look really nice ."
Louis bit his lower lip not to giggle . "Really ? Don't they make it too big ?" He put his hand on his bum and gave it a gentle squeeze , Cara shook her head , "No it's perfect , only if I weren't gay huh ?"
"You can touch it , you know ." Louis encouraged as he tried not to laugh , he could hear Harry whining at the back of his throat .
Cara patted his bum softly , raising her eyebrows , "Wow , it's really soft . Like a pillow ."
"Yeah , I should -" Louis was cut off by Harry grabbing his waist and pulling him into his chest , scowling playfully at Cara , "My baby ."
"Come on Haz , you know I don't lean that way ." Cara rolled her eyes , watching with a smile as Harry pressed Louis against his chest , one arm around his waist , the other secured around his bum .
"Will you apologize for crushing us ?" Louis asked , Harry nodded and lied him back down next to Cara , "I'm sowwy I cwushed your wibs ." He said in a baby voice , "I can kiss it better if you want . I have magic kisses ."
He leaned his head down and pressed playful kisses to Louis' ribs , smiling as Louis giggled and pushed him away , "That tickles ."
Louis , Zayn and Cara finished making the table as Liam and Harry were done with the food , when there was a knock on the door . Niall , who just walked past the door , stopped to open it .
Anne walked in and gave him a hug , he rubbed her back , "Haven't seen you in forever ."
"How have you been ?" She asked and pulled back , Niall smiled , "Been good ." He shook Robin's hand and brought Gemma into a hug .
Louis and Zayn approached them , Gemma squealed and jumped on Louis in a hug . He laughed and hugged her back , "Excited much ?"
"You have no idea ! I can't believe we're going to be siblings-in-law , even though it already feels like we are ." She squeezed him and pulled back , Louis grinned at her , "Yeah , it's thrilling ."
Anne was quick to embrace him , Louis hugged her back , "You're not going to cry , are you ?" He giggled a little , Anne laughed , "You're not going to stop me from crying , this makes me emotional ."
They pulled back , Anne cupped his cheeks , "I am the happiest mother in the world ."
"I know you are . Now go greet your son , save him from Gemma's limbs ." Louis said , they laughed and pulled back . Louis turned to greet Robin , hugging him and leading him to the kitchen .
Harry had his arms around Gemma as she squeezed him , going on how happy she is and that she can't wait for the wedding .
Harry grinned and tickled her a little to let go so he could greet his mum and Robin , he wrapped each arm around them and let Anne shed a few tears before he kissed her cheek and demanded she stopped crying or she'd make him cry too .
"Well the food is all ready , if you'd like to sit at the table ." Liam said , everyone nodded and took seats . Harry and Louis brought all the food to the table before sitting down aswell .
After they were done eating Niall , Cara and Louis took all the plates and brought tea and biscuites before sitting back at the table .
Louis leaned his head on Zayn's shoulder , who smiled , "Are you tired ?"
"Yeah , but I want to stay up , it's not every day that all of us are together ." Louis lifted his head up and took a sip of his tea , Zayn put his arm around his shoulders , "You have no idea how happy it makes me watching you and Harry being happy ."
Louis smiled at him and held his hand that was wrapped around his shoulders , "I'm happy too . If you told me two years ago that I'm going to have everything I have now , I would probably laugh in your face ."
"You deserve it all ." Zayn squeezed him , Louis smiled and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek , "Thank you for being an amazing friend ."
Louis felt a finger prodding his side , he flinched and turned his head to see Harry raising his eyebrow at him , he laughed and rolled his eyes , "Stop being possessive , Haz . I was just saying thank you to Zayn for being a good friend ."
Harry pursed his lips with the same expression , Zayn chuckled and took his arm off from around Louis , allowing Louis to cuddle against Harry's side as Liam put his arm around his waist .
"You know I'm yours Haz , Zee is my best friend ." Louis put his arm around Harry's torso as he said quietly , to not interrupt anyone's chats .
"I know . But you kissed his cheek , and I got a little jealous ." Harry said back quietly , his hand rubbing Louis' side softly .
"You shouldn't get jealous , especially not over Zee . I'm marrying you , aren't I ? And Zee is marrying Li ." Louis pecked Harry's cheek , his hand moving up to push his hair back .
Harry nodded , "I know . I should control my jealously , eh ?"
"And you figured that out only more than a year later ." Louis teased , giggling as Harry laughed and kissed his forehead .
After everyone left and the house was tidied up , Harry insisted he and Louis should take a warm bath to relax .
Harry now had Louis sitting between his knees as he rubbed his hands up and down his back in a soothing way , Louis yawned and let Harry wash him .
"Come here , baby ." Harry cooed with a smile as Louis' head dropped tiredly , Louis leaned back against his chest as Harry's arms wrapped around him .
"Let's get you dried up and in some comfy clothes , yeah ?" Harry spoke quietly , pressing a kiss to his temple , then a few soft ones to his neck .
Louis nodded and sat up , Harry got out of the tub and wrapped a towel around his waist before holding a towel open for Louis . Louis got out and let Harry wrap the towel around him , "I'll go get you clothes ."
Soon enough They were dressed and ready to sleep , Harry pulled the covers back for Louis , "Get in , I'll go get Bear and Milo ."
Louis crawled into bed and lied on his side , watching with a smile as Harry walked into the room with Milo in his arms and Bear trailing right behind him .
The three got into bed , Harry turned the lamp off and kissed Louis' lips , "Get some sleep baby , good night ."
"Good night Haz ." Louis yawned and closed his eyes , smiling at the feeling of Harry's fingertips rubbing along his back until he fell asleep .
I'm sorry it took me so long to update , and I'm sorry if it was boring .
Hope you still liked it , tell me if you didn't x
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