Ch. 94
Enjoy x
Louis woke up to Harry's voice , though he wasn't talking to him . He stirred awake and shifted , slowly opening his eyes and squinting as he made out what Harry was saying .
"You have no idea . I'm still in a faze , thinking back to last night ."
He smiled , making a fist with his left hand , feeling his engagement ring with his thumb .
"He's right next to me , I think he's awake now ." There was a small pause before Harry choked on his breath , "Mum ! You should not ask me those things !"
Louis couldn't help but let out a small giggle , making Harry turn his head towards him . "Morning baby ." He whispered and leaned down to kiss his cheek , "We need to get up and get ready in a bit , it's the last day of the YouTube party , we can't miss it ."
Louis nodded and settled back down , sighing out contently as Harry ran his fingers softly through his hair .
"We'll be home tomorrow , our flight leaves at six a.m . Alright , I'll see you tomorrow . Yeah that would be amazing , of course . Love you too , bye ."
He hung up and looked down to Louis , smiling at his soft fiance . He scooted down and kissed his cheek , his jaw , his neck and his shoulder . Louis giggled softly , "Morning ."
"Good morning . Did you sleep well ?"
"Yeah , you were cozy ."
Harry chuckled lightly and pressed a long kiss to his cheek , "Let's get up now , yeah ?"
"Nooo ... five more minutes ." Louis whined and tightened the covers around him like a burrito , Harry laughed and hugged him into his chest .
They walked out of the room to see Liam , Troye , Tyler , Joey , Daniel , Phil , Dan , Alfie and Zoe standing in the hallway talking .
"Good morning ." Harry said with a smile , everyone turned to them with a grin and said 'good morning' .
Troye put his arm around Louis , "So Harry snatched you away before I could , huh ?"
Louis giggled and leaned his head on Troye's , "I'll always have a spot in my heart just for you ."
"But shh , don't tell Harry , he'll get jealous and go into Hulk mood ." Troye pretended to whisper , though did it on purpose for Harry to hear .
Harry rolled his eyes , "I don't go Hulk mood ."
"May I remind you that two nights ago you ran around the whole place looking for Louis like he was kidnapped ?" Joey teased , Harry chuckled , "Well I couldn't just leave him , someone would've taken him from me ."
"No one ever will . I promise ." Louis whispered to him and hooked his arm into Harry's , Harry smiled fondly and lifted his hand up to kiss his engagement ring , "I'll make sure of that ."
After breakfast everyone gathered into the gaming hall , the room was full of machine games .
"I haven't been to a gaming hall in years ." He mumbled mostly to himself , Harry put his arm around him , "Let's go get coins ."
He led them to the desk , they said their names and got two small bags with forty coins in each for each one of them .
Harry thanked the guy and took the coins , Liam and Troye approached them , "Want to go to the Pinball ? Scott and mitch are almost done there ."
They nodded and walked through the place , Seeing scott cheering every time Mitch flicked the ball away from the exit .
Louis giggled and went to stand next to them to watch , grinning every time Mitch called happily and scott cheered for him .
Tyler and Harry joined him while Liam was talking to Zoe and Alfie , and soon enough Scott and Mitch were done . Tyler squeaked , "My turn !" He put two coins in and started playing , Louis cheered for him and laughed when Shane joined him and cheered .
When Tyler was done Harry turned to Louis , "I'm going or you ?"
"You go ." Louis nodded at him , Harry put two coins in and put his hands on the sides of the machine , Louis watched and encouraged him , Harry bit his lip in concentration as he tried getting a high score .
Liam , Zoe and Alfie joined and watched Harry playing , but soon he failed when he couldn't flick the ball away .
"Come on Lou , your turn ." Harry gestures him over , Louis stood inftont of the machine and put two coins in , positioning his hands on the sides where the buttons are .
His eyes followed the ball , Harry watched him with a smile and cheered him . Louis bit his lip and concentrated , smiling to himself as he was almost at Harry's score .
"No ! No don't beat my score I worked hard for it !" Harry playfully called , Louis giggled and pushed him away with his hips , "Go away I need to focus ."
"No , don't beat my score ." Harry pouted playfully , now Louis was a few points away from his score . He scowled and started poking around his sides and stomach to distract him , Louis giggled and shifted away but refused to take his hands off the buttons .
"S-stop it ." He giggled and shifted away from Harry , Harry chuckled but whined as Louis beat his score and kept going .
Soon Louis failed , he sent Harry a grin , "Got you ."
Harry scowled and wrapped his arms around him to hold him in place as he pretended to bite his ear off . Louis yelped and giggled , trying to push him away .
"Go away already , you beast !" Louis squirmed away , Harry chuckled and let him go , taking his hand instead , "Let's go find another game ."
After three hours of gaming they went to have lunch , after lunch they had a big hang-out in Liam's room ; Liam , Harry , Louis , Dan , Phil , Joey , Daniel , Zoe , Alfie , Troye , Tyler , Bethany and Shane .
Louis was sitting next to Daniel on the floor , Harry and Joey leaning back on their boyfriend's and fiance's chests .
"So yeah , she tried to split us up way too many times , but as you see it's pretty impossible ." Louis smiled softly after properly telling Daniel all the crap that's happened because of Kendall .
"Damn she's awful , no wonder I'm into men ." He frowned a little , Louis giggled , "Same ."
Harry looked up at Louis , head pressed to his chest , "Are you into men , or a man ?"
"Well , I wouldn't consider the person I'm into a man .." Louis teased a little , Harry furrowed his eyebrows , "Well ?"
"I think I'm more into a giant frog who turns into the Hulk when he's jealous ." Louis said , biting his lip not to laugh . Harry smirked and raised his eyebrow , "I am not jealous . I'm just - possessive ."
"More like possessed . Even when someone just simply smiles at Louis you turn dark and go into possessed mode ." Joey said , Daniel nodded , "He's right , you're way too possessed ."
"Well you'll be possessive too if Louis were yours ." Harry defended , "And luckily this beauty is mine forever so hmm ." He stuck his tongue out , Louis laughed and blushed , "You're a dork ."
"Did you know that a dork means a whale's penis ?" Daniel said , both Louis and Harry's eyes widened .
Harry sat up and turned to face Louis , "You're been calling me a whale's dick for a year !"
"I didn't know it meant a penis , I swear !" Louis laughed , Harry scowled , "Do you know how enormous a whale's dick is ?? I'm a huge dick am I ?"
"No , Haz come on ." Louis tried talking through his giggling , Joey laughed at them , "Oi , let the boy breath , don't make him faint ."
Harry laughed and pinched Louis' cheek softly , moving to sit next to him so he could pull him to his chest .
"I forgive you for calling me a dick ." Harry playfully kissed his forehead , Louis slapped his chest , "I never called you that ."
"Come on , say that word . You've never swore ." Harry encouraged him , Louis shook his head , "No , I don't like swearing ."
"Just say 'I fucking love you' . Say that for me ?" Harry squeezed him , "Please ?"
"No , I don't swear ."
"Say it ."
"No ."
"Pretty please with a Harry ontop ?"
Louis giggled , "Stop with that phrase ."
"Did he just say Harry instead of cherry ?" Daniel looked up at Joey , who nodded , "Apparently he did . Is it an inside joke or something ?"
"He once said 'pretty please with a cherry ontop' , but I told him I don't like cherries , so he said 'pretty please with a Harry ontop' and it became a thing ." Louis explained .
"Please say 'I fucking love you' one time and I'll leave you alone ." Harry whined , Louis shook his head , "No , I don't swear , stop with it ."
Harry scrunched his face in a fake anger , "Well then , no kisses no cuddles no back scratches and no attention for you ." He said childishly and crossed his arms over his chest , moving to the other side of the room where Dan and Phil were sitting with Troye , he stared at Louis from where he sat and kept the act going .
"He looks so creepy like that ." Daniel whispered to Joey and Louis , making them laugh a little .
"I bet you he wouldn't last a minute ." Louis looked at his phone to see what time it is , Daniel tsked , "He wouldn't last ten seconds ."
Louis turned his head to Harry , giggling when he saw him still scowling with his arms crossed over his chest . He raised his eyebrow at the frog-like boy , as if asking 'Is it whats going to be' , Harry in return stuck his tongue out .
Louis thought it's cute but he just gave him a knowing look before turning to Joey and Daniel , cuddling closer to the two . Joey put his arm over Louis' shoulders , "Is it the part we're making Harry jealous ?"
"I'm feeling used ." Daniel pretended to pout , Louis giggled and poked his cheek , "I'm going to have fun with this , trust me ."
"Atleast play with my hair to make me feel better ." Daniel asked , Louis played with his hair softly , biting his lips to stop his giggles as Harry sat next to him still scowling .
"Feels so nice , you have really soft hands ." Daniel purposely said , making Harry scowl deeper , "Hands off my boy ."
"Well , you said you aren't giving me cuddles , kisses , back scratches or attention , so I have someone else give me these ." Louis leaned closer to Joey and Daniel , Harry growled at the back of his throat and grabbed his waist , tearing him (gently) away from the two .
Louis let out a squeak as he was pulled into Harry's chest , who fell backwards on the carpeted floor and pulled Louis intop of him .
"No - Haz !" Louis squealed as Harry wrapped his arms around his waist , holding him in place - and he knew what's coming . He started giggling as Harry poked and prodded at his sides and up his ribs , "Nooooo !" He kicked his legs , though he tried to be careful not to kick Harry , Joey or Daniel .
"Tell me you love me . Come on , tell me ." Harry grinned , holding the small boy tightly and enjoying his adorable giggles .
"I l-love you !"
"Good , now say 'I fucking love you' ." Harry chuckled , not letting up the tickling . Louis groaned through giggles , "But Haz ! I d-don't swear !"
"Just one time ? Pleaseee !" Harry pouted , Louis shook his head into his chest , "N-no , stop already !"
Harry whined but stopped , he held Louis' waist in his hands as he sat up , making Louis straddle his thighs . "Can you say it quietly then ? Whisper it to me so only I can hear ."
Louis calmed down and steadied his breathing again , looking at Harry with a soft pout , "One time and that's it ."
Harry nodded with a grin , he subtly pulled his phone out without Louis noticing , he hugged him close and turned the front camera on , starting to record a video .
"Say it ." He whispered , Louis leaned in , "I fookin love you ."
Harry grinned and cheered , stopping the recording and throwing his phone to the side gently , squeezing Louis into his chest . Louis giggled and let Harry have his moment , when he heard squeals .
He jumped startled out of Harry's lap , looking up to see everyone watching them .
"Sorry about that ." Louis apologized shyly , his cheeks turning bright red .
"Don't you dare apologize , you're the cutest couple ever and we'll never get enough of this adorableness ." Tyler scolded playfully , Louis smiled softly , though his blush remained .
"Are you all packed up , Harry asked , Louis nodded and yawned . Harry kissed his forehead and helped him into his coat , they took their suitcases and left the room .
They checked out of the room and waited with Liam to their ride to the airport . It was two thirty a.m and the airport is forty minutes away . Fifteen minutes later their ride arrived and they loaded their suitcases , getting into the car .
"Did you have fun ?" Harry asked a sleepy Louis , who nodded and smiled , "I loved every minute of it ."
"I'm glad ." Harry squeezed him softly into his side and kissed his temple , "We'll be home in no time , okay ?"
Louis nodded and leaned his head on his shoulder , "Thank you for everything ." He mumbled sleepily before drifting off .
Another little chapter , I quite liked that one .
Hope you liked it , tell me if you didn't x
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