Ch. 93
You will definitely enjoy this chappie . Trust me x
Harry woke up to Louis running his fingertips up and down his arm that was wrapped around his waist , as they were spooning . He pressed himself closer to the small boy , his warmth making it impossible to pull away .
"Morning , hogger ." Louis giggled softly , making Harry smile , "Morning . You're warm . And extra soft ."
Louis smiled and turned around to face him , "We need to get up for breakfast , Li texted a few minutes ago that he'd meet us down in the lobby in thirty minutes ."
Harry whined and pressed his face into Louis' next , caging him down to bed , "I don't want to get up yet ."
"I'll give you a few more minutes , we can't bail ." Louis smiled wider and moved his hand to rub Harry's back .
Soon enough the two got up and got ready for the day , they walked out of the room and greeted Joey and Daniel as they walked into the lift .
"I'm so excited for this evening , it's going to be so fun ." Joey said and turned the camera to face him , "There will be a hypnotist and a mentalist , I love those because it always works on me and it's funny ."
"And what's for the morning ?" Louis asked , they walked out of the lift when the doors opened at the lobby .
"There's like a food carnival , we go around stall of people cooking or making sweets ." Daniel said , Louis groaned and turned to Harry , "Please don't have sugar rush again ."
Harry laughed , "Oh you loved when I had sugar rush ." He wrapped his arms around the smaller boy and kissed his temple , Louis shook his head , "You were annoying , I wanted to go to sleep but you kept me up with your annoying acts ."
"Is it what happened at Niall's birthday party ?" Joey asked , Louis nodded , "Yeah , he came home with sugar rush and barely let me go to sleep ."
They met with Liam , Tyler and Troye in the entrace of the dining area . Troye put his arm over Louis' shoulder as they took plates and started filling it with food .
Louis had his hand in Harry's as they walked through the stalls , when Louis' eyes were fixed on the crepe . Harry smiled and pulled him to the stall , the lady behind the counter smiled , "Hello , want anything ?"
"Yeah , one medium size crepe ." Harry asked , she nodded , "You can choose any toppings you'd like ." The gestured to all the choices , Harry put his arm around Louis and pulled him closer , "What would you like ?"
Louis bit his lip and looked through the toppings then back at Harry , "I don't think i'll be able to finish it alone ."
"I'll eat with you , don't worry about it . Choose the toppings ." Harry squeezed him a little . Louis looked through the toppings , "Uhm , nutella , sprinkles and white chocolate chips ."
Harry nodded and told the lady what they'd like , she nodded and started filling the crepe with the toppings . Louis licked his lips watching , thanking the lady with a smile as he was handed the crepe in the carton holder .
He blew on it a little , since it was still hot , before taking a bite . He licked the corner of his lip , "This is so good ."
"Is it ?" Harry smiled at him and took a bite too , humming , "Mm , it is really good ."
They kept walking through , Liam and Bethany joined them and shortly after Louis and Harry finished eating the crepe they got ice cream . By the end of the three hours they were there they managed to eat crepe , ice cream , fries , cheese sticks and onion rings .
Louis was having slight tummy ache , while Harry had sugar rush .
"I think I need to lay down a little ." Louis said as they walked into their room , he changed into comfy sweatpants and lied on the bed , placing a hand over his tummy .
"I'll make you tea . Want some tea ? Cookies ? Anything ? I'll get you water . Maybe a snack ?" Harry rushed over , Louis giggled , "A tea would be nice , thank you ."
Harry nodded quickly and ran out of the room , returning a minute later with a tea mug . Louis sat up and thanked him , taking the mug from his hands and blowing on the steams .
"Do you want to take a nap ? Want me to rub your back ? Wait maybe you want a belly rub ? I know you like those . I can give you a foot rub . I can run you a warm bath -"
"Haz , relax ." Louis giggled , "I don't need anything else , I promise . Thank you for the offer though ." He leaned in to peck his cheek , Harry nodded , and jumped on the bed lightly , laying next to Louis , who was still sitting with the mug .
"Is your tummy feeling alright ? Do you feel sick ? I think you need a nap . I'll rub your back and your belly , give you kisses . I'll wake you up so we can get ready for the night shows ." Harry spoke , Louis took a sip of his tea and smiled down at Harry , "You're cute when you have sugar rush , though you're much less annoying than last time ." He giggled .
Harry chuckled , "Because you have tummyache and I don't want to make you sick with my rush ."
"You can go let out your rush with Niall , he's always up for it ." Louis smiled at Harry and took another sip of his tea , Harry thought a little then scooted closer , "Then I'll stay with you until you fall asleep , then I'll go to Niall ."
"You don't have to ." Louis shook his head , "Go now , I don't mind ."
"But I want to stay with you some more ." Harry pouted and placed his head on Louis' lap , Louis tangled one hand in his short hair , the other holding the mug .
He finished drinking his tea , now his tummy feeling better . He got under the soft covers and lied on his side , Harry wrapped his arm around him and kissed his cheek , "I'll wake you up for shower , get some rest ."
Louis smiled and scooted slightly closer , Harry pressed a warm kiss to the back of his neck and stayed with him until he fell asleep .
As soon as he was sure Louis was fully asleep he slowly got out of bed and reached for his phone , texting Liam asking if he has what he brought him . When Liam texted he does , Harry's heart picked up beating . He smiled and let out a breath , going to choose clothes for him and Louis for the night shows .
Louis and Harry walked into the place , quickly finding Liam , Troye , Tyler , Alfie and Zoe sitting close to the stage . They joined them , sitting down on the designed garden sofas . (A\N I didn't know what else to call it , a short sofa ? nah)
Harry and Liam quickly shared knowing looks before engaging in a conversation with everyone until the first show starts .
soon enough the lights in the place dimmed and the hostess walked up to the stage , everyone cheered and clapped .
"Geed evening guys , so unfortunately this is the last night of the YouTube Party , so without much waiting let's start . First to come up will be Richard Barker , a hypnotist ."
The crowd cheered and clapped as the guy walked on stage , shaking the host's hand .
"Hello , as said I'm Richard Barker . Now before we start I want to ask a question ; do any of you think Hypnotism is fake ?" The guy asked as stage workers placed a row of chairs on the stage .
A few lifted their hands , he nodded with a small smile , "Yeah I get that a lot . Now tonight one of my goals , apart from making you all laugh , I'll try to show you that it is not fake . And just so you know , some people can not get hypnotised , it works differently on different minds . Now I'm going to ask for fifteen volunteers , who wants to try ?"
"I'm going to try ." Harry told Louis and lifted his hand up , Richard nodded for him to come up as other YouTubers walked up the stage after being chosen .
They all sat on the chairs , Louis filmed it all on Harry's camera .
The lights dimmed and Richard talked to the volunteers , who had their eyes closed as they listened to his voice .
(A\N : Go watch his video from the session he did at this college , it's hilarious)
The lights lit back up and he started talking , "Hello , welcome back guys , let's get to know you a little ." He approached Joey , "Hello , what's your name ?"
"Joey ."
Richard held his hand out , "Nice meeting you Joey ." As Joey put his hand in for a handshake Richard pulled at his arm , making him fall back asleep and the crowd laughed and watched as he slowly put everyone back to sleep .
"Now only the volunteers , there's the situation ; you are tiny little goldfish swimming around in the tank , you keep your eyes closed . You swim around , swim swim swim , use your hands , use your legs , use your face . One , two , go ." He called and all fifteen volunteers rose up in their seats , their arms and legs creating swimming motions .
The crowd fell over laughing , Louis tried to hold the camera still while watching Harry acting like a goldfish .
(I don't feel like writing so much , I'll skip . Watch the show to know kind of how it goes)
Soon Richard's show was finished , the crowd cheered and clapped as the volunteers went back to their seats .
The hostess walked back to the stage , "Thank you Richard , you were incredible . Now our next guest is a mentalist , he goes all around the world doing shows and blowing people's minds . Please welcome Lior Suchard !"
Everyone cheered and clapped as the guy walked on stage , he took the mic from the hostess and turned to the crowd .
"Hello , I'm Lior and I'm a mentalist . Everything I do aren't magic tricks , they're experiments , I use all my five senses to create a sixth one . I have the ability of reading body language and know how a person thinks . For starters , who wants to try ?" He looked at the crowd , Tyler lifted his hand up .
"Come here , we'll do something ." Lior called him , "Bring your phone with you ."
Tyler got up and went on stage , everyone cheered for him .
"Hello , what's your name ?" Lior asked and passed him the mic .
"Tyler ."
"Alright Tyler , so take out your phone and go on your calculator ." Lior asked , Tyler nodded and tapped his phone a few times . "Done ."
"Now , type in a four digits number , doesn't matter what numbers ." Lior said and thanked the stage worker who handed him a marker a a large notepad .
"Done ." Tyler said .
"Okay , now devide it ina three digits number , again doesn't matter what number , then press equal ." Lior said , "Now while you're doing that I'm going to write down a number that I have in my mind ."
"Done ." Tyler said again , "What now ?"
"Okay , now I'm going to ask you - do I know any of the numbers you used ?"
"No ."
"Did I see or peek at your phone while you calculated ?"
"No ."
"Right , so there isn't a chance that I know ."
"Right ."
"So now tell us the number ." Lior said and turned the notepad to the audience , as Tyler read the exact number Lior wrote . The crowd laughed and cheered , Lior showed Tyler the notepad , making him squeak and laugh .
A few more tricks later Lior said , "Now for the last experiment of the show I need a couple , is there any couple here who would like to try ?"
Harry quickly lifted his hand up , Lior looked through the crowd and then pointed at Harry , who was gesturing for him and Louis . "You two , come here ."
Harry got up and took Louis' hand as the crowd cheered , Louis blushed and let Harry lead him up to the stage .
"Hello , what's your names ?"
"Harry ."
"Louis ."
"Nice meeting you , uh okay let's start . Now Louis you come here , stand on my other side ." Lior told Louis , so he was standing between the two .
"Now Louis , close your eyes . Okay ? And you'll feel slight touching on you , but don't be scared , it won't hurt ." Lior said and turned to Harry , tapping his nose a little .
He turned his head to Louis , "Did you feel anything ?"
"Yeah ."
"Show me where ."
Louis pointed to his nose , his eyes still closed . The crowd laughed a little , making Louis giggle nervously .
"Alright , now hold your hand out ." He lifted Louis' hand so it was stretched in front of him , then did the same to Harry . He tapped the back of Harry' hand a few times and asked Louis if he felt anything and where . Louis pointed to the back of his hand , the crowd laughed again .
"Good , good . One last thing ." He turned Harry to the side and poked at his side a few times , watching as Louis giggled and shifted away .
"Did you feel anything ?"
"Yeah , here ." Louis pointed to his side , the crowd laughed .
"Okay , you can open your eyes now ." Lior told Louis , "Now I want to ask the crowd - did I touch Louis ?"
The crowd called 'no' , making Louis raise his eyebrows , "But I felt it ."
"I know you did , but I actually touched Harry the whole time ." Lior said , Louis looked at Harry for confirmation , his mouth gaped as Harry nodded and laughed .
The crowd clapped , and before the two went off stage Lior turned to Harry , "I really have to ask you , because the whole time you were here you were distracted . Is it true you weren't completely focusing ?"
"Yeah , my mind was somewhere else ."
"Want me to try to guess what you were thinking about ?"
Harry bit his lip and nodded , he looked to the crowd and locked his eyes with Liam before turning to Lior .
Lior took the large notepad and the pen , Louis watched the two intensely . Harry's heart was racing as Lior looked at him , then smiled and asked , "Is it something to do with Louis ?"
"Yes ."
Lior nodded and wrote something on his notepad , "Is it someting you want to do right now ?"
"Yes ."
"Then go for it ." Lior simply said and gave him the mic before moving back , Harry took a deep breath and turned to Louis , taking his hand .
"Lou ," He started , smiling softly , "It took me weeks to think of how to ask you , where to ask you . But I figured it doesn't really matter , because it's you and you make everything perfect ." He broke their eye contact when he felt Liam handing him something , he took it and turned his attention back to Louis .
"I know this is a little too soon , but I love you so so much that I really can't wait to do it . We belong together , you know it , I know it - hell , the whole world knows it ." He chuckled , blocking out the squeals from the crowd as he lifted up the velvet box and went down on one knee .
Louis' chest felt heavy and his hands covered his mouth , watching with teary eyes as Harry opened the box , revealing two silver rings .
"Louis , will you marry me ?"
As soon as he dropped the question Louis felt tears streaming down his face , the crowd went crazy and Lior held up the notepad , that said 'Proposal' .
The crowd started chanting 'Yes ! Yes ! Yes !' , Louis wiped his tears and took a deep breath , giving Harry a wet smile . "Y-yes ."
Harry grinned and rose up , pressing his lips to Louis' as the crowd went mental . They pulled back so Harry could put the engagement ring on Louis , handing Louis the other ring to put on his finger .
Harry tucked the box into his back pocket and wrapped his arms tightly around Louis' waist , lifting him off his feet as he wrapped his arms around his shoulders , crying softly into his neck .
"Congratulations , wishing you the best ." Lior said with a smile and went off stage , Harry walked right after him to the backstage .
The hostess walked up to the stage to wrap up the show , as soon as it was over their friends ran up to the backstage too to greet them .
Harry grinned into Louis' shoulder , "I hope it's happy tears ."
Louis giggled wetly and nodded , Harry put him back down on his feet and pulled back to wipe his cheeks . Louis cupped his cheeks and pressed their lips together , Harry wrapped his arms tightly around him .
"I can't believe you did it ." Louis shook his head , Harry chuckled , "Me neither ."
Louis smiled and leaned in for another kiss , before they were attacked in happy calls and a massive group hug .
Louis giggled as he was snatched away from Harry and into Tyler and Troye's hug , letting the two squeeze him excitedly .
"I'm so freaking happy for you !" Tyler screeched , Louis giggled and thanked him , allowing Joey and Daniel to hug him too .
Soon enough after a hugging session they were asked to go out so the place can be organized .
Harry put his arm around Louis' waist , pulling him close as they walked out of the place . All the YouTubers who didn't go backstage cheered and clapped as soon as they stepped out , Louis grinned as tears rose up to his eyes once again .
"We're going to hang out in Liam's room , let's go ." Daniel said and put his arm around Harry , the group walked up to the lift and to Liam's room .
Troye , Liam , Joey and Alfie all ran up to the bed and jumped on it , Harry pulled Louis to the armchair in the corner of the room and sat down , pulling Louis to sit sideways as he kissed his cheek .
Harry couldn't get his hands off Louis , he had to be in a constant touch with him , kiss him on his lips , on his cheek , rub his hands on his back or just simply squeeze him to his chest .
It was a few hours later that everyone were tired , they said good night's and went back to their rooms .
Harry unlocked the door to his and Louis' room , the two walked in and kicked off their shoes .
Louis turned to Harry , he stood on his tiptoes and kissed him , Harry smiled and put his hands on his waist to pull him closer .
"Baby ?" Harry asked , their noses touching . Louis hummed , Harry pecked his lips , "I love you ."
"I love you too ." Louis snuggled into his chest , Harry wrapped him tightly and kissed his head , tilting his head up to kiss his lips again .
"Mm , Haz ?"
"Yeah ?"
"C-can we - you know , uhm -"
Harry smiled softly , "Let's get the items ." He grabbed the back of his thighs and hoisted him up on his hips .
Harry handed Louis his boxers after putting on his own , Louis thanked him and slid the pair on . Harry got in bed and kissed his slightly swollen lips , "Get some rest , we had a long day ."
Louis snuggled up to his chest , "I've never been happier in my life ."
"Me too . I can't stop smiling ." Harry chuckled and kissed his temple , "I love you ."
"Love you too . Good night ."
"Night baby ."
Sooo in a few chappies the book is over . I'm sad , but it's dragging ...
Love you guys , hope you liked it , tell me if you didn't x
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