Ch. 92

Double updaing this week because I feel like shit and like I've let you down . Sorry .

Enjoy x


"Lou is packing for his first YouTube party ." Harry turned the camera to Louis , who smiled as he placed a few jeans into the suitcase . 

"Are you excited ?" Harry asked , Louis nodded , "Yeah , I'm pretty excited . And nervous , and afraid , and confused -"

"Why are you afraid ?" Harry put the camera down and approached him , Louis sighed and sat on the bed next to the suitcase , "I just am . It's my first YouTube party , and it's a big thing . I just - I don't know what to expect ."

"Expect it to be the best time of your life ." Harry smiled and kissed his forehead , Louis nodded , "Yeah , okay ."

"Go on packing , love , we need to take a nap before driving to the airport ." He rubbed Louis' back , Louis got up and went to get more clothes .


Once at the airport they greeted the fans , Louis was still having a hard time getting used to being known by strangers . 

"We love you so much !" One of the fans grinned at him , he smiled back and blushed , "Thank you . You guys are incredible ."

"You make Harry so happy , I just love seeing you two being cute with each other ." Another girl said , Louis' blush deepened , "It's mainly Harry insisting on being affectionate all the time , but I don't mind at all ." He giggled .

"I think you're very beautiful ." A guy said and smiled at him , Louis thanked him with a smile when he and Harry were called , they need to go .

"I need to go now , but it was nice talking to you ." He said and waved goodbye , turning to leave when a hand grasped his arm . He turned to face the same guy , who was still smiling , "Can I get your number ? We could get to know each other ."

"I'm sorry but I have a boyfriend ." Louis said apologetically and went to pull his arm away but the guy pulled him closer , "I insist . I want to know you better ." He tried putting his other arm around Louis but Louis pushed him away , when the fans around them stood up for him .

"Let him go jackass , he has a boyfriend !"

"Who the fuck do you think you are ?!"

Louis felt Harry's arms wrap around him , "We need to go ."

Louis bit his lower lip as he watched the guy being attacked , not physically but the fans were standing up for him . He felt a little sorry for the guy , but his heart burst at the fans' actions .

"They stood up for me ." He mumbled , Harry kissed his cheek , "They love you and adore you , of course they will ."

"I-I just - I never expected this many people , especially strangers , to stand up for me . Me ."

"We will all stand up for you ." Harry turned his head up to peck his lips , Louis nodded and pressed his forehead against his chest .


They landed in the US several hours later , it was almost two a.m . Louis was exhausted , since he wasn't able to sleep on the plane . Harry had his arm wrapped around him to keep him close and safe , they went through security and got their suitcases .

A crowd of fans was waiting at the airport , Harry turned to Louis , "Do you want to go greet them ?"

Louis nodded and yawned , Harry kissed his forehead as they went to the crowd .

The fans noticed Louis was tired , they hugged him and took a few pictures , Louis tried his best not to look so sleepy but he was so exhausted . Harry put his arm around his waist , Louis magnetically pressed up to his chest , eyes closed .

The fans cooed as they kept taking pictures and videos , Harry kissed the top of his head and smiled , "Isn't he adorable ?"

"The most adorable in the world !!"

"Look at his sweater paws I'm dying !"

"He's so soft oh my god ."

Harry grinned and squeezed his boy slightly tighter , "We'll get going now , don't want to keep him up more . It was lovely meeting you ."

The fans waved goodbye , Louis smiled and waved back as Harry led him out of the building into the arranged ride to the hotel all the YouTubers are staying at .

Harry sat on one side of the backseat , letting Louis lay across the other two seats with his head on his lap . Louis clutched one of Harry's hands to his chest , the other hand massaging his scalp and running through his hair .

An hour and a half later they reached the hotel , Harry asked Joey and Daniel to come help him with their suitcases while he carries Louis . He felt bad for asking them at four a.m to come help him , but they told him it's okay since they slept through their flight and they can't sleep now anyways .

The driver took the suitcases out of the trunk while Harry woke Louis up , "Baby , we're here . Let's get out of the car , then I'll carry you up to bed ." He then turned to thank the driver , shaking his hand and tipping him before returning to Louis .

Louis sleepily slipped out of the car , Harry scooped him up into his chest just as Joey and Daniel walked out of the hotel .

"Aw , how cute ." Daniel cooed , Joey moved Louis' fringe from his forehead , "He's so tiny ."

"He is ." Harry held him closer and watched as the two grabbed the two suitcases . They walked into the warm lobby , Joey helped Harry get his and Louis' room key .

They got into the lift , Harry rocked Louis softly while Daniel filmed them for Joey's vlog .

"You'll make me puke rainbows one say ." He said quietly , Harry chuckled , "How can I resist him ?"

"Who's watching Bear and Milo ?" Joey asked .

"We let Niall stay at our place , sadly he can't be here since he isn't a YouTuber ." Harry said in almost a whisper .

"His new song is amazing , I knew he could sing well but this song is just - wow ." Daniel said before the lift doors opened , they stepped out and walked down the hall .

"Yeah , he signed up secretly since he doesn't want to brag about it , but he's an amazing singer ." Harry nodded and let Joey open the door for him , thanking him and walking in . He placed Louis softly on the bed and took off his shoes , going to thank Joey and Daniel for their help .

They said goodbye and the couple left the room , Harry locked the door and turned to go to Louis .

He smiled at his sleeping form , leaning down to kiss his cheek . "Baby ?" He shook him softly , Louis whined a little before opening his eyes , "Haz ?"

"I'm here . Do you want to shower now or when you wake up ? Because you need to change your clothes , don't want you to sleep in uncomfortable jeans ." He spoke softly while rubbing up and down his back .

Louis nodded , "Yeah , I'll change . Shower in the morning ." He mumbled into the pillow , Harry chuckled softly and went to get him comfy clothes . Louis sleepily , eyes half closed , changed into his new clothes and let Harry tuck him into bed .


They woke up around ten a.m , the YouTube party starts officially tonight . There will be a DJ , drinks , snacks and glowing paint .

Harry decided to order breakfast to their room , he knew Louis is exhausted and he didn't want to force his tiny boyfriend out of the room .

Louis woke up to Harry scratching his back , making him smile . "Morning . Keep going ."

Harry chuckled and leaned in to kiss his cheek , "Morning . I just ordered up breakfast ."

Louis hummed and closed his eyes again , "How did I get here last night ?"

"I carried you . Joey and Daniel helped me with the suitcases ." Harry scooted closer , "Couldn't bring myself to wake you up at the car , you were exhausted and needed to sleep ."

"You could've woken me up , you shouldn't have carried me ." Louis shook his head , Harry pecked his nose , "I love holding you anyways ." He grinned at Louis' soft blush .

"I'll go shower and brush my teeth ." Louis slipped out of bed and walked into the bathroom , closing the door behind him .

Fifteen minutes later Louis walked out of the bathroom dressed in one of Harry's shirts and sweatpants just as breakfast arrived , Harry put on cartoons , Louis' choice , and who's Harry to resist the tiny boy .

They sat on the bed and ate pancakes while watching cartoos , and after breakfast Liam , Troye , Tyler , Joey and Daniel joined them , all hanging out .

"You were so adorable last night ." Daniel cooed at Louis , Joey joined , "Oh my god yes , you were so freaking cute ."

Louis blushed from behind Harry , as he massaged his back , he smiled and pressed his face shyly to his spine . Harry chuckled , "They aren't wrong , you know ."

"Stop ." Louis whined quietly , "You'll make me blush harder ."

"What if it's my intention ?"

"Then stop ."

"What if I don't want to ?"

"What if I punch you ?"

"What if I get you back ?"

"You'd never punch me ."

"I'd tickle you ."

"Nooooo ." Louis whined , Harry laughed , and for a few moments they forgot they're surrounded by others until Tyler screeched a little .

"I'm sorry that was just so cute !!" He laughed and covered his mouth .


"Baby , are you ready ?" Harry asked as he put his shoes on , Louis nodded , "Yeah , just - just my shoes ." He took his white Adidas from near the door and sat on the bed , slipping them on . 

Harry took the room key and his phone , Louis took his phone too , "Do you think we should take our coats ?"

"No , the party is inside the hotel , there's no need to ." Harry said and took Louis' small hand in his own , intertwining their fingers together . They left the room and went to the lift , greeting Dan and Phil .

"How are you two ? We haven't seen you in a while ." Dan asked , Phil rolled his eyes , "Dan , we saw them a week ago at Harry's birthday party ."

"Oh . Right . Still , how have you two been ?" Dan asked again , Louis giggled , "We've been good , you ?"

They walked into the lift as the doors opened , Phil pushed the lobby button and the doors closed .

"We've been good too ." Dan nodded , "Is Harry still a pain in the butt ?"

"Sometimes ." Louis laughed , Harry elbowed him , "You love me ." He scowled and crossed his arms over his chest , turning his back to face him .

Louis put his arms around his torso , cheek pressed to his shoulder blade . "Hazza ?" He giggled a little , "Don't be mad , you know I love you ."

The lift doors opened , Dan and Phil stepped out , Harry right after them with Louis giggling behind him .

He put his small hands on Harry's sides and stopped him from walking , turning the giant frog-boy to face him , "Talk to me ?"

Harry kept the playful scowl on , trying not to give in . Louis raised his eyebrow and laughed , "You know two can play this game , right ?" He reached up to poke his cheek before following Dan and Phil into the place , where the party is .

Harry is left wide-eyed , a second later taking-off running into the place to look for Louis . He greeted his friends and asked if they saw Louis , but every person he asked pointed in a different direction from the other .

He decided to look for Troye , Tyler , Liam , Joey or Daniel , knowing Louis would most likely be with them . 

He thanked his height as he was able to look over people's heads and shoulders , but Louis was so tiny - and that made it a little harder to find him .

Soon enough he saw Joey and Daniel , he ran up to them , "Have you seen Louis ?"

"Yeah , he went to get gummy candy with Troye and Tyler ." Daniel said . "What's the rush ?"

"That little pixie has me wrapped around his finger ." He said and quickly took off , leaving Joey and Daniel laughing .

He got to the sweets table , seeing Louis laughing with Troye as Troye had his arm wrapped around Louis . It was a friendly gesture , but Harry wanted Louis to himself at the moment . He marched towards them and tapped Louis' shoulder , Louis turned to face him and smiled , "Hey , we got gummy candy ! My favour- mmph"

Harry cut him off with a kiss , one arm around his neck , the other around his waist - bringing him as close as he possibly could .

Louis couldn't help but giggle like mad into the kiss , "Possessive much ?"

"Sometimes I hate how you control me so easily ." Harry mumbled , "But I can't help but love it at the same time ."

Louis blushed deeply and hid his face in Harry's chest , Harry wrapped both arms around him and kissed the top of his head .

"Is there a good enough reason you two just made out in front of the whole place ?" Tyler asked , Harry shook his head with a fond smile , "Louis was being a little tease ."

"I'm not little ." Louis slapped his back , Harry leaned down to place his chin ontop of his head , "You're oh so tiny , my baby ."

Louis was about to protest again but then the DJ started playing the music louder , Harry grinned down at him and pulled him to the dance floor , where Liam , Alfie , Zoe and Bethany were already taking place .


Harry , once again , carried a tired Louis up to their room . This time Louis had his arms and legs wrapped around Harry instead of being carried bridal style , not that in mattered to Harry . The small boy was light , he didn't mind at all .

Harry pressed a warm kiss to his neck , "We're almost up baby , do you want to shower or bath ? Or maybe in the morning ?"

"My feet hurt too much , don't want to stand any more ." Louis mumbled into his shoulder , Harry smiled and cooed .

"We can take a warm bath and I'll give you a foot rub . How does that sound ?" Harry held him closer , Louis nodded , "Okay ."

Harry opened the door to their room and walked in , kicking it closed with his foot . He placed Louis on the counter in the bathroom and turned the faucet on , waiting until the water got warm enough .

"Get undressed , I'll get us clothes ready ." Harry kissed his cheek and walked out of the bathroom , Louis kicked his shoes off and whined at the pain , slowly taking his clothes off until he's left with his boxers .

Harry walked into the bathroom undressed to his boxers aswell , "The clothes are ready , and I got you a bath bomb ." He handed Louis the ball , Louis smiled and thanked him before taking and putting it in the water .

When the bath was ready Harry helped Louis in before getting in himself , they sat on each end of the tub . Harry took Louis' feet into his lap as he massaged them gently .

"Feels so amazing ." Louis leaned back and closed his eyes , Harry smiled and kept going , knowing the hot water and rubs always helped Louis get over hurt feet .

Fifteen minites later the water got slightly colder , Harry got out first and wrapped a towel around his waist , holding a towel open for Louis .

"I'll go get you your clothes ." Harry kissed the tip of his nose and walked out of the bathroom , Louis started drying himself and thanked Harry as his clothes were placed on the counter .

Louis walked out of the bathroom dressed just as Harry was pulling on his sweatpants , Louis lied in bed under the covers , pecking Harry's cheek as he joined him , "My feet feel much much better . Thank you ."

"You're welcome ." Harry smiled and pecked his lips , "Let's get some sleep now , yeah ? We have a long day tomorrow ."

Louis nodded , Harry turned the lights off and opened his arms for Louis to snuggle into his bare chest .

"Night Haz ."

"Good night baby ."


Hope you liked it , tell me if you didn't x


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