Ch. 81

Enjoy x


Louis woke up the morning after to Harry tracing shapes on his back under his shirt while nosing his cheek and neck . He smiled sleepily , "Morning , creep ."

Harry chuckled and pressed a warm kiss to his neck , "Morning . Care to explain why I'm a creep ?"

"You're watching me when I sleep . You kiss me when I sleep ." Louis said and yawned , Harry laughed softly , "It's not the first time , you know . It's just the first time you catch me ."

Louis laughed into the pillow , "That just proves you're a creep ."

"Mm , perhaps ." Harry grinned and kissed his cheek , "Do you want to get up now or stay a little longer ? I mean , we don't really have anywhere to go , it's raining outside ."

"I want to stay a little more ." Louis snuggled back into Harry's chest , Harry nodded , "Okay . My mum and Robin are at work , so it's only us and Gems . I'll get up to make us some breakfast ."

"Wait no , stay with me some more ." Louis caught Harry's arms in his small hands before he could get up , Harry smiled softly and nuzzled back into his neck , "Do you want me to keep you warm ?"

"Yeah ." Louis nodded with a smile , closing his eyes . Harry returned his hand under Louis' shirt to trace shapes on his back , his skin was warm and soft .

Fifteen minutes later they decided to get up , Harry carried Louis over his shoulder and sat him on the counter in the kitchen .

"I'll make us tea ." Harry gave his hips a soft squeeze and went to put the kettle on while he got them mugs .

"What do you want for breakfast ?" Harry asked , "Mum has pretty much every ingredient we need ."

"I don't know , I don't really mind ." Louis shrugged , tucking Harry's hair behind his ear . Harry smiled at him , "I was kind of thinking about making pancakes , Gems loves when I make her pancakes with white chocolate chips . What do you say ?"

"Sounds delicious ." Louis smiled back , thanking him when he was handed his tea mug .

Gemma soon walked into the kitchen sleepily , "Where's my food ? I heard something about my favourite pancakes ."

Harry chuckled and held his arm open , Gemma hugged him and leaned on him sleepily .

"Yeah , I asked Louis what should I make for breakfast , and told him about your favourite pancakes ." Harry said with a smile and poked her side , "And if you ask nicely , I'll make them ."

She slapped his hand away , "Can you please make me some pancakes , frogface ?"

Harry pretended to scowl and wrestled her to the floor , making her squeal . Louis giggled at the two siblings , filming them for his Snapchat Story .

"Get off !" Gemma screeched , Harry laughed and messed her hair all over , she groaned loudly and ruffled his hair aswell .

Harry rolled off to the side , laying next to her . Louis took a picture and captioned The aftermath , with a cry laughing emoji .

Harry got up and helped Gemma up aswell , she jumped on the counter to sit next to Louis , "You should get a warrior badge for dealing with this frogface every day ."

Louis laughed , "Yeah , Cara alreay said that . I really should , though ."

"I'm right here , you know ." Harry poked Louis' side , Louis swatted his hand away , "We know , that's why we're talking about you ."

"Yeah , what's the fun about making fun of you if you're not here to listen ?" Gemma said , both her and Louis giggling .

"And you say I'm the mean one ." Harry rolled his eyes and turned to mix the ingredients for the pancakes mix .

Gemma's phone rang from her room , she jumped off the counter , "I'll be back soon ."

Louis turned his head back to Harry , "Haz ?"

Harry didn't answer , Louis giggled a little , "Hazza ? Are you mad ?" He reached his hand out to push his hair back , but Harry scooted away from him .

Louis smile faltered , "Harry ? Are you - are you really mad ?" He jumped off the counter , Harry didn't answer or turned to look at him .

Louis started panicking a little , thinking Harry was upset with him . "D-do you - do you want me to go ? Let you c-cool off ?"

Harry's heart clenched at Louis' slightly shaky voice , he was just playing with him - he didn't think he'll actually believe him . He quickly turned around , to see the boy with a scared frown on his face .

"No , baby , I - come here ." He walked over to him and hugged him , "I'm sorry , I was just playing with you . Didn't think you'll take it seriously ."

Louis let out a sigh of relief , "Oh thank god , I thought I took it too far with Gemma ."

"No , not at all . She always teases me like that ." Harry hugged him slightly tighter , "Sorry I worried you ."

"Don't apologize , I should've known you were playing ." Louis pulled back , Harry pressed their lips together and rubbed their noses , "Want to help me with the mix while I get the pan ready ?"

Louis nodded , Harry took him to the counter and handed him the whisk , "Do you remember how to whisk ?"

"Yeah ." Louis took the whisk , stirring the mix while Harry got the pan from the cabinet and put it on the stove .

Gemma walked back downstairs , "Are my pancakes ready ?"

"Not yet ." Harry said and added the white chocolate chips into the mix , letting Louis whisk it some more .

"I'll go put on some music ." Gemma said and went to the stereo system in the living room , blasting LA Devotee .

Harry wrapped his arms around Louis from behind as Louis watched the pancake on the pan , he moved them side to side , Louis giggled and tried shying away from him . Harry had a tight grip on his waist , hugging him tighter when he tried escaping .

He flipped the pancake , his large hand engulfing Louis' small one as they flipped the pancake together .

"Any song suggestions ?" Gemma poked her head into the kitchen .

"Still Breathing by Green Day ." Louis said , Gemma nodded and went to put it on when the song before was over .

"Since when do you listen to Green Day ?" Harry asked and poured pancake mix onto the pan .

"Well , I heard a few songs before , and quite recently I started listening to the new ones too ." Louis said , Harry nodded his head to the beat , "It's a good song ."

Harry let Louis flip the pancake , "Any other new good songs ?"

"Uhm , Bang Bang is really good ." Louis said , and Harry told Gemma to put it next .

Soon the pancakes were ready , Gemma got the maple and chocolate syrups as Harry and Louis made the table .

Harry took a picture of them with mouthful of pancakes , and uploaded one to his Instagram .

"When are you going back home ?" Gemma asked , Harry raised his eyebrow , "Trying to get rid of us already ?"

"I want to know how much time I have left to spend with Louis so we can tease you some more ." Gemma said , kicking Harry gently under the table . Harry nudged her foot away , "Shut it , I beat you at wrestling ."

"That's because I was tired from just waking up , let's see what you got after breakfast ." Gemma challenged .

"What do you say about filming it ? We could do the Wrestling Challenge ." Harry suggested , Gemma thought for a second before nodding , "Bring it on ."

After breakfast Harry settled his camera in the living room , so it was showing the carpet , where him and Gemma will have the 'match' .

Louis sat on the couch as Harry and Gemma sat crossed legged on the carpet in front of the camera . "Hello there , Harry here . Today I'm joined with my lovely sissy Gemma , who I'm going to beat in the next challenge ."

"Keep dreaming , frogface ." Gemma pushed his shoulder , Harry chuckled , "You wish , you're weaker than me ."

"No I'm not ." Gemma protested , Harry rolled his eyes playfully and looked back to the camera , "Today we'll be doing the Wrestling Challenge , mainly because we're just children and like beating each other ."

The settled on two sides of the carpet , and Louis counted , "One , two , go !"

The crawled on their knees towards each other , hands held forward to tackle the other . Gemma jumped forward and tackled Harry onto his back , "Take this !"

"No you take this !" Harry rolled them over and held her down , "Let's see you escaping that !"

Gemma struggled to get out of Harry's grip , so she dug her long fongernails into his abs , making him flinch back . She rolled them around , quickly moving to sit on his back , "Told you I'm the better Styles !"

"That's cheating ! You want to play like that ?! Fine !" Harry rolled on his side , knocking Gemma off him . He quickly wrapped his arms around her before she could get up and knock him back down .

Gemma tried untangling his arms , but he was just so strong . She screeched when she felt his fingers on her sides , "Y-you can't do that !"

"If you use your advantages against me , I can use mine against you aswell !" Harry proceeded , laughing along with her .

He pinned her down , counting to ten before stopping the tickling and rising up on his knees , "I'm the winner !"

"You're a bloody cheater ." Gemma gasped for air , both her and Harry turned their heads to Louis who giggled like mad at the two .

"You're such a funny entertainment ." Louis giggled , Harry chuckled and looked down to Gemma , "Another round ? Bet I'll beat you again ."

"You wore me out , frogface . Go away ." Gemma got up from the floor and walked over to the couch , flopping down next to Louis .

"Lou , want to have a try ?" Harry held his hand out , Louis shook his head , "I've been there way too many times , I'm not going to lose again ."

"Oh come on , who will I wrestle then ?"

"Try wrestling yourself . I'll pay for your psychiatrist ." Gemma threw one of the couch's pillows at him and Louis giggled , Harry stuck his tongue out , "Nice try ." He threw the pillow back and turned to the camera .

"Well , since I'm the winner , Gemma is going to do something for me . Because she lost ." He chuckled , "I was thinking about you posting a tweet , admitting that I'm the stronger Styles ."

Gemma rolled her eyes and handed him her phone , "Make this quick ."

Harry laughed mischievously , quickly posting the tweet . Gemma held her hand out for her phone but Harry shook his head , "If you want it back , then come take it ."

She raised her eyebrow , "Really now ?"

"Really now ."

She got up from the couch and tried snatching her phone , but Harry held it above his head . "Reach for it ."

"I won't . Hand it over ." She held her hand out , Harry shook his head , "You want it , reach for it ."

"You're making me do this . You'll regret it ." And with that , she kneed him . Louis gasped , trying to contain his giggles . Harry groaned and bent down , cupping his lower area . Gemma took her phone , "Thank you ." She smiled and went to sit on the couch .

Harry fell to the ground on his side , Louis got up , "Haz ?" He kneeled next to him , "You okay ?"

"Get me some ice ." He said in a squeaky voice , Louis giggled and went to get a small pack of ice . He handed it to Harry , who pressed it to his area with a sigh .

"Now who's stronger , huh ?" Gemma remarked , Harry threw the ice pack at her , making her squeak , "Harry !"

"You deserve it !" He said and got up , doing launches to stretch his area . He turned to the camera , "So this is the video , I'll see you guys next time . All the love ." He waved with a small smile , sending a kiss and stopped the recording .


"It was lovely having you over ." Anne hugged Harry with a smile , Harry squeezed her , "It was nice coming over ."

They pulled back , Anne hugged Louis , "Take good care of him , yeah ?"

"Promise ." Louis nodded with a smile , Anne pulled back and kissed his forehead , turning to kiss Harry's cheek .

Harry opened the passenger's door for Louis and got in the driver's , they waved at Anne and started their ride back home .

"We have quite a long drive , so if you're tired there's a blanket in the backseat ." Harry told Louis and put his hand on his thigh , Louis nodded , "Okay ." He placed his hand on Harry's .

Harry smiled down at their hands , "Look how tiny your hand is on mine ." He chuckled softly , Louis giggled , "Your hand is just enormous ."

"You're so tiny and small . I mean , pretty much everything about you is small . Except for your heart ." Harry smiled when Louis blushed . "And that amazing bum of yours ." Harry gave the side of his bum a soft pinch , Louis squeaked , "Hey !"

Harry laughed , Louis swatted his arm , "Focus on driving , will you ?"


They reached home two and a half hours later , it was eleven p.m . Louis was fast asleep in the passenger's , so Harry carried him into the house and placed him on the bed , sending Liam a quick text he'll pick Bear and Milo up in the morning .

He went to get their suitcases and locked the car , going into the house . He left the suitcases in the entrace and locked the door , going up to his and Louis' bedroom to get them ready for bed .

He sat next to Louis and caressed his cheek , "Baby ?"

Louis shifted a little and hummed , Harry leaned down to peck his cheek , "We're home . Let's get changed and get in bed , yeah ?"

Louis nodded but didn't move , Harry smiled softly and reached for his feet to help him take his shoes off . He tickled the bottom of his foot , "Get up , love ."

Louis giggled and kicked his feet away from his fingers , rolling out of bed and going to the closet . 

Soon enough they were both changed , Harry lifted the covers and let Louis in , getting in next to him . Louis turned his back to Harry and shuffled backwards , Harry spooned him and kissed his neck softly , "Night baby ."

"Night Haz ." Louis yawned and tugged the covers up some more , sighing gratefully as Harry's thumb rubbed up and down the side of his back .


Sooo that's it for today . Sorry it was boring .

Still hope you liked it , tell me if you didn't x


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