Ch. 78

Double updating because I'm pretty sure I won't have time in the next week and a half .

Also , I've realized that this story is kind of going nowhere , and I'm trying to do my best to keep it interesting and all , so I'm warning you - I don't know when this story will be finished , it can be soon and it can be in another few months .

Enjoy x


Harry woke up in an unfamilar bed , then remembered that last night they crashed at Zayn and Liam's . He looked down to Louis , who was still sound asleep on his chest . He kissed the top of his head and cuddled him closer , closing his eyes .

He fell back asleep and woke up an hour later to Zayn and Liam hitting him and Louis with pillows .

"Get up now , will you !" Zayn laughed , Harry groaned and tried throwing back a pillow , but was too tired and his aim wasn't good enough . Liam chuckled and started jumping on the bed , Harry rolled ontop of Louis to shield him , making him giggle .

"Say hi to the camera !" Liam pointed to the camera infront of the bed , Harry looked up at him , "Did you really film this ?"

"Of course I did , why would I miss the chance ?" Liam threw another pillow , "Anyways I'm vlogging today , so deal with it . Zayn and I will go make breakfast , get your bums up ." He ruffled Harry's hair and jumped off the bed , grabbing the camera on the way out of the room .

"We're never sleeping over at theirs again ." Harry sighed against Louis' neck , making him giggle , "That wasn't that bad ."

"Because you didn't get hit by the pillows ."

"Because you insisted on shielding me ."

"Because I'm a man ."

"I'm a man too ."

Harry lifted his head up and raised his eyebrow , "A man doesn't giggle ." He tickled his side a little , Louis tried holding his giggles back but failed . Harry laughed , "There we go ."

"Get off , you're power abusing me ." Louis tried pushing him off but Harry wrapped his arms tightly around him , head buried in his neck , "Nope , I'm never letting go ."

"You'd better ." Louis whispered and wrapped his arms around his shoulders , Harry smiled and pressed a warm kiss to his neck .

After a few minutes of cuddling quietly Louis' stomach rumbled a little as the smell of breakfast reached his nose , making Harry smile fondly , "Hungry , baby ?"

"Yeah ." Louis said and yawned , Harry rolled off him and pulled on his jeans , "Let's go brush our teeth , I know where Liam has spare toothbrushes ." 

Louis got up , jumping on Harry's back for a piggyback ride . Harry smiled and caught the back of his knees , bouncing him up a little to get a better grip .

After brushing their teeth they walked into the kitchen , Zayn was sitting on the counter with the camera while Liam cooked .

"Well hello , lovebirds ." Zayn turned the camera towards the two , they smiled and waved . Harry grabbed Louis' waist and lifted him up to sit next to Zayn , pecking his nose and going to help Liam .

Zayn turned the camera towards Liam and Harry , "This is Team Cooks It All ." Then he turned the camera towards him and Louis , "And we're Team Eats It All ."

Louis giggled , "It's true , though ."

"Li is currently making scrambled egg , Harry is frying bacon ." Zayn turned the camera towards the stove , "Li do we have veggies for a salad ?"

"Yeah , in the fridge ." Liam nodded , Zayn hopped off the counter , "For once , I'm going to actually be helpful and make a salad ." He walked over to the fridge , taking out vegetables . He walked back to the counter and placed them down , going to get a knife and a cutting board .

He positioned the camera so it was showing all four of them , "Li will edit that later and put this part on speed ."

Louis watched all three cooking , taking pictures and even getting a few videos to his new Snapchat .

Fifteen minutes later breakfast was ready , all four sat around the table and filled their plates , laughing around .

"It's almost November and the weather is getting cold , I thought we could go out for a walk at the park before it'll be too cold ." Liam said as him and Louis took the empty plates from the table .

"Sure , Just give Lou and I an hour to get ready , since we're in the same clothes from yesterday ." Harry said , Liam nodded , "Sure , text us when you're ready ."

Harry and Louis went to put on the rest of their clothes (Louis his jeans and shoes , Harry his shirt and shoes) and walked out of Zayn and Liam's house to Harry's car .

"We'll get home , I'll feed Bear and Milo , we'll shower and put on new clothes - Actually we could bring the two beasts with us to the park ." Harry said and pulled his phone out , but Louis snatched it away , "You're driving , I'll call Liam ."

Harry chuckled but let the small boy handle it . Louis pressed Liam's contact name and called him , pressing the phone to his ear .

"Missed me already ?"

"You wish . This is Louis , Haz just wanted to inform you that we're bringing Bear and Milo with us to the park ."

"Sure , I kind of missed the two pups ."

"Alright , we'll see you in an hour ."

"See you ."

They hung up , Louis put Harry's phone down , then he noticed Harry was staring at him with a smile .

"Eyes on the road , mister ." Louis giggled and turned Harry's head back to the road .


Louis held Milo's leash as Harry held Bear's , Zayn had one arm draped over Louis' shoulders and the other around Liam's waist . Liam also had his arm around Zayn , and Harry had his arm secured around Louis protectively .

The four walked through the park , fully aware of the papparazzi taking pictures . They stopped to get themselves hot chocolate , Harry cuddled close to Louis to keep them both warm , making Louis smile and cuddle into him .

"No , Bear don't ." Harry tried stopping Bear from running around them , since he was still holding his leash . Now the two were pressed close with the leash wrapped around them , they laughed and tried get Bear to go all the way back .

Zayn laughed as Liam took pictures , making sure to film it on his camera .

"Well can you help instead of laughing and filming ?!" Harry tried sounding serious but laughed at the end , making Louis giggle at him .

Zayn took the leash from Harry and unwrapped them , they parted and Harry immediately crouched down infront of Bear , "You think this was funny , don't you ?"

A large group of girls approached them , smiling and asking for a picture . Louis held both Milo and Bear's leashes while the other three were taking pictures . He tried busying himself with the two , since he was quite bored .

Two girls approached him , he smiled nicely , "Hi ."

"Don't 'hi' us , fatass ." One of the girls shot , making him frown , "O-oh ."

"Yeah , oh . We don't like you , you turned Harry into a fucking gay bitch . Kendall is much better than you ." The other said .

Louis said nothing . He knew they're wrong , oh so wrong - but it still hurt .

"I mean , have you seen yourself ? You're disgusting . Kendall is beautiful , she's the perfect one for Harry , so just fuck off and let them be together ."

"You know this is not true -" He tried fighting back but she cut him off , "No you're the wrong one ! Don't you see that Harry is a perfect human being and wastes his time with you !? God why can't he just leave you already !" She said angrily .

Bear sensed something isn't right and stood up for Louis , barking at the two girls , and soon Milo joined him .

"You're a childish and ignorant -" He was cut off again , this time by a slap to the cheek .

His head whipped to the side , the stinging feeling making tears shine in his eyes .

"Hey ! What the fuck was that ?!" Harry growled and pushed through the crowd towards them , his eyes full of rage . "What the hell was going through your head when you hit him ?" He towered over her .

"This ugly little creature is wasting our time , you need to be with Kendall . She's much more beautiful than this -"

"If you speak another word I'm suing you ." Harry cut her off , "I don't want to call you my fan if that's what you're thinking . You know very damn well what Kendall did , and I don't care how she looks - she may look good outside , but her inside is ugly . And for the record , Louis is the most beautiful boy on this planet , both inside and outside . So kindly , fuck off ."

The two girls walked away angrily , Harry turned to Louis to see him in tears . He frowned and hugged him , "They're gone , no one is going to get closer to you , I promise ."

Louis sniffled , "She's wrong . ..... Right ?"

"Of course she is , baby . She's so wrong . She's just talking bullshit because she thinks she knows better . She's mainstream , don't let her get to you ."

"T-too late ." Louis let his tears out , Harry rubbed his back , "Baby , you know I love you , and only you . Now tell me , who's my favourite person in the world ? Beside my mum , Gems and Robin ."

"M-me ." Louis said quietly .

"What was it ? Say louder ?"

"Me ."

"And who is the love of my life ?"

"Me ."

"And who am I going to tickle till death of giggles ?"

"Uhm , Zayn ?"

Harry threw his head back laughing , making Louis giggle a little . He wiped his cheeks and kissed his lips , "I love you ."

"Love you too ." Louis smiled softly and wiped his cheeks with his sleeves .

"Now come here ." Harry wrapped both arms around Louis , wiggling his fingers against his ribs . Louis burst into a smile and a giggling fit , pushing Harry away the best he could .

And of course , their small moment had to get cut off by the large group of fans cooing at them . Harry chuckled and stopped his attack , kissing the top of his head .

"Don't listen to her Louis , she's a bitch ."

"Girl turn on your location !"

"Where's my lamp !?"

"I brought some axes if you'd like !"

"I'll go get my dad's shotgun ."

The fans started commenting , making Louis giggle a little .

"We love you Louis , seriously , Harry couldn't have picked anyone better ."

"Yeah , Harry is a lucky bastard ."

"You're my dads , you're meant to be together !"

Harry smiled at the comments , looking down at Louis , "Are you all better now ?"

Louis nodded shyly , "Yeah ."

"Good . I was enjoying tickling you though ." He chuckled , Louis swatted his chest with a small giggle escaping his lips .

"Oh my god I never realized how tiny Louis is ." A fan said , Harry grinned and brought Louis into his chest , "My tiny baby bug ." He cooed , making the crowd 'aww' , but Zayn and Liam just broke them away , "Stop being cheesy already ."

"Well we'll keep going then , see you soon ." They waved at the group of fans , saying goodbye before continuing with their walk .


Harry insisted Louis needs a nap , and made sure to cuddle him and give him back scratches until he's fully asleep .

He untangled himself from the small boy and sat on on the bed , reaching for his phone . He opened his Twitter and posted a few tweets ;

For all the ignorant people out there - fuck off .

Next time someone harrasses Louis , even in the slightest , I'm going to lose it .

Louis doesn't deserve this crap , so cut it off . All the fucking love .

He put his phone down and turned back to Louis , cuddling closer and kissing his cheek . "I'll protect you , baby ."


In the next week and a half I won't be able to update , so I'm updating again now .

Hope you liked it , tell me if you didn't x


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