Ch. 77
Enjoy x
"Are you ready , love ?" Harry called towards the bedroom as he finished putting his shoes on , Louis walked out of the room , "Yeah , I just need my jacket ."
Harry helped him into his jacket , the one he got him with the fur inside . They said goodbye to Bear and Milo and got into the car , driving to Liam and Zayn's place .
"I'm excited to see Tyler again , it's been a while since I saw him ." Louis said with a smile , Harry smiled back at him , "Yeah , he's probably going to jump on you ."
They soon reached the house , Harry parked the car and they got out . Louis cuddled under Harry's arm to keep himself warm , Harry tucked him closer as they walked up the pathway and knocked on the door .
Zayn opened the door and smiled at them , "Come on in , you're the firsts ." He hugged them and led them inside to the kitchen , where Liam was .
"Hey finally you're here . I need someone to help me with the wood outside because Zayn is too lazy ." Liam said , pinching Zayn's side as he walked by . Zayn swatted his hand away , "Shut it , Lima Bean ."
"Lima Bean ?" Harry raised his eyebrow and Louis giggled , Liam shook his head and rolled his eyes , "Just a nickname he made up for me , isn't that right , Zayniepoo ?"
"Oi , I'm not calling you poo so you don't call me poo ." Zayn reached to kick his ankle lightly , Liam chuckled and turned to Harry , "Do you want to help ?"
"Sure , let's go ." Harry nodded , letting Liam lead him outside .
Louis stayed with Zayn in the kitchen , preparing the snacks . There was a knock on the door so Zayn went to answer , letting Zoe , Alfie and Tyler in .
Tyler immediately ran up to Louis and hugged him , making him smile and hug him back .
"I missed you so much ! I was so worried about Harry ." Tyler said and pulled back , Louis smiled at him , "I missed you too . Harry and I are all good and healthy , there's nothing to worry about anymore ."
"Where is he ?"
"He's outside helping Liam with the wood for the bonfire ." Louis pointed his thumb backwards , Tyler nodded and walked outside .
Louis greeted Zoe and Alfie , waving at Alfie's camera . Zoe stayed with him and Zayn while Alfie walked outside to greet Liam and Harry .
There was another knock on the door , but before Zayn could make it two steps , it opened with Niall bursting in , Cara and Troye following right behind him .
"Well hello to you too ." Zayn chuckled and hugged him , greeting Troye and Cara . As soon as Troye saw Louis he engulfed him in a hug , asking him if he's okay , if Harry is okay , where is he , is he safe , are they both healthy , are they doing good .
Louis giggled at him and patted his shoulder , "I promise , we're both good . Harry is outside helping Li with the bonfire , Alfie and Troye are outside too ."
Troye went outside , then Cara greeted him with a smile and a hug . Louis smiled and hugged her back , "Hey ."
"How are you ? How's Harry ? Are you two okay ?" She asked and rubbed his back before pulling away . Louis nodded , "We're both good . He's outside now helping Liam ."
She nodded and sat on an island chair next to him , before Zayn approached them , "Hey Lou , I need to ask you a few questions . I waited for everyone to go outside so we'll have a private talk ."
"Should I leave you two alone then ?" Cara asked , but Zayn shook his head , "No , you can stay ." He then turned his attention to Louis , "So , I watched Harry's video today , where he explained what happened in the last week . And he mentioned that you two had your first time ."
Louis' cheeks turned red , and he couldn't force his smile back . He nodded , "Yeah ."
"Now , I'm not Niall so I don't want any details , but I need to ask - was he gentle ? Did he listen to you ? Did he respect your limits ?" Zayn held his hand , Cara cooed , "Aw , he's blushing ."
Louis giggled a little , "Yeah , he - he took everything so slow . It was amazing . He always asked and told me what he's going to do , and gave me a few seconds to process . He made sure I was okay , calm and smiling . I loved it ." He was blushing so hard , the smile never leaving his face .
Zayn was smiling with him , he squeezed his hand , "I'm glad . You don't deserve any less than that ."
Just then Harry walked into the kitchen , he stopped and raised his eyebrow at the three , "What were you gossiping about ?"
"We just made sure that last night was safe ." Zayn gave him a smile , Harry relaxed and a smile spread on his lips , "Yeah , last night was - it was perfect ." He walked up to Louis and hugged his waist from behind , chin hooking on his shoulder , "Definitely one of the best moments of my life ."
Louis covred his face shyly , Harry cooed and kissed his neck lightly , "Give me a kiss , tiny bug ." He moved a little so he could reach his lips , Louis uncovered his face and let Harry press their lips together .
"Come on now , everything is ready and everyone's waiting outside ." Zayn said , "Li and I just organized the new bonfire , Harry you saw that already . We got rid of the garden chairs and made a cozy spot right infront of it ."
They walked outside , the bonfire was more like an outdoor fireplace . Liam and Alfie were watching the fire , adding a few more woods . There was a large mattress that could fit twenty people on it , full of pillows and comforters .
"Oh it looks so good ." Cara smiled , Zayn thanked her , "Just take your shoes off before you sit ."
Louis and Harry kicked their shoes off , Harry fell backwards on a pile of fluffy blankets and pulled Louis with him , making him squeal .
"You're a complete dork ." Louis giggled and rolled off Harry's chest , Harry chuckled and rolled over to peck his nose , "Don't tell me you don't like it ."
Niall sat next to them , "How's my favorite couple doing ?"
"I thought we were your favorite couple ." Liam pouted , Niall tsked , "I already told you you two are nasty , I like Larry better ."
"You traitor ." Zayn mocked being hurt , Louis giggled , "Don't worry , you're my favorite couple ."
"This is why I like Louis more ." Zayn pouted at Niall and cuddled up to Louis , Louis giggled again and cuddled back into him .
"You are without a doubt the weirdest group of friends ." Alfie commented , making all five laugh .
"Give him back to me ." Harry wrapped his arms around Louis and tried pulling him away from Zayn , but Zayn held him tighter and shook his head , "Nope , you have him all the time , I want to cuddle him now ."
"Hey , I'm not a toy ." Louis released himself from Zayn and went to Tyler , "I'll stay here until you make up ."
Tyler put his arm around Louis' shoulders , "I really missed you ."
"I missed you too . I was sad I didn't get to see you when we were in the US last week , but the chaos that's been going on wasn't really allowing it ." Louis leaned his head on his shoulder .
"I know , I was so worried for Harry . I never thought she could do such thing ." Tyler sighed .
"Well , she did . No one really expected it . I mean , we knew she's insane and all , but never thought she'll go all the way to kidnap Harry . She broke us up before , and I don't think there's something that can break us now ." Louis played with his fingers , "Harry and I have been through a lot , and we're not even a year together . But in this year , I - I became a much better person . I never thought this could happen to me , and I'm grateful ."
"You're so sweet , you know that ?" Tyler smiled , "You're a very sweet person ."
"Thank you ." Louis smiled , then he heard battle calls coming from Zayn and Harry . He turned his head to see them hugging each other , making him giggle .
"I love you mate !" Harry called , Zayn called back , "Love you too bro !"
Liam and Cara came over with snacks bowls and drinks , they put the drinks off the mattress and handed the snacks around .
Harry crawled over to Louis and settled between his legs , leaning back on his chest . Louis smiled and wrapped his arms around his neck , kissing his head softly . He started feeding Harry crisps while conversing with Zoe and Tyler , trying not to blush when Harry kissed the back of his hand every minute .
Liam handed beers around , Alfie handed Harry a bottle but Harry declined . Louis looked down to him , "Haz , you're not drinking because of what I think it is ?"
"Yeah , I'm not taking any risks ." Harry shook his head . Louis sighed and pushed his shoulders so he would sit up , moving to sit infront of him . "Haz , this is a simple beer . You won't get drunk to the point you'll be reckless ." He cupped his cheek , but Harry shook his head stubbornly . "No , not a chance ."
Louis bit his lower lip , he scooted closer and wrapped his arms around his neck , "I know you're doing this for us , but Haz , you know that one bottle won't hurt you . I don't want to feel like I'm holding you back ."
"You're not holding me back , I'm holding myself back . I've learned the hard way that drinking makes me lose you , so I'm not taking risks anymore . I'm done hurting you , okay ? Never again ." Harry put his hands on his waist and pecked his lips , Louis pouted a little and nodded , "I understand ."
They suddenly heard someone barfing , turning their heads to see Niall making barfing noises while Cara pats his back , "Let it out , Ni ."
Harry chuckled and shook his head , bringing Louis closer to sit sideways on his lap , so he faces Tyler .
"Cutest couple in the world ahh !" Niall screamed and fell on his back , making Louis giggle . Niall huffed , "You're only laughing because you're the reason these feels are everywhere ." He threw a pillow at him , but Harry caught it before it hit him and threw it back .
Louis giggled and let Harry hug him closer and nuzzle his neck , Harry sighed , "This breadstick will be the death of us ."
Tyler let Niall put his head on his lap and played with his hair , "Rest a little , will you ? You've been hyper for an hour now ."
Harry kissed Louis' cheek , "I need the bathroom , I'll be right back ."
Louis nodded and crawled off his lap , allowing him to get up . He lied back and turned to lie on his side so he's facing Niall and Tyler , when Troye lied himself in front of him , "Hello , I'm here to cuddle ."
Louis smiled and cuddled with him , soon Zayn and Cara joined . Harry was back two minutes later , only to find Louis cuddled up with them . He raised his eyebrow , "I'm gone for two minutes and you're already hogging on my boyfriend ?"
"What can we say , he's soft and warm ." Troye leaned closer to Louis , making him smile . Harry pretended to scowl before throwing himself on them , rolling over so now Louis is under his body .
"Oh come on ! We were comfy ." Cara whined .
"Be comfy somewhere else , my baby is my baby only ." Harry told her and lied his body flat against Louis , head in his neck .
"You're so possessive ." Zayn smacked his shoulder lightly , Cara sighed and lied on her back across Harry's back .
"Are comfortable ?" He asked , she nodded , "Mhmm ."
"How about now ?" He turned on his side a little , making her roll off his back and on Zayn . She huffed , "I'll get you back ." She grabbed a pillow and started hitting him .
"Ow , oh no , this hurts so bad ." Harry mocked being hurt , making Zayn and Troye laugh . She dropped the pillow and dug her fingers into his sides , but he didn't budge .
"Oh don't tell me you aren't ticklish !" She groaned .
"I didn't say it , you did ." Harry laughed , she smacked his back with another groan .
"Do you realize now what I'm dealing with ?" Louis giggled from under Harry , making Zayn and Troye laugh again .
"Yeah , and you deserve a warrior badge ." Cara crossed her arms over her chest , making Harry and Louis laugh .
Liam joined them , cuddling up to Zayn's back . Zayn smiled and turned to face him , "You sleepy , Liam Bean ?"
"I told you not to call me that ." Liam mumbled with his eyes closed , Zayn laughed a little , "I'm sorry Lima Bean ."
Liam lifted his hand up and pressed his palm to Zayn's face , making him laugh .
Harry turned to lie on his side with Louis against his chest , he closed his eyes , "Play with my hair ?"
Louis smiled and reached up , running his fingers softly through his hair . Harry rubbed his back and leaned to peck his nose , slowly falling asleep .
Cara cooed when she saw Harry fell asleep with Louis cuddling him , Louis smiled softly .
"Do you want to crash here ?" Liam asked , Louis nodded , "It'll be great , thank you ."
Zoe , Alfie , Troye and Tyler said goodbye's and left , Niall drove Cara home and drove to his place .
Louis shook Harry's shoulder , "Haz ?" He caressed his cheek , Harry opened his eyes sighing out , "Hm ?"
"You fell asleep , we'll stay the night at Liam and Zayn's . Get up , I'll get you in bed ." Louis slowly helped Harry stand up , letting him lean on him tiredly even though he was tiny compared to him .
Zayn opened the guest bedroom door , "There you go , if you need anything Li and I will be in our room . Good night ."
"Night ." Louis said and walked into the room , Zayn closed it behind him . He sat Harry on the bed , "Haz , we're here . You can take your clothes off , you won't be comfortable sleeping in your jeans ."
Harry nodded and blindly kicked his jeans off , making Louis giggle . He took his shirt off aswell , staying only in boxers . Louis shyly took his jeans off aswell , staying with his shirt on . Harry opened his arms , "Cuddle me ."
Louis smiled and moved the covers , Harry buried himself under them and opened his arms again . Louis got under the covers , letting Harry pull him closer , "Get some sleep now , will you ?" He giggled , Harry smiled tiredly , "I love you ."
"Love you too Haz ." Louis smiled at his sudden affection , cuddling up to his chest and closing his eyes .
It was looooong .
Hope you liked it , tell me if you didn't x
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