Ch. 76
I can't believe I have to write this again , but guys , those who DMed me about why there isn't smut , calling me a coward for not writing it , insulting me and calling me a weirdo for not even liking sex - I want you to leave me alone , if you don't like the content of the story then please leave , I don't need your bullshit .
Enjoy the chapter x
Harry woke up with a smile on his face , last night's events playing in his head . He squeezed Louis' body gently into his chest and placed a kiss ontop of his forehead .
How did I get so lucky , Harry thought to himself as he looked down to Louis' sleeping figure . He scooted down to kiss his cheek , then pecked his lips softly . He untangled himself from him , letting the small boy sleep longer .
As he got out of bed his eyes landed on his camera ; he hadn't posted a video for the past two weeks , and decided he'll just film himself explaining everything that has happened . He took the camera with him and walked out of the room quietly , going to check on Bear and Milo in their room . The two were asleep , laying across the carpet .
He walked to the living room , positioning his camera infront of the couch before going to make himself coffee . He went back to the living room and turned the camera on , going to sit on the couch infront of it .
"Hey there , Harry here . Uh , this video will be kind of different from others - I won't edit it , I'll just - let it roll . I wanted to explain everything that has happened , and seeing as I didn't upload any videos for the past two weeks , explanation is what you guys want and need ."
He took a sip of his coffee and placed it on the table , "Okay , so uh , as you guys know , I fly to the US twice a year , for photoshoots , interviews and some collabs . At first Louis and I were having a great time ; I surprised him with tickets to Disneyland and had an absolute blast . The day after it was Louis' first interview , and I was so proud of him for this , seeing as - he's a shy person , and it was a huge step for him ."
Harry was cut off when he saw Bear walking up to him , he smiled and patted the couch , "Come here , bud ." Bear jumped up next to him and lied with his head on his lap .
"Alright , uhm , the day after is - when eveything went downhill . I just finished a photoshoot and was walking out of the building with Louis , Dale and Alberto , and someone just seized my arm and dragged me through the crowd and into a vehicle , and they put a cloth to my mouth . I passed out and woke up in a warehouse , realizing I was kidnapped . By no other than Kendall Jenner ."
He took a few seconds to organize his head before speaking up again , "The first day went quite weird . She gave me food , and seeing as I was pretty hungry I ate it . Then I blacked out , and when I woke up I was naked , completely naked , with her naked aswell laying on my chest . I never felt more disgusted . I realized she put some drugs in my food to manipulate me , so I pushed her off and freaked out on her , trying to get my clothes on before anyone walked in ."
Bear sensed Harry was upset , so he nuzzled his thigh a little , making Harry smile softly .
"Since that incident I didn't dare eating any of what she got me . Day two passed , day three , and she wasn't giving up . We had to transfer places because the police found us , and it was so frustrating . I was getting weak , which helped Kendall force herself onto me without me pushing her off . One of the guys who helped her would sneak in every night to give me a glass of water , to keep me hydrated . I'm thankful , but never forgiving him for being a part of it . On the night between the fifth and sixth day I passed out , I was so weak I could barely do anything . I woke up in the hospital , with Louis next to me . I was relieved , so relieved to know it's over . It was hell , and I never want to go through that ever again ."
He stopped when he heard small steps nearing the living room , then Louis walked in , a fluffy blanket covering him , looking cuddly and soft .
"Did I wake you ?" Harry asked , Louis shook his head , "No . Well , kind of . The bed was cold ."
Harry smiled and opened his arms , Louis walked over and sat next to him , "What are you filming ?" He asked as he threw the blanket over Harry's lap .
"I'm just explaining everything out , and seeing as I didn't post in two weeks , this video is important ."
Louis nodded and yawned , Harry pecked his lips , "Lie down , baby ." He brought him down to lie with his head on his lap , leaning to kiss his head .
"Well , uhm . I woke up in the hospital , Louis was there , my friends , my lawyer , manager , bodyguards . And it was such a big relief , knowing I won't have to suffer any longer ." Harry spoke quieter this time , rubbing his hand up and down Louis' side softly , chuckling when the boy flicked his hand away with soft giggles escaping his lips . "Sorry about that , didn't realize what I was doing ." Harry smiled and leaned down to kiss his cheek , moving his hand to his back instead .
"Hey baby ?" Harry whispered , Louis hummed back , "Yeah ?"
"I want to tell them about last night ; no details , just mentioning how much I loved it . Are you okay with this ?" Harry asked , Louis' cheeks heated up as he nodded , "Okay ."
Harry smiled and pressed a kiss to his warm neck before sitting back up , "I've been in the hospital for two days , I lost a lot of energy and was dehydrated and weak , so it took some time to keep me stable for a long period . As soon as I left the hospital we drove to the airport , and I'm sorry I couldn't stop for pictures , I was extremely tired , we all were . I hope you understand . We landed back in England around one a.m , got our suitcases , went through security and then had a two hours drive home . We arrived around four a.m , Bear and Milo greeted us very nicely ."
Louis giggled softly , Harry smiled down at him and pinched his cheek .
"And since Louis and I slept through the whole flight we decided to stay up some more . We cuddled , because the stupid hospital rules didn't allow proper cuddles . I kissed him a lot , smooched him all over and annoyed him with tickles ." He reached down to boop Louis' nose , Louis giggled and brought the blanket up to cover his face shyly .
"Then I made love to him , for the first time . It - it was the best feeling ever . We loved it a lot . We missed each other a lot . And I can't be happier we have each other back and won't have to deal with any dick grimshits or Kendall whores anymore . I love Louis and Louis loves me , and nothing and no one can change that ."
Louis grinned softly from under the blanket , letting Harry remove it from his head to kiss his lips .
"So , I guess this is it . I don't want to start any rumors , so everything I said is hundred percent true , don't try to find any meanings behind it because I know you guys tend to do so . You little sneakers . I love you all , next week we're going back to normal with videos . Stay amazing , all the love ." Harry smiled at the camera and blew a kiss , waving before getting up to turn it off .
Louis turned to lie on his side , "What time is it ?"
Harry turned his head to the clock , "Two p.m . We've been asleep for eight hours or so ."
Louis yawned and put his hands under his head as a pillow , "What do we have for breakfast ? Or lunch ?"
"I don't feel like cooking , but I don't feel like going out to eat aswell ." Harry sighed and went to lie behind him , so they're spooning .
"Well I don't want to starve , so we need to choose ." Louis snuggled back into his chest , Harry nuzzled his hair as he was thinking .
"We could order something ?" Harry asked , Louis shook his head , "I want homemade . Let's make something together ."
"You remember that dish I cooked you once ? It was a long time ago . Chicken , stuffed with mozzarella -"
"Wrapped in parma ham with homemade mash on the side . Yeah , I remember ." Louis smiled .
"Want to help me cook ?" Harry asked , lifting himself up on his elbow to look at him . Louis turned to lie on his back and nodded , "Yeah , sure ."
Harry smiled and leaned down to kiss him , Louis smiled against his lips and cupped his cheek with one hand .
They got up from the couch , Louis covered Bear in the blanket , seeing as he fell asleep .
Two hours later their lunch was ready , Harry brought the plates to the table as Louis got them two glasses of coke . They sat infront of each other , talked and laughed , when Harry's phone went off .
He excused himself and went to get it from the living room , seeing Zayn's contact name .
"Hey , mate ."
"Hey , how are you two ?"
"We're great . What are you up to ?"
"Liam and I want you two to come over , we're having a bonfire . Niall , Cara , Troye , Zoe , Alfie and Tyler are coming aswell ."
"Sounds great . What time should we be there ?"
"Eight , eight thiry p.m ."
"Sure , see you then ."
"See you then , say hi to Louis from me ."
"Will do ."
They hung up , Louis cleaned around his mouth and turned to Harry , "Who was it ?"
"Zayn , Liam and him are having a bonfire and invited everyone ."
"What time ?"
"Eight , eight thirty ." Harry said as he sat back down on his chair . Louis nodded and sipped on his drink , placing the glass back down , "I'm full ." He sat back , Harry nodded and finished the last few bites of his food , "I forgot , Bear and Milo have a vet appointment tomorrow at eleven for some shots and a check up ."
"I'll come with you ." Louis nodded and took his and Harry's plates to the sink , he sprayed water on them so washing it later on won't be hard . He walked back to the table , only forHarry to pull him to sit on his lap .
"Haz , I just finished eating , I probably weigh a ton right now ." He giggled , Harry chuckled and shook his head , "You don't , baby , you're fine ." He kissed his cheek .
"Are you sure ? Because - if I get too heavy then I'll get off ." Louis tried leaning most of his weight on his feet on the ground , but Harry tsked and pulled him up so his feet won't touch the ground .
"My tiny baby ." Harry cooed softly and squeezed Louis gently , kissing his cheek a few times . Louis smiled shyly , blush covering his cheeks . He leaned on Harry's shoulder and kissed his cheek aswell , poking his dimple .
"I think I should start looking for a job ." Louis sighed , Harry shook his head , "No baby , I make enough money for the both of us ."
"But I want to make money myself , I can't live off you ." Louis sighed , "I want to have my own money , so I can give you back for doing to much for me , and give my siblings some things so they won't forget about me ."
Harry understood his point , though he didn't want the boy to worry about money .
"You know , we could call YouTube , see if you can join me . Then we'll make videos together all the time , and you'll get money aswell ."
Louis thought about it , "I - are you sure they'll say yes ?"
"Actually I have no idea . But it's worth trying ." Harry rubbed his back , Louis nodded , "Okay ."
"Good ." Harry smiled and kissed his lips , "It'll be so much fun working together . I'll teach you how to edit , and how to handle things around ."
"Sounds good ." Louis giggled , Harry rubbed their noses together , "I love you ."
"I love you more ." Louis moved his hair back from his face .
"No you don't ." Harry chuckled and kissed him again , Louis giggled , "Yes I do ."
"Nope ." Harry shook his head and cuddled him closer , burying his face in his neck , "I love you more ." He mumbled against his neck then pressed a kiss to his warm skin .
"You don't . I love you more ." Louis shook his head , yelping in giggles when Harry blew a raspberry .
"I should've seen it coming ." He giggled and pushed Harry away from his neck , Harry laughed and pecked his lips , "You're cute ." He leaned down , pressing his lips to the lovebite he left on him last night .
Louis cuddled up to his chest , letting Harry hold him closer and kiss his forehead .
This is just a boring filler chappie , sorry .
Still hope you liked it , tell me if you didn't x
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