Ch. 75

Enjoy x


As soon as Harry could leave the hospital , they left without looking back . They only had one car , and since they were just leaving they all got into it instead of having another car .

Dale was driving with Alberto in the passenger's seat , Louis on Harry's lap , Zayn on Liam's and Cara on Niall's .

Louis fell asleep on Harry's chest , Harry held him close and kissed his forehead , nose and cheek .

"Louis was a mess while you were gone ." Cara told Harry , making him frown a little . "Yeah , he told me ."

"We had to force him to eat with us , if it were up to him he wouldn't eat . I've never seen him so upset , I hated every second of it ." Niall added , Harry looked down to Louis' sleeping form and held him tighter .

"Take good care of him , okay ? He needs you . And let him take care of you when he wants to ." Cara patted Harry's arm softly , Harry nodded , "Of course I will . Thank you for being there for him ."

They arrived to the airport three hours before their flight , they got their tickets and had an hour to have something to eat before going to the plane .

Once on the plane Harry fell asleep on Louis' shoulder , Louis smiled softly and played with his fingers softly , leaning his cheek on his head . He pretended not to see Cara and Niall sneakily taking pictures , giggling quietly .

He woke Harry up before they landed , Harry carried both their bags as they got off the plane , holding Louis' hand tightly .

This time they got into three cars ; Louis , Harry , Dale and Alberto in one , Zayn and Liam in their own car and Niall and Cara in Niall's . They said their goodbye's and promised to meet up later that week .

Two hours later Dale and Alberto dropped Louis and Harry off , Harry kept thanking them and hugged them before getting his and  Louis' suitcases into the house .

They were greeted with Milo and Bear jumping on them excitedly , Harry smiled and let the two ambush him to the floor . Louis giggled and closed the door , locking it behind them . He took their suitcases to the bedroom and went back to help Harry , only for Harry to pull him down so the pups will attack him aswell .

Louis giggled as Harry took Bear off him , "You're mean ." He sat up , Harry chuckled and helped him up , "Come on , I need a good shower ."

After shower Harry went to make him and Louis some tea , it was close to four a.m and they both knew they won't be able to go to sleep .

Louis was sitting in bed under the covers , thoughts running through his head . He didn't notice Harry walked into the room until he called him . "Lou ?"

Louis turned his head , "Yeah ?"

"Are you okay ?" Harry asked and placed the two mugs on the nightstand , Louis nodded , "Yeah , just - was caught up thinking ."

Harry nodded and got in bed next to him , he handed him his tea and took his own . 

"I missed having a proper alone time with you ." Harry sighed , Louis smiled softly , "Missed it too ."

"I missed having play fights with you , those are fun ." Harry chuckled softly , Louis giggled , "They're only fun because you win ."

"True , true ." Harry laughed , "But I really do like having play fights with you , I get to see you smiling so wide and giggling ."

"I missed you being so cheesy ." Louis reached up to poke his dimple , giggling when Harry pretended to bite on his finger .

Louis placed his now empty mug on the nightstand , watching Harry doing the same . Harry turned back to him and brought him into his chest , Louis smiled and cuddled into him , arms wrapping around his torso .

Harry sighed out contently and scooted Louis up so he could kiss him , Louis kissed him back as his smile grew wider .

Harry moved to kiss all over his face , Louis giggled and shied away from him , only to be held tighter . Harry moved his head down to his neck , blowing a small raspberry to get a squeak out of the small boy , smiling at his giggles .

"You're having way too much fun annoying me ." Louis tried pushing him off , and when Harry wouldn't budge he rolled them so he's ontop of Harry , sitting on his lower stomach and holding his wrists down near his head .

Harry chuckled , "We've already been here , and I won . Want to go through it again ?"

"I'll win this time ." Louis smiled down mischievously , Harry raised his eyebrows , "Really now ?"

Louis nodded , he leaned down and nosed Harry's ear gently , smiling in victory when Harry shifted his head away and huffed in annoyance . He blew on his ear , Harry pressed his ear to his shoulder , "You know what , I'll let you have your fun , then you're in for it ."

Louis giggled nervously , tightening his hold on Harry's wrist . Harry noticed and smirked , "I bet you I can flip us around in five seconds ."

"I give you three ." Louis challenged back , and without wasting time Harry sat up and flipped them around Louis squealed and landed on his back giggling .

Harry had his arms on each side of Louis , holding himself up . "Now it's my turn ."

"No ." Louis whined and tried pushing Harry off , bringing his legs up to curl in for protection . Harry laughed and took a hold of his ankles , "It's only fair for me to get you back ."

"Nooo , I'm sorry ! Haz don't ." Louis pleaded in giggles , trying to roll away from Harry unsuccessfully . Harry laughed along and pinned him down , hovering above him . Louis batted his hands away , falling into a giggling fit .

"I'm not even tickling you yet and you're already giggling like mad ." Harry laughed , Louis covered his face with his hands and rolled to lie on his front , burying his head in the pillows . Harry chuckled , he leaned down to kiss the back of his head , "Are you going to fight back some more ?"

Before Louis could try escaping Harry's claws , Harry lied his upper half across Louis' , face buried in his neck and fingers tickling his sides . He let out a squeal and kicked his feet around , only being able to move his lower half .

"Stop stop stop !" Louis giggled into the pillow , Harry grinned against his neck and pinched at his hips a little , laughing at his escaping attempts .

He stopped after having his fun , laying on his side next to Louis and rubbing his back softly , still smiling widely at the small giggles excaping Louis' lips .

"I hate when you do that , I'm too sensitive ." Louis' voice was muffled by the pillow , Harry chuckled and wrapped his arm around him , "I know you are , and I'm having way too much fun with this information to just stop ."

Louis whined and reached his hand out to push him away , Harry caught his wrist and pulled him to his chest , kissing the top of his head .

They stayed cuddled into each other , and the same thoughts from earlier returned to Louis' mind . He was having a long debate with himself , and when he came to conclusion he pulled his head out of Harry's chest , "Haz ?"

"Yeah ?" Harry looked down to him , smiling softly . He'll never get enough of the boy's beautiful features .

"I uh - I -" Louis sat up , pulling Harry up aswell . "Whatever it is , just tell me . I'm here for you ." Harry reassured and held his hands .

Louis bit his lower lip and scooted closer to Harry , "I - I wanted to ask , if - if you , I - uhm , can -" Louis was struggling getting the words out , his cheeks heating up . He took a deep breath and started again , slowly .

"I , I wanted you to know that I - that I l-love you , and I - I'm , I'm ready to take a step f-forward ." Louis said , keeping his gaze at their intertwined hands . "I - I was thinking about it a l-lot since we got you back . And I'm ready . I - I want us t-to - to make love ."

Harry's eyes widened . He was happy , oh so happy . "Are you hundred percent sure , baby ? It wasn't me forcing you , right ?"

"No , not at all . The exact opposite actually , you were always there and - and respected my limits . And I'm grateful ." Louis gave him a soft , shy smile . "I really do want us to make love ."

Harry nodded , he was speechless . "Yeah , okay . We can do that ." He said softly and took a hold of Louis' hips , bringing him to sit on his lap with his knees on each side . He pressed their lips together , Louis wrapped his arms around Harry's neck , scooting closer .

Harry slowly lied them down , his arms holding him above Louis' body . He wanted to make sure he's okay , safe and relaxed , he pulled back a little , "I'll get a condom and lube ."

"L-lube ?" Louis asked , confused . Harry nodded , "Yeah , makes it - uhm - less painful ."

Louis' heart was beating like crazy , watching Harry crawling off the bed and going into the bathroom . A few seconds later he was back with a small bottle and a condom , and he could tell Louis was nervous .

He crawled back next to him and placed the things down , "Baby , if you're nervous then we don't have to do this ." He caressed his cheek , but Louis shook his head , "N-no , I'm sure . Just - take it slow ."

"Of course ." Harry nodded , he crawled back ontop of him and kissed him again , smiling reassuringly . Louis wrapped his arms around his neck , feeling his hands holding the hem of his shirt .

He let Harry take his shirt off and join their lips back together , and since Harry was already shirtless he took off his own pants , making sure Louis is okay and as relaxed as he can be .

Harry moved down to his neck , sucking a lovebite at the base near his collarbone . Louis breathed out as Harry kissed the red mark , before pulling him down to suck a love bite under his jaw as Harry took his own sweatpants off .

(Skipping the scene)
(Please don't complain , you knew this was coming)

Harry smiled down at a sweaty , panting Louis as he took the condom off and chucked it the direction of the bathroom .

"That - that was -" Louis tried talking , his voice slightly hoarse .

Harry chuckled softly and leaned to peck his swollen lips , "I wasn't rough , right ?"

Louis shook his head and wiped his forehead , "No , you - you were so gentle I - It was the best thing ever ."

"I loved it too ." Harry smiled and pressed a kiss to the lovebite on the base of his neck , "Do you want to shower ? I mean - we're both sweating and I need to change the sheets ."

Louis giggled a little , "Can - can we take a bath ?"

"Of course . I'll go get it ready ." Harry pecked his cheek and got out of bed , he tossed Louis his boxers from the end of the bed and took his own , going into the bathroom and picking the used condom on his way .

He sat on the edge of the tub and watched it getting filled , the smile never leaving his lips . Louis just gave himself to him , Louis trusts him and loves him . It was his happiest moment of his life so far .

Louis slowly tugged the boxers on , turning to lay on his side . He had a smile on , he couldn't believe Harry made love to him . He grinned and covered his face in his hands , giggling to himself .

His thoughts were cut off by Harry giving his side a soft tickle , "Come on , bath is almost ready ."

Louis giggled and let Harry pull him out of bed , he tried to hide his waddling unsuccessfully . Harry laughed and kissed his forehead , "Sorry about that ."

Louis got into the bath as Harry went to get the dirty sheets off the bed , he threw them into the laundry before joining in , take a seat behind Louis so he could wash his hair .

They washed each other and stayed a little longer in the water , Harry apologized for Louis' funny walk and Louis apologized for Harry's scratched back .

While Louis got dressed in clean boxers , a sweatpants and a shirt Harry changed the sheets , Louis crawled in and waited for Harry to join him .

Harry smiled down at him and kissed his lips shortly , "I love you ."

"I love you too ." Louis smiled and cuddled into his chest , Harry wrapped his arms around him and kissed the top of his head .

They fell asleep around six a.m with smiles on their faces ; they could definitely do this for the rest of their lives .


I quite like this chappie .

And again , I don't write smut , so this is how it's going to be ; I write how the scene starts , and how it ends . Don't expect details or explicit writing , if that's what you're looking for then you're in the wrong story .

Thank you to the ones who understand me , I'm honestly grateful .

Hope you liked it , tell me if you didn't x


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