Ch. 72

Sorry for last chapter , and sorry for this one , so brace yourselves . XD

Enjoy as much as you can x


Louis woke up to his pillow soaked in tears , he sighed but didn't make a move . He reached for his phone to see if he got any texts from Zayn , seeing he got one .

Hey Lou , I'm sorry for the late hour but Liam , Niall , Cara and I are at the airport , I'll text you when we land and are on our way to you . Hang on there , we'll be there with you in no time 

Louis sighed and sat up , going to wash his face . There was a knock on the door , he opened it to see Alberto standing there with a plate of food , "Morning ."

"Morning ." Louis replied weakly and let him in , Alberto walked in and placed the plate on the table , "Got you something to eat ."

"I'm not hungry ." Louis shook his head , Alberto tsked , "You can't just not eat , you'll lose energy ."

Louis sighed , he knew Alberto was right . He sat down at the table and ate as much as he could force himself to before he couldn't anymore , Alberto rubbed his shoulder softly and took the plate , "The police said they'll be here shortly to talk to us , I'll come to call you when they're here ."

Louis nodded , Alberto left and closed the door behind him . Louis decided he needed a shower , he took one of Harry's jumpers from his suitcase and got into the bathroom , getting into a long , warm shower .

When he was done he dressed quickly and got out , he lifted the collar of the shirt up , sniffing in Harry's scent that was left on the jumper .

He lied in bed , on the pillow Harry slept on two nights ago . Thoughts were back in his head , surrounding him . Is Harry okay ? Is he hurt ? Is he scared ? Are the abducters treating him well ? Is he dead ?

The last thought made him shiver , the thought of Harry being dead scared him so badly .

A knock on the door pulled him out of his thoughts , he took his phone with him and walked out of the room with Alberto .

They walked into Alberto and Dale's room , Dale was there with two police officers .

"Hello , I'm detective Mills , this is officer Crane . We're in charge of this investigation ." The woman , Mills , introduced herself and the male officer next to her . Louis shook their hands and they all sat around the table .

"After we spoke to you last night , we tried tracking down the vehicle Styles was taken with . We followed the track through the security cameras all around the city , and when we found the vehicle it was burned down , most likely to get rid of evidence ." Mills explained , and Louis could feel his bottom lip wobbling .

"As for now , we have cops all over the city and outside , looking for every potential place for Harry to be in . We're doing the best we can ." She promised , noticing how the news were affecting Louis .

"Also , we might have a lead on who must have taken Styles . We have some low quality pictures from the security cameras , and the system got one name out of two faces we managed to make out ." Crane , the officer , pulled out a file and opened it , taking out a few blurry pictures . He displayed them on the table , Louis looked down and his breath hitched .

All four turned their heads towards him . "Do you recognize them ?" Mills asked , Louis nodded shakily as tears gathered in his eyes .

"So far we have only one name , Brandon Mitchelle ." Mills added , Louis nodded and pointed to the guy , "I k-know them both ."

"What's the other guy's name ?"

"A-Adam Burke ."

Crane wrote it down , "How do you know them ?"

Louis wiped his tears , "They w-were both sent by the s-same person to separate Harry a-and I ."

"Tell us who sent them and how they tried separating you ." Mills asked , reaching her hand out to hold Louis' , "I know this is hard but it's going to help us find Harry ."

Louis nodded and took a deep breath , "First , A-Adam was sent , he made Harry extremely jealous and it led to a fight , then Harry left to a bar , something happened s-snd we broke up . We got back together when we realized it was all set up for us to break up . The s-second time , Brandon sneaked into a f-friend's pool party and pushed me into t-the pool , and I can't s-swim so I was drowning . Harry saved me and my friends made Brandon tell us who made him do this ."

"Who made them do these things ?"

"Kendall Jenner ." Louis said before breaking down in tears , realizing who has Harry captive .


After the talk with the police Alberto stayed with Louis to comfort him while Dale drove to the airport to pick up Niall , Liam , Zayn and Cara , when they texted they landed .

"I promise we'll find him , and he'll be safe ." Alberto rubbed Louis' back , Louis nodded and sniffled , "I just - sh-should've realized it e-earlier ."

Alberto shook his head , "Don't you dare blame yourself , okay ? It's no one's fault but Kendall's and her two puppets , they're the ones who'll be in for it at the end ."

"I kn-know ." Louis nodded and sniffled again , wiping his cheeks with his sleeves .

"I'll go get you something warm to drink ." Alberto said and got up , "I suggest you rest a little before your friends join you , if you'd like ."

Louis nodded and thanked him , he lied on his side on the couch and attempted to fall asleep , though his mind was surrounded by the same thoughts from earlier . He couldn't rest for a second knowing Harry is out there , with Kendall .


Harry woke up on the mattress on the floor , his back was aching .

It's been three days and he can't help but miss Louis , his friends , his family . He was starving , but not because Kendall starved him ; he starved himself , not daring to touch any of the food or water she brought him .

When she first brought him a meal , he didn't hae a choice but to eat it ; he was hungry and exhausted . After eating he blacked out , and when he woke up he was naked with Kendall laying across his chest , also naked .

He knew she put something in his food , so he'd not daring to touch it . He'd rather starve himself than let her manipulate him like this .

He could barely lift his head up when the door opened , being greeted with Kendall's voice , "Good morning , my love ."

She closed the door behind her and kneeled next to him , kissing his lips . He managed to turn his head away , she sighed , "You're not giving in , are you ?"

"Never ." He said in a weak voice , wishing he had any stregnth to get up and make his way out of this hell hole .

"Why aren't you eating the food I'm bringing you ? This is so impolite ." She ran her fingers through his hair , Harry hated the feeling of her sharp nails scraping his sculp ; he missed Louis' soft fingerpads , massaging his sculp gently , helping him fall asleep quicker .

Kendall sighed and lied next to him , cuddling herself into his side . Harry tried wiggling away , but he was weak and she wrapped her limbs around him to hold him in place . She traced shapes on his chest , "You know I love you , right ? I'm doing this because I love you , and you deserve me , no one else ."

Harry blocked out her words , turning his head away from her as much as he could .

She sighed and sat up , pressing a kiss to his cheek , "I'll send Adam in soon with something for you to eat , and I expect you to eat it ." She tapped his nose and kissed him again before getting out of the room , locking the door behind her .

When Harry heard the door locking he allowed a tear to fall from his eye , sighing to himself . When will this be over ?


Harry woke up to the door opening , Kendall burst in with Adam and Brandon , "Come on , we need to do this quick ."

Adam and Brandon picked Harry up , since he was too weak to walk by himself .

They walked through long corridors until they were outside , and Harry was so happy he could breath fresh air again rather than the dust in that room .

Harry was placed in the back of a silver vehicle , Kendall wrapped him in a blanket , "Don't worry , we're just relocating because the police knows where we are . This will all be over quickly ." She pecked his lips , and Harry wishes he could slap her right there .


The cops surrounded the abandoned warehouse , holding their weapons out . Mills and Crane were the first ones to burst in , two units getting in right behind them to scan the place .

A few minutes later the whole place was scanned , Mills sighed and followed Crane out , "He was definitely here , they probably realized we got them and took off somewhere else ."

"Detective !" One of the officers called , Mills walked over to him , "Have anything new to say ?"

"Yeah , there are tiles prints on the ground , we can call up the forensic unit to match the prints to the vehicle they used ."

Mills nodded , "Do it ."

Crane walked up to her , "They found some left out evidence in the warehouse , the unit is bagging it up right now ."

Mills sighed , "Let's just hope he's still alive and they're not playing with us ."


I know this is frustrating , but just keep up !! You guys know I'm not a fan of drama so this won't be going on for a long time , I promise x

Hope you liked it , tell me of you didn't x


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