Ch. 71
Enjoy x
"I have a photoshoot today ." Harry sighed and cuddled closer to Louis , Louis smiled softly and played with his hair , "When do we have to get up ?"
"Don't know ." Harry looked up to the clock , "It's ten a.m right now , and I need to be there at two p.m . Let's stay in bed some more ." He nuzzled his face into Louis' neck .
Louis trailed his fingers up and down Harry's bare shoulder , smiling softly when Harry kissed his neck lightly .
There was a knock on the door , Harry lifted his head up , "Just a second !" He called , throwing the covers off and getting out of bed . "I forgot I called in room service while you were asleep earlier , I got us some nice breakfast ." He said as he walked towards the door , unlocking it and opening it .
"Hello ." Harry smiled at the waiter , who smiled back and rolled the cart into the room . Louis bundled up in the blankets , feeling shy being in only boxers and a shirt around the waiter .
Harry tipped the guy before he left , then went over to Louis , "Come on , I'll carry you to the table ."
Louis jumped on Harry's back , smiling as he was placed down on the chair . Harry sat in front of him and handed him a fork , taking a picture of the breakfast table for Snapchat .
"We're here ." Dale said as he parked the car , Harry , Louis , Dale and Alberto got out and walked into the building .
Harry held Louis' hand tightly , he knew Louis doesn't have the best experiences from going to photoshoots with him , and he wanted today to go as smoothly as possible .
They greeted Louise and Caroline , Lux was away with Tom for the day .
There was a knock on the dressing room door , Caroline opened it , "Uh , hello ."
"Hi , is Harry here ?" They heard a feminine voice , Caroline nodded , "Yeah ." She opened the door wider , Harry and Louis turned their heads to see one of the models walking in . She approached Harry with a smile , not acknowledging Louis .
"Hey Harry ." She smiled and hugged him , kissing his cheek . Harry gave her a smile and hugged her , "Hi Sabrina ."
"Is this Louis ?" She pulled back from the hug and looked over to Louis , Harry nodded and brought Louis into his side , "Yeah . Louis , this is Sabrina , she's a model . Known her for a while ."
"Hi ." Louis gave her a smile and held his hand forward , Sabrina shook it and smiled back , "Hey , heard a lot about you . Only good things , of course ."
Louis almost blushed , but he knew she's fake . He indicates faking and imposters , and she's one of them .
"Harry , we need you on set now ." Alberto opened to dressing room door , Harry nodded and kissed Louis' lips , "I'll be back shortly ."
Louis nodded and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek , making Harry smile and boop his nose before going with Alberto .
Louise went to clean her brushes and Caroline disappeared into the wardrobe , leaving Louis with Sabrina .
"So you're the famous Louis ." She crossed her arms with a small , fake smile . Louis nodded and shifted from one foot to another , "Y-Yeah ."
"Harry is good in bed isn't he ?" She chuckled , Louis raised his eyebrow , "What ?"
"Harry is good in bed , I know he is . There were times after photoshoots we'd go out for a drink and end up having sex somewhere . He's amazing . Maybe I could take him out today aswell ."
Louis knew she wanted to mess with him , he's already familiar with this . He just gave her half a smile , "Well then , good luck with convincing him to go out with you ."
Sabrina raised her eyebrow , "You don't mind ?"
"I do , but I know he won't go out . He doesn't drink , and he won't go out with you ." He crossed his arms over his chest . He didn't know where this burst of confidence came from , but he loved it . He was tired of being stepped on and manipulated , he wanted to fight back for once .
"What makes you think he'll pick ugly you over perfect me ?" She gave him a cocky smile .
"Let's say , I just know . You can try yourself ." He turned to go sit on the couch but she got a hold of his arm tightly , digging her fingernails into his skin through his sweater . He winced but she didn't let go .
"Listen you pathetic excuse for a human , Harry deserves much better than a piece of crap like you . Let the guy go and I promise , you won't get hurt ."
Louis roughly pulled his arm out of her grip , "Never ."
She grumbled angrily and walked towards the door , "This isn't over yet ." She said before walking out of the room .
Louis rolled his sleeve up , sighing when he saw the reddening marks on his arm , hoping they won't turn blue .
Louise came back to the room and placed her brushes on the table , watching Louis examining his arm . "Something happened ?" She asked and walked over to him , gasping when she saw the marks on his arm .
"Who did this to you ??" She took his arm in her hands , Louis sighed , "That - Sabrina model ."
"Oh god , Harry is going to be fuming when he sees that ." She sighed , Louis shook his head , "I-I'm fine ."
Louise sighed and sat him on the couch , sitting next to him , "What did she say to you ?"
"You know , the usual 'you don't deserve Harry and he should be mine' thing ." Louis played with his fingers , "I'm used to it . And for the first time , I fought back ."
Louise raised her eyebrows , "Really ? That's incredible !"
"It is , but - but I think I angered her . She's going to get me back for this ." Louis bit his lower lip , "And I'm honestly scared ."
"Don't be , because Harry loves you and he won't give up on you for some bitch ." Louise rubbed his back .
Fifteen minutes later Harry was done with the first shoot , he walked off set and into the long corridor , but he stopped when he saw Sabrina's door opened , he heard her wincing and sniffling .
He knocked on the door , "Sabrina ? Can I come in ?"
"Y-Yes ." She said and sniffled , Harry opened the door wider , seeing her sitting on her chair with her back to him .
He walked closer and turned her around , gasping when he saw the red and blue bruise on her cheekbone . "What happened to you ?"
"Your boyfriend happened . I don't know what came over him ." She sniffled and wiped a fake tear from under her eye .
"What ?" Harry frowned , "Louis wouldn't -"
"Well he did . I don't even know why ! I was being nice and all , then he lashed out on me and punched me ."
Harry shook his head , "This isn't like Louis ."
"Well then , maybe you don't know him ."
"No no , I know Louis better than anyone knows him , he wouldn't do such thing ."
"Well he did , and don't believe any excuse he has to make you believe he didn't do it ."
Harry was confused . Louis would never punch anyone , yet Sabrina claims he punched her . No , he'd never do that .
"I'll go talk to him ." He said and walked out of the room , getting to his dressing room . Louis was sitting on the couch talking to Louise , the two turned their heads to the door when Harry opened it .
"Lou , I need to ask you something ." Harry sat on the table in front of Louis , Louis sat up a little , "What is it ?"
"Did you punch Sabrina ?"
Louis' eyes widened , "What ?"
"Did you , or did you not , punch Sabrina ?"
There was a silence before Louis talked , "How can you ask me this ? How can you even doubt me ?"
Harry sighed , "She has a bruise on her cheekbone , told me you punched her ."
"Do I look like I could punch someone ?"
"I'll be right back ." Louise got up from the couch , grabbed something from her table and walked out .
Harry turned his attention back to Louis , "So you didn't ?"
"No , Harry , I didn't punch her ." Louis shook his head , "What makes you think I'll ever do this ?"
"Nothing , I was just asking to clarify it ." Harry shook his head .
Louise walked into the room and handed Harry a wet cloth , stained in red and blue , "She used makeup ."
Harry looked up at her confused .
"She told you Louis punched her and had a bruise . It was makeup , she faked it . Another fake bitch ." Louise threw the cloth into the bin , "If anyone is hurt here , it's Louis ."
Harry's head snapped towards him , "What ?"
"Tell him ." Louise encouraged , Louis bit his lower lip and lifted his sleeve up , showing Harry the bruising nails prints . Harry took Louis' arm in his hand and brought it closer , "Did Sabrina do this ?"
"If not her , then who ?"
Harry pressed a soft kisses to the bruises and looked up to Louis , "I'm sorry ."
Louis nodded and held his hand , "Just - don't ever doubt me about something like this ."
"I won't ." Harry leaned in and kissed his lips , "I'll make it up to you ."
Louis smiled softly and pinched his nose , "You'd better ."
They finished the photoshoot at eight p.m , Sabrina was angry Harry didn't believe her . She tried talking to him but he pushed her away , telling her not to talk to him anymore . Louis couldn't help but smirk at her as they walked away , making her even angrier .
She took her phone out and called one of her contacts , pressing the phone to her ear .
"Kendall ? ... Yeah , they just walked out . Good luck ."
Harry wrapped his arm tightly around Louis as they stepped out of the building , a very large crowd of fans was outside . Just as they stepped out , the large crowd surrounded them .
Harry held Louis as close as he possibly could , Alberto and Dale struggled getting them through the crowd , even with the building's security guards it was hard .
Harry felt a hand grasping his arm and he was harshly pulled away from Louis , he was dragged away and a cloth was pressed to his face . He struggled and did his best to get away , but was soon passed out .
Louis stuck to Alberto's side as they all searched for Harry , when they heard the noise of tiles screeching , and a car rushed away .
Dale sped up running after the car , just enough for him to remember the license plate . He breathed out angrily and pulled his phone out , dialling an emergency number .
Alberto and Louis caught up to him , Louis was out of breath , "Where's Harry ??"
Dale nodded his head forward to where the car went , "We lost him ."
Louis' throat tightened , "I- how ?"
"I have no idea , someone just took him . I remember the license plate so it's going to help us ."
The police soon arrived , scattering the large crowd of fans away . Alberto was comforting Louis , the boy was so worried about what's going to happen to Harry .
The police asked questions , when Sabrina walked out of the building . She smirked to herself and pulled her phone out , snapping a picture of Louis crying .
She then called the same number from before . "Kendall ? Yeah , he's upset . Want me to take him down ?"
There was a pause , Sabrina sighed , "I really do want this ugly face dead . Alright , I won't . Text me the orders later ."
Alberto took Louis back to the hotel , Dale stayed with the police .
"I really suggest you call your friends , I don't want you to be alone ." Alberto said as he opened the door to Louis and Harry's room , Louis nodded , "I will ."
He walked into the room and made sure to lock the door behind him , going to lay in bed . A lot of thoughts were running through his head .
How come he was just taken away ? How come no one helped him ? There was such a large crowd , the fans could've helped him . Maybe it was on purpose ? Maybe it was planned ? Maybe someone purposely got a large crowd of people who knew about the abducting , and were there just to help it happen ?
But Louis thought he was just over thinking , he pulled his phone out and called Zayn . He cried while explaining what happened , and Zayn promised to be there as soon as he could , saying he's going to book a flight right now .
He went to Harry's suitcase and pulled out one of his shirts , changing out of his clothes to the shirt .
Harry woke up on a mattress , he groaned as the pain on his shoulder . He fell to the hard ground as he was shuffling around , when he heard a door opened .
He opened his eyes , looking around . It was dark but there was a light from the moon outside .
Footsteps approached him , and soon he felt lips press to his . His eyes widened and he snapped out , pulling away and scrambling back . The shock turned into anger when he saw Kendall smiling at him , "Hi babe ."
"What the fuck ? Where am I ? What are you doing here ? Wh -" He was cut off by Kendall's laugh , "Eager to know , aren't you ?"
"Just tell me what the fuck is going on !" He tried getting up to his feet but Kendall pushed him back down .
"I'll tell you what's going on , but you have to promise me you'll cooperate ."
"I promise nothing ."
"Oh well . You'll have to cooperate anyways ." Kendall chuckled and scooted closer to Harry , wrapping her arms around his neck . He tried pushing her back but a needle poked into his neck , making him feel paralyzed .
"There we go ." She smiled and pecked his lips , "Now listen carefully , I'll summar it up for you ; if you're not dating me , you're not dating anyone else . So , if you want to get out of here , all you need to do is break up with the alien you're claiming to date , and get with me . If not , prepare for staying here for a long time ."
I know this is a bit stupid , but that's honestly all I have . Sorry .
Hope you liked it , tell me if you didn't x
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