Ch. 64

So , last chapter was a wreck . This one will be calmer .

Enjoy x


Louis woke up to an empty bed and the smell of food . He sighed and tried rolling to lie on his side , but the pain in his stomach made him stay still on his back . He sighed to himself and brought his hand down to the bandage , Nick's smiley face before he stabbed him was still in his mind .

Bear jumped up next to him , shaking him out of his thoughts . He smiled , "Morning , buddy ."

Bear sat on his front next to Louis , his head resting on Louis' shoulder . Louis brought his hand up to pet him gently .

Harry walked into the room with a tray of food , smiling at Louis and Bear . "Good morning ."

"Morning ." Louis smiled at him , Harry placed the tray on the nightstand and sat next to Louis , "How long have you been up ?"

"Only a few minutes . Bear kept me some nice company ." Louis said with a smile , Harry reached to pet Bear aswell , "Milo fell asleep on the couch , I'll bring him up to you when he's up . Now sit up , got you some nice breakfast ."

Louis gently pushed Bear's head off his shoulder and sat up , Harry placed a pillow behind his back , "Comfy ?"

"Yeah ." Louis nodded , Harry placed the tray on his lap . "Thank you ." Louis gave him a smile and took a bite .

"Liam , Zayn and Niall are coming over for lunch , they want to check up on you ." Harry rubbed Louis' knee gently , "Are you feeling good enough to get out of bed ?"

"Uhm , I might - I might need some pain relievers , moving around stings a little ." Louis said , Harry nodded , "Yeah , yeah of course ."

Louis finished eating and pecked Harry's lips , "Thanks , for breakfast ."

Harry smiled and kissed him , "It's no problem . Do you want to go to the living room ? We can watch a movie , and I promised to call my mum last night ."

Louis nodded and let Harry take the tray off his lap , he pushed the covers off him and slid out of bed . He followed Harry out of the room , Harry went to the kitchen while Louis went to the living room , smiling at Milo who just woke up .

He sat next to him , "Hey buddy ." He pet him , Milo snuggled next to his thigh and closed his eyes again .

Harry sat on Louis' other side , throwing a blanket over their laps . "Come here , let's call my mum ." He brought Louis into his side , pressing Anne's contact name on his phone .

"Hey Harry , how are you ?"

"I'm good mum , Louis is here with me , you're in speaker ."

"Louis my dear , how are you feeling ? Is Harry treating you well ?"

"Hey Anne , I'm good . Harry is treating me well , yes ." He giggled .

"I'm planning on coming to visit next week , are you two okay with this ?"

"Yes , of course , just tell us which day you're coming . We're both free ." Harry said , unconsciously running his fingers up and down Louis' arm .

"Okay , I'll let you two know . How are the other guys ?"

"They're coming to visit in a few hours ."

"It's Niall's birthday this Friday , tell him I said happy birthday ."

"I will . Are you coming with Robin ?"

"Actually yes , I am ."

"Great , since Louis and him haven't met yet ."

"We'll come over around the noon , so we can stay at your place and have an early dinner outside ."

"I can cook if you want ."

"Only if you want to , we can always change our minds ."

"Alright . Well then I'll talk to you later this week ."

"Okay darling , take care of Louis . We'll talk later ."

"Promise . Love you mum ."

"Love you too honey ."

They hung up , Harry placed his phone on the table and gently brought Louis to lean on his side . "Does it hurt ?"

"No , the pain relievers started kicking in ." Louis shook his head , "Can I lie with my head on your lap ?"

"Go ahead ." Harry smiled at him , Louis slowly and carefully moved to lie on his back , his head on Harry's lap . Harry ran his fingers through Louis' hair gently , "This Friday Niall is throwing a birthday party , I told him we won't be coming ."

Louis looked up at him , "You should go , he's your best friend ."

"I know , but I don't want to leave you here alone ." Harry shook his head , "If you can't go , then I'm not going ."

"Haz , go . Even for an hour or two . Have a good time with your friends , you don't have to stay till the end . Don't shut yourself out because of me ." Louis reached up to hold Harry's hand , "I want you to go ."

Harry leaned down and pecked his cheek , "I will . But you will have to call me if anything is wrong ."

"Promise ." Louis smiled up at him and poked his cheek , making him smile . 

Bear jumped up on the couch and lied next to Louis' feet , Louis smiled down at him , "Hi there ."

Milo woke up from his sleep and walked over to Harry , Harry pet him gently , "Say good morning to baby Lou ."

Milo licked Louis' cheek and sat next to his head on Harry's lap , Louis grinned and reached a hand up to scratch behind his ear .

Harry placed his hand on Louis' stomach , where the bandage is , "I will not let anyone hurt you like this ever again . It crossed every line . This sick , insane person is not getting anywhere near you ."

Louis intertwined his fingers with Harry's and nodded , "Okay . Thank you ."

Harry leaned down and kissed Louis' lips , "I love you ."

"I love you too ." Louis smiled shyly , Harry pecked his lips once more before sitting back up , running his fingers through Louis' hair again . 


There was a knock on the door , Harry dried his hands with a towel and walked out of the kitchen towards the door . He opened it , greeting Zayn , Liam and Niall .

"He's in the living room , go sit with him while I finish making lunch ." Harry pointed his thumb back towards the living room , the three nodded and walked in .

"Hey Lou ." Zayn said with a smile , Louis smiled back , "Hi ."

Zayn sat next to him and hugged him carefully , "How are you feeling ?"

"I'm good , not feeling any pain . I just need to be careful , that's all ." Louis said and pulled back , letting Liam and Niall hug him aswell .

"Has Harry been treating you right ? Helping you and stuff ?" Liam asked , Louis nodded , "He is , don't worry . He's being all gentle and caring ," He blushed a little , Niall chuckled , "Lou , he's whipped , he'll do anything for you ."

"That's true ." Zayn nodded , "He really loves you , with all of his heart . It hurts him to see you like this , and he's trying his best to keep you safe ."

"I know , and I like knowing he cares ." Louis smiled shyly .

"He'll always care about you ." Liam pinched his cheek softly , chuckling when he blushed deeper .

Soon Harry walked into the living room , "Lunch is ready , do you want to eat now or have it later on ?"

They all looked at each other , deciding they'll eat now . Harry rushed over to Louis and placed his arm around his waist , helping him get up from the couch . Louis thanked him , placing a hand over his bandage as he walked .

Harry helped him sit on his chair and went with Liam to get the food .

"Smells great Haz ." Liam patted his shoulder , Harry smiled and thanked him as they got the food over to the table .

"This is one of Louis' favourites ." Harry smiled and sat next to Louis , Louis smiled at him , "Thank you ."

"Welcome ." Harry pecked his cheek and filled his plate with food .

"Niall ?" Louis turned his head towards him , Niall looked up from his plate , "Yeah ?"

"I'm - I'm sorry I can't come to your birthday party ." Louis bit his lower lip , Niall immediately shook his head , "No Lou , don't be sorry . I wouldn't let you come to the party in your condition , you need to stay home and rest ."

"I'll get you a present , we'll go together and you'll choose something -"

"You don't have to buy me something ."

"I want to , it's your birthday ." Louis said , Niall smiled , "Alright . Thanks ."

"Buy him food and he'll love you for the rest of his life ." Harry said , Louis laughed . Niall nodded , "It's true , mate ."


"Thank you for coming ." Louis hugged Liam , Zayn and Niall before they walked out of the house .

"It's no problem , call us if you need anything ." Zayn rubbed his back , Louis nodded , "Okay ."

They said goodbye , Harry linked their arms together , "I thought we could have a movie and a nap , what do you say ?"

"Sounds great , I'm quite tired ." Louis nodded with a smile , Harry wrapped his arm around Louis' waist and helped him to the bedroom , bringing Bear and Milo aswell .

Louis sat against the bedpost with a pillow on his back , Harry sat at his feet as he rubbed them .

"I need to fly to the US again next month , do you want to join me ?" Harry asked , Louis raised hi eyebrows , "Oh ?"

"Yeah , I have some photoshoots and interviews to do . I'll appoint some collabs aswell . And since you don't work at the record store anymore it shouldn't be a problem , right ?" Harry asked , Louis nodded , "Yeah , that - that sounds good . For how long ?"

"I think it's three weeks , maybe we can stay there for a week more and just go places , meet people ."

"That sounds really good ." Louis smiled , Harry smiled back , "Then it's settled ."

"Are the other guys flying with us aswell ?" Louis asked , Harry shook his head , "No , just you and I this time . We can tell them to join us though , for the last two weeks ."

Louis nodded , "Yeah , we can . I want to see Tyler aswell ."

Harry poked his foot gently , as if telling him he's getting jealous . Louis giggled and pulled his foot back , "Come on , Haz . Don't do that ."

Harry chuckled and pulled his foot back to his lap , "Okay , okay . You're just so cute , I couldn't resist ."

Louis blushed , he patted the spot next to him , "Are you coming ?"

Harry grinned and crawled on the bed , sitting next to Louis . Louis shuffled down to lie with his head on Harry's shoulder , Harry kissed the top of his head , "Get some rest , baby ."

Bear and Milo joined the two , creating a group cuddle .

Harry ran his fingers up and down Louis' arm gently , Louis turned his head to press a soft peck to Harry's cheek , making him smile .

"I love you , and I'll keep you safe for the rest of our lives ." Harry said softly , Louis blushed and smiled up at him , "I love you ."

"I love you more ." Harry kissed his forehead .


This chappie is boring , I know . I just got back from a two days trip and I'm super tired , it came out pretty lame .

But , tomorrow I'm updating Fireproof , so get ready for the first chappie .

Hope you liked it , tell me if you didn't x


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