Ch. 63
Hey , uh I just want to say that , I really really hope you won't kill me for this chappie ? There will be drama , but it'll be okay I promise !
Love you , enjoy the chapter x
"Lou , you ready ?" Harry asked , Louis walked out of the bedroom dressed , "Yeah , let's go ."
They walked out of the house and got into the car , Harry turned to Louis as he started the car and pulled out of the driveway , "Listen , uh I know you don't believe in stuff like this but I have gut feelings , have had for the entire day actually . So please , take care of yourself in the store , and I'll call every hour , okay ?"
Louis took Harry's hand , "Nothing will happen , I promise . Okay ?"
"I - just , please answer my calls . And call me whenever , keep your phone with you ." Harry brought Louis' hand up to his lips , pressing a kiss to the back . Louis nodded , "Okay ."
They reached the store , Harry got out of the car and hugged Louis , "Please be safe ."
"Proimse ." Louis nodded , he lifted himself up on his tip-toes to kiss his cheek . Harry pulled back from the hug and kissed his lips , "I'll come to pick you up , okay ?"
Louis nodded , he gave Harry's hand a squeeze and walked into the store .
"Hey Haz . Yeah , I'm okay ." Louis held the phone to his ear with his shoulder , as he was organizing movie cases on the shelves , "Just the same I was an hour ago ." He giggled a little .
"I just - I'm paranoid . I don't want you to get hurt , even in the slightest ."
"I know , and I promise I won't ." Louis smiled with light blush on his cheeks ; he loved feeling protected and cared about .
His phone beeped , Louis took it from his shoulder to see Liam calling him .
"Haz , Liam is calling me , I'll call you back , okay ?" Louis said .
"Okay , I'll go shower then . See you in an hour ."
They hung up and Louis answered Liam .
"Hey Li , wh -"
"Louis where are you ?"
"At the record store . Why ?"
"Oh , no no - Lock the door okay ? I'll call Harry and we'll be on our way there ."
"What ? Liam , what are you talking about ?"
Before Louis could hear Liam , the store's door burst open , he turned around and jumped back in fear when he saw Nick , making him drop his phone to the floor .
"Okay we need to do this quick ." Nick ran up to Louis , "The police is after me , so we'll just finish with this and forget it happened ."
He strangled Louis with one hand against the shelves , his other hand reaching for his back pocket . He pulled out the switch knife and pointed it out , "This will teach you not to take what's mine ." He stabbed the knife into Louis' stomach , making him cry in pain .
"See ? It's over . I'm out ." Nick laughed humorlessly , let go of him and ran out of the store .
Louis cupped the wound in his hands , tears of pain slipping down his cheeks . He slid to the floor , the warm feeling of the blood on his hands and on his shirt was freaking him out . The pain was unbearable , he winced and whimpered .
Liam kept calling him through the phone , speeding on the road to the store , hoping to the there in time .
"L-Li , please help m-me ." Louis managed out brokenly , when people rushed into the store to see if he's okay , calling the police and ambulance .
Liam reached the store a minute later , he got out of the car and pushed through the people until he reached Louis .
"Louis , Louis it's me , talk to me . It was Nick was it ? Fuck . Lou , look at me ." Liam took Louis' face in his hands , wiping his cheeks .
"It h-hurts so bad , L-Liam ." He cried , Liam shushed him , "I know , the ambulance is almost here ."
"Wh-where's Harry ?" Louis asked , he was getting dizzy , "I-I'm dizzy ."
"No , no Louis , stay awake okay ? We'll meet Harry at the hospital , I've got Zayn driving them both there ." Liam said , "Lou stay with me , okay ? Focus on my voice . Come on ."
Three paramedics with a stretcher walked into the store , pushing people away . Liam got up and watched carefully as they pressed pads to Louis' wound , making him whimper in pain .
He was taken on the ambulance , Liam riding with him and holding his hand .
They reached the hospital and Louis was hurried inside , Liam ran his fingers through his hair as he heard someone calling his name .
Zayn and Harry ran up to him , Harry had tears in his eyes , "Where is he ?"
"ER ." Liam said , "I'm pretty sure it was Nick , since I saw on TV he escaped prison . Apparently he had someone in there , a guard or something , to help sneak him out ."
Harry sat on the nearest chair and tugged on his hair , "I knew something will happen ! I fucking knew it , I - I called him every hour to make sure he's okay , it's - this is frustrating !"
Zayn kneeled next to him and took his hands out of his hair , "Haz , none of us could've done anything , we weren't there when it happened . It's the police's fault they let him escape ."
Harry wiped his cheeks , "I want him to be okay ."
"He will be okay , we'll make sure of that ." Liam rubbed his back .
"I'll tell his boss he quits , I've had enough of this store ." Harry shook his head , "He's not going back there ."
"I'll go call Niall , tell him what happened ." Zayn said and stood up , walking away to talk quietly .
Three hours later a nurse called , "Anyone here for Louis , Louis Tomlinson ?"
Harry jumped up , "Yeah , i'm his boyfriend ."
"Come with me , I'll fill you in ." She said , he got up and followed her in . They walked into a small room and sat on the chairs .
"I'm Abigail , and I'm in charge with Doctor Martez of everything that is going to be with Louis ." She introduced herself , "When Louis arrived here he had a stabbing wound , he was bleeding heavily since the attacker managed to rip open a vein . We surged him and stitched him up , he'll be kept over tonight and tomorrow's night ."
Harry nodded and sniffled a little , "When can I go see him ?"
"He's in recovery room , when he'll be passed to a regular room in a few hours you'll be able to see him . Now , we were informed that you two are known publically , so he'll get a room alone . I want you to be in charge of whoever is coming to visit him , okay ?" Abigail said , Harry nodded , "Yeah , of course ."
"Good . I'll come over to call you when you can see him ." She gave him a soft smile and led him back to where Liam , Zayn and Niall were sitting .
He filled them in with the information he was given , they settled on the chairs and tried getting a bit of sleep until they're called .
It was almost four a.m when Harry felt someone shaking him awake . He opened his eyes to see Abigail , "Harry , I'm sorry to wake you up so early in the morning , but Louis moved to a room , would you like to come see him ?"
Harry nodded , "Yeah , just - let me wake the rest up ."
"Sure , no rush ." She nodded .
Harry turned to Liam and shook his shoulder , "Li ? Li wake up ."
Liam stirred awake , Zayn right after him since he had his head on his other shoulder .
"We can go see Louis now ." He said , and as much as he wanted to just abandon the three there and run to Louis' room , he knew better than that .
He woke Niall up aswell , and the four followed Abigail to the second floor , where Louis was .
She opened the door , "He's not awake yet , so when he wakes up call us over ." She said , "He's going to be very weak and tired from blood loss , he's getting a donation right now . Make sure he doesn't move or tries sitting up ."
The four nodded and walked into the room , Harry was the first to approach Louis' sleeping form .
He was slightly pale and had an IV in his arm , his chest rising and falling softly with every breath .
Harry took his hand gently and kissed the back of it , "You scared me to death , baby ." He leaned to kiss his cheek , "I was so worried , I still am ." He whispered and kissed his cheek again , "I love you so much ."
He pulled back and let the other three have their small moment with Louis , watching carefully . He walked closer and ran his fingers through his hair softly , pressing a kiss to his forehead .
The other three ended up asleep on the floor , leaning their heads on each other . Harry stayed awake , he didn't want to go to sleep . He sat on a chair next to Louis' bed and ran his fingers up and down his arm , pressing a kiss to his warm skin every now and then .
It was around eight a.m when the sleeping boys were woken up by knocking on the door , Liam opened it to see two police officers .
"Good morning . Is it Louis Tomlinson's room ?" One asked , Liam nodded , "Yeah , it is ."
"Is he awake ?"
"No , he's still asleep ."
Harry walked up to the door , "Is it about who hurt him ?"
"Yes , we got the guy and he's in for it severely ."
"It was Nick Grimshaw , wasn't it ?" Liam asked , the officers nodded . "Yes , he was caught down the same street as the record store , he's moved to a jail on the other side of the country with isolation ."
"We'd like to talk to Louis when he's awake , call this number when he's ready ." One of the officers handed Harry a note , "I'm Charles and this is Jeremy ."
"We'll give you a call ." Harry nodded and the officers left . He closed the door and returned to his seat next to Louis , taking his hand softly .
Louis woke up two hours later , Harry ran his fingers through his hair , "Baby can you hear me ? Talk to me ."
"Harry ?" Louis asked , his eyes slightly unfocused .
"Yeah , I'm here . I've got you , no one is going to hurt you I promise ." Harry said softly and kissed his forehead , "You're at the hospital , you're okay now . Liam , Zayn and Niall are here aswell ."
"Where's Liam ?" Louis said tiredly , Harry turned his head , "Li ?"
Liam walked up to Louis' other side , "Hey Lou ."
Louis looked up at Liam with a weak smile , "Thank you for saving me ."
"Don't thank me for something like this ." Liam smiled down at him then looked at Harry , "I'll go call Abigail ."
Harry nodded , Niall and Zayn came up to Louis aswell .
A minute later Liam and Abigail were back , Abigail greeted Louis , "Good morning , how are you feeling ?"
"Weak . Really weak . I can barely bring myself to move ." Louis sighed out softly , Abigail nodded as he was checking up on things on the machine he was hooked up to . "This is completely normal . Now try not to stretch your torso , the stitches may rip and it won't be nice . Call me with this button for anything ." She pointed to a button right next to his head , he nodded , "Okay ."
"If you're still tired and weak you can go back to sleep , you'll be able to eat in four hours ." Abigail gave the group one last smile before walking out of the room .
Harry rubbed his finger lightly on Louis' cheek , "Baby , how are you feeling ?"
"Pretty weak ." Louis turned his head to Harry , Harry pecked his lips softly , "I'm sorry I let that happen to you ."
"Don't apologize , you could've done nothing , you didn't know . I didn't know ." Louis shook his head and brought his hand up to his cheek .
"I want you to tell your boss you're quitting . You're not going back to that store ." Harry leaned into his hand that was on his cheek .
Louis nodded , "Okay . I don't want to go back there either ."
The day after , around the afternoon , Louis was signed out of the hospital . He was healing good , he was still weak and slightly tired . He had a talk with Tim , his boss , Tim understood of course and payed him extra as an apology .
Harry parked the car in the driveway and helped Louis out of the passenger's seat , his arm around his body protectively .
They walked into the house , Harry held Bear back from jumping on Louis and told Louis he can go to their bed while he's making them some tea .
Harry walked into the bedroom with two mugs , Louis was on the phone , "I promise I'm okay now . ... No , Lott's , don't tell the twins , okay ? ... Yeah , telling Fizzy is okay . ... I love you too and I miss you . ... I promise , yes , Okay ? I'll call you tomorrow . ... Bye ."
Harry handed him a mug and sat on the edge of the bed next to him , rubbing his knee with his free hand , "Do you want to nap until dinner time ?"
Louis shook his head , "No , I want to be with you . You couldn't hug me because of the stupid hospital rules , so I just want to cuddle now ."
Harry smiled at him and leaned to kiss him , "I can definitely do that ."
Kill me , I know you want to . Okay wait , please don't .
Even though it was horrible I still hope you liked it , tell me if you didn't x
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