Ch. 62
Enjoy the chapter x
"Hello ." Alberto walked into the record store and smiled at Louis , Louis smiled at him , "Hey ." He took his phone from behind the desk as the next shift's employee walked into the store .
"Are we stopping somewhere to get food ?" Louis asked , Alberto shook his head , "They're serving lunch on set , Harry is waiting for you to eat ."
Louis nodded as they got into the car , Alberto in the driver's seat and Louis in the passenger's .
Twenty minutes later they reached the place and got out of the car , Louis walked next to Alberto while looking around ; they were in a meadow , grass and flowers everywhere .
"Here's Harry ." Alberto pointed to Harry , who was standing with another girl , talking and laughing . Now , Louis didn't mind the 'talking and laughing' part , he minded the 'holding each other' part . And the thing that made it worse - they weren't even shooting .
They walked closer , Harry turned his head and his smile grew wider when he saw Louis . He detached himself from the girl and ran up to Louis , wrapping his arms around his waist and lifting him up in a hug .
"You made it !" He grinned and squeezed him , Louis giggled a little and nodded , "Yeah ."
Harry put him down and pressed their lips together , "Missed you ."
"It's only been a few hours ." Louis giggled again , Harry pecked his cheek , "Doesn't matter , still missed you ."
The girl Harry was holding before came over to the two and cuddled into Harry's back , not caring that the two were hugging and kissing , "Who is this little one ?"
Harry turned to face her with Louis tucked close into his side , "This is Louis , my lovely boyfriend . Lou , this is Alexis , she's one of the models here and we're shooting together ."
"Hi , nice meeting you ." Louis smiled nicely at her , She gave him a cold smile in return before holding her hand out for Harry , "Come on , let's go sit together for lunch ."
"I'm sitting with Louis , but you can sit with us if you want ." Harry said , Alexis clenched her jaw but nodded with a smile , "Okay ."
Harry took Louis' hand in his as they walked towards the buffet , Harry handed Louis a plate , "Fill it with whatever you want ."
When their plates were full they walked to a table , Louis and Harry sat next to each other , so Alexis had to sit in front of them .
Louise and Lux joined them , Lux immediately ran up to Louis and gave him a hug and a peck on the cheek .
Alexis and Harry were caught in a conversation , they laughed and shared inside jokes . Louis felt a little left out , when he felt his phone going off . He took it out to see a text from Louise .
Don't feel bad because of her , she's doing that to every model . Harry loves you
He sighed and typed back a reply .
I know , but she's all over him right in front of me
This is annoying , I know , but you know it means nothing but friendly to Harry
I know
"Love , are you done with your food ?" Harry asked , Louis nodded , "Yeah , wasn't really hungry ."
Harry nodded and collected everyone's plates , taking it to the kitchen . Louise got up from the table with Lux in her arms , she gave Louis' shoulder a light squeeze before walking away .
"So , you and Harry ." Alexis gave Louis the same cold smile , Louis nodded , "Uh , yeah ."
"You know , now I understand why Kendall did what she did ." She smirked , Louis froze in his seat when she mentioned Kendall .
"Harry deserves much better than an alien like you ." She said quietly , because a few seconds later Harry sat back next to Louis , "I'm back , do you want to walk around a little ? Maybe we can go sit with Lux and Louise ?"
"No , uh - I think - I think I'll go home ." Louis said , Harry shook his head rapidly , "No , baby , you just got here ." He wrapped his arms around him , "Please stay ?"
"Uhm , I -"
"Please ?"
Harry turned Louis' face by his chin , pecking his lips repeatedly . It made Louis giggle , making Harry smile and pull back , "So you're staying ?"
"Yeah , okay . Just for a little bit more though ." Louis nodded with a smile , Harry pouted a little but nodded , "Okay . I'll treat you tomorrow for not being home all day today . We'll film a video for my channel or something , maybe call the guys over ."
"Sounds great ." Louis leaned his head on Harry's shoulder , Harry rubbed up and down his back , "How was your shift ?"
"It was okay , quite boring ." Louis played with Harry's fingers , twisting his rings and rubbing his thumb on his palm . "How's the photoshoot going so far ?"
"It's great , we had two sessions , I have two more to go . I had one of myself , one with the other male models , I have left one with Alexis and one with all the models , male and female ."
Louis pursed his lips in a line when Harry said he's shooting with Alexis , which means he needs to get out of set before they start . He didn't want to stay and suffer watching her all over him .
"Okay , good luck with that . Uh , when are you starting ?"
"In fifteen or so . I should probably go get my hair done and change outfit ." Harry said and got up from the table , taking Louis with him .
They walked into Harry's caravan , Louise was cleaning some brushes while Lux was asleep on the couch .
"Aw look at her ." Harry cooed quietly and kneeled down next to her , pecking her cheek . Louis sat on the other couch as Louise did Harry's hair , Caroline soon walked in with his next outfit , greeting Louis .
When the shoot was about to start Louis was looking around for Alberto , so he could take him home .
"I need to go now , okay ? Just stay here , I'll be done soon ." Harry kissed his lips , before hurrying to the photographer who was yelling at him to 'make out with his boyfriend some other time' .
The shooting started , Louis was looking everywhere but at the two . Harry was laying on the grass on his back , with Alexis all over his chest , her hands roaming up and down . She kept changing poses between straddling Harry's hips , pressing their chests together and just being all over him .
Louis could see Harry is trying his best not to show he's disgusted with the poses , but the thing that really bothered him was how Alexis was taking advantage . And when she caught Louis' eyes watching them helplessly , she smirked and dove down , pressing her lips to Harry's .
Harry's eyes widened and he pushed her off immediately , wiping his lips , "What the fuck was that ?!"
"Alexis , for hell's sake , we said no kissing . Why the hell did you do that ." The photographer scolded , she just smirked , "Oh come on , like it wasn't a good shot . Admit it ." She winked at Louis , who was nearly in tears .
"Good shot or not , this is not in the contract ." The photographer crossed his arms over his chest , "Lose the attitude and do your job like you're supposed to do , no sudden changes or I'm kicking you off set ."
"Can I have a minute ?" Harry asked , the photographer nodded , "Yeah , just a minute though ."
Harry sprung to his feet and ran up to Louis , who avoided eye contact .
"Lou , look at me ." Harry tried lifting Louis' head up but Louis shook his head , "N-no , I'm going to find Alberto to drive m-me home ." He said and started walking away , but Harry caught his arm and pulled him back , "No , you're upset and I understand - I'm upset too - but please don't go ."
"Well I can't just force myself to suffer watching this - this girl all over you while I can't do anything , because it's your job and you're supposed to be doing that ." Louis furiously wiped the stray tears falling from his eyes .
"Baby , it's just a job - I can always quit , just ask me to ." Harry cupped his cheeks , Louis shook his head , "No , don't quit . It's a job , and you like it , so don't quit ."
"Well , I don't enjoy some things ..." Harry mumbled , but Louis shook his head again , "There isn't a perfect job , Harry , but you still enjoy some parts of the job ."
"I know . But , you come first and I -"
"No , don't put me first . Okay ? Just - stay with this job ." Louis shook his head and took Harry's hands off his cheeks , "I'll go find Alberto ."
"Baby -"
"Haz , please . I really can't stay ."
Harry sighed , "You're not going anywhere until I'm saying a proper goodbye ."
Louis bit his lower lip but nodded , "Okay ."
Harry kissed his lips and returned to the photographer , who patted his shoulder , "We're picking right where we left off , come on !"
Louis turned his head away and looked around for Alberto , when he spotted him he walked over to him .
"Hey Louis , what's up ?" Alberto smiled at him .
"I uh - can you drive me back home ?" Louis asked quietly , Alberto furrowed his eyebrows , "Sure , but uh - aren't you staying longer ?"
"No , I - I can't keep watching them ." Louis nodded his head towards Harry and Alexis , Alberto sighed and nodded , "I understand . Come on , let's go ."
Louis followed Alberto to the car , when Harry called him . He turned to face him , Harry ran up to him and engulfed him in a hug , "I'll make it up to you , okay ? I promise ."
"You don't -"
"I do , I want to . I love treating you ." Harry pulled back a little and pressed their lips together , "I love you ."
"Love you too ." Louis nodded , Harry kissed his cheek and let go , "I'll text you when I'm on my way home ."
"Okay ." Louis nodded , Harry kissed him one last time before watching him getting into the car with Alberto .
Harry was back home around past ten p.m , sighing contently when he entered the warmth of the house , with Milo and Bear greeting him at the door .
He took his shoes off and was about to call Louis' name , when he heard a small sniffle . He quieted down and walked silently towards the bedroom , Louis was laying on his side with his back facing Harry , holding his phone in front of him as he was talking with Zayn , who was on speaker .
"You know he loves you , Lou ."
"I know Z , but - the look she gave before she kissed him - she did it because I was th-there , she wanted me to get jealous a-and I did ."
"And we both know that the girls who do this are after his money , unlike you . Let's take Cara for an example , she's a sweetheart , and she loves Harry like her brother - probably one of the only sane models Harry knows . She's the proof not everyone is like that ."
"But the ones who are - I don't even know what they have against me . And even when Harry just introduced us I knew she was 'that' kind , because he gave me a hug and she just walked up to him and hugged him like I'm not there ."
"I'll chop her womb off ."
"But the thing that was worse than that - when Harry left us for a few seconds , she looked me up and down and told me she understands why Kendall did what she did ."
Harry's heart sank in his chest , he hated when Kendall was brought up .
"What the fuck ??"
"I know , and I just - I didn't react . Why does everyone hate me ."
Harry wanted to just walk up to him and cuddle him , give him kisses and drain him from tears . He wanted to make him smile and giggle , make him blush and be silly with him .
"Not everyone hates you and you know that . The people who don't like you are missing on an amazing person -"
"If I were an amazing person why would people keep telling me that Harry could do better than me ? Zayn , it's all over Twitter and Instagram ."
"Because they're jealous , okay ? They're fucking jealous because you're the one who has Harry's heart , something people would die for . They're jealous because you look good , because you have a good life and people who love you . They're jealous ."
Harry agreed with every word Zayn said , making a mental note to thank him for this .
"Zayn -"
"No don't comment , we both know it's true . If you ask Harry he'll tell you the exact same thing - there are jealous fuckers all over the world - you just need to ignore them and live your life . Am I right ?"
"Yeah . You are ."
"Good . Now get some sleep , and if I hear from Harry that you cried some more when we hang up I'm going to press the giggle button it runs out of batteries ."
Louis laughed a little through tears , wiping his cheeks . "Thanks Z . This chat meant a lot ."
"I know . You're always welcome . Get some sleep now , yeah ?"
"Yeah , okay ." Louis nodded , "Good night ."
"Night , Lou ."
They hung up , Louis placed the phone on the night stand and wiped his cheeks , rubbing his eyes .
Harry stayed behind the door a little bit more , before opening it wider as if he just arrived , "Hello there ." He smiled at Louis , who turned around and smiled back , "Hey ."
Harry walked closer and sat next to him , "What have you been up to ?"
"Nothing really , just played a little with Bear and Milo , took a shower and had something small for dinner ." Louis said and leaned his back against the headboard . "I was talking to Zayn on the phone ."
"Oh ? What about ?"
"I uh - I told him what happened , at the photoshoot ." Louis looked down to his lap , Harry lifted his head up , "She was scolded some more after you left , and I'm never shooting with her ever again ."
"She uh - she mentioned Kendall , when you were gone ." Louis bit his lower lip , "She said she understands why she did what she did . B-because I don't deserve you ."
"It's me who doesn't deserve you , baby ." Harry scooted closer , "You're so perfect for me , I love you so much . I could never ask for anyone better ."
Louis blushed , he took Harry's massive hand in his small one , "I love you too ."
Harry leaned closer and kissed him , "I don't want you to cry anymore , okay ?"
"How did you know I was crying ?" Louis asked , blushing deeper .
"Your cheeks and eyes are red , and your lips taste a bit like salt ." Harry gave him a soft smile and rubbed his thumb on his cheek , "But I don't care , you're beautiful either way ."
Louis brought the covers up to his head , Harry laughed and tickled him through it , making him giggle and roll away .
"Come back here ." Harry jumped on the bed and wrapped his arms around Louis' form , trapping him under the covers . Louis squeaked when Harry threw the covers off him , capturing him inside of a bear hug .
"Haz , let go ." Louis giggled and wiggled around , Harry chuckled and kissed his cheek before letting go .
"I'll go shower and join you for a cuddle , okay ?" Harry moved Louis' fringe from his forehead , Louis nodded , "Okay ."
Harry pecked his lips and got out of bed , stretching his arms a little .
When he was done showering , he got into boxers and basketball shorts , getting in bed next to Louis , who was on his phone .
"Come here , tiny bug ." Harry opened his arms , Louis put his phone on the nightstand and turned his back to Harry so they're spooning , Harry engulfed him and kissed his cheek , "My warm , tiny cuddle bug ." He cooed and nuzzled his neck , Louis blushed and giggled a little , "Go to sleep already ."
"Nooo , not yet . I want to smooch you ." Harry pressed noisy kisses all over his neck , making Louis giggle at the ticklish feeling from the vibration of his lips .
"Haz , come on . Stop , go to sleep ." Louis tried bringing his shoulder to his ear , Harry stopped for a second , "I want to cherish you . Can I do that ? Why am I even asking , of course I can ." Harry talked to himself and laughed , before launching a kisses-tickles attack on the small boy .
"O-oh my god ! Harry !" Louis laughed , He could barely squirm away from the tight from Harry had around him , all he could do was kick at Harry's legs to try stopping him .
"Mmhhhmmmm , you're soooo sweet ." Harry bit on his skin gently , Louis squeaked and giggled , "Stop it , please ." He tried pushing his fingers away from his ribs , so Harry moved farther up to under his arm , making Louis kick wildly , "No no no no !"
Harry laughed along and kept going , he stopped after a while and pecked his cheek softly , "I'm done for the next few minutes ." He teased , Louis whined and tried rolling away but Harry caugtht him .
"Let go , you're mean to me ." Louis pushed his arms away but it didn't help , "You owe me a massage for this assault ." He slumped back into his chest .
"Deal ." Harry gave him a squeeze , "Now turn around and cuddle me properly ."
Louis turned to face him , laying across his chest .
"Comfy ?" Harry ran his fingers through Louis' hair , who nodded , "Yeah . Night ."
"Night , baby . I love you ."
"Love you too Haz ."
It was a bit crappy , I think . Well ...
I hope you liked it anyways , tell me if you didn't x
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