Ch. 60
Sooo , I have a small surprise for you ; Remember a while ago I talked about a new short fic ? Well I've already written seven chapters and it's going pretty well , but I won't start publishing chapters until it's completely done . Sooo , after this chapter will be up , twelve hours later I'll publish the Prologue and I want you guys to tell me what you think x
Enjoy the chapter x
"It's my day off today ." Louis snuggled the pillow under his head , "Don't make me get up ."
"Come on baby , let's go somewhere . We can go to the mall , we'll shop and have a nice lunch ." Harry rubbed his back , Louis sighed , "Give me a few more minutes ."
Harry chuckled , "Can I give you cuddles too ?"
"Mhmm ." Louis hummed and nodded , Harry pressed a kiss to his clothed shoulder and snuggled into his back , trailing his fingers up and down his spine softly .
Fifteen minutes later Harry leaned his chin on his back , looking at the back of Louis' head , "Lou ?"
Louis hummed , Harry moved up a little to kiss his cheek , "Let's get up now ."
Louis whined but let himself get dragged out of bed by Harry , Harry laughed and threw him over his shoulder , "Let's feed you to the dogs ."
"Nooo ." Louis slapped his back , Harry just smiled and threw him on the couch , leaning to kiss his lips , "I'll go make breakfast ."
Harry parked the car in the parking lot , he got out of the car with Louis following . Harry took his hand and started walking to the mall's entrace , they smiled at Dale and Alberto , greeting them .
The four walked in , Harry pointed to a store , "Let's go in there ." He took Louis with him , "What would you like ?"
"U-uh - I don't need new clothes ." Louis shook his head with light blush on his cheeks .
"Come on , it's my treat . I like spoiling you ." Harry smiled down at him , Louis sighed , "Choose yourself your shirts , I'm going to steal them anyways ."
Harry laughed , "Come on , let's go look for something ."
They walked around the store , when Harry pointed to a lavender sweater , "You'll look amazing in this ." He smiled , making Louis blush deeply . "I think it'll look good on you too ."
Harry smiled and picked a size , slinging it over his arm , "What next ?"
"This shirt is nice ." Harry pointed to a red shirt , "It's a collarbone shirt , and I love your collarbones ." He slung the shirt over his arm . Louis blushed , "My collarbones ?"
"Yeah , I have no explanation ." Harry smiled at him , "Come on , moving on ."
Louis pointed to a white shirt , "It's basic , isn't it ?"
Harry took it , chuckling to himself , "It's see-through . I'm taking it ." He slung it over his arm , taking a black see-through shirt aswell .
"What about some jeans ?" Harry pointed to the section , pulling out a black skinny jeans with rips at the knees .
"It's too long for my legs , I'll have to roll the ends up ." Louis shook his head , Harry raised his eyebrow at him and slung the jeans over his arm , "I'd love to see that ." He smiled , "Anything else ?"
"N-no , I don't think so ." Louis shook his head , Harry pointed to a denim jacket with white fur on the inside , "I'm getting you this ." He took out one his size and slung it over his arm aswell , taking Louis' hand in his free one .
They walked to the cashier with Dale and Alberto and paid , Alberto took the bags for them . Harry thanked him with a smile and they got out of the store .
People started recognizing them , but it was nothing major , it'll take time until they get mobbed , which Louis hoped to himself wouldn't happen .
"Let's go in there ." Harry pointed to a candy shop , Louis giggled quietly as he was dragged into the store .
Harry took a plastic bag and handed it to Louis , "Go crazy ."
Louis took it with a small giggle and filled it with gummy candy , handing it back to Harry , "There you go ."
Harry took the bag along with Kinder Surprise Eggs , paid and handed Louis a chocolate egg , "I know you like this chocolate ."
Louis smiled and took it , unwrapping it . He handed half of it to Harry , Harry took a bite and purposely bit his fingers too .
"Hey , that was mean ." Louis pouted , Harry chuckled and ate the rest of the chocolate , and before Louis could wipe his hand on Harry's shirt , Harry took a hold of his wrist and licked the chocolate left on his fingers .
"Nooo ! Harry ." Louis pulled his hand away with a whine , wiping his fingers on Harry's shirt , making him laugh .
"We always share saliva , I don't know why you're fussing over it ." Harry pecked his lips , Louis smacked his arm , "That's not the same , dork ."
They continued walking around , Harry kept his arm secured tightly around Louis' waist , squeezing him everytime they passed a guy and Harry caught him looking at Louis .
"You're ridiculous ." Louis shook his head with a giggle , Harry just squeezed him closer , "They're looking at you , if I can't punch them , I'll show them you're mine ."
"You're not going to punch anyone , okay ? You are allowed if I don't want them around me and they keep insisting . That's the only moment you're allowed to punch them ." Louis placed his hand over Harry's where it was holding his waist , Harry sighed but nodded , "Fine ."
"Good . I don't want you to get in trouble ." Louis leaned his head on his shoulder , Harry kissed the top of his head , when he felt Louis' stomach rumbling against his hand .
He laughed , "Let's go eat , yeah ? You could've told me you're hungry ." He walked towards the escalator .
"I wasn't really paying attention , but now you mentioned food so ..." Louis said and stepped on the escalator with Harry , Dale and Alberto right behind them .
They reached the second floor , Harry looked around the food area , "Where do you want to eat ?"
"I don't know ." Louis looked at the places aswell , "Uhm we could - we could go there ?" He pointed to the Cafe , Harry nodded and led them to the place .
Dale and Alberto stood nearby the place while the two followed the hostess into the place to find them a table .
"There you go , a waiter will come over shortly ." She placed two menus on the booth table and walked back to the entrace .
Harry scooted closer to Louis' side in the booth and opened the menu , "What would you like ?"
Louis looked over the menu , "I uh - I want the Chicken Salad , but it's a big dish and I won't be able to finish it ."
"We can take it together , then we can take a dessert too ." Harry suggested , Louis nodded , "Okay , sounds good ."
"Anything specific to drink ? Grape juice ?" Harry asked with a knowing smile , Louis giggled and nodded , "Yeah ."
A waitress approached them , "Hello , are you ready to order ?"
Harry nodded and told her the order , she nodded and wrote it down on her notepad , "Alright , your order will be here shortly , if you need anything my name is Ellie ." She gave them one last smile before collecting the menus and walking away .
"She seems sweet ." Harry said , "I mean , she didn't freak out on us which is good ."
Louis giggled , "Yeah , she looks cute . She has nice eyes ."
"She's freaking out on us with her friend ." Harry laughed and nodded his head towards Ellie , who had a wide smile on as she spoke to her friend , another waitress , who's eyes were bulging out .
Louis leaned a little into Harry's side , "You think we could talk to my sisters in the evening ? Try arranging the sleepover ?"
"Of course we can ." Harry wrapped his arm around Louis and pulled him closer , pressing a kiss to his forehead .
The waitress Ellie was talking to approached them with two glasses of grape juice , she gave the two a shy smile as she placed the glasses on the table .
"Thanks ." Harry smiled back , "By the way , I saw you and your friend having a moment over there ." He teased and laughed , she laughed aswell , "Yeah , well , you're Harry and Louis . THE Harry and Louis . We have every right freaking out ."
"So you admit you freaked out ?" Harry raised his eyebrow , Louis slapped his chest as he bit his giggle back , "Harry , you're embarrassing ."
"Yeah , I admit we freaked out , okay ? We've fans , obviously ." She laughed . "I'm Winter , you can call me if you need anything ."
"Sure , thank you ." Harry laughed , and she walked away .
Louis giggled , "You embarrassed her , you idiot ."
"At least she's not screaming in my face , you know ." Harry chuckled and pulled Louis closer into his side , "Now cuddle me before the food is here ."
Louis leaned his head on Harry's shoulder , Harry rubbed his back softly as they cuddled quietly .
A minute later Ellie was back with their food , they untangled from each other and thanked her .
"Saw your little freak out a while ago , your friend admitted it ." Harry said causally , Louis slapped his arm , "Stop with this ." He giggled .
"What can I say ? We're fans , we have the right ." Ellie laughed aswell , "Enjoy your food , call me for anything ." She gave them one last smile before walking away .
-(too lazy for another lunch scene)-
Ellie brought over to their table their bill , Harry placed the money in the chest and handed it back to her .
"Uh - before you go , could you two take a picture with me and my friend ?" Ellie asked , the two nodded with a smile as they got out of the booth .
Winter came over and took a picture of Ellie with them , then Winter took a picture with them too .
"You're shorter than Louis , this is a record ." Harry laughed , Winter rolled her eyes , "It's genetic , not my fault ."
"Look how tall I am . I'm loving it ." Louis giggled , Harry laughed and pulled him into his side , "You're still tiny , baby ."
"That's what I call her ." Ellie laughed , "I call her tiny , because she's tiny ."
"Yeah , I get called Pikachu a lot aswell ." Winter laughed too .
"Well , it was nice meeting you two ." Harry smiled at them , they said goodbye and walked out of the place .
"They were nice ." Louis said as Harry intertwined their fingers together , Harry nodded , "Yeah , they were fun to talk to . You know , there are the screaming ones , and then the shy ones who barely talk ."
"I used to be a shy one ." Louis giggled , blushing .
"I know , but I absolutely loved making you all blushy and shy . I still do ." He pulled him closer , Louis giggled shyly and pressed his face to his shoulder blade .
"Boys , there a large crowd outside , we're going to do this quick , okay ? Don't stop for pictures or signs ." Dale said , the two nodded and pressed close together .
They could see the crowd outside , Louis took in a deep breath and clutched Harry's arm tightly .
"We're going out ." Alberto said , he walked in front of the pair , Dale on their back .
Soon enough they were inside of the large crowd , fans screaming from every direction and some camera flashes .
Louis was losing his breath , the fans were clawing at his arm and shoulders , when suddelnly a rough hand took a hold of his elbow and ripped him from Harry's hold , swallowing him into the crowd .
He couldn't focus on what's going on around him , he heard screaming and felt people surrounding and squishing him from every side . He tried calling Harry , but he couldn't even open his mouth to talk .
His knees wobbled and his face turned red from lack of oxygen , he was about to collapse when Harry's worried , familiar face came into view . Harry wrapped his arms tightly around his waist , "Shh , baby , breath . Breath with me , in and out . In and out . Slowly , baby , relax . I'm here ."
Louis clutched Harry close , Harry took a hold of the back of his thighs , "I'm going to carry you , okay ?" He said in his ear and tugged him up , Louis wrapped himself around Harry and hid his face in his neck , breathing heavily .
"Okay , everyone back !" Dale finally raised his voice , approaching the couple with Alberto . They started pushing the fans away , creating a circle around the two .
"Breath . I'm here . Come on baby , deep breaths ." Harry held him tighter , his lips pressed to his ear as Louis was breathing heavily .
"H-home , Harry - home ." Louis managed out , Harry nodded , "Okay , okay , I'll get you home ."
Dale and Alberto created a path between the fans for the two to walk through , making sure no one is touching them . The fans were silent , except for the ones who still felt like screaming and taking pictures .
Dale turned to Harry , "Do you want me to drive you home ? You'll sit in the back with Louis ."
"Yes , thank you ." Harry handed him the car keys and got inside of the car's backseat , Louis sitting on his lap .
Dale got into the driver's seat , Alberto stayed in the parking lot to make sure they leave without any harm , for them or the fans .
Fifteen minutes later they reached home , Dale opened the backseat door , Harry slipped out and held his hands out for Louis , who shakily took them and got out of the car .
"Thank you for today , we owe you big time ." Harry shook Dale's hand , Dale smiled at them , "It's not problem . Go in and relax , okay ?"
"Will do . Thank you again ." Harry patted his shoulder , "Tell Alberto I said thank you aswell ."
Dale nodded , Harry turned to Louis and wrapped his arms around him , "Let's get inside , yeah ?"
Louis nodded tiredly , he let Harry lead him into the house .
"What do you way about a warm bath and a nap , does it sound good ?" Harry asked as he locked the front door , Louis nodded , "Yeah , okay ."
Harry sat Louis on the closed toilet seat and turned to the tub , filling it with warm water and bath bomb .
He turned back to Louis and kneeled in front of him , silently taking his shoes off and socks . He looked up at him and leaned to press a soft kiss to his cheek , "I'm sorry I let them pull you away from me ."
Louis shook his head , "Wasn't your fault . They pulled me really hard , even with your strong grip ."
"I'm never letting you go through this again ." Harry pecked his lips lightly , "Never ever ."
Louis nodded , "Okay . Thank you ."
The bath was ready , they got undressed to their boxers and got inside the tub . Harry rubbed his hands up and down Louis' back comfortingly , moving to his shoulders and down his arms .
"Does it help you relax ?" He asked , Louis nodded , "Yeah , it does ."
Harry leaned in to press a kiss to Louis' shoulder blade , making him shiver a little .
"I can't wait to see you in this lavender sweater we got today ." Harry changed the subject , a smile creeping on his lips .
"Yeah . It looks comfy ." Louis said back , "I want to see you wearing that too ."
"I will , after you ." Harry poked his side gently , Louis jerked away , "But I want it to smell like you when I wear it ."
Harry cooed and wrapped his arms around his waist , bringing him closer , "You're adorable ."
A few minutes later the water got cold , Harry stood up from the tub and wrapped a towel around his waist , holding a towel open for Louis .
"Come here ." He smiled , Louis stood up and stepped on the rag , turning his back to Harry to cover him , but he didn't .
Louis turned to face him , "Is there something wrong ?"
"Your arm ."
Louis looked down to both arms , noticing that on the arm he was pulled on he had a red bruise .
"O-oh ."
Harry shook his head and wrapped the towel around Louis' body , rubbing his back , "I'll go get you clothes , okay ?"
Louis nodded , Harry left a kiss on his cheek and walked outof the bathroom .
Once the two were changed and in bed , Harry lied with Louis on his chest , "Get some rest , baby . I'll be here with you when you wake up ." He kissed his forehead , Louis nodded and cuddled closer on his side , with his bruised arm up since it hurt to lie on that side .
Harry ran his fingers up and down his back , crawling his hand under his shirt , feeling his warm , soft skin under his fingertips .
When he was sure Louis is fully asleep , he turned to take his phone from the nightstand , turning the front camera towards him . He started recording ;
"Hey guys , Harry here . Today - it was nice at first , but then the whole mobbing shit - it was horrendous . I don't know who did this , but someone just ripped Louis from my hold , and left a bruise on his arm ."
He turned the camera towards Louis' arm , sighing before bringing it back to his face .
"Now , I understand you guys want pictures and all , but when you hurt my baby , my Louis - this isn't on good terms anymore . And instead of helping him they screamed in his face and kept him captive . He has anxiety , and if you surround him like that , he panics . So please , I beg you - you want to harm me ? Fine , but don't you dare touch Louis if you're not planning on being nice . Thank you ."
He stopped the recording , and uploaded the video to Twitter with the caption "A serious talk . Get this in your fucking head ."
He placed his phone on the nightstand and turned to spoon Louis , pressing a few kisses to his cheek before cuddling up to him .
"I'll keep you safe . Forever and always ."
Sooo that was today's chappie .
Hope you liked it , tell me if you didn't x
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