Ch. 58
Sooo hopefully this chapter will be long and eventful , as I want it to be .
Enjoy x
"Hey love ." Harry walked into the record store , smiling at Louis . Louis smiled back , "Hi , I'm going to finish in just a few , okay ?"
"Sure , there's no rush ." Harry nodded and walked closer , "How was the shift ?"
"It was okay , nothing unusual ." Louis shrugged and turned back to the shelf , organizing and CDs on it . Harry turned him around and kissed his lips , "We're going to stop to pick up some food , and lots of it . For us , Zoe , Alfie , Joey and Daniel ."
"Okay , I'll just finish ." Louis nodded , light blush on his cheeks . Harry pecked his nose and turned to the door when it opened , an employee walking in .
"Hello ." She smiled , Louis smiled back , "Hi Valerie ."
When Louis finished with the CDs he walked behind the desk to take his phone , when Valerie asked , "Is there anything else to organize or you did it all ?"
"Uh , I think there is another box or two , I'm not sure ." Louis pointed to the backdoor , she nodded , "Sure ."
Louis grabbed Harry's hand and they walked out of the store , "What food are we getting ?"
"Chinese , Zoe and Daniel begged me to ." Harry chuckled a little and opened the passenger's door for Louis , Louis thanked him and got inside the car .
"Hey , come in ." Zoe smiled at Harry and Louis and opened the door wider , the two walked in and placed the food bags on the counter in the kitchen .
Joey and Daniel went to greet them , Alfie joining .
"Do you want to eat before we film the videos ?" Joey asked , Daniel and Zoe nodded and took the food to the dining table , making the other four laugh and join them .
"So , what videos do you want to film ?" Harry asked , passing Louis his order .
"We filmed with Zoe and Alfie the Chubby Bunny Challenge , so with you and Louis we'll film the No Hands Challenge ." Joey said , Harry nodded , "Sure , we can go to our place after we film the video with Zoe and Alfie ."
"What video are we filming with you two ?" Louis asked Zoe .
"Well , we thought about the Blindfold Makeup Challenge , since I got tons left from previous videos . What do you think ?" Zoe asked , Harry and Louis nodded .
After all six were done eating , Alfie helped Zoe settle the camera in front of the couch with all the make up they need .
The four sat on the couch , with Joey and Daniel watching from behind the camera .
"Hello everybody , today I'm here with Alfie , and two new additions , Harry and Louis ." Zoe waved at the camera , Harry and Louis smiled aswell and waved .
"Well the main reason we wanted to film a video with these two is because they deserve Couple Of The Year Award , and everyone should go watch their videos together ." Zoe laughed , "So today we'll be doing the Blindfold Makeup Challenge , there aren't going to be winners and losers , just for fun and laughs . Harry and Alfie will do eachother's makeup , and Louis and I will do eachother's ."
"Who goes first ?" Alfie asked , "Rock paper scissors ?"
The two pairs did the 'rock paper scissors' , Alfie and Louis were first .
They blindfolded themselves and sat in front of Zoe and Harry , reaching out to grab something .
"I must warn you , I know nothing about makeup ." Louis giggled nervously , holding an eyeshadow pack in his hand .
"It's okay , just do whatever ." Zoe laughed .
"Ugh mate , you got it in my eye !" Harry flinched back when Alfie poked him in the eye with the mascara , making Alfie laugh .
Louis placed the eyeshadow down and blindly grabbed something else .
"You got the lipgloss ." Zoe told him .
"I thought I could avoid this one ." Louis giggled , he opened it and searched for Zoe's lips , blindly smearing it over her lips , making her giggle .
Alfie tried brushing blush on Harry's cheeks , but managed to get it on his nose and eyes aswell , making Daniel laugh at the face he pulled .
"You guys look gorgeous ." Joey teased and laughed .
"Fuck , Alfie , you literally got the lipgloss everywhere but actually on my lips ." Harry laughed , causing Louis to giggle aswell .
Soon they finished , Harry and Zoe turned to each other and burst out laughing .
"You have mascara literally everywhere !" Zoe laughed .
"Oh like your eyeshadow looks better , it's on your forehead and between your eyes ." Harry poked her cheek .
"You can take the blindfolds off ." Zoe said , Alfie and Louis took off the blindfolds and joined Harry and Zoe in the laughing fit .
"Oh god , I'm sorry for your lipgloss ." Alfie laughed , "I swear I thought I did it well ."
Zoe handed Harry a makeup remover , they wiped the makeup off their faces .
"Haz , you still have mascara on your brow ." Louis giggled and went to sit next to him , helping him wipe it off .
"Thanks love ." Harry pecked his cheek , Louis smiled at him , "Good luck with the makeup ." He giggled and went back to sit next to Zoe .
"Okay , so now Harry and I will try putting makeup on Louis and Alfie ." Zoe said towards the camera and handed Harry a blindfold , Harry put it on and turned to Alfie , reaching for something . He grabbed the blush , taking the brush aswell .
"Please get it on my cheeks ." Alfie asked , Harry chuckled , "No promises ."
He held Alfie's face with one hand , the othe brushing the blush on his cheeks , getting it on his nose and forehead aswell .
"I hope I don't poke you in the eye or anything ." Zoe told Louis as she held the mascara up , Louis giggled nervously , "That's very calming ."
"Louis' eyelashes are amazing , Zoe if you get the mascara done good he'll look so amazing ." Joey said , Daniel nodded , "He's right , Louis' eyelashes are beautiful ."
"My baby always looks amazing ." Harry smiled and turned to Joey and Daniel , even though he couldn't see them .
"Now you don't need to apply blush on Louis , Zoe , all we need to do it compliment him ." Daniel said , Zoe laughed a little , "I'm still going to attempt applying it ."
"Ugh , Harry , these are my eyeballs not lids , for god's sake ." Alfie flinched back , Louis giggled and let Zoe apply lipgloss on his lips .
Soon Harry and Zoe finished , Alfie and Louis turned and laughed , "Look at you !" Louis pointed to his eyes , "You got mascara on your cheeks ."
"And you got eyeshadow all over your face ." Alfie laughed aswell .
Zoe and Harry took off the blindfolds , laughing at their partners .
Zoe handed the two makeup removers , Harry helped Louis with the mascara on his face and smiled , "You looked really cute with makeup all over ."
"Shut it , I looked like a psycho ." Louis shook his head and giggled , ruffling his fringe back on his forehead .
"So that was the video , just a quirky , stupid video ." Zoe sighed and turned to the camera , "Hopefully you enjoyed it , give it a thumbs up and we'll see you next video , byeeeee ." She waved at the camera , the other three waved aswell .
"God , that was tiring ." Alfie slumped back against the couch , Zoe patted his chest , "Get up , lazy bum ."
Louis leaned on Harry's shoulder , yawning a little .
"You tired , bug ?" Harry asked , Louis sighed , "A little . I was up early and all ."
"I know , love . We'll film our video with Joey and Daniel , then you can go to sleep , okay ?" Harry kissed the top of his head , Louis nodded , "Okay ."
Harry , Louis , Joey and Daniel said goodbye to Zoe and Alfie and walked out of the house , all getting into Harry's car .
Ten minutes later they reached their house , walking out of the car to the front door .
Bear and Milo jumped on them , Louis giggled and lifted Milo up , "Say hi ." Milo barked cutely in return , Joey cooed and pet him , "He's so cute ."
"I like Bear , he's so beautiful ." Daniel said from his place next to Bear , hugging him and petting him .
"Go sit on the couch , I'll get my camera ." Harry said and walked up to the bedroom .
Joey sat on the couch , pulling Louis with him . "So tell me , Louis . What's your favourite movie to watch ?"
Louis was about to answer when Daniel sat on Louis' other side , "I'm sorry about him , he's trying to ruin my plans on flirting with you ."
Louis blushed deeply , raising an eyebrow , "Oh ?"
"Yeah , he knows you're my man crush , well except for him , so he's trying to flirt with you to get back at me ." Daniel gave Joey a stern look , making him laugh .
Daniel slung his arm around Louis' shoulders and pulled him against his side , "So tell me , do you like puppies ?"
Joey lifted Louis' legs to his lap , "I really like your jeans ."
"You have really soft hair ." Daniel played with Louis' hair .
"Nice ankles ." Joey gave Louis' right ankle a gentle squeeze .
Daniel moved back a little , making Louis lie on the couch , head on Daniel's lap . He massaged Louis' temples , "Get some sleep , will you ?"
Soon enough Harry walked into the living room with the camera and it's stand , only to see Joey and Daniel all over Louis , his Louis .
"What the actual fuck is going on ?" Harry placed his things down and walked closer with a raised eyebrow . Louis gave Harry a nervous smile , "Mind saving me from these claws ?"
Harry sighed and walked closer , laying across Louis' body , his legs on Joey's lap .
"Please tell me you're not going to make out ." Daniel asked , Harry looked at him with a smirk , "What if we did ?"
"The bedroom is right there , not on my lap please ." Daniel ruffled Harry's hair , Harry chuckled and just cuddled himself into Louis , head buried in his neck .
"Haz , what are you doing ?" Louis giggled , his arms wrapping around his broad shoulders .
"Cuddling you ." Harry said simply .
"Now ?"
"Yes . Is there a problem ?"
"Don't you think there is ?"
Joey slapped Harry's bum playfully , "Get off the boy , let us have him ."
"If I give you my baby , what will you do to him ?" Harry turned his head to Joey , craning his neck the best he could .
"We'll give him everything you give him ." Joey said .
"Yeah , you know , all the hugs and cuddles and tickles and kisses and sappy-cheesy shit you give him ." Daniel ran his fingers through Harry's hair , Harry looked up at him , "Do you really think I'll let you do that to my baby ?"
"Don't let them ." Louis giggled , Harry looked down to him and smiled , "Do you really think I'll let them do that ? I'm the only one allowed to give you tickles ." He lowered his head and blew a raspberry against Louis' neck , Louis squeaked in surprise and giggled , trying to push Harry's head away from his neck .
"Haz , stop it ." He giggled , Harry laughed a little a lifted his head up , "Would you mind it if I asked for some help ?"
"Yes I would !" Louis giggled , "Get off me , please ."
Harry shook his head and buried his face in Louis' shoulder , Louis looked up at Daniel , "Help me ."
Daniel raised an eyebrow , "If I help you , you'll go on a date with me ?"
"I - I , Daniel -"
"Oh come on , don't ask questions like that ." Harry lifted his head up , "My baby is my baby only ." Harry peppered Louis' cheek with kisses , making him blush .
"I just wanted to note how much fun I'm having right now with four stinky feet on my lap ." Joey said sarcastically , Harry laughed , "My feet don't stink ." He pushed his shoe into Joey's face , making him groan and push his legs off , making Harry roll off the couch , pulling Louis with him .
"Harry !" Louis squealed , giggling when he hit Harry's chest . Harry laughed and wrapped his arms tightly around Louis' waist , "You okay there ?"
"I am ." Louis giggled and sat up with Harry , "Should we film the video now ?"
"Yeah , let's start ." Harry nodded and helped Louis up with him , Louis sat back between Joey and Daniel while Harry settled the camera in front of the dining table , where the challenge will be . He got them some ingredients from the kitchen to make a simple sandwitch .
"Come here , the camera is settled ." Harry called , the three got up from the couch and went to sit on the chairs .
Harry sat on a chair and pulled Louis to his lap , "We're starting , okay ?"
"Get it started already , Styles ." Joey said from his place on Daniel's lap .
"Hello everyone , Harry here , once again with my beautiful baby Louis ." Harry smiled and pecked Louis' cheek , "Today we have with us these two menaces , Joey and Daniel , known as Janiel ."
"Why are we menaces ?" Daniel asked , as if he didn't know what he was talking about .
"Well , you two were flirting with my boyfriend , while I was right there to watch you ." Harry gave them a knowing look .
"What ? No ! You weren't there , we waited for you to go out so we could flirt with this cutie ." Joey reached to poke Louis side , making him giggle and shy away from his touch .
"Well anyways , as you know and as everyone in the entire world should , this boy is mine and no one is taking him away from me ." Harry hugged Louis closer to him , pressing a kiss to his cheek .
"Now , today we'll be doing the Not My Hands Challenge , we'll attempt making a sandwitch . At first I thought we could switch partners but now I'm not trusting you , so we'll stay like this ." Harry laughed a little at the two's expressions , he knew it's all playful but he couldn't help feeling jealous when they flirted with Louis .
Daniel handed Harry a giant shirt to fit both him and Louis inside , the two couples put on the shirts , so Harry is Louis' hands and Daniel is Joey's hands .
Louis started instructing Harry's hands around , giggling quietly as he watched .
"Dannie , you're supposed to put the jelly on the bread , not the table !" Joey sighed , Harry and Louis laughed from next to them .
"The peanut butter is on your left , Haz ." Louis nodded with his head towards it , even though Harry couldn't really see .
"No , Haz , not this one ." Louis giggled , "Come on , you dork ."
Harry grumbled against his back , "Dork , huh ?" He dipped a finger into the peanut butter jar and smeared it on Louis' face , making him squeak , "Hey ! Don't ." He giggled .
Soon the two finished making the quirky sandwitches , Louis wiped his face from the peanut butter Harry smeared on him .
They switched roles , Louis was now Harry's hands and Joey was Daniel's hands .
Louis was against Harry's back , trying his best not to mess up .
"Now take the jelly jar , it's next to your right hand ." Harry instructed him , Louis took it and opened it , deciding to get some revenge . He took some jelly into his fingers and rubbed it all over Harry's face , giggling into his back .
"Ugh , Lou !" Harry turned his face away , "You can laugh now , but just wait , I'll get you back ."
Louis giggled and went back to making the sandwitch , sighing in relief with he was done . He crawled out of the back of the shirt , grabbing his phone from his back pocket to take a picture of Harry's face .
He turned the front camera towards them and took pictures of Harry , giggling into his shoulder . Harry sighed and took a cloth from the kitchen to clean his face , Louis took the sandwitch he made and took a bite .
"So , this is just a quick video of us being stupid , hopefully you still enjoyed it . Give it a thumbs up and go watch Joey and Daniel's videos , they're cute together , as long as they're focused on each other and not my baby ." Harry held his thumb up , "Have a nice week , all the love ."
The four waved at the camera , Harry got up from his seat to turn the camera off .
Louis yawned again , Harry walked over to him , "Do you want to go home and take a nap ?"
"He can take a nap here , my lap is comfortable ." Daniel said and patted his lap , Harry rolled his eyes , "If anything , he'll be napping on my lap ."
"I won't nap on any of your laps , I'm going to cuddle Bear and Milo ." Louis playfully pushed Harry away .
"Oh come on , you love my cuddles because I give you back scratches ." Harry chuckled and kissed Louis' forehead .
"I can give you back scratches if you want ." Joey said , Louis laughed and shook his head , "Only Harry's scratches are nice ."
Harry smiled and wrapped his arms around Louis , "Let's go nap , yeah ?"
Louis looked up at him and nodded , "Get me Bear and Milo ."
"I thought you want to cuddle me ." Harry pouted , Louis shook his head , "No , you're acting like a possessive frog , I'll cuddle you some other time ." He teased .
Harry laughed and kisses his lips , "You're adorable ."
"Where is the bathroom ? I might throw up from cuteness ." Daniel pretended to gag , Louis giggled .
The four settled on the couch , Louis lied on his side with his head on Harry's lap , Harry ran his fingers through Louis' hair softly .
Harry was caught up in a conversation with the two , not noticing Louis fell asleep .
"Aw look at him ." Joey nodded his head towards Louis , who was sleeping peacefully .
Harry looked down to him , "Yeah , he's precious , isn't he ?"
"You won life goals , Harry ." Joey said , making Harry chuckle , "I do feel like the luckiest guy in the world , having Louis with me ."
"He's such an angel , even after what he's been through ." Daniel said , "I want to be there when you propose ."
"Deal ." Harry smiled , he carefully took Louis' head off his lap and placed it on the couch , pecking his cheek .
He led Joey and Daniel out to their cab back to the hotel , saying goodbye . He walked back into the house , Louis was still sleeping peacefully . He covered him in a blanket and pressed his lips to his forehead , letting him sleep while he's going to make dinner .
Bear jumped on the couch and cuddled next to Louis' head , Harry helped Milo on the couch and watched as the little one snuggled himself between Louis and the back of the couch .
Harry took a few pictures , then posted one on Snapchat , Nap cuddles after a long day x ~H .
Ugh took me forever .
Honestly , I don't like this chapter . I just don't .
Hopefully you liked it , really hopefully . Tell me if you didn't x
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