Ch. 56
Dedicated to these two bc I love them .
Enjoy the chapter x
Louis woke up in the morning to an empty bed , sprawled on his front with Bear and Milo cuddled up to him . He smiled to himself and reached to pet Milo , who was right next to his arm .
Bear stood up from his spot and crawled under Louis' arm , making him giggle tiredly .
The front door opened , making Louis turn his head towards the bedroom entrace . He could hear footsteps and shuffles , when the footsteps neared the bedroom .
Bear stoop up above Louis' body protectively , growling at the back of his throat . Louis was ready to jump out of bed but then Harry walked through the door , making Bear bark loudly at him .
He jumped backwards a little before chuckling , "You're the best guard dog , Beary ." He walked closer and scratched behind his ears , kissing his head .
"You scared us ." Louis sighed and rolled to lie on his back , Harry pushed Bear and Milo off the bed and lied next to Louis , "Yeah , sorry about that ." He kissed his forehead . "When did you wake up ?"
"A few minutes ago . What time is it ?" Louis asked , cuddling into Harry's side . Harry checked on his phone , "It's almost ten ."
"Where were you ?"
"At the store , got some groceries and stuff ." Harry wrapped his arm around Louis' shoulder , "I thought we could film a video , what do you say ?"
"Uh , okay . What video ?"
"Chapstick Challenge ." Harry looked down to Louis , smirking when Louis' cheeks turned red . "Would you like that ? Or would you love that ?"
Louis slapped his chest , "Shut it ."
Harry laughed , "Okay , okay . Do you want to film this with me ? Unless you're uncomfortable , it does unclude a lot of kissing ."
"No no , I'm pretty sure I'm okay with that . Just , let me freshen up ." He sighed and sat up , but Harry pulled him back down , "No , stay here a little more . I want a cuddle ."
Louis cuddled back into Harry's side , head on his shoulder as he traced shapes with his finger on Harry's chest . Harry pressed him closer into his body , kissing his forehead . "Cara called earlier , to ask how are you . I told her you're okay , and she asked if we want to go out for dinner with her and Dylan . I told her we'll go , it's okay with you ?"
"Uh , actually I can't . I have an evening shift and I only finish at nine ." Louis bit his lower lip , "Sorry ."
"You have nothing to be sorry for . I'll tell Cara that Dylan and she will come over to our place , and we'll order pizza . Okay ?"
"Okay ." Louis nodded , "I'm going to get ready ." He slipped out of Harry's embrace and walked to the bathroom , brushing his teeth and washing his face .
He walked into the closet and looked at his clothes , searching for something good enough to wear . He pulled out blue skinny jeans and picked himself a shift of Harry's , quickly dressing .
He walked to the kitchen , where Harry was with a cup of tea , he handed it to Louis with a cookie . Louis thanked him and watched as Harry was setting up the camera in front of the couch , he placed all the chapsticks in a bowl and placed it on the table .
He started recording and turned to Louis , "Are you ready ?"
Louis nodded and placed the empty cup in the sink , going to sit on the couch in front of the camera . Harry joined him , he placed his hand on Louis' thigh and pecked his cheek softly , "We're starting , okay ?"
Louis nodded , leaning to peck his cheek quickly . Harry turned to the camera , "Hey everyone , Harry here , and today I'm joined once again with this beautiful boy ," He turned to Louis with a smile , "My pretty little baby Louis ."
Louis blushed and smiled shyly at the camera , "Hi ."
"After watching Joey and Daniel's video , I decided that this is a cute challenge , so today we'll be doing The Chapstick Challenge . We have here a bunch of chapsticks ," Harry picked the bowl up and moved it a little , making the chapsticks rustle , "And I got a tie , so the other won't see what chapstick was picked ." He lifted the tie with his other hand .
"Do you want to start or I should ?" Louis asked , Harry shrugged , "I don't mind . What do you prefer ?"
"Can you start ? Like , put the tie on you ?" Louis asked , Harry nodded , "Yeah , sure ."
Louis helped him wrap the tie on his eyes , making sure he can't see . Louis picked a random chapstick and showed it to the camera , "I really hope you'll get this one ." He popped it open and rubbed it on his lips , shuddering a little , "It feels really weird with chapstick on ."
"Come here then , I'll help you take it off ." Harry smirked , Louis punched his arm , "Okay , come here ."
Harry turned towards Louis and held his hands up , "Guide me , I can't see you ." He chuckled , Louis smiled and cupped his cheeks , "Ready ?"
"Always ready ." Harry smiled , Louis pressed his lips to Harry's , feeling his tongue swipe across his lip . They pulled back , Harry licked his lips , "Is it orange ?"
"No , but close ." Louis cleaned his lips with a napkin .
"Close to orange ? What the he- oh , it's Fanta ." Harry sighed , Louis nodded and took the tie off Harry's head , "Yeah , it is ."
Harry helped Louis wrap the tie around his eyes , then dug his hand into the bowl , picking a random chapstick . "Alright , this is the chapstick ." He showed it to the camera , then rubbed it on his lips .
"Come here ." Harry cupped Louis' cheeks gently and guided him closer , pressing their lips together . Louis pulled back a second later , "God , that was gross ."
"Hey , I'm right here ." Harry pouted , making Louis giggle , "Not you , you dork . The chapstick was gross , I don't even know what it is ."
"Try guessing ." Harry said as he cleaned his lips with a napkin .
"Yuck , I can still taste it . Uh , is it - is it some gross cookie or something ?"
"No , it was popcorn ." Harry chuckled and untied the tie . Louis furrowed his eyebrows , "That did not taste like popcorn , at all ."
"I know , it was a hard one ." Harry pecked his cheek and let him wrap the tie around his eyes .
"More like a gross one ." Louis shuffled through the bowl and picked a chapstick , showing it to the camera .
"So far it's my favourite challenge we've done ." Harry smirked , Louis rolled his eyes , "I wonder why ." He put the chapstick on .
"Well I also liked The Annoying Challenge , because I won ."
"Again , I wonder why ."
"Shut up and kiss me ." Harry chuckled , Louis cupped his cheeks and pressed their lips together , and when he pulled back Harry pressed one more kiss to his lips , making him giggle , "Did you guess what flavour it is ?"
"It's sweet , or maybe it's just your lips ." Harry smirked , Louis blushed and punched his bicep lightly , "Be serious ."
"Is it cherry ?" Harry asked , Louis shook his head , "No , keep guessing ."
"Kiss me again ." Harry asked , Louis leaned forward and pressed their lips together , Harry pulled back , "I'm pretty sure it's cherry ."
"No , It's watermelon ." Louis took the tie off Harry's head , Harry raised his eyebrow , "How did I taste cherry ?"
"You're weird , what's new about that ." Louis giggled , slapping Harry's hand away before it reached his side . Harry wrapped the tie around Louis' eyes and picked a random chapstick , rubbing it on his lips .
"Come here , baby ." Harry leaned forward and pressed his lips to Louis' , Louis smiled against his lips , "It's cookie dough ."
Harry pulled back , "How did you guess so fast ?!"
"I love cookie dough ." Louis giggled and took the tie off .
"Well then you wouldn't mind another kiss , would you ?" Harry kissed him again , Louis giggled into the kiss and cupped his cheeks , "Dork ."
Harry poked his stomach , Louis swatted his hand away , "Stop it ."
Harry winked at him , "Another giggle button it is ."
Louis rolled his eyes but smiled anyway , he wrapped the tie around Harry's eyes and picked a random chapstick , "Ooh this is a hard one ." He rubbed it on his lips , Harry turned to face him and puckered his lips , "I'm ready ."
Louis cupped his cheeks and pressed their lips together , Harry hummed into the kiss before pulling back , "I'm pretty sure it's lime ."
"Are you sure ?" Louis asked , Harry licked his lips , "Yeah , pretty sure it is ."
"Nope , it's Sprite ." Louis wiped his lips off , "You were close though ."
Harry pouted and took the tie off his head , wrapping it around Louis' eyes . He picked a chapstick and showed it to the camera , rubbing it on his lips . He held Louis' chin and pressed their lips together , Louis pulled back and licked his lips , "Is it mint ?"
"Yeah , that was an easy one ." Harry chuckled and pecked his lips again , Louis took the tie off his head and wrapped it around Harry's eyes .
He picked a random chapstick , when Milo came up to him and sat next to his feet . He smiled mischievously and picked Milo up , positioning him in front of Harry .
"Ready , Haz ?" Louis asked , Harry nodded , "Always ready ." He smirked .
Louis cupped Harry's cheek with one hand , the other supporting Milo . Harry leaned closer as Louis leaned Milo closer aswell , making Milo lick Harry's lips . Harry jumped back in surprise , making Louis laugh loudly and put Milo down on the couch .
"You little sneak !" Harry threw the tie off his head and reached his hand out to catch Louis , but Louis got up from the couch and made a run for it .
They ran around the house as the camera kept recording , though they could only be heard . Harry caught Louis around the waist , "Got you now !"
Louis giggled as Harry walked towards the couch , sitting in front of the camera with Louis next to him , "Now , as a revenge for what this little menace did to me , comment down below what I should do to him ."
"Please don't ." Louis giggled , Harry shushed him , "Comment down below , and I'll film my revenge for you guys ." (A\N : comment here and I'll write the revenge next chapter , the one I'll like the most :))
"I guess the video is over now , hope you liked it , subscribe and give it a thumbs up ." Harry held his thumb up as Louis followed , "Have a lovely week , see you next video . All the love ." He blew a kiss at the camera , then tackled Louis to the couch in a kiss .
Louis giggled and cupped his cheeks , "You're silly ."
"I'll come to pick you up , I promise . Okay ?" Harry held Louis' hands as they stood just outside the store's door , Louis nodded , "Okay . Have fun at the gym ."
"Have fun at your shift ." Harry leaned closer and pressed their lips together , making sure to move his hands to rest on Louis' bum gently ; well mostly because Gavin was watching . Louis knew what he was doing , and he really hoped it'll help getting Gavin to stop hitting on him .
"Bye love ." Harry pecked his nose .
"By Haz ." Louis smiled and pecked his cheek , going into the store .
"Hey Louis ." Gavin smiled at him , Louis smiled back nicely , "Hi Gavin ."
"I have a question for you ." Gavin asked as louis walked behind the desk , Louis raised his eyebrow and watched Gavin walking closer to him , "O-oh , what question ?" He looked outside the store to see Harry's back turned to him as he walked to his car .
"Well now that I think about it , it's more of a statement ; I hope you like it rough ." Gavin grabbed his arm and dragged him towards the small kitchen at the back of the store .
Louis' eyes widened and he tried getting out of Gavin's grip , "N-no ! Stop it , please , let go of me !"
"I've been asking you out for four months now , my dear Louis . And everytime you said no ." Gavin pushed him against the wall and caged him against it with his body , "I hope this will teach you how to treat someone who likes you way more than your slutty boyfriend does ."
Louis pushed at Gavin's chest , but it didn't help . He raised his knee up and kneed him in the balls , making him groan in pain . He was about to shove him off but a hand caught the back of Gavin's neck , throwing him off and sending him flying into the wall across .
Harry stood over him and kicked him in the stomach , "Next time you touch my boyfriend like that I'm going to beat the shit out of you ." He growled and punched him , when he heard the store's door open . A second later two police officers walked in , quickly cuffing Gavin .
Harry rushed over to Louis and hugged him , "Did he touch you ?"
Louis shook his head , crying quietly into Harry's shoulder , "I w-was so scared ."
"I know , love . I've got you now ." Harry rubbed his back .
One of the police officers stayed and asked Louis questions about what happened , Louis told her where it started from and what happened just a few minutes ago . Harry rubbed his back the whole time , kissing his temple .
"Is it enough to get a restraining order against him ?" Harry asked , the police officer nodded , "Yeah , court never lets sexual harassements go unnoticed ."
"Alright , thank you ." Harry shook his hand , Louis thanked him aswell and the officer left .
"Do you want to call your boss , tell him you'll skip today ?" Harry asked , Louis shook his head , "No , I just - can you stay with me , just for a few minutes ?"
Harry nodded , "Yeah , of course ." He wiped Louis' cheeks and kissed his forehead , "You're mine , mine only . I'm yours and you're mine ."
Louis nodded , "Yeah , I'm yours and you're mine . Thank you for saving me ."
"Always ." Harry embraced him , "I'll always save you ."
Louis pulled back from their hug and went to the front desk , Harry stood in front of it and leaned on his elbows , holding Louis' hands , "Do you want me to cancel our evening with Cara and Dylan ?"
"No , don't ." Louis shook his head , "It's my day off tomorrow anyway , we can be lazy tomorrow ."
"Okay , I'll tell them to come to our place around nine ." Harry pulled his phone out , when a customer walked in .
Harry kept an eye on Louis and the customer as he spoke on the phone with Cara , he ended the call after the customer left .
"I'm going to go now , okay ?" Harry pressed his lips to Louis' cheek , Louis nodded , "Okay , see you in a few hours ." He stood on his tip-toes to peck Harry's lips . Harry smiled and pecked his nose , "See you . I love you ."
"Love you too ." Louis smiled with light blush on his cheeks .
A movie was playing on TV , Louis was having a conversation with Cara and Dylan , while Harry lied on the couch with his head on Louis' lap .
"I think he's falling asleep ." Cara pointed to Harry , who had his eyes closed .
"No , I'm not asleep ." Harry mumbled sleepily , Louis giggled , "If you're tired you can go to sleep , you know ."
"I'm not tired ." Harry mumbled , turning to lie on his side and push his face against Louis' hip . Louis ran his fingers through his hair , "Night , Haz ."
Harry didn't response , making Cara and Dylan laugh a little . "He's really fond over you , you know that ?" Dylan asked , "At Cara's party , when I helped him get the drinks and snacks , the whole way from the table to where you sat he talked nonstop about how cute and perfect you are , how lucky he is to have you ."
"Yeah , he told me that too ." Cara nodded , "I remember we spoke on the phone , like a week after New Years Eve , and I could literally hear him smiling as he told me about you . He told me you're cute and tiny , and he told me he likes it when you giggle and blush ." She pinched Louis' cheek when he blushed deeply , "I didn't even know who you are or what you look like , but I knew you were special . Harry has never been in love , but with you it seems natural ."
"Harry has done so many things for me that I lost count . I can't find something good enough to repay him for all of it ."
"All you need to do is love him , show him you love him ; that's the best repayment Harry can ask for ." Cara pinched Louis' cheek lightly .
Louis looked down to Harry's sleeping figure , running his fingers softly through his hair , "I can do that . Doesn't take much effort to do so ."
Cara smiled widely , "Can I take a picture of you two ? You're just adorable ."
"Go ahead ." Louis gave her a smile , Cara took her phone and took a few pictures of them , grinning and showing it to Louis , "Cutest couple award ."
Louis giggled , "Send them to mine and Harry's phones , please ?"
She nodded and sent the pictures , "I swear you two are relationship goals ."
Louis gave her a smile , "Watch this ." He turned back to Harry , "Haz ? Harry ." He trailed his fingers on his cheek lightly , "Haz I love you ."
Harry mumbled 'I love you more' back in his sleep , making Cara and Dylan coo at him .
"I think it's time we'll go back home ." Cara sighed and gave Louis a hug , minding Harry . "Thanks for having us ."
"You're welcome ." Louis smiled at her and Dylan , watching as the two left quietly . He looked down to Harry , "Haz ?"
Harry groaned quietly , "Louuu ..."
"Haz , you're still on the couch , let's go to bed ." Louis lifted Harry's head up from his lap and got up from the couch , but Harry held his hand , "Noo , I'm comfy . Let's sleep here tonight ."
"The bed is comfier , let's go there ." Louis pulled at his hand gently but Harry shook his head , "Nooo , come on , cuddle me here ."
Louis sighed , "Okay , make room for me ."
Harry shuffled a little , Louis lied between Harry's body and the back of the couch . Harry tsked quietly and took a hold of Louis' hips , pulling him to lie on top of his body , "That's better ."
"I'm n-not squishing you , right ?" Louis asked , Harry shook his head , "No baby , you're okay ." He kissed his forehead , "Good night , love you ."
"Night , love you too ." Louis snuggled a little closer , closing his eyes .
Just a quick fluffy chappie .
Hope you liked it , tell me if you didn't . x
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