Ch. 55

Hiii , if you have some requests for this book , like things you'd like to read or something that you'd like to read more , please comment here to let me know .

Enjoy the chapter x


"What's the surprise ?" Louis asked as Harry sat him down on the couch , Harry just smiled at him , "Wait here , I'll be right back ."

Bear jumped on the couch next to Louis , placing his head down on his lap . Louis smiled and scratched lightly behind his ear .

Harry soon returned with his laptop , sitting next to Louis with it on his lap . He opened it and logged into his e-mail account .

"What's the surprise ?" Louis asked once again , Harry clicked a few times on the laptop and turned it towards Louis , "Remember the photoshoot we did a while ago ?"

Louis' eyebrows raised and a grin spread on his lips , "Are these the pictures ??"

Harry nodded with a smile , "I haven't seen them yet , so we can see them together ." He scooted closer to Louis and saved all the pictures that the photographer sent .

He clicked on the first picture , both his and Louis' smiles grow wider . 

"I like this picture ." Louis said with a smile , Harry nodded , "Yeah , me too . Look how cute you are ."

Louis blushed and leaned his head on Harry's shoulder , "You look great in this one ."

Harry moved on to the next picture , and the next one , and the next one . Louis couldn't stop smiling , "We're such a cheesy couple ."

"Mhmm , we are ." Harry turned his head towards him , pressing a kiss to his cheek . "Remember it's Cara's birthday tomorrow ?"

Louis nodded , "Yeah , I remember ."

"Well , I was planning on going out today to buy her a gift , do you want to help me ?" Harry asked , wrapping his arm around Louis' waist .

"Yeah , that would be great ." Louis nodded with a smile .


The day after , Cara's birthday . Harry parked the car outside her house , barely finding a good parking spot because of the multiple cars parking there .

"Come on , Niall and Tyler are already inside ." Harry got out of the car , Louis following .

"H-Harry ?" Louis reached his hand out to clutch Harry's bicep , Harry turned to face him , "Yeah , baby ?"

"Promise me you won't l-leave me alone with p-people I don't know ." Louis said quietly , Harry nodded quickly and pulled him into his chest , "I promise , baby . I won't let you be around anyone you don't know or not comfortable with ."

"Thank you ." Louis nodded against his chest . Harry shook his head , "Don't thank me , baby ." He kissed the top of his head , "Come on now , let's get inside ."

They walked up the pathway , Harry rang the bell and kept his arm secured around Louis . They could hear the music blasting from her backyard , where the pool is .

Soon the door opened , Cara was standing there with a grin , "You made it !!" She hugged the two , squeezing them . "Come in , everyone is outside by the pool ."

"But first , your present ." Harry handed her a bag , Cara shook her head , "Nooo you didn't have to buy me anything !"

"We owe you much more ." Louis said , "Take your present ."

She pouted but took it , "I love you guys . Come on now ."

She led them through the house to the backyard , "Tyler and Niall are right there , they saved chairs for you and for Zayn and Liam ."

"Okay ." Harry nodded and pressed Louis closer , walking through the crowd of people . He said hello to the ones he recognized , hugged some and shook hands . He introduced them to Louis , he liked showing everyone that Louis belongs to him and made sure they remembered that .

Soon the got to Niall and Tyler , Tyler jumped from his seat and hugged Louis , Louis giggled and hugged him back , "Hi Ty ."

"I missed you !!" Tyler squeezed him , "Is everything okay now between you two ?"

"Yeah , everything is perfect ." Louis nodded , Tyler pulled him to sit next to him on the tanning chair . Harry took his shirt off and kneeled down in front of Louis , "I'm going to get myself something to drink , and get Niall a snack because he's a lazy ass . -"

"Don't swear ." Louis slapped Harry's arm , then rubbed the same spot as if it hurt . Harry chuckled , "Sorry love . I just wanted to ask what would you like me to get you ?"

"Uhm , if there's any of that energy drink you gave my at the sleepover at Zayn and Liam's ? Do you remember ?" Louis asked , Harry nodded , "Yeah , I'll get you a can . What snack do you want ?"

"Chips would be nice . Thank you ." Louis said , leaning in to peck his cheek . Harry grinned and nodded , "Of course . I'll be right back ." He kissed Louis' lips and stood up , leaving the three in their place .

"He's so fond over you ." Tyler smiled , "He's a smitten kitten for you ."

"He can be a kitten . But there are times he turns into a lion and growls at everything and anything . Then he bites people's heads off for touching me ."

"I find protectiveness really nice , honestly . Knowing that someone is there for you , to keep you safe ."

"He can't protect me from everything , though ." Louis shook his head .

"He'll try his hardest , he will do anything for you ."

"I know ." Louis nodded . "And I'll do anything for him ."

"God you're such a relationship goals ." Tyler leaned his head on Louis' shoulder , before lifting it back up to face him , "Want to go inside the pool with me ?"

Louis shook his head , "No , sorry . I can't swim ."

"Oh . That's okay , maybe we'll go in when Harry comes ? Then he'll hold you , like in Liam's video ?"

"I didn't bring a swimsuit , I'm not planning on going in , sorry ." Louis gave him an apologetic smile .

"Oh that's okay , when Harry comes back I'll go in with Niall . I just don't want to leave you alone ."

Soon Harry returned with their drinks and snacks , helped by one of his friends Louis didn't know .

"There you go , baby ." Harry handed him a drink can and a plastic plate with chips on it , Louis thanked him with a smile . Harry handed Niall his snack and kneeled next to Louis , "Love , this is Dylan , a good friend of Zayn and I , he's modelling with us . Dylan this is Louis , my boyfriend ."

"Nice meeting you , Louis ." Dylan held his hand out , Louis shook his hand with a smile , "Nice meeting you too ."

"You got yourself a gorgeous one , Styles ." Dylan winked at him , Harry wrapped his arm around Louis' waist , "I know , and all of this perfection is mine ." He pecked his cheek .

"Stop being cheesy , will you . I'm going to throw up some rainbows here if you keep going ." Tyler crossed his arms over his chest , Harry chuckled , "Oh come on , you all love it when I'm cheesy ."

"I'll push you into the pool if you keep going ." Niall threatened , Harry raised his eyebrow , "Is the guy who lost the chicken fight against us is now trying to threaten ? Nice joke ." Harry flicked his forehead .

"Shut it , guy who kicks guys' asses for thinking about his boyfriend ." Niall teased back .

"Do you , now ?" Dylan raised his eyebrow at Harry , Harry sighed , "I only punch them when they touch my boy in places they shouldn't touch ."

"Keep going then . I'll help you if you need ." Dylan smiled , Harry laughed . Dylan waved them all goodbye and left , Harry sat next to Louis and took a piece of chips from the plate , "Did Zayn and Liam call or something ?"

"No , should we call them ?" Louis shook his head , when he felt two fingers pressing to his ribs , wiggling . He jumped and turned his head to see Zayn laughing , "Sorry Lou , had to explore the 'giggle burron' myself ." He winked .

Louis blushed and shook his head with a smile , "You're an idiot ."

"Well then come give the idiot a hug ." Zayn opened his arms , Louis stood up and went to hug him , "Hi Z ."

"Has Harry been good to you ? Been treating you well ?" Zayn asked quietly in his ear ; ever since the incident he's always asking him , just to make sure he's okay .

"Yeah , he's been treating me good ." Louis nodded . Zayn squeezed him a little before letting go , "Good ."

Louis hugged Liam aswell , "Hi Li ."

"Hey , how have you been lately ?" Liam asked .

"I've been good , you ?" Louis pulled back a little .

"I've been okay , need to talk to you , Tyler , Niall and Harry later ." He said , Louis nodded , "Sure ."


It's been two hours , and all six are having the time of their lives . 

Cara called all the guests over because the cake arrived , and apparently it was a fancy cake everyone had to see .

They all gathered in a large group far from the pool on the grass , Louis tapped Harry's shoulder , "Haz , I forgot my phone on the chair , I'm going to get it ."

"I'll come with you ." He said , but Louis shook his head , "No , you don't have to , it'll only take a second ."

"Are you sure ?" Harry asked , Louis nodded , "Yeah , if I don't find you on the way back I'll text you ."

"Alright ." Harry nodded , he pecked his lips and watched him disappearing into the crowd .

Louis walked over to the chairs , the music was still blasting as the cake was brought . He almost made it to the chairs when an arm wrapped around his neck , another hand covered his mouth .

"Shh , no , don't scream ." A guy said from behind him , Louis struggled to get loose but he was held tightly .

The guy dragged Louis with him , "I just want you to know that this is nothing personal , okay ? I was told to do it , it has nothing to do with me ." He stood in front of the pool in the deep water .

"I'm sorry ." Was the last thing Louis heard before he was pushed in .

He kicked and flailed his limbs under the water , but it didn't stop him from sinking . He lost all the air in his lungs and swallowed water , making him choke . He kept struggling , his heart beating furiously . But it didn't help , he was drowning .


Harry looked down to his phone , Louis was supposed to be back . He looked around , tried looking over people's heads but he couldn't see him .

Someone grabbed his hand , he turned to see Dylan , "Come with me ." He started pulling Harry , Harry resisted his grip , "No , I need to wait for Louis -"

"I know where he is , and you won't like it ." Dylan said quickly and pulled him with him . Harry's heart was beating like crazy as he followed Dylan , and he could see Liam and Zayn following .

"Where is he ?" Harry asked , and all Dylan did was pointing to the pool . Harry's heart fell out of his chest , he pushed his phone and sun glasses into Dylan's hands , jumping into the pool without thinking . Thw crowd turned their attention from the cake to the scene at the pool .

Harry swam around until he saw his body laying at the bottom of the deep water , he wrapped his arms around him and pushed the floor to surface quicker . He swam to the edge , Liam helped him lie Louis down on his back .

Harry climbed out and kneeled next to Louis , Liam checked for pulse , "There's a faint pulse , we need to do PCR now ."

Harry nodded , Liam started pumping his chest , "Harry , when I get to thirty , you pinch Louis' nose and blow into his mouth , be gentle , okay ?"

Harry nodded , his beating heart wasn't calm just yet . 

Soon Liam reached thirty , Harry leaned down and pressed his lips to Louis' , blowing air into his lungs .

Liam started pumping his chest again , both him and Harry watching Louis carefully , waiting to see if he opens his eyes .

Harry blew into his mouth once again , Liam was in the middle of pumping his chest when his eyes shot open and he coughed the water out . Liam rolled him to lie on his side , Harry rubbed his back , "Lou , baby , are you okay ?"

Louis couldn't speak , he was gasping for air and coughing roughly .

Cara ran over to them and kneeled down , "What happened here ?"

"I saw someone pushing Louis into the water ." Dylan said , Harry turned to him , "Who was it ?"

"I don't know his name , he's probably in the crowd . Or he ran away ."

Harry turned to Louis , who had tears streaming down his face . He picked Louis up and let him lean against his chest , "Shh , baby , you're safe now . I've got you ."

Louis kept coughing , Zayn came over to them with a towel and a water bottle . Harry thanked him and wrapped the towel around Louis , letting him drink some water .

"Okay everyone ," Niall was heard through the speakers , talking to the microphone , "Who the fuck had the courage to try drowning my friend ?? You'd better confess now , whoever you are , or we'll get angrier ."

Everyone looked at each other , Harry held Louis close to his chest and rocked him back and forth .

"I was s-so scared , Harry ." He mumbled against his chest , Harry nodded and rubbed his back , "I know love , you're safe now . You're not leaving my sight , I've got you ."

Zayn came back once again , holding a guy from the back of his neck , "Someone said he saw this guy pushing Louis in . Lou , do you recognize him ?"

Louis looked up and shook his head , "I didn't s-see who pushed me ."

"Do you think you could tell who did by their voice ?" Zayn asked , Louis shrugged , "I don't know ."

"Say your name , bastard ." Zayn growled , the guy sighed , "My name is Brandon and -"

The way Louis tensed at his voice was enough for Zayn to turn him around and punch him , making him tumble to the ground .

Harry took Louis off his lap and placed him on the chair securely next to Tyler , he walked over to that Brandon guy and punched him aswell , "Wha the hell were you thinking ?!"

"W-wait ! Let m-me talk !!" He held his hands in front of his face , Harry grabbed him by his hair and lifted his upper up , "Talk . You have ten seconds ."

"I was sent by Kendall to do it . I don't know why -" He was but off by Harry punching him once again , with all the bits of power he had in him .

"Tell Kendall she can go fuck herself and I hope she rots in hell ." Harry spat at his face and turned to go to Louis .

He kneeled down in front of him , "I'm really sorry I let that happen to you ." He said quietly , even though he wasn't calm yet .

"It's not your fault ." Louis shook his head , "Can w-we go home please ?"

"Yes , of course ." Harry nodded , he took the towel off his shoulders and helped him up , since Louis was weak .

"I'm very sorry , I didn't know he was like this ." Cara apologized and shook her head .

"This isn't your fault , you didn't know ." Harry told her , "Thank you for having us , but we'd better leave now ."

Cara nodded and led them out of the house , "I'm very sorry ."

"Don't apologize . Not your fault ." Harry shook his head , "We'll talk to you tonight , okay ?"

Cara nodded , "Alright ."

Harry opened the passenger's door for Louis and helped him in , getting into the driver's seat .

They drove in silence , Harry had his hand on Louis' thigh comfortingly the whole time .

They reached home , Harry got out of the car and opened Louis' door for him , taking his hand to support him as he got out of the car .

"Do you want to shower or take a bath ?" Harry asked as they walked into the house , Louis bit his lower lip , "Can you have a shower with me ? I-in our boxers ?"

"Of course , baby ." Harry kissed his forehead , "Let's go ."

After shower Harry cuddled Louis in bed , refusing to let go . Louis was cradled against his chest , he couldn't get the last events out of his head .

"Love , you need to relax and not think about it ." Harry mumbled against his hair , rubbing his back .

"I'm trying , but I can't ." Louis said back , sighing to himself . Harry shuffled down until he was eye level with Louis , he pressed their lips together with his arms secured tightly around Louis . Louis kissed him back , scooting slightly closer to Harry .

They stayed laying in bed , sharing kisses and nose rubs . Harry rubbed his hand up and down Louis' back , while Louis was trailing his fingers across Harry's cheeks and hair .

"I love you ." Harry whispered , Louis pecked his lips softly , "I love you too . Thank you for protecting me and keeping me safe ."

"Always ." Harry gave him a light smile , "I'll always protect you , no matter what ."


Sooo that was it .

Hope you liked it , tell me if you didn't x


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