Ch. 54
I hate summer , I need the winter back . I freaking love winter .
Enjoy the chapter x
Louis was done with his morning shift , Harry was at the store to pick him up .
"Zayn and Liam invited us for a night swim at their pool tonight ." Harry said , Louis bit on his lower lip , "I can't swim ."
"Then I'll hold you , okay ?" Harry held his hands out for Louis to take , Louis held his hands and sighed , "I'm not sure . I'll come , but I don't think I'll get in ."
"Why ? I'll be there to hold you , I won't let you drown ." Harry took a step closer , pressing his lips to Louis' forehead .
"I know , but you'll want to have fun with your friends , I don't want to hold you back from it ." Louis shook his head , a sad smile on his lips .
"You won't hold me back , baby . I want to be there for you and if it means holding you for eternity , I will ."
Louis blushed , a genuine smile spreading on his lips . "We'll see about that ."
Just as they were about to leave , the store's door opened and Adam walked in . Harry was quick to stand in front of Louis , shielding him . "What the fuck are you doing here ?"
"I-I just , wanted to apologize ." Adam sighed , "Kendall never told me her intentions , she just told me to flirt with Louis , when you're there to watch , and she'll take care of the rest . She payed me extra not to ask any questions ."
"You're lucky Louis is here , if he weren't I would be making you regret even hearing the bitch's offer ." Harry towered over Adam , Adam nodded quickly , "S-sorry ." He got out of the store .
Louis took a hold of Harry's arm , "Calm down , please ?" He cupped his cheeks , Harry stared into his eyes for a few seconds before letting a breath out , "I'm calm ."
"Good ." Louis smiled at him , the store's door opened and Gavin walked in , since his shift is starting . He smiled at Louis , "Hey , Louis ."
"Hi ." Louis gave him a light smile , not to be rude . He turned to Harry , "I just need my phone and we'll leave ."
Harry nodded , he gave Louis' bum a small pat when he turned around to walk , Louis slapped his hand away with a giggle . Louis took it as a playful gesture , but Harry was just marking his territory around Gavin .
Louis took his phone from behind the desk , he stuffed it into his pocket and walked back to Harry , "Let's go ."
Harry wrapped his arms around Louis' waist and led him out of the store , once they were fully out Harry said , "Next time I catch Gavin staring at your ass I'm knocking him out ."
Louis slapped Harry's chest , "Stop swearing ."
"I'm serious , I was standing right infront of him and he was just plain out staring at your bum . Next time I'll punch him ."
"Haz , come on . Not like he was touching me ."
"He was touching you , in his mind ." Harry opened the passenger's door for Louis .
"Ew , Harry ."
"You'd be even more disgusted if he actually touched you ."
"He wouldn't , I won't let him ."
"If he ever touches you , even in the slightest , I'm knocking him the fuck out ."
"Harry -"
"You have no say in this . No one else is allowed to touch you the ways I do ."
"I know , and I won't ever let anyone do this ."
"I'll just punch them ."
"Haz ?" Louis called from the bedroom , Harry walked in , "Need anything ?"
"I uh - I don't have any swimsuit . Since I don't swim ." Louis bit his lower lip , Harry just smiled at him reassuringly , "I'll ask Niall to bring you one , since mine will be too big on you ."
"Okay ." Louis nodded , blushing slightly .
"We're here ." Harry parked outside Zayn and Liam's place , him and Louis got out and walked right into the house .
"Hey lads !" Liam smiled at the two , "Niall is outside preparing the grill for the barbecue , he left Louis this bag over there ." He nodded towards the bag , which was on the couch .
"Go change , baby . Do you remember where the bathroom is ?" Harry asked , Louis nodded and took the bag , going to change into the swimsuit pants .
He walked back , Harry was carrying pool noodles , making Louis giggle , "Hello , Squidward ."
Harry made a grumpy face , "I hate everyone ." He tried making an impression of the character , Louis giggled , "Just get them into the pool , dork ."
He walked behind Harry to the yard , Harry threw the pool noodles into the water while Louis went to greet Niall .
"Heya ." Niall hugged him , "Troye is supposed it be here soon too ."
"Oh , will he ? I haven't seen him in a while ."
"Yeah , Li talked to him and invited him ."
"Oh , that's good ."
Just as they finished talking , Louis was tackled into a hug by a grinning Zayn and Troye , the two laughed when Louis gasped in surprise .
"God , you scared me so bad ." Louis placed his hand over his racing heart , Troye hugged Louis' side and pressed their cheeks together , "I missed you so muuuuch ."
"I missed you too ." Louis giggled and hugged him back , Zayn poked his side , "Where's my hug ?"
Louis giggled again and hugged him aswell , Zayn embraced him , "Did Harry do anything wrong ?" He asked quietly .
"No , not at all . The exact opposite , actually ." Louis shook his head , "He's being extra gentle and careful ."
"He'd better be , for the rest of his life ." Zayn rubbed his back and pulled away a little , "Let's go see what's with the food ." He threw the small boy over his shoulder , Louis whined , "Nooo , put me down !"
Zayn just laughed and carried him into the house , where Liam and Harry were with the food , all ready to be cooked .
"We came to see if the food is ready ." Zayn announced , he carefully sat Louis ontop of the counter , "Hope you enjoyed your ride ."
"I was forced ." Louis pouted and crossed his arms over his chest .
"Aw don't pout ." Zayn faked being sad and turned to Harry , "How do I make him stop pouting ?"
"Well , there is a method ." Harry pretended to stroke his imagionary beard . "You see , you take a finger ," Harry pointed his index finger out , "And you just press his giggle button right here ." Harry pressed his finger to his lower ribs , wiggling it a little .
Louis giggled and slapped his hand away , Zayn grinned , "Ooh ! Can I try too ?"
"No ! You can't ." Louis hugged his arms over his body , Zayn laughed and ruffled his hair softly , "Atleast you're not pouting anymore ."
"Lads , help me take the food out ." Liam took two bowls , Harry took a hold of Louis' waist and helped him off the counter , pressing a kiss to his cheek before going to help Liam with the food .
Zayn and Louis carried out drink bottles , beers and energy drinks , placed it on the table and went back inside the house to get plates and forks .
After having a nice dinner they lied on the tanning chairs by the pool , Liam was laying on one chair with Zayn laying back on his torso between his legs , Niall was spread across a chair , and Louis , Harry and Troye were all sitting on one chair , Louis in the middle of the two .
Troye pulled his phone out and turned the front camera towards them , "Smile ." Louis smiled shyly , Harry hooked his chin on his shoulder and smiled at the camera . Troye took several photos , then logged into Snapchat to show them the filters .
Louis giggled when Harry didn't understand what to do with the dogs filter , Harry poked his side , "Shush you ."
"Hey , we're going inside the pool , join us ." Liam flicked Harry's forehead playfully .
Harry stood up from the tanning chair and took a hold of the back of his shirt , slipping it off his head . Louis' cheeks turned red , Troye noticed and nudged him with his elbow , winking at him .
"Oh , I think I might pass out !" Niall called teasingly , he threw the back of his hand over his forehead and pretended to faint , falling right into the pool .
Troye and Louis laughed , Harry just shook his head with a smirk . Troye got up and threw his shirt off , getting into the pool with Niall .
"I'll be right back , getting my camera ." Liam said and ran into the house .
Zayn took his shirt off and sat on the edge of the pool , "Lou , come join me ."
Louis hesitantly took his shirt off , both him and Harry knew it's the first ever time for him to be shirtless around people . Harry tsked softly and quietly when Louis wrapped his arms around himself , "No , baby . You're beautiful ."
He took a hold of Louis' wrists and let them drop to his sides , Louis bit his lower lip , "H-Harry -"
"I know , love . I know ." He placed his big hands on his waist and brought him close , the skin to skin touch caused Louis to shiver .
"I'm so proud of you , baby . So proud ." Harry whispered , pressing a kiss to the side of his head , then his cheek , and finally his lips .
Louis nodded , "Let's go ."
Harry smiled at him and kissed him one more time before taking his hand , going to the pool with him . Louis sat down on the edge next to Zayn , Harry jumped into the pool , making sure he splashed the two in the process .
"Fuck you , Styles ." Zayn splashed him back when he surfaced , Harry splashed him back . They started a splashing war , Louis scooted away and giggled while watching them .
"What are you laughing at , mister ?" Harry raised his eyebrow and started splashing on Louis instead , Louis let out a sqeual and covered his face , "Stop !"
Niall and Troye climbed on Harry's back and tried drowning Harry while calling out things like "no one messes with our Lou !" "One for all , all for one !" "Admit defead , vicious monster !"
Harry threw th two off him and hurried over to Louis , standing between his knees with his arms around his waist , head on his chest , "Save me !"
Louis wrapped his arms around Harry's shoulders , ankles locked behind Harry's back .
Liam was back with the camera , "Guys , we're filming a Chicken Fight video , pair up ."
"No way in hell I'm getting drowned ." Troye swam and lifted himself up , sitting between Louis and Zayn .
"Li , I'm on your shoulders then ." Niall floated on a pool noodle .
"Want to be with me ?" Harry looked up to Louis , who bit his lower lip , "I don't know ."
"Come on , let's kick Niall's ass a little ." Harry laughed , when a pool noodle hit his back , "Heard that , bastard ." Niall called , Louis giggled , "I'm in ."
"I started recording ." Liam said and got into the pool in front of the camera , "Come here you freaks ." Liam called them , Niall clung to his back and gave the camera his 'pervert smile' .
Louis slid off the edge of the pool right into Harry's arms , arms wrapping around his neck with his legs around his waist . "Don't let go ."
"Never ." Harry kissed his cheek .
"Stop making out and get here you crazy mofos ." Nial splashed their way , Harry splashed back and swam towards the camera with Louis in his arms .
"Come on , we're starting ." Liam said and turned to the camera , "Hello everyone , it's Payno here , and we are currently at mine and Zayn's place -"
"Having a chicken fight !" Niall burst out , Liam splashed him , "Anyway , I have here with me Niall , Harry , Louis , Zayn and Troye , and the four of us -" He gestured to him , Niall , Louis and Harry , "Will be having a chicken fight ."
"And we're going to win ." Niall splashed Louis and Harry , Harry splashed him back , "Shut it , bleach blond ."
"Come on , let's get into positions ." Liam said , Louis let go of Harry so Harry could get him on his shoulders . They were in the shallow water , so Louis could stand there .
"Are we ready ?" Liam asked , standing on one side of the pool with Niall on his shoulders , Harry and Louis nodded from the other side of the pool .
"Ready , set , go !" Troye called , Harry and Liam started making their way through the water towards each other , Niall had his arms clawed out , same as Louis .
Niall took a hold of Louis' shoulders , Louis held Niall's elbows and tried bringing him down . Soon enough Niall lost his balance and fell into the water Harry cheered and gave Louis a high five , "That's my boy !"
Louis giggled , Niall climbed back on Liam's shoulders , "Prepare for revenge ."
"I'm well prepared , leprechaun ." Louis held his arms out , Zayn set them again and they started fighting again .
Harry looked at Liam , "We're just having a good time , eh ?" He said satcastically , Liam nodded , "Obviously , just chilling here ."
Niall almost lost his balance again , but he straightened back up and managed to knock Louis off Harry's shoulders .
Harry was quick to help Louis up , Louis wiped his eyes and clutched Harry .
"Are you okay ?" Harry asked , moving Louis' hair off his forehead . Louis nodded , "Yeah , didn't swallow any water ."
"Good ." Harry kissed his forehead , he let go of him and dipped into the pool , picking Louis up on his shoulders again .
"Next round is a final one . Ready , set , go !" Zayn set them , they started fighting again , and Louis knew just where to strike to knock Niall off Liam's shoulders .
"Yes !!" Harry called when Niall was knocked off , Louis giggled and clapped happily .
Niall surfaced and crossed his arms over his chest , "I thought you're an easy target !"
"Think again , leprechaun ." Louis stuck his tongue at him , giggling when he pouted .
"Come here , champion ." Harry helped Louis slide off his shoulders and right into his arms so he's carrying him bridal style , he pressed their lips together and flipped Liam off for making gagging noises .
Louis smiled happily at Harry , "It was fun ."
"Yeah , because we won ." Harry pecked his nose .
"Come here , we need to finish the video ." Liam called them over and turned to the camera , "So unfortunately we lost -"
"You said gladly wrong ." Harry cut him off , Liam splashed him and turned back to the camera , "Unfortunately we lost , and since we didn't decide what the losers get it makes up for it ."
"We beat you on your own channel , so much of a make up ." Harry stuck his tongue out at him .
"Help me , Liam !" Niall called , and the two started splashing water on Harry and Louis . Louis curled into Harry giggling , Harry laughed and placed him on the edge next to Zayn and Troye , "Wait here ."
"Get them , Haz !" Louis giggled , watching as the three wrestled each other .
Louis yawned as Harry parked the car outside their house , making Harry chuckle , "Come on baby , you can take a shower and we'll go to sleep ."
"Can I shower in the morning ?" Louis asked as he stepped out of the car , Harry shook his head with an amused smile , "Nope , sorry , You need a shower now ."
"But I'm tired ." Louis whined , Harry wrapped his arm around him , "Have a quick shower and you'll have enough time to sleep , you have an afternoon shift tomorrow anyway ."
They walked into the house , Harry locked the door behind them and led Louis up , "Get in shower , okay ? I'll bring you clothes ."
"Bring me boxers and a shirt of yours ." Louis mumbled sleepily as he walked into the bathroom , closing the door behind him , before he opened the door again , "Haz ?"
"What , babe ?"
"Can we take a bath ?"
Harry raised an eyebrow at him , "We ?"
"Yeah , I want a bath . I'll fall asleep if I shower ."
Harry knew he didn't make sense and it made him laugh , but he nodded , "Sure , I'll just get us clothes ."
"I'll fill the bath ." Louis plugged the bath and started filling it , adding soap .
Harry came into the bathroom with clothes for them both , "Baby ?"
"Hm ?" Louis asked sleepily from next to the tub . Harry sat in front of him , "Are you comfortable enough to be naked around me , or you want us to be in our boxers ?"
Louis bit his lower lip , "Boxers are okay ?"
"Yeah . Boxers are okay ." Harry nodded and pecked his cheek .
Soon the bath was filled , they got inside . Harry pulled Louis close , "I'll wash you , okay ?"
Louis nodded , he let Harry scrub his hair softly , almost falling asleep at the relaxing feeling . Harry smiled and washed the shampoo off his hair , "Hand me the soap and sponge , love ."
Louis sleepily handed it over , Harry laughed softly and kissed his bare shoulder , starting to wash his body .
Once Harry finished Louis turned to him , "I'll wash you now , okay ?"
Harry nodded , "Okay ."
Louis washed Harry's hair and body , trying his hardest to stay awake . Once he finished he slumped against Harry's chest tiredly , Harry chuckled and wrapped his arms around him , "Baby , get up ."
"I'm tired ." Louis whined , Harry pressed a kiss to his forehead , "Love , you just need to dry yourself , get dressed and you can go to sleep ."
"Too much effort ." Louis shook his head against Harry's shoulder .
"Come on , tiny bug ." Harry unplugged the bath , he lifted Louis up with him and helped him out of the tub . He wrapped him in a towel , "I'll leave you to dress , okay ?"
Louis nodded tiredly and waited until Harry left the bathroom and closed the door , he took off the boxers he bathed it and dried himself , dressing quirkily before exiting the bathroom . He fell face first on the bed , Harry chuckled and patted his bum , "Get under the covers , bug ."
Louis whined into the mattress , Harry laughed and helped him , tucking him in . "Now you can sleep ."
"I can't ." Louis pouted sleepily .
"Why can't you ?" Harry asked , endeared by how adorable he acts when he's sleepy .
"Because I need your cuddles ."
"Aw , baby bug ." Harry cooed and pressed multiple kisses to his face , Louis giggled tiredly , "Are you going to cuddle me or what ?"
Harry laughed , he climbed into bed and lied behind Louis , spooning him . "You're adorable , you know that ?"
Louis shifted back into Harry's chest , "Night Haz ."
"Night baby ." Harry leaned down and kissed his cheek , "I love you ."
"Love you too ." Louis mumbled back sleepily before falling asleep .
Freaking loooooong , took me forever to write .
Hope you liked it , tell me if you didn't x
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