Ch. 53

Obssessed with Heathens by TOP and Don't Threaten Me With a Good Time by P!ATD . Just obssessed .

Enjoy the chapter x


Harry woke up , a smile immediately spreading on his lips at the feeling of Louis' warm body in his arms . He opened his eyes and looked down to Louis' sleeping form , he pressed a kiss to his forehead and nuzzled his hair .

He shuffled down a little and kept pressing kisses all over Louis' face , neck and shoulders . It wasn't rapid and playful , the kisses were slow and soft , Harry let his lips linger for a few seconds on each spot .

He missed him , he missed him so much . He could never imagine his future without Louis , it won't be the same .

Louis started stirring awake , but Harry never stopped the kisses . 

Louis smiled at the feeling of Harry's warm lips pressed to his neck and shoulder , "Haz ?"

Harry hummed against his skin , making Louis giggle . "What are you doing ?"

"Kissing you ." Harry smiled slightly and pressed another kiss to his neck , pulling back to look at Louis who was blushing like mad . Harry smiled and pressed a kiss to his cheek , "You're beautiful ."

Louis took the pillow and covered his face , rolling on the bed so his back faces Harry . Harry smiled softly and scooted closer , "What happened ?"

"I'm blushing ." Louis mumbled against the pillow , making Harry chuckle lightly , "I know , that was my intention ."

Louis bit his lower lip as he smiled widely , still buried in the pillow . Harry tugged on his elbow lightly , "Come on , let go of the pillow ."

"No , I'm blushing too hard ." Louis' voice was muffled by the pillow .

"I want to see your face when you blush , baby ." Harry tried to gently pry Louis' fingers from the pillow but Louis shifted away , "Nooo ."

It made Harry laugh a little , he brought Louis closer by the waist and poked at his sides and stomach softly , Louis giggled and kicked his legs out as he tried rolling away , "Stop ."

"Let go of the pillow , baby ."

"B-but -" Louis was cut of by his giggles when Harry poked at his side , Harry laughed and pressed a kiss to his arm before pulling the pillow out of his grip , throwing it to the end of the bed .

Louis was quick to cover his face with his hands , but Harry took them off and wrapped his arms around Louis , so Louis' arms are crossed over his chest and trapped in Harry's arms .

"Got you now ." Harry nuzzled his cheek before pressing a kiss to it , and Louis blushed harder because Harry was being affectionate and he had no way to cover his face .

"Come on , I'll make us breakfast , yeah ?" Harry unwrapped his arms from around Louis , Louis nodded and got out of bed to brush his teeth .

Harry was making eggs , veggies and bacon when Louis walked into the kitchen , Harry wrapped both his arms around him and kept him pressed against his chest as he kept making food ; he didn't want to let go , not physically and not emotionally .

Louis knew the whole drama was hard for Harry , Harry missed him a lot and Louis knew the boy wanted him closer than ever . But he knew , one more screw up and Louis won't be able to take it .

Harry finished making breakfast , he put it in two plates and placed it on the table . They ate quietly , Harry's arm was draped over Louis' shoulders ; he needed to be in a constant touch with him .

Louis finished eating and turned to Harry , "Do you have anything planned for today ?"

Harry shook his head , "No , why ?"

"It's my day off today , I thought we were doing something ."

"We can do whatever you want ." Harry tucked him under his arm and into his side , pressing a kiss to the top of his head , "We could take Bear and Milo out for a bit , to the park perhaps . Or we could go to the mall . Or go Bawling ."

"Can we take Bear and Milo ?" Louis looked up at him , Harry nodded with a smile , "Yeah , it'll be great ."


Harry was holding Bear's leash with one hand , his other arm secured around Louis' waist . Louis was holding Milo's leash , his arm wrapped around Harry's torso .

"It's a nice day out ." Louis said , looking up to the sky .

"Yeah , it is ." Harry nodded , "I haven't taken these two to the park for quite a while now ."

"They're going to love it ." Louis smiled and leaned his head on Harry's shoulder .

They reached the park , Harry led them through to find a nice and quiet spot , with a place for the dogs to run around .

He found a spot under a tree with a wide field of grass , Louis sat down under the tree and unleashed Milo , Harry unleashed bear and joined Louis .

"Mind if I lay my head down on your lap ?" Harry asked , Louis smiled , "Go ahead ."

Harry pecked his cheek and lied down on his back , head on Louis' lap . Louis ran his fingers through his hair , moving it out of his face .

The two dogs were running around on the grass , they finally have enough space to sprint back and forth .

Harry turned his head to watch the two dogs wrestling one another , playfully biting and rolling over .

"They're cute , aren't they ?" Louis smiled , Harry nodded , "Yeah , they are . Not as cute as you though ."

Louis blushed , for the millionth time , he smiled down at Harry and leaned to press a kiss to his forehead .

Harry looked up to Louis as thoughts were running wildly in his mind . What if Louis leaves him for good ? He's not good enough for the perfect boy , he deserves someone who wouldn't hurt him . He's scared to death of the day Louis will walk out of his life and never return , will find someone else and live happily ever after with him . But Harry wants to be his happily ever after , he wants it so bad .

He didn't realize a tear slipped down the side of his face until Louis' soft thumb wiped it away , "Haz what's wrong ?" He asked , concern filling his eyes .

"I-I'm just - overthinking ."

"About what ?" Louis kept his voice quiet and soft , a frown on his face as he rubbed his thumb on Harry's cheek .

"I don't deserve you . You're too good for me . You're so perfect , so precious , so - so amazing . I can never be good enough for you . I'm willing to show you how much you mean to me , how much I love you , show you that I want you with me forever . But I can't help but fear the day you'd find someone better than me , and have your happily ever after with someone else ."

Louis listened and wiped Harry's tears ; his words brought tears to his own eyes .

"I want to be your happily ever after , because I love you and you're my whole world . You mean everything to me , absolutely everything ."

Louis leaned down and pressed their lips together , both boys in tears . He pulled away and wiped Harry's cheeks as Harry wiped his .

"I love you too , and I want you to be my happily ever after too . I don't want anybody else . You just need to promise not to mess it up again ." Louis sniffled .

"I promise . I swear . I vow ." Harry whispered , Louis kissed him once more before drying his tears , "I don't want to cry anymore , I'm tired of it ."

Harry sat up , moving to sit next to Louis and press the small boy into his side , tucked under his arm . "Then let's not cry ." He kissed his temple , "You're only allowed to cry happy tears ."

Louis leaned into him and sniffled , "So are you ."

They cuddled in silence for a little bit more , watching Bear and Milo running around . Bear started running towards them , laying himself on their laps with Milo jumping right onto him , barking .

Louis smiled and took Milo into his arms , Harry lifted Bear off them and started playfully wrestle with him . Bear managed to pin Harry down and lick his cheeks nonstop , Milo wiggled out of Louis' arms and joined the assault .

"Ahh ! Help me !" Harry called through his laughter , Louis giggled and pushed Bear off , Harry sat up and lifted Milo up , pressing a kiss between his ears .

"Beasts . I'm raising beasts ." Harry breathed out as he placed Milo down , Louis smiled and scooted closer to Harry , "They're cute beasts , after all ."

"Yeah , they are ." Harry wrapped one arm around Louis , the other bringing Bear closer and kissing his head .


"What would you like for lunch ?" Harry asked as Louis , him and the dogs walked back into the house .

"Uhm , I don't know . What's the options ?" Louis asked , unleashing the two dogs .

"Whatever you'd like ." Harry held his small hands , leaning in press a soft kiss to his cheek . Louis blushed at the gesture , looking down shyly , "Uhm , I - I don't know ."

"Let's see what we have in the fridge , then we'll decide , yeah ?" Harry led them to the kitchen , opening the fridge .

Once they decided what they'd eat Harry started preparing it . "You can take a nap until the food is ready , I'll wake you up ." He told Louis , but Louis shook his head , "Can I help you instead ?"

"Sure , come here ." Harry smiled and handed him a wooden spoon .


"Cuddle me ? Please ?" Harry wrapped his arms around Louis from behind , Louis smiled and nodded , "Sure , let me just finish with the dishes ."

"I'll do it later , come on now ." Harry tried pulling him away but Louis shook his head , "No , you're doing it all while I'm doing nothing , I want to help too ."

"Princes don't have to work ." Harry said softly , Louis melted into his chest with blush covering his cheeks but shook his head again , "I'll do it , okay ? It's no big deal ."

Harry sighed and pressed a kiss to his temple , "Okay , I'll go get changed and we'll cuddle and nap ."

Louis finished with the dishes a few minutes later , he dried his hands and walked into his and Harry's room , Harry was under the covers with Bear and Milo on the end of the bed , the TV was on with a random movie playing .

"I'll change and join you ." Louis said and grabbed a sweatpants and t-shirt , changing in the bathroom . He walked back into the room and got in under the covers , Harry pulled him into his chest and trailed kisses from his temple down the side of his head .

"You're being extra gentle and soft with me ." Louis looked at him , "Where's the playful Harry and cheesy Harry ?"

Harry gave him a soft , sad smile , "Those sides of me are still here , but - I just , I want to cherish you . I want to feel you , now that you're back with me ."

"Harry ... -"

"I want to learn from my mistakes . I will learn . And now , that I have you with me , I can't help but feel like if I touch you with a tiny bit of pressure , you'll break . If I put too much pressure into a kiss , you'll break . If I -"

Louis cut him off by flipping Harry onto his back , he sat on his stomach and pressed their lips together , kissing him deeply .

Harry's hands flew up to grab his waist , rubbing up and down his back . He absolutely loved the feeling of having Louis in his arms , being so close to him . He wanted it to stay like this forever .

Louis pulled back and cupped Harry's cheeks , making him look right into his eyes . "Haz , I'm not as fragile as you think I am . As long as you're here with me , I'm the strongest person in the world . Because you make me strong ."

Harry listened , his hands kept rubbing Louis' lower back softly .

"I know you're sorry for what happened , but it's in the past , I promise . So you can be as childish , cheesy and playful as you'd like ." Louis gave him a smile and kissed him again , before falling onto his side and curling into his side .

Harry turned to lie on his side , facing Louis , he wrapped his arms around him and squeezed him into his chest , kissing the top of his head , "I love you , I love you so much . I'm so foolishly in love with you , you're so fucking perfect -"

"Don't swear ." Louis slapped his arm , giggling into his chest . Harry chuckled , "Sorry , baby ."

Louis looked up at him and kissed under his chin , "I love you too . A lot ."


I really hope you liked it , like really really hope .

Tell me if you didn't x


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