Ch. 52

Sooo you guys have been waiting for this !! And honestly , so was I .

Enjoy the chapter x


Cara was pacing in her living room , biting on her nails and clutching her phone with the other hand . Soon there was a knock on the door , she sped-walked and opened it , Liam , Zayn and Niall were all standing there with worried looks .

"Hey , come in ." She opened the door wider and let all three in , leading them to the living room . The four sat on the couch , so Cara spoke up , "I heard from Tyler last night that Louis and Harry broke up , after Harry spent the night with Kendall ."

"Yeah , the asshole never learns that drinking is not a solution ." Zayn said , his voice a bit harsh .

"Around a week ago I was out for lunch with Kendall , Harry and Louis , and Kendall told me she has a plan for Harry to leave Louis and get together with her ."

"What the fuck ??" Niall raised his eyebrows .

"I know , I said the same thing . So when I heard about the break up and that Kendall is involved , I knew I had to get the truth out of her . I invited her 'for coffee' and recorded our conversation ." Cara held her phone out .

"You have it all recorded ?" Liam asked , Cara nodded , "Yeah , she told me about everything that happened that night of the drama ."

She tapped her phone screen a few times and played the recording , turning the volium all the way up and placing it on the living room table .

Small shuffles were heard , and faint voices from the house entrace .

"Hey ."

"Hey , come in ."

Footsteps neared the kitchen .

"Go sit down , I'll make us some coffee ."

"Okay ."

"So , how have you been lately ?"

"Oh , you have no idea how ecstatic I am ."

"Oh ? Why is that ?"

"Remember back at that lunch with Harry and the wimp , I told you I have a plan ?"

Zayn clenched his fists tightly when Kendall called Louis a wimp .

"Well guess what , it worked out just the way I wanted it too . Well , minus a single thing that is going to get fixed later ."

"Oh ? What plan are you talking about ?"

"You know , that one I told you about ?"

"I don't remember ."

"I separated Harry from the wimp so I could have him ."

"This motherfucking bi -" Niall started but was cut off by Liam who told him to be quiet .

"Only the end went kind of wrong , but it'll be fixed ."

"You did what ??"

"I separated them . Harry is going to be with me and no one else ."

"Kendall , this is so wrong ! How did you even manage to ?! They love each other so much -"

  "I payed a guy to hit on Louis ; I know Harry picks the wimp up from work , so I payed some guy to make Louis like him and get Harry jealous . I waited outside Harry's house with my car , and just like I assumed , he stormed out and went to a bar ."

  "What the hell is wrong with her ?!" Zayn pulled on his hair .  

"Gave him a few drinks and got him in my bed , left an open condom in the garbage -"  

"You had sex ?!"

  "Unfortunately no , he fell asleep the moment he got into bed . so I took off his boxers , and god , he's -" 

"Oh thank god the didn't ." Liam let out a breath .

"Please don't tell me , he's my best friend , I don't want to hear those stuff ." 

"Anyway , I took off his boxers , threw a condom in the trashcan , stripped myself and fell asleep . I woke up when I heard him throwing up in the bathroom , then he cursed , probably because of the condom . He started dressing himself and I was like "nooo stay for round twoo" , but he left ." 

"Jesus , she's fucking insane ." Niall shook his head in disbelief .

"And now everyone is talking about the break up , and guess what ? Harry is going to be mine now ." 

"You're a sick person ."

"I don't fucking care . I'm proud to say that I am the one to cause this -"  

"That's it , I've had enough . Please show yourself out ." 

"Fine then ."

They heard a few shuffle noises and the recording ended . 

"Oh lord ." Niall covered his face with his hands .

"I had to hold muself back from slapping her across the face ." Cara shook her head .

"When do you think we should let Harry and Louis hear the recording ?" Liam asked , the other three made thinking faces .

"You could bring them over here tonight , we'll clear it up for them and see how we work it from then on ." Cara suggested .

Liam , Zayn and Niall shared a few glances , before Liam nodded . "Okay ."

"But we might have a bit of problem to get Harry out of the house . Or more like , off the couch ." Niall scratched the back of his head , "He hasn't really left it for the past three days ."

"I'll help you take care of him ." Liam said , then turned his attention to Cara , "We'll bring them over at eight p.m , is that okay ?"

"Yeah , it's okay ." Cara nodded . "Do you think I should make dinner ? Incase they make up and we all stay here ?"

"Uh , I don't think so , I mean , there's always a chance it'll take them longer to make up . I don't want you to make it and we'd end up not eating . So if they make up we'll order pizza or something , yeah ?" Liam said , Cara nodded in agreement .


"Come on Haz , this is really important ." Niall pulled at Harry's arm , Harry shook his head , "If it isn't about Louis then it's not important ."

Niall looked at Liam with a pleading look , asking for help .

Liam walked over to Harry and took Niall's place next to him , "Harry ?"

"What ?"

"I promise , you won't regret coming with us ." Liam rubbed his back , "You need to go , if you don't go how would you get one step closer to Louis ?"

"It'll probably just make me two steps far from him ."

"It's two steps closer , isn't it ?"

It was silence until Liam spoke again , "Come on now , go shower and fix yourself up , we'll leave when you're done getting ready ." He pulled him off the couch onto his feet , pushing him lightly towards the bathroom .


"No , Zayn , I don't feel like going out ." Louis turned to lie on his side with his back towards Zayn .

"Oh come on , Lou . I promise , this is very important ." Zayn shook his shoulder , "Please get up ."

"No , sorry ." Louis shook his head .

"I'll force you ." Zayn threatened playfully , Louis shook his head , "Don't bother . I'm not going ."

Zayn sighed and stood up from the bed , in a quick move he grabbed Louis' ankles and dragged him off the bed while Louis grabbed onto the covers , attempting to kick at Zayn .

"Nooo , let go !" Louis whined , half his body is out of bed .

Zayn tugged on him one last time before wrapping his arms around him , lifting him up and walking to the bathroom , "You're going to shower now , we'll leave soon ."

Louis pouted and crossed his arms over his chest , Zayn smiled and pinched his cheek before walking out of the bathroom and closing the door .


"What arw we doing at Cara's house ?" Harry asked as Niall parked his car , both Niall and Liam didn't answer , just got out of the car with Harry following .

They walked up and knocked on the door , Cara opened and smiled at them , "Come in ."

The three stepped inside , Liam and Niall walked to the living room while Cara and Harry were at the door .

She wrapped her arms around him , "It'l get better soon , I promise ."

Harry hugged her back and didn't say a word . She pulled back and led him to the living room , Harry sat next to Liam , biting on his lower lip .

Another knock on the door made Harry furrow his eyebrows , "Who's coming ?"

Liam shrugged , Cara opened the door and let Zayn and Louis inside .

All three walked to the living room , and when Harry's eyes landed on Louis , his breath was caught in his throat and his eyes went wide .

Louis was staring at Harry with a blank expression , no emotion shown .

Zayn put his hand on his shoulder , "Let's go sit ." He took him to the couch and sat on it .

"Okay , so , the reason we got you two here tonight is , we know the truth and have proofs ." Cara said , "I recorded Kendall , and she told me everything she's done ."

The two boys cringed at hearing Kendall's name .

It was silent , so Cara took her place on the couch next to Zayn , and played the recording .

Everyone sat in silence , Louis listened to the recording with tears in his eyes ; Harry was staring into space , taking in that because of Kendall he lost his everything . He sighed out in relief when Kendall confirmed they didn't have sex , throwing his head back to lie on the back of the couch .

The recording ended , Louis sniffled quietly and wiped under his eyes . "S-so it was all set up ?"

"Unfortunately , yes ." Cara nodded sadly . "The bitch had this plan for a while now , when we went out for lunch the four of us she told me she had a plan to separate you two , and I didn't want to believe because you love each other ."

The room fell silence once again , only Louis' sniffles were heard .

"Do you guys want to - uh , talk ? Privately ?" Liam asked carefully .

Harry looked over to Louis , who looked back . He saw Harry's eyes were slightly red , he had a frown on . He knew he was upset and sorry , but it'll take him time to forgive .

"Y-yeah ." Louis said quietly . Harry's eyes widened , he was sure Louis is going to say no .

"Okay . Do you want me to show you to the guest bedroom ?" Cara asked , the two boys nodded and got up from their seats , letting Cara lead them to one of the rooms .

She opened the door and turned the lights on , "If you need anything we'll be in the living room ." She gave them one last smile before leaving .

Louis walked into the room with Harry after him , closing the door . Louis sat down on the bed and covered his face in his hands , he didn't want to cry anymore .

Harry watched him sadly , he never wanted to see Louis upset ever again .

"Why would someone ever think of doing this ?" Louis whispered , biting his lip so Harry won't hear him crying .

"She's a sick , selfish , insane person ." Harry said shakily , "And this is not entirely her fault , it's mine too ; I knew that everytime I went out to drink I ended up hurting you . I fucking knew . And yet , I walked out of that door , but I also planned on staying the night at Niall's until I'm sober ; then I told myself i'd spoil you the whole day after , show you how much you mean to me , show you that we belong to each other ."

"I don't understand why you go out to drink every time you're upset ." Louis sniffled and wiped his eyes .

"It became a habit ; whenever I felt down , upset or mad , I'd go to the bar , have a few drinks and go back home . I regret making it a habit , but it was long before we met . I didn't want to bother anyone with my thoughts and problems , so I'd go out and just think about it for a few hours , have drinks and go back home ." Harry shook his head .

"But I feel comfortable going up to you and asking for help when I need it , why can't you come to me and ask for it ?" Louis looked at him with teary eyes that made Harry's heart clench .

"I-I'm just , not used to ." Harry swallowed the lump in his throat , "I'm not used to talk about my feelings or sharing my thoughts with someone ."

Louis stood up from the bed , and Harry's heart almost fell out of his chest when he thought he's going to leave ; but instead Louis walked up to him and looked up at him .

"I'm willing to help you ." Louis whispered , "Will you let me help you ?"

Harry eyed him for a few seconds , how how he missed his beauty . He nodded , "Yeah , I am ."

Louis nodded slightly , "Okay ."

"Okay ." Harry whipered .

They stood in silence , not really knowing what to say .

Harry didn't waste time and held both his hands out for Louis , asking him to hold his hands . Starting slowly and surely . Louis placed his small hands in Harry's big ones , looking up at him through his eyelashes .

"Louis , are you - are you willing to take me back ?" Harry asked carefully , "Are you willing to let me show you how much I love you and how much you mean to me ?"

Louis gave him a weak smile , he nodded faintly , "Yeah ."

Harry's shoulders relaxed , a light smile on his lips . "Thank you ." He squeezed Louis' hands softly .

"Don't thank me ." Louis shook his head , and they fell silent once again , until Louis spoke up again . "I missed you ."

"God , I missed you too , so much ." Harry sighed , he took a small step closer and pressed a light kiss to Louis' forehead , leaning his cheek on it .

Louis wrapped his arms around Harry's torso , and Harry was quick to embrace him as close as he could , rocking them side to side as he took in his scent .

"I love you ." Harry whispered , Louis smiled against his shoulder , "I love you too ."

They stood there for a little more , embraced into each other ; Louis had his face buried in Harry's shoulder as Harry traced patterns on Louis' back with his finger .

"Do you want to go back down there ? I heard Liam saying something about pizza earlier today ." Harry said and looked down to Louis , pulling back a little . Louis let out a small giggle , "Okay ."

Harry smiled down at him , admiring his smile . "Can I kiss you ?"

Louis nodded , Harry leaned down and pressed their lips together . The kiss wasn't needy and messy , it was slow , sweet and gentle ; they wanted to feel each other's lips .

The pulled back , Harry pressed another small kiss to his lips , making Louis blush lightly .

"Come on , let's go back ." Harry grabbed Louis' hand in his , intertwining their fingers together .

They walked back to the living room , Cara and Niall were in the kitchen while Zayn and Liam were in the living room , while Liam was on the phone .

"Yeah , call this number . Okay , thank you ." Liam said and hung up , looking up at the couple .

"So ?" He asked , Zayn turned his head towards them too .

Harry showed them their intertwined hands , making Liam shake his head with a smile , "Called it ."

"We all did , Li . They're glued to eachother's butt , you can't separate them no matter what ." Zayn rolled his eyes with a smile , pinching Liam's cheek .

Harry sat down on the couch and pulled Louis to sit next to him , never letting go of his hand . He brought it up to his lips , pressing lightl kisses to the back of Louis' hand , smiling up at him when he caught him blushing .

"Ahhh my ship is sailing againnn !!" Niall jumped on the two in a hug , the two laughed at him and pushed him off .

Louis leaned on the back of the couch and covered his face with his hands , he was blushing deeply .

Harry took a hold of his wrists and took his hands off his face , pecking his cheek . Louis gave him a shy smile with rosy cheeks , Harry smiled and wrapped both arms around him , holding him into his side . Louis sighed contently and enjoyed Harry's warmness , his smell , and just being in his arms again .


It was late , they all thanked Cara nonstop and hugged her until she couldn't breath ; they owe her after all .

"I still have my stuff at Liam and Zayn's place ." Louis bit his lower lip .

"Tell you what ; you go pack , I'll drive home with Niall and come get you with my car , alright ?" Harry cupped his cheeks , Louis nodded , "Okay ."

Louis got into Liam's car with Zayn , Niall drove Harry to his place .

Soon enough Louis was back at Harry's -and his- place , the dogs greeted him with happy barks and managed to pin him down , Harry got the suitcase into their bedroom and went to help the small boy .

He pushed Bear away and took Milo into his arms , offering his hand for Louis to take .

"Thank you ." Louis giggled as he was pulled up , he wiped his cheeks and kissed Milo's head , then went to hug bear .

"Come on , you must be tired ." Harry placed Milo down and wrapped his arm around Louis , leading him up to their bedroom .

Louis unpacked his suitcase , Harry sat on the bed with a small sigh of pain , making Louis look up at him , "Are you okay ?"

"Yeah , just - my back hurts . No big deal ." Harry shook his head .

"Oh . Why does it hurt ?" Louis asked , "I can give you a massage when I'm done ."

"I , uh - I slept on the couch . Couldn't bring myself to sleep in our room , on our bed ." Harry gave him a sad smile . "And you don't have to , let's just go to sleep . I know you're tired ."

"But if your back hurts then I can give you a massage , it's really no problem ." Louis said , he finished unpacking and went to change in the bathroom . Harry changed into only sweatpants , Louis walked out of the bathroom and climbed on the bed , "Lie on your front ."

"Lou I -"

"No , your back hurts . Come on now ." Louis gently pushed him to lie on his front , sitting on his knees next to him . He massaged his shoulders , moving down his back , his thumbs massaging in .

"Mm , feels amazing , Lou ." Harry mumbled into the pillow , "You can sit on my back if you want , if it'll make it more comfortable for you .

Louis blushed deeply , he bit his lower lip and lifted one knee , placing it on the other side of Harry's body do he's now sitting on his lower back . He kept massaging him , giggling to himself when he felt Harry drifting asleep .

"Haz ." He shook his shoulder , "Get under the covers , you're sleepy ." He got off him and helped him get under the covers , laying next to him .

"Cuddle me ?" Harry opened his arms , Louis shuffled closer and let Harry embrace him into his chest , kissing his forehead .

"I love you . Please always remember that ." Harry whispered , squeezing Louis tightly into him .

"I love you too ." Louis pecked Harry's jawline , feeling him smiling against his head .

"Please never let go ." Harry added , Louis nodded , "As long as you never let go ."

"I'll never let go ." Harry kissed his forehead again , this time longer . He sighed in content and relief , happy that he's got his world back in his arms .


Made the chappie extra long for you .

Hope you liked it , tell me if you didn't . x


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