Ch. 51

Don't hate me for this dramaaa I promise everything will be okay ! x

Enjoy the chapter x


The day after Harry woke up to knocking on his door . He got up from the couch , groaning at the pain in his back . The couch wasn't the best place to sleep , but he couldn't bring himself to sleep in his bedroom without Louis .

The knocking kept going , Harry walked up to the door and unlocked it , Gemma and Anne were standing there . Anne had a concerned look on , while Gemma looked angry .

Harry raised his eyebrow, "Uhm , hi ."

Gemma took a step forward and slapped him across the face , making Harry turn his head . He turned back to Gemma , "Hit me harder ."

Gemma was surprised . "What ?"

"Hit me harder ." Harry demanded .

"Harry -"

"Fucking hit me harder , Gemma !" He screamed , tears welling in his eyes . Gemma eyed him for a few seconds before wrapping her arms around him in a hug . Harry hugged her and buried his face in her shoulder , Anne rubbed his back softly , "Harry , calm down , please ."

Harry shook his head and kept crying into Gemma's shoulder , "I lost him , I fucking lost him ."

Anne shushed him and separated the two siblings , taking Harry to the living room and sitting him down on the couch . She sat next to him , "I just want to know one thing - did you and Kendall do things you shouldn't have ?"

"I'm hoping to god we didn't , I woke up with no underwear on and there was a condom in the bathroom trashcan . Though my body didn't feel like we - like we did those things . When I was pulling my clothes on Kendall kept calling me for "round two" , but I doubt we even had a "round one" . This is really fucked up and I have no way to prove it , Kendall will obviously say we did ." Harry lied on his side with his head on Anne's lap , Gemma sat next to him and rubbed his arm .

"Have you eaten anything ? Did you drink ?" Anne asked , her fingers going through Harry's hair .

"I'm not hungry . I did drink some water , though ." Harry said .

"It's not healthy , dear . You need to eat ." Anne sighed , Gemma got up and said she'll fix something up , walking to the kitchen .

"No , don't bother . I'm not hungry ." Harry said but Anne shushed him , telling Gemma to keep going .

"Where is Louis now ?" Anne asked , wiping Harry's cheeks from tears .

"At Liam and Zayn's place ." Harry sighed , "I'm just glad I know he's in safe hands and not out there ."

Bear came up to them and licked Harry's face , but Harry pushed him away .

"Hey now , he's just trying to cheer you up a little ." Anne smacked Harry's hand and pulled Bear back , petting his head .

Harry shook his head , "No , I don't deserve their attention and time ."

Anne frowned , "Stop letting yourself down . Yes , you did a mistake , -"

"The most horrible mistake I could ever make ."

"Shush , let me talk . Harry , we're all human , we make mistakes and learn for the future ."

"But I'm not learning , I just don't . Whenever I go out and get drunk I end up hurting Louis . Every single fucking time , mum . I promised myself I won't do it anymore , and I did pretty well until two days ago . And why ? Because this guy from Louis' work was hugging him and touching him right in front of me . So I flipped on Louis and went to a bar , but I planned on staying the night at Niall's until I'm sober . But then this Kendall fuckface showed up and started giving me drinks nonstop , and I couldn't say no I was too drunk . Then everything happened so fast , I got home and Louis broke it off , and - and everything went downhill ." Harry rambled , Anne listened quietly as she wiped his tears and played with his hair .

Gemma returned to the living room with a sandwitch for Harry , she handed him the plate , "Eat up ."

"No , I -"

"You're going to eat this or I'm not helping you get Louis back ."

Harry looked at her then back at the sandwitch , he sighed and took a bite .

His phone went off , he furrowed his eyebrows and picked it up , to see he has a new E-Mail message . He went to get his laptop , logged into his account and opened the message , his eyes stinging with tears .

"Hey , what happened ?" Gemma asked , looking at Harry and tucking his hair back .

"The photographer sent me mine and Louis' pictures from the photoshoot ." He whispered .

"Well then , open them ." Anne encouraged with a smile .

Harry shook his head , "N-no , not without Louis ."

"Are you sure ?" Anne asked , her hand rubbing up and down his back . Harry nodded , "I'm sure . I'll break down again if I see them .


Louis woke up , it was his day off . He got up from bed and walked to the kitchen , Zayn was sitting near the island on his phone .

"Morning ." Zayn gave Louis a smile , Louis returned the small gesture , "Morning ."

"Did you sleep well ?" Zayn asked , pulling out a chair for Louis to sit on . Louis sat next to him , "Yeah , kind of ."

"What was bothering you ?" Zayn asked , placing his phone down and turning to Louis .

"Uh , you know how this new guy from work was the reason Harry went out to drink ?" Louis asked , Zayn nodded . "Well , yesterday at my shift my boss came over to check on a few things , so I asked when he's going to hire the guy , as an employee . He said he never hired him ."

Zayn raised his eyebrow in confusion , "What ? How is thay possible ?"

"I don't know , this guy , Adam , said boss told him to join in one of my shifts to get to know the job , and when I asked whe he's going to be hired as an employee he said he never hired a guy named Adam ." Louis rubbed his eyes , "I'm really confused and kept thinking about it , something isn't right ."

"We'll figure it out in time , I promise ." Zayn rubbed his back , then got up from his seat , "Liam made pancakes before he left for a colab with Tyler , I'll get you some ."


Cara was shocked when she heard about the two's break up , but the shock turned into fury when she was informed Kendall was the reason . The two didn't know it was her plan , but she made it her mission to get the truth out of her .

She called her over for coffee , and planned on recording their conversation .

There was a knock on the door , Cara started recording and placed her phone down , going to open the door .

"Hey ." Kendall smiled and hugged her , Cara faked a smile and hugged her back , "Hi , come in ."

They walked in and Cara told Kendall to sit near the coffee table while she makes them some coffee .

"So , how have you been lately ?" Cara asked .

"Oh , you have no idea how ecstatic I am ." Kendall grinned , and Cara had to hold herself back from launching at her .

"Oh ? Why is that ?" Cara raised her eyebrow , keeping her voice as calm as she could .

"Remember back at that lunch with Harry and the wimp , I told you I have a plan ? Well guess what , it worked out just the way I wanted it too . Well , minus a single thing that is going to get fixed later ." Kendall smiled to herself .

"Oh ? What plan are you talking about ?" Cara asked ; she wanted Kendall to say it outloud , so she could be heard on the recording .

"You know , the one I told you about ."

"I don't remember ."

Kendall rolled her eyes , "I separated Harry from the wimp so I could have him . Only the end went kind of wrong , but it'll be fixed ."

Cara turned to her , "You did what ??"

"I separated them . Harry is going to be with me and no one else ."

"Kendall , this is so wrong ! How even did you manage to ?! They love each other so much -"

"I payed a guy to hit on Louis ; I know Harry picks the wimp up from work , so I payed some guy to make Louis like him and get Harry jealous . I waited outside Harry's house with my car , and just like I assumed , he stormed out and went to a bar . Gave him a few drinks and got him in my bed , left an open condom in the garbage -"

"You had sex ?!"

"Unfortunately no , he fell asleep the moment he got into bed . so I took off his boxers , and god , he's -"

"Please don't tell me , he's my best friend , I don't want to hear those stuff ." Cara cringed .

"Anyway , I took off his boxers , threw a condom in the trashcan , stripped myself and fell asleep . I woke up when I heard him throwing up in the bathroom , then he cursed , probably because of the condom . He started dressing himself and I was like "nooo stay for round twoo" , but he left ." Kendall laughed to herself , "And now everyone is talking about the break up , and guess what ? Harry is going to be mine now ."

"You're a sick person ." Cara shook her head , Kendall rolled her eyes , "I don't fucking care . I'm proud to say that I am the one to cause this -"

"That's it , I've had enough . Please show yourself out ." Cara cut her off , Kendall raised her eyebrow , "Fine then ." She got up and left the house .

Cara reached for her phone and stopped the recording , taking a few deep breaths to calm herself down . She picked her phone up again , dialling Liam's number .

"Hey , Cara ."

"Hey , Li . I need you to come over to my place , with Zayn and Niall ."

"Uh , sure ? What about ?"

"Just please hurry , this is really important ."

"Okay , we'll be there soon ."

"Thank you ."

They hung up , Cara threw her head back and sighed in relief . She got what she wanted .


So , that's it . I loooove leaving you in cliffhangers and watching your reactions , It's funny for me . Guilty .

Hope you liked it , tell me if you didn't . x


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