Ch. 49
Sooo just one more exam left for this year and I'm doooone . Ahh the feeling .
Enjoy the chapter x
Harry parked his car outside the record store , it was nine p.m and Louis' shift is over . He stopped in his tracks in front of the store when he saw Louis standing on one side of the front desk , a guy standing on the other side and making Louis laugh .
Harry didn't even understand why the guy was still there , it's closing time . Even if it weren't closing time , he should not be there and hitting on his boyfriend .
He walked into the store with his brows furrowed , Louis' face lit up when he saw him . "Haz ! You're here ." He walked over to him and hugged him , pecking his cheek . Harry's arms automatically wrapped around Louis , still looking the guy over .
"Harry Styles , nice meeting you ." The guy smiled at him and held his hand out to shake , Harry hesitated a little but shook his hand , the other arm wrapped tightly around Louis . "May I ask who you are ?"
Before the guy could talk Louis spoke up , already knowing what Harry means . "Haz , this is Adam , he's a new worker so the boss told him to join in one of my shifts to learn the job ." Louis rubbed Harry's back to try calming him down , "Adam , this is Harry , my boyfriend ."
"Yeah , I figured , when you kissed his cheek ." Adam nodded .
Harry nodded , eyeing him one last time before turning to Louis , "Are you ready to go home ?"
"Yeah , I'll just grab my things ." Louis nodded , but Adam was quick to pass him his phone , and even helped him into his jacket . Louis was a little surprised but let him help , he thanked him and they walked out of the store , locking it .
"It was nice spending time with you today ." Adam told Louis with a smile , Louis returned the smile and nodded , "Yeah , it was nice ."
"Hopefully we'll meet again ?"
"I-I guess ."
Adam smiled and wrapped him in a hug , taking notice in the way Harry was looking at him . Louis was the first to pull back , he could feel Harry's eyes burning in his back , "I need to go now ."
"Okay , see you later ." Adam gave him one last smile and walked away .
Louis let out a small sigh and turned to Harry , who was holding himself back from running after the guy and punching him in the face .
"Haz , nothing is going on between us and you know that ." Louis sighed and took his hand in his , "Let's go home now ."
They drove in silence , Louis didn't dare to say a word , he knew Harry is angry .
Harry parked the car in the parking lot , they got out , Louis flinched when Harry slammed the door shut really hard .
They walked into the house , Louis took off his jacket and turned to Harry , who was tapping his foot on the floor angrily .
"Harry -"
"What the hell , Louis ?! This guy obviously wants you , so you go ahead and let him hug you like that !?"
"It was friendly -"
"Well it didn't seem friendly when he was looking down at your ass while hugging you !"
"H-he was ?"
"Fuck , Louis , yes he was ! I don't even want to start thinking about all the moves he's done on you in the shift , so if the bastard doesn't understand you're mine I'm going to have to let him know in the hard way ."
"Well you can't just go ahead and punch whoever is nice to me ! We both know very well I'm not looking for anybody else . I'm dating you , okay ? I -"
"It's not about you it's about that fuckhead who touched you the way I should touch you ! And you know what's worse ? You let him . You let him touch you -"
"I did not -"
"Yes you fucking did ! He hugged you and made you laugh -"
"Are you angry because he made me laugh ?! Harry -"
"I fucking raging because you let this guy touch you when having a boyfriend ! This is wrong , Louis , so fucking wrong !"
"Harry -"
"And you know what ? I'm fucking tired of it . You want other boys to touch you ? Go ahead ." Harry spat in his face angrily , he took the car keys and left the house .
Louis was shocked , he was frozen in his spot with tears in his eyes . He slowly walked to the couch and fell down , crying silently into his hands . What did Harry mean when he said he was 'tired of it' ? Does that mean they're breaking up ? He hoped not .
It's been three hours and Harry hadn't came back yet . Louis was biting his nails , he was exhausted but he needed to stay up for when Harry comes home . Bear was sitting on the couch next to him , Milo asleep on his lap .
He reached for his phone from the living room table , it was a bit after twelve a.m and he really didn't want to call anybody , but he needed help .
"Hello ? Lou , why are you calling so late ?"
"Z-Zayn , I need your h-help ."
"Wait , have you been crying ? Tell me what's wrong ."
Louis swallowed the lump in his throat , "Harry and I h-had a fight , a-and he walked out . It's been th-three hours and he's n-not answering his phone ."
"I'll be over at yours with Liam in a few minutes , alright ? We're coming ."
"O-okay , thank you ."
"See you soon ."
They hung up , he rubbed his face once more to get rid of tears , Bear nuzzled his arm to try comforting him . Louis pet his head a little and took Milo off his lap , laying him on the couch . He went to get himself a cup of water , all the crying left him tired and out of fluid .
Five minutes later there was a knock on the door , Louis opened the door and was immediately embraced by Zayn , "Did he hurt you ? Are you okay ?"
Louis hugged him back and sighed , "I d-don't know ."
Liam rubbed his back , "Tell us what happened , we'll help you ."
They sat on the couch , Zayn kept rubbing his back while Louis told them the whole story of what happened .
"I'll try calling him ." Liam stood up from his seat and dialled Harry's number , walking outside the house to talk to him .
"Hello ?" A drunk Harry answered the phone , and to Liam he didn't sound as sad as he expected him to be .
"Hey , Harry . It's Liam ."
"I know , that's what the contact name said ." Harry laughed , and Liam could hear another small laugh next to him .
"Harry , where are you ? It's past midnight , why aren't you home ?"
"What are you talking about ? I am home !" Harry laughed again , "But seriously now , I am having so much fun right now , I don't want to leaveeee ."
"Do you have someone with you to bring you back home ? Do you want me to come get you ?"
"Oh no , don't worry about me . I'm having a very fine company ." Harry chuckled , and Liam heard the same laugh again .
"Who's with you ? Tell them to drive you home ."
"I'm not coming home now , I'm having wayyy too much fun ! Isn't that right , Kendall ?"
Liam's heart skipped a beat at the name , he felt his anger taking over . "Alright fine , have your fun . We'll see if you have fun tomorrow ." He hung up and rubbed his hand over his face . What is he going to tell Louis ?
He walked into the house and closed the door behind him , Zayn was rubbing Louis' back calmingly and watching as the boy sniffled and wiped under his eyes .
Liam slowly walked over to Louis and crouched down in front of him , "Lou ?"
Louis looked up at him , "Yeah ?"
"I need you yo pack your stuff , okay ?" He spoke softly , Louis furrowed his eyebrows , "What ? Why ? Did you call Harry ?"
Liam took a deep breath , "I'm going to be straight-forward with you , okay ?"
Louis nodded , he was still confused . Liam didn't want to be the one to tell him , he didn't want to see his broken expression once he gets the news .
"I , uh , called Harry . He's out , with - with Kendall ." Liam said , watching as Louis slowly broke down in tears . He was quick to embrace him , letting him cry on his shoulder .
"Come on Lou , we'll help you pack ." Zayn rubbed his shoulder , Louis pulled his face away from Liam's shoulder and let himself be led to his and Harry's bedroom .
Liam opened the suitcase and placed it on the bed , helping Louis place his clothes inside . They used a suitcase and Louis' old bag , the one he was kicked out with . After all his clothed and belongings were packed , Louis shook his head , "I c-can't leave ."
Zayn frowned , "What do you mean ?"
"Someone needs to take care of Bear and Milo ."
Zayn placed his hands on Louis' shoulder , "We'll come back tomorrow morning , okay ? We'll stay here until Harry gets home , then we'll leave ."
Louis nodded , Liam took the suitcase for him while Zayn had Louis' bag , Louis took one last look at the dogs before walking out of the house , locking the door behind him .
In the morning , around ten a.m , the three were back to feed Bear and Milo . Louis filled their water bowls while Liam fed them , Zayn had an eye out of the window incase Harry comes .
Louis sat on the couch , a million thoughts running through his head .
"Harry is here ." Zayn announced , Liam stood up from his place near Bear and stood between the living room entrace and Louis , while Zayn was sitting next to Louis , a hand on his back .
They heard the key twisting in the lock before the door flew open , "Lou ? Louis , are you home ?"
Harry appeared in the living room , stopping when he saw Liam and Zayn . They shot him death glares .
"Give me one good reason not to punch you right now ." Liam glared at him , Harry opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out .
Zayn turned to Louis , "Do you want to handle it ?"
Louis took a deep breath and nodded , he looked at Harry and stood up .
"Lou , baby -"
"Please don't call me that ."
Harry's heart was beating even faster now , he didn't want to believe what's about to come .
"Harry , I think we should break up ."
Harry could hear his heart snapping in half as tears rose up to his eyes , "N-no , no , please no -"
"I can't just stay here after you spent the whole night with Kendall , and I saw the pictures ." Louis' voice was shaky . "I'm sorry , it's for the best ."
"No , no , it's not - no , Louis , p-please ..."
Louis shook his head and wiped under his eyes , Zayn stood up next to him and put his arm on his shoulders , "Let's go , yeah ?"
Louis nodded , Liam held Harry as Harry cried and begged Louis to stay , Louis shook his head and let out a sob , he didn't want to believe what's happening either .
Harry watched helplessly as Louis walked out of the house , falling to his knees when he was out of sight .
No matter how mad Liam was at Harry , it hurt him seeing his best friend so broken . He let him cry on him a little before pulling back .
"Get him back , Liam , get him back to me . Please , I'm begging you - I won't be able to do anything without him ."
Liam sighed , "I'm sorry , Harry . I can't do that ." He helped him up and sat him on the couch , "You brought this upon yourself , we can't help you anymore ."
Harry cried into his hands , Liam rubbed his back , "I need to go now , okay ? Call me if anything is wrong ." Liam gave his shoulder a squeeze before walking out of the house .
I'm sorryyyyy but this story needs some drama , okay ? Hopefully you'll forgive me . And you will because you love me . I love you too .
Hope you liked it , tell me if you didn't x
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