Ch. 46
My current obsession is SUPERFRUIT , Mitch and Scott are so cute and adorable together . I want Larry to be like them too , but Larry will date because Scomiche aren't dating . Shame .
Enjoy the chapter x
Louis woke up to kisses being pressed to his cheek , moving down to his neck then back up to his cheeks and forehead . He shifted a little and hummed , when he heard Harry's voice , "Morning baby ."
Louis smiled , he loved Harry's morning voice so much . "Morning Haz ."
"Happy six months annyversary ." Harry kissed his cheek once more , making him smile wider , "Happy six months ."
"Open your eyes , love ." Harry kissed the tip of his nose , Louis opened his eyes and rubbed them tiredly , Harry smiled at him and kissed him on the lips , "Breakfast is ready ."
"Mm , okay ." Louis nodded , letting out a yawn . Harry kissed his forehead , "Go brush your teeth , I'll get breakfast to bed ."
Louis pulled himself out of bed and went to brush his teeth , flopping down on the bed face first when he was done . Harry walked in with a big tray full of food , chuckling to himself when he saw Louis . "Sit up baby , breakfast is here ."
Louis turned to lie on his side , Harry placed the tray on the bed and carefully climbed in next to Louis . Louis sat up and leaned on Harry , "I can't believe we're dating for six months ."
"Me too . Feels like much longer ." Harry leaned his head on Louis' , "I'm more than happy it's you I'm spending my life with ."
Louis grinned , "Me too . Thanks to you , I have everything I need , everything I haven't had before ."
Harry kissed the top of his head , "Come on now , let's eat ." He handed Louis a plate and took one for himself , Louis chuckled at the heart shape Harry drew on the pancake with the syrup .
"Shut it , I'm being romantic ." Harry nudged Louis with his elbow when he laughed , Louis pecked his cheek , "I like it ."
"Where are we going ?" Louis asked , looking out the car window when they exited London .
"Well , I want us to be able to be outside without paps and fans , so I searched on google for nearby places that will be private and intimate . I found the perfect one ." Harry grinned and took Louis' hand in his .
After ten more minutes driving they reached a sideroad , Harry turned left and the road led to a forest .
"A forest ?" Louis asked , Harry nodded , "Yeah . Down in the forest , we'll sing a chorus , one that everybody knowsss ..." He sang , Louis giggled , "What are we doing here ?"
"There's a meadow here , really quiet and beautiful ." Harry said , "I got us some food and drinks , and a blanket to lie on . I hope you'll love it ."
Soon they reached their destination , Harry turned the car off and got out , Louis got out of the car aswell while Harry got the backpack he packed back home .
"Come on , love ." Harry took Louis' hand and walked with him , they reached the meadow and Harry deployed the big blanket on the grass , placing the backpack on it .
"Do you like it ?" Harry asked , wrapping his arms around Louis' waist from behind as he admired the scenery .
"Yeah , I love it ." Louis nodded with a smile , he turned to face Harry and wrapped his arms around his middle . Harry kissed the top of his head , "Let's lie down , yeah ?"
They lied on the blanket on their backs , the weather was perfect and there were fewer clouds in the light blue sky . Louis turned on his side to face Harry , his hands under his head as a pillow , closing his eyes and smiling to himself .
Harry picked out a few strands of grass , running them up and down Louis' arm , smiling when he giggled at the feeling . He scooted closer and pecked Louis' nose , "Are you hungry ?"
"Not really , why ?" Louis opened his eyes to look at Harry .
"Got us some snacks and drinks ." Harry nodded towards the backpack , "Feel free to get yourself whatever if you want ."
Louis nodded and closed his eyes again , the ticklish feeling of the grass strands is back on his arm , making him smile . Harry smiled when he saw the smile stretching on Louis' lips , he leaned down and pecked his lips , "You're adorable ."
Louis sat near a flowers pile , picking them out and joining them together . Harry sat next to him , "You know how to make flower crowns ?"
"Yeah , used to make a lot with Fizzy ." Louis nodded , Harry picked out a few flowers too , "Teach me ."
Louis guided Harry's hands and showed him how , Harry tried on his own but ended up ripping it . He crossed his arms over his chest and pouted , Louis giggled and lied his head on his shoulder , "It's okay Haz ."
"Now I demand you make me one ." Harry pushed the crooked flower crown into Louis' hands , Louis giggled again and took the flowers , using the ones Harry didn't rip and a few more , finishing the crown for him .
He turned to Harry and placed the crown on his hair , moving his hair around a little . "There you go ." He gave Harry a smile , Harry pulled his phone out , "Come here ."
He took several pictures with him , saving them all in his special album for their pictures .
"Now one for Snapchat ." Harry logged into Snapchat , he took a picture of him kissing Louis on his nose , captioning "Best six months . -H x" .
Louis blushed at the caption , Harry grinned at him and smacked a kiss to his cheek , "I mean it ."
They got up from their places , Harry opened his arms for Louis , "Can I get a cuddle ?"
Louis made a playful thinking face , making Harry raise his eyebrow , "Maybe I got it wrong . I will get a cuddle . Come here now ." He stepped closer , but Louis stepped back giggling .
With one glance at Harry's face , he turned around and ran away , giggling when he heard Harry following him .
"Hey ! Get back here , mister !" Harry called , smiling when he heard Louis' giggles , "Don't get yourself into deeper trouble , little one !"
"You're not threatening , froggie ." Louis giggled , when Harry's hands reached out and caught his waist , making him screech and giggle more .
Harry turned him around and hugged his thighs , lifting him up , "Gotcha , little one ."
"Nooo , put me down !" Louis giggled , trying to kick his captured legs but Harry had a tight grip around him as he started walking towards the blanket .
Louis slapped and punched his back , Harry just chuckled , "Keep trying , tiny bug ."
Louis crossed his arms over his chest and pouted , "Shut it , Hulk ."
Harry could here Louis pouting , he spinned in circles , "No pouting , tiny bug !"
Louis giggled and gripped onto Harry's shoulder , "Stop it !"
"This is going to be a new nickname for you . Tiny bug ." Harry said with a smile as they reached the blanket , Harry put Louis down but immediately pulled him down , laying Louis on his back and hovering above him .
He pressed their lips together , Louis smiled and cupped his cheeks , making Harry smile aswell .
"You make me so happy , you know that ?" Harry mumbled against his lips , Louis blushed , "You make me happy too ."
Harry lied next to Louis on his side , Louis turned on his side to face Harry , his arm under his head as a pillow . Harry leaned on his elbow , playing with Louis' hair lightly .
Harry parked the car in their driveway , he got out with Louis and took the backpack from the backseat , walking to the front door with Louis by his side .
"I made a reservasion for us tonight , at a restaurant . We can take a nap if you'd like ?" Harry asked , Louis nodded , "Yeah , sounds good ."
Harry led Louis up to their bedroom , they changed and got under the covers .
"Scratch my back , please ?" Louis looked at Harry through his lashes , Harry smiled at him and nodded , "Sure ."
Louis smiled and turned his back to Harry , Harry ran his fingers all around Louis' back , kissing the back of his neck . Louis sighed contently and smiled to himself , slowly falling asleep with Harry right after him , pressed to his back .
"We're here , let's do this quick ." Harry parked at the back of the restaurant , he got out of the car and ran to Louis' side , opening the door for him . He shielded the small boy from the papparazzi and screaming fans , pressing him close to his side . He smiled nicely at the fans and waved at them , ignoring the papparazzi completely .
Dale and Alberto got the two into the restaurant , where one of the waiters was standing waiting for them .
"Hello , my name is Josh and I'll be your waiter today ." The guy smiled nicely , "Follow me ."
The two followed Josh to their table , which had blue and white helium balloons , and a card with "Happy Six Months Anniversary" written on it in curvy letters .
Harry pulled the chair out for Louis , who smiled shyly with pink blush on his cheeks . Harry sat in front of him , Josh handed out menus , "I'll be back shortly to collect your orders ."
Louis opened the menu , biting his lip , "What should I get ?"
"Whatever you want , baby ." Harry answered , looking up at Louis then back down at the menu .
"I'm thinking about the Home Fries salad ." Louis mumbled , "But I wont finish it on my own ."
"Then we could take it for both of us ." Harry suggested , "Then we wont be too full and could take a dessert aswell ."
"Okay ." Louis nodded , Harry smiled and closed the menu , getting up from his seat to go sit next to Louis .
A waitress approached the two , "Excuse me , I was asked to pass this note to you ." She handed Louis a note , Louis took it with a confused look , watching as she walked away .
I'd like to get to know you , baby . Look up at me , pretty boy .
P.s you have a very lovely ass
Louis looked up and around the place , catching a guy's eyes on him , a smirk on his lips .
"What the fuck -" Harry looked up at Louis , following his gaze towards the guy . He growled at the back of his throat , Louis caught his arm , "Harry , don't do anything ."
"Well the guy is clearly checking you out , and I don't like it one bit ." Harry looked him dead in the eyes , then turned back towards the guy , "I'm just going to have a little chat with him ."
Louis held Harry's arm tightly , "Hey , listen to me ." He turned Harry's head towards him , pecking his lips , "You stay here , and just show the guy I'm happily taken . Okay ?"
Harry stared into Louis' eyes , slowly relaxing into them , "Okay . But if he won't give up by the time we leave I'm punching him ."
Before Louis could protest Josh was back with a notepad and a pen , "Have you picked your order ?"
Harry told him the order , but stopped him before he left , "Can I borrow a note and your pen for a second ?"
Josh nodded and handed him the notepad and pen , Harry scribbled down a few words and gave it to Josh , "Pass it to the fuckhead that's sitting right there eyeing my boyfriend ."
The pretty boy is taken , back off my property fuckhead .
Josh didn't ask but nodded , Harry watched as Josh gave the guy the note . The guy read it and crumpled it in his hand , giving Harry the middle finger and smiling at Louis .
Louis turned Harry's head towards him , pressing their lips together . Harry melted into the kiss , cupping Louis' cheek . "I fucking hate how he looks at you ."
"I don't like it either , but ignore him . Just focus on me , okay ?"
"Focus on me , foc - foc -" Harry sang and moved his head side to side , smiling when Louis giggled , "You're a dork ."
"I'm your dork ." Harry kissed his cheek , "And you're my baby . My adorable baby , my tiny bug ." Harry cooed and kissed his cheek a few times , smiling when Louis blushed with a grin on his lips .
Soon Josh was back with their order , Louis licked his lips , "Looks good ."
"You look better ." Harry pretended to bite on his shoulder , Louis giggled and shied away from him . Harry laughed and wrapped his arm around Louis' waist , pulling him back into his side .
"I'm full ." Louis placed his fork down , taking a sip of his coke . Harry was eating the last few bites , "Did you like it ?"
"I loved it ." Louis nodded with a smile , "But I'm not sure I can contain a dessert ."
"Don't force yourself if you don't think you can ." Harry placed his hand on Louis' thigh , "I don't want you to get stomachache ."
"Okay ." Louis nodded , intertwining his fingers with Harry's hand . Harry smiled and brought his hand up to his lips , kissing the back of it . Louis smiled and pecked his cheek .
Josh approched them , "Are you done ? Can I take your plate ?"
Harry nodded , Josh took the plate and forks , "Would you like something for dessert ?"
"We're still thinking about it ." Harry said , Josh nodded and walked towards the back .
"I have a morning shift tomorrow ." Louis whined quietly , Harry put his arm around his shoulders and pulled him into his side , "When we get home I'll put a movie on and cuddle you to eternity ." He kissed his forehead , Louis smiled and leaned his head on his shoulder .
They asked Josh for the bill , Harry payed (because he never lets Louis pay) and they got up from their seats . Harry looked over to the guy checking Louis out , following his gaze to see his eyes fixed on his bum .
He put his arm around Louis' waist , Louis doing the same . Harry slid his hand down until it reached Louis' bum , shoving his hand into the back pocket , getting a squeak from the small boy .
"The fuckhead needs to learn who you belong to ." Harry whispered in his ear , Louis shivered a little and nodded , "Does it have to include my bum ?"
"Well , he was staring at it . I can pull his eyes out with a spoon if you want -"
"Ew , Harry ." Louis slapped his chest , Harry laughed and kissed his cheek , "I'm serious , I really need to punch him ."
"But you won't ." Louis held tightly on Harry's waist , then looked at the helium balloons , "Can we take those ?" He pointed towards them .
Harry nodded and let go of his waist , untying the balloons' strings and handing them over to Louis with a kiss on the lips , "There you go ."
Louis smiled and looked up to the balloons , feeling Harry's hand going back to it's place in the backpocket of his jeans .
"Come on , we're going now ." Harry pulled Louis into his side , Louis held the balloons with one hand , the other wrapping around Harry .
They stepped out of the back of the restaurant with Dale and Alberto , making their way quickly towards the car . Harry got Louis into the passenger's seat and ran around to get in the driver's , starting the car .
They reached home fifteen minuted later , Harry parked in the driveway and they got out , getting into the house .
"Come on ." Louis took Harry's hand and led him to the kitchen , he took scissors out of the drawer and handed Harry a balloon , "It's gonna be fun ."
"Wait , I'll get my camera ." Harry handed him back the balloon and ran to his room , getting the camera and it's stand .
He quickly positioned the camera and started recording , he stood next to Louis and took a balloon , pecking his cheek . He turned to the camera , "Hey everyone , Harry here , with the cutest , most beautiful boy in the world ." Harry squeezed Louis into him , pecking his cheek . Louis smiled shyly at the camera , "Hi ."
"This video will be short , it's Lou and mine's six month anniversary and we were at a restaurant for dinner , and they got us helium balloons . So we're going to be inhaling the helium ." Harry held the balloon up .
"I've never done this before ." Louis poked a small hole in the balloon with the scissors , inhaling the helium in and pinching the hole close so the helium won't spill out .
"Hi Haz ." He said in a squeaky voice , giggling .
"Aw your giggles are so cute !" Harry kissed his cheek rapidly , Louis shied away from him , "Try it ." He said still in a squeaky voice .
Harry poked a small hole in the balloon and inhaled the helium , turning to Louis , "I'm a goner , somebosy catch my breaht ." He sang , Louis giggled , "You sound like a chipmunk ." He inhaled more helium .
"Well you sound really adorable ." Harry said in a squeaky voice , Louis giggled , "Froggie chipmunk ."
"Shut it , tiny bug ." Harry pointed a threatening finger at him , but Louis just giggled , "You're not scaring me , especially with that voice ."
They inhaled the rest of their helium , when Harry threw Louis over his shoulder and tickled his side , "This is what you get for being cheeky , tiny bug !"
Louis kicked his legs and giggled , slapping at Harry's back weakly , "S-stop ! Haz , please !"
"Never !" Harry smiled mischievously as his fingers roamed up and down Louis' side as much as he could , enjoying the high pitched giggles leaving Louis' mouth .
"Haz , stop ! Pleaseeee !" Louis giggled into his back , Harry laughed and stopped , "Alright , alright ." He put him down , their squeaky voices faded away . Harry kissed his lips , "My tiny bug ."
Louis let out the last few giggles , leaning on Harry tiredly . Harry kept his arms around Louis and looked at the camera , "So that was it , just a stupid video of us being childish and silly -"
"And dorky ." Louis poked Harry's cheek .
"Hopefully you liked it , give this video a thumbs up if you think Louis' high pitched giggles are adorable ." Harry lifted his thumb up , Louis blushed and hid his face in Harry's chest .
"We'll see you next video , all the love ." Harry sent a kiss to the camera , he lifted Louis' head up to kiss his lips then went to stop recording .
"I'll edit it tomorrow , let's go to sleep now ." Harry took the camera with one hand , the other holding Louis around the waist .
They changed and got into bed , Bear and Milo cuddled up to them and soon all four were asleep .
The end kinda sucks , but I just really wanted to finish with it so I can go to sleep .
Hope you liked it , tell me if you didn't . x
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