Ch. 45

Sooo I'm quite tired , and smelling ike smoke . Participated in a fire today , you know I'm volunteering as a firefighter . Ahhh it was amazing .

Enjoy the chapter x


"Come on love , I'll drive you to the store ." Harry finished tying Louis' shoes for him , they got up from the couch and walked out the door .

"I'm going to go grocery shopping now , the guys are coming over tonight ." Harry said , "I'll make us dinner , get some drinks and snacks . And we'll do a YouNow , the fans asked ."

"Sorry I can't help you with dinner ." Louis gave him an apologetic smile , Harry chuckled and shook his head , "It's nonsense , I can do it on my own ."

"I'm going to be so tired in the evening , today is Thursday and Thursdays are always full of customers ." Louis sighed .

Harry grabbed his hand , "It's okay , you can go to sleep whenever you feel like it . We won't hold you back , I'm sure the guys don't mind . And don't force yourself to stay awake ."

"Okay ." Louis nodded , "Are you filming a video with them ?"

"Yeah , Prank Calls challenge . They should come to our place in two hours , so we'll film the video then I'll make dinner , come get you to eat with us and then have our night . So if in the middle of the shift one of us calls you just know it's most likely a prank call ." Harry said with a smile , Louis let out a giggle and nodded , "Okay ."

Harry parked the car outside the record store , "Have fun at your shift ." He said with a chuckle , Louis smiled and shook his head , "Wish I could ."

Harry leaned and pressed their lips together , "Call me if you need anything , okay ?"

Louis nodded , he pressed a kiss to his cheek and smiled shyly , getting out of the car and into the store .


Louis was making himself some tea in the small kitchen-room when he heard his phone ringing , he took his tea with him and picked his phone up , seeing Liam's number .

"Hello ?"

"Hey , Louis ."

"Hi Li . Need anything ?"

"Yeah , uh . I kind of , well . I want to confess something ."

Louis bit his lip to stop himself from giggling . "Sure , what is it ?"

"I'm really sorry it happened , it got out of control and I hope you can forgive us ."

"Li , you're scaring me . What is it ?" Louis put up an act , trying to make his voice shaky .

"I uh , Harry and I were joking around the other day , and ended up kissing ."

Louis pressed the mute button so Liam won't be able to hear him , and burst out laughing . He heard Liam calling him , he sucked in his laughter and put his phone back to his ear .

"Y-you what ?" 

"I'm really sorry Lou , I -"

"Don't c-call me that ." Louis made his voice shaky as he spoke quietly .

"Louis , I'm sorry , we both are ."

"N-no , I trusted you ! I trusted you . But oddly enough , I still trust Harry ."

"You what ? How do you trust Harry and not me ? This doesn't make sense ."

"Well , Harry was the one to tell me you're going to prank call me , so ..."

He heard the other guys burst into laughter in the background so he joined , imagining the look on Liam's face .

"You little -"

"Shut your mouth Payne !" Harry cut him off before he could go on .

Louis was giggling , "I'm sorry Liii , you're so easy ."

"I'm going to get you for this , Tommo ."

"Tommo ?" Louis asked .

"Yeah . Tomlinson , Tommo ."

"Oh , okay . So you're - you're Payno ?"

"That can work . Tommo and Payno ."

"I prefer Harry and Louis ." Niall said in the background , Louis giggled as blush spread on his cheeks .

"I prefer that too ." Harry said .

The door to the store opened , Louis looked up and straightened up , "Guys , I need to go . I'll see you later tonight ."

"Okay , bye Lou ."

"Bye Tommo ."

"Bye baby ."

Louis smiled and hung up , turning to help the customer .


Harry walked into the store just as Louis finished cleaning and was ready to leave , he smiled at him and hugged him , "How was your shift ?"

"Tiring ." Louis sighed and leaned into his chest , Harry kissed the top of his head , "We laughed for ages after your phone call with Liam ."

Louis giggled , "Yeah . I laughed too , my cheeks hurt from smiling a lot ."

"You're going to laugh so much more after you watch the video , we pranked people good . Niall called Zoe and told her he wanted to confess that he's attracted to mantis , when you hear her reaction , you're going to die of laughter ."

Louis giggled again , "You're weirdoes ."

"And because you're one of us you're weird too ." Harry poked his nose , "Come on now let's go home , I don't want Niall to eat all the food on his own before we even get there ."


Harry opened the door to the house , "We made it !" He called and closed the door behind Louis , helping him out of his jacket .

They walked to the kitchen , Liam glared playfully at him , "I'm giving you the silent treatment now ." He crossed his arms over his chest .

Louis giggled , "No , come on . You were just so easy ." He shook his shoulder .

Liam turned to him and wrapped his arm around his neck , first Louis thought it was going to be a friendly gesture but then Liam pulled him into a headlock .

"Li , let gooo ." Louis pushed at his arm , giggling .

"Nope , you deserve it ." Liam ruffled his hair a little .

Niall and Zayn were laughing at the two while Harry got the food ready , Liam gave Louis' forehead playful smacks as Louis was still in a headlock .

"Li , come on ." Louis giggled , "Let go ."

Harry looked up and saw Louis in a headlock , his heart stopped beating for a second . "Liam what the fuck are you doing ?"

Liam looked up to Harry , "Just being friendly , mate ." He released the hold on Louis' head .

"Well then be more gentle , would you ." Harry glared at him , Liam chuckled and turned to Louis , "Go take care of the beast ."

Louis sighed and walked over to Harry as the other three were sitting at the table . He wrapped his arms around his torso , "You know it was playful , yeah ? I'm not hurt ."

"I know ." Harry sighed and wrapped his arms around Louis tightly , "But you're my fragile little baby ."

"I'm not fragile , Harry ." Louis shook his head with a smile ."

"You're my fragile little baby ," Harry repeated , "I need you safe , that no one will ever touch you in a wrong way ." He kissed his forehead .

"Haz , the headlock was playful , okay ? I'm not hurt , Liam didn't hurt me . It was friendly ." Louis looked up at him , Harry rubbed their noses together , "Okay ." He kissed his lips .

"Good ." Louis smiled up at him , "Now get us the food before Niall eats us ." He giggled .


"Hi guys !" Niall waved at the laptop camera , it was set on the living room table as Niall and Liam were sitting on the floor in front of it , Zayn was sitting on the couch , Louis and Harry were getting all the drinks and snacks to the living room .

Harry popped beers open and handed them around , Louis declined the offer , "No thanks , I don't drink ." He shook his head and yawned .

"Aw baby you're tired ?" Harry cooed and pecked his nose , Louis blushed and pushed him away playfully . Harry chuckled and took his hand , he sat on the couch and scooted backwards , spreading his legs so Louis could sit inbetween his knees on the couch . He pulled Louis to sit between his legs with his back to him , Harry put one arm around him as the other hand held a beer bottle .

"If you're tired , you can go to sleep ." Harry told him quietly , Louis shook his head , "No , I'm fine ."

"You can sleep on me , if you'd like . I don't mind at all ." Harry pressed a soft kiss to his cheek .

"Lovebirds , the fans keep commenting for you to kiss ." Niall turned to Louis and Harry , Harry smiled and turned to Louis , "Gimmie a kissie ?"

Louis smiled too with blush on his cheeks , he turned a little and pressed a kiss to Harry's lips , hiding his face in Harry's neck right after .

"Aw baby ." Harry engulfed him into his chest and kissed his head , Louis wrapped his arms around Harry's torso and kept his face buried in his neck .

"Are you going to sleep now love ?" Harry asked in his ear , Louis shook his head , "No , later ." He pulled his face out of his neck and turned with his back to Harry's chest , Harry took a small sip of his beer and put in on the floor next to him , wrapping both arms around Louis and hooking his chin on his shoulder .

"Do a contest on who hits the highest note ." Liam read out loud , then attempted to squeal his highest .

Harry tried too , Louis winced a little and covered his ear , "Ow , you ruined my ear drums ." 

Harry chuckled and pressed a light kiss to his ear , "All better now ."

"Should I try too or you don't want the glass to break ?" Zayn asked , making the guys laugh .

"Well we all know Zayn hits the highest note ." Niall said to the camera .

"I always tell him he can be a good singer , he sings good and his high notes are heaven ." Liam said , "Maybe one day , yeah ? You can go solo ."

"Why solo ? Let's make a band all five of us ." Zayn laughed , "But seriously now , I don't know yet . I mean , I'm good with the modeling career I have now , maybe later on ."

Niall read another comment , "Who's your OTP ?"

"What's OTP ?" Liam asked .

"It's one true pairing , mine is these two ." Niall nodded towards Harry and Louis , who were snuggled close and weren't really paying attention to anything else .

"Mine is Liam and I ." Zayn said .

"Mine too ." Liam held his fist for Zayn , Zayn fist bumped him with a smile .

Harry held Louis tightly to his chest , he felt him nodding off but fighting against it . "Baby , if you're tired just go to sleep . Don't hold yourself back ." He said quietly in his ear .

"No , I'm fine ." Louis shook his head , but let out a big yawn . Harry chuckled , "Come on , I'll cuddle you ." He turned Louis to sit sideways on his lap and cradled him like a baby into his chest , holding him tightly , "Sleep well , baby ." He kissed his forehead and started rocking him back and forth lightly .

"You're treating him like a baby ." Niall chuckled and pulled his phone out to take pictures of the two .

"Well he is my baby , therefor he should be treated like my baby ." Harry kissed his forehead .

"Jeez the fans are going crazy ." Liam laughed , "They keep commenting 'goals' and 'cute af' and serieses of letters that don't make sense and tons of 'Larry' and a lot more ."

Harry smiled , he looked down to Louis who was half asleep on his chest , he kissed his forehead again and cradled him closer .


Two hours later the boys left , Harry carried Louis bridal style to their bedroom while Louis was still asleep . He didn't want to but he had to wake him up , so he can change out of his clothes and into a sweatpants and a shirt .

He placed Louis down on the bed , his hand going up to his face , "Lou , baby ."

Louis stirred a little and opened his eyes , "Hm ? Haz ?"

"I'm here , love . You need to change into some more comfortable clothes , yeah ? So you can go back to sleep ." He kissed his cheek , Louis nodded sleepily , "Okay ."

Harry helped him up , he went to get them both clothes and returned with it to Louis , he handed him his clothes , "I'll change in the bathroom , okay ?"

Louis nodded and yawned , the two changed and crawled into bed under the covers . Harry pressed to Louis' back as he hugged him , kissing the back of his neck , "Good night baby ."

"Night Haz ." Louis said back and intertwined his fingers with Harry's , making Harry smile . 


Another one is oveeeeer . I  had two exams this week and I have another exam tomorrow , last one for this week . Next week I have another one . Yay .

Hope you liked it , tell me if you didn't . x


Important Note :

I kind of want to start writing another Larry AU , where Harry is a firefighter and saves Louis from a fire , and things go on since then . I have a lot planned for this story , except for one thing - the title . I don't have a name for the story , and I'd really like it if you helped me find one . Thank you (:

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