Ch. 35

Sooo I've been really busy lately , going out a lot and having loads of fun . Sorry for the late update .

Enjoy the chapter x


"Ready , love ?" Harry asked as Louis stepped out of the bedroom , Louis nodded , "Yeah . I'm really excited . And nervous ."

"Don't be ." Harry pulled him closer , "This is your nan we're talking about ."

"I know , but - she doesn't know about my sexuality . Unless she saw me somewhere on the computer or TV , which I doubt ." Louis sighed into Harry's chest .

"I'm sure everything will be okay ." Harry pressed a kiss to his forehead and pulled back a little , "Come on now , let's go ."


"I don't want to go in ." Louis refused to get out of the car , holding tightly onto his seatbelt . Harry sighed and reached the red button to click it off , ripping Louis' hands from the belt . "Baby , please don't be so nervous . This is your grandma , she loves you ."

"We don't know this ." Louis shook his head , biting on his nails , "My mum probably told her everything , and now she hates me too ."

"Lou , look at me ." Harry said lowly , he's had enough of this . Louis looked up at him with slightly glossy eyes , making Harry soften . He pulled Louis' hands away from his mouth , holding both tightly in his large ones .

"You have nothing to be scared of , love . I'm here with you and I'm going to make sure nothing and no one gets to you in the wrong way . Okay ?"

Louis took a deep breath . "Okay ."

"Good . Now come out of the car ." Harry stood up and let Louis get out shakily . Harry closed the passenger door and locked the car , offering his hand to Louis , who gladly took it .

They walked up the pathway , Louis squeezed Harry's hand , Harry squeezed his hand back . 

They reached the front door , Harry pushed Louis lightly forward , "Come on , love ."

Louis took a deep breath , trying to calm his racing heart . He lifted his free hand that wasn't holding Harry's , knocking gently but loud enough on the door .

He heard footsteps from the other side of the door , the keys rattled a little before the door opened , revealing a guy , who was a little confused as to why the two boys were here .

"Uh , hello ." The guy furrowed his eyebrows .

Louis' heart skipped a beat . "Uhm , h-hi . I'm , I'm here to see my n-nan ." Louis said quietly .

"Oh , you mean the lady who lived here before ?" The guy asked , then bit his lower lip .

"What d-do you mean , lived ? Wh-where did she m-move to ?" Louis started getting suspicious , and he didn't want to believe the only thought that crossed his mind at the moment .

"She was your nan , you said ?" The guy asked , Louis nodded shakily . "Y-yeah ."

"I'm sorry , mate . She - she passed a while ago ."

Those words crashed into Louis like a ton of bricks . His chest heavied and eyes watered , "Wh-when ?"

"A little less than a month ago ." The guy spoke quietly , noticing how it affected Louis .

Louis felt his throat tighten and he couldn't talk , placing his hand over his mouth . Harry hugged him into his chest and turned to the guy , "Do you know where they buried her ?"

"The local cemetry out of London ." The guy answered .

"Okay . Thank you ." Harry thanked him , looking down to Louis .

"I'm sorry for your loss ." The guy said , "I was told she was an amazing lady ."

Harry sighed , nodding his head , "I was told that too . Thank you for your time ."

The guy nodded , watching Harry taking Louis back to the car .

Harry didn't speak , just got Louis into the car and helped him buckle up , he got in the driver's seat and drove back to their place .


Harry placed Louis on the bed and pecked his cheek , "I'll get you comfy clothes ." He went to the closet and got him and Louis some comfy clothes , walking back to the bedroom . He took Louis' shoes off for him and handed him the sweatpants and shirt , "Get changed , love ." Harry kissed his forehead before walking into the bathroom to change .

He finished changing and walked to the bedroom , Louis was changed too with tears streaming down his cheeks . He sighed and sat next to him , lifting him up to sit on his lap .

Louis clutched his shirt in his fists and cried into his neck , "I d-didn't get t-to say g-goodbye ."

Harry hugged him tightly and rocked him back and forth gently , "I'm sorry , baby ." He looked down to him and wiped his tears , "Would you like me to take you to her grave later ?"

"P-please ." Louis nodded , Harry pressed a kiss to his forehead , "Okay ."

"C-can you pass me m-my phone ? To call Lottie ." Louis asked , Harry nodded and reached for Louis' phone on the nightstand , handing it to him . Louis thanked him quietly and wiped under his eyes , looking for Lottie's contact name .

He found it and put her on speaker , taking a few deep breaths .

"Hey Lou , what's up ?"

"Lottie , why didn't you tell me nan passed away ?" Louis asked straight forward . It was quiet for a few seconds , before she spoke up again .

"Who told you ?"

"I went to her house today because I wanted to visit , and this guy said she passed away a little less than a month ago . Charlotte Tomlinson , why didn't you tell me ?"

"Lou , I -"

"You know how hard it was for me to hear it from a stranger ? I miss her so much a-and now she's g-gone , I -" Louis stopped to breath , a new wave of tears kicking in .

"Lou , I'm really sorry . I didn't tell you because I know how much you loved her and I didn't want to be the one to break it to you , I didn't want to see your reaction because I knew I'd feel even worse ."

Louis wiped his eyes , "I miss her so much ."

"She missed you , too ." Lottie said quietly , "I'll tell you something , okay ? We visited her the other day , and - and mum went on about how you like guys and that stuff . You know what nan said ?"

She stopped for a few seconds , before speaking up . 

"She said she doesn't care who you love , as long as you're happy , and if you're happy she's happy too ."

Louis smiled through his tears , Harry smiled aswell and kissed his temple .

"When mum and dad left I told her about you and Harry and showed her pictures , she was smiling and said that whoever Harry is she likes him for making you the happiest she's ever seen ." 

Louis giggled and leaned closer to Harry's chest , tears still running down his cheeks .

"I showed her your video with the chocolate coins , and she was so happy to see you smiling , saying she never saw you smiling this wide , and that she really likes your laugh ."

Louis blushed and buried his face in Harry's neck , who cooed and squeezed him closer .

"She loved you so much , please keep this in mind ."

"I loved her too , I miss her so bad ."

"I know , I miss her too ."

"I'm planning to go to her grave later today , but - I don't know where her grave is . Do you know where is it ?"

"Yeah , it's in the cemetry outside of London , the one in the easter side . Second patch , eleventh row in the middle ."

"Second patch , eleventh row in the middle . I'll remember that , thank you ." 

"Welcome . I need to go now , okay ? I'll talk to you soon ."

"Alright . Love you Lott's ."

"Love you too , Lou ."

They hung up , Louis sighed and rested his head on Harry's shoulder , "I really needed this talk with her ."

"I noticed ." Harry rubbed his back , "Do you want to take a quick nap , baby ?"

Louis nodded , "Yeah . Can you stay with me ?"

"Always ." Harry kissed his cheek and lied him down under the covers , laying next to him and tracing circles on his back , pressing light kisses to his cheek every few seconds .


Harry parked the car outside the cemetry , he turned to Louis who was jumping his knee and clenching and un-clenching his fist .

"Baby , if you're not ready for this now , we can come back another time ." Harry placed his hand on his jumping knee , but Louis shook his head , "No , I - I want to go . I need to go ."

Harry was still worried but nodded , "Okay ."

They got out of the car , Harry wrapped his arm around Louis' waist comfortingly . They walked in silence into the cemetry , Louis mumbled to himself , "Second patch , eleventh row in the middle ."

Soon the reached the eleventh row , Harry could feel Louis trembling a little . They walked through the gravestones , until Louis stopped and looked down to the gravestone with his nan's name graved into it .

Harry squeezed him comfortingly before stepping back , allowing him to have a bit of privacy .

Louis bit his lower lip , he lowered himself down to his knees and placed his hand on the stone , his fingers tracing the name . He sniffled , "I love you , nan ." He allowed himself to smile through tears .

Harry watched quietly , he wanted to go comfort him so badly , but he'll do it later .

Louis wiped his tears , "I talked to Lottie today , she told me what you said about me and Harry ... Thank you so much for supporting us , unlike mum and dad . It means way more than you think is does . I love you , I miss you ." He caressed the name with his fingertips before standing back up , turning to Harry who waited patiently .

He hugged Harry's middle and buried his face in his shoulder , Harry engulfed him close and rocked him side to side .

"I want to go home ." Louis whispered , Harry nodded and kissed the top of his head , "Okay ."


"There you go ." Harry handed Louis his tea , Louis thanked him and took it , blowing on the steaming liquid before sipping on it . Harry sat next to him in bed and scooted closer so their legs are touching .

"Are you feeling better ?" Harry asked , Louis nodded , "Yeah . Sorry for being clingy all day ."

"Oh come on , you know I don't mind ." Harry smiled , Louis took another sip of his tea and put the mug on the beside table , "No , I mean , I must have been too clingy and you wanted space ." His cheeks heated up a little .

Harry put his own mug away and turned Louis' face towards him by his chin , pressing their lips together , "I don't mind , baby . I like it when we hug and cuddle and kiss , I like holding you . I'll never get enough of you ."

Louis' blush deepened , Harry's smile widened and he brought Louis closer , kissing his cheek a few times . "I can put a movie on , would you like that ?"

Louis nodded , "Yeah ."

Harry pressed one last kiss to his cheek before pulling away to grab the remote from the end of the bed , he searched through the new movies .

"There's this one , Mad Max - Fury Road . Action movie , would you like that ?"

"Sounds okay ." Louis said and brought the covers up a little to keep him warm . Harry pressed 'play' and turned the volium up , Bear jumped on the bed and lied himself on the end by the two's feet , Milo barked from the floor to be brought up aswell . Harry reached down and put him next to Bear , Milo quickly cuddled near Bear and closed his eyes .

Harry wrapped his arm around Louis and brought him close to his chest , "I need a cuddle ."

Louis lied on his chest , focusing on the movie . He felt Harry's fingers tracing shapes on his shoulder blade , calming him down .

The movie wasn't really Louis' type , it was a bit creepy and somewhat weird , but the action scenes and effects were incredible .

As the movie ended Louis grew tired , he yawned and covered his mouth with his hand . 

"Aw baby , you're tired ?" Harry cooed , Louis blushed and turned his face away . Harry chuckled and rolled ontop of him , pressing multiple kisses to his face . Louis giggled and pushed him away , "Haz , stop ."

"Oh , you know you loooove it ." Harry smirked and brought his lips to his neck , puffing his cheeks and blowing a raspberry . The feeling tickled and Louis yelped a laugh , pushing Harry away with a giggle , "Don't do that ."

"I can give you another one on your tummy ." Harry smirked , Louis shook his head and pushed him away , "Nooo ." 

Harry laughed and pressed their lips together , "You're the cutest ."

"You're the meanest ." Louis pouted playfully .

"Say you love me or I'll bite you ." Harry threatened playfully .

Louis giggled , "What ?"

"Say you love me , or I'll bite you ." Harry knocked his teeth together a few times as if to mimick biting , Louis giggled again and shook his head , "You're weird ."

Harry growled playfully and lowered his head to bite gently on his neck , Louis shrieked and tried pushing him away . Harry just kept biting him gently , Louis giggled , "Stop that !"

"Say you love me ." Harry mumbled into his neck .

"I love you , now stop you weirdo !" Louis pushed his head away , Harry chuckled and pressed a quick kiss to his lips , "I love you too ."


I'm sorry this chapter came out really sad , I did my best to give you a fluffy cute ending . Next chapter will be fluffier , I promise .

Love you all , tell me if it was okay , if you liked it or didn't .


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