Ch. 34
I'm sorry the chapters are late , in two months or so I won't be able to update as much as I want to , so please understand . Blame all on school because it sucks .
Love you , enjoy the chapter x
"Come on , let's get started ." Harry finished getting everything in place , everything they needed to make cookies was on one side of the counter , on the other side the camera was , covered in a plastic wrap just in case everything got messy .
"I , uh , I don't know how to bake ." Louis bit his lower lip shyly .
"I used to be a baker , so trust me on this ." Harry pecked his cheek and wrapped an arm around him , turning to the camera , "Hey everyone , it's Harry here . And for this week's video I'm joined once again with this beautiful boy right here ," Harry hugged Louis into his side , "My boyfriend , Louis ."
"Hi ." Louis smiled shyly at the camera . It felt so weird talking to a camera like it was a person or a crowd .
"Today we'll be making chocolate chip cookies , because who doesn't love those ?" Harry chuckled with a smile , "We have everything we'll need for the baking , I even got us those chef hats from the toy store ." Harry placed a white , tall hat on Louis' head then one for himself , Louis giggled quietly and moved his fringe from his forehead , "You're a complete dork ."
"You love it ." Harry pecked his nose and turned to the ingredients , "So , first we need to preheat the oven to 375'F ." Harry turned to the oven , turning it on and directing it to the right temperature .
"Now , we take the sugars , butter , vanilla and an egg and mix it together ." Harry handed Louis a cup and the sugar bag , "Put in the bowl three quarters cup of each sugar , brown and granulated , I'll go melt the butter in the microwave ." Harry sneaked a kiss to his cheek as he passed him to the microwave .
Harry looked at the camera , "Look at us , baking . We should have a cooking show ."
"More like , you should have a cooking show . I can't cook for my life ." Louis giggled quietly as he finished putting the sugar in the bowl , he cracked the egg carefully into the bowl as Harry poured the melted butter into the bowl .
"Okay , now take this ," Harry handed Louis a whisk , "And start whisking while I'm adding a few more ingredients ."
Louis bit his lip as he took the whisk from his hand , he looked down to the bowl , "Uh , Haz . How do you whisk ?"
Harry turned to him , "You don't know how ?"
"Well I did say I don't know how to cook ." Louis blushed shyly , Harry chuckled and pinched his cheek , "I'll show you ." He stood behind him and looked up to the camera , "Now look at us , being cliche and clingy ." He put one hand on Louis' hip , the other cupping Louis' small hand and showing him how to whisk .
"See ? This isn't hard at all ." Harry lifted his chin up and kissed his cheek a few times , Louis giggled and moved his head away , "Go get the ingredients , dork ."
Harry poked his side before he took the rest of the ingredients , "Okay , so while Lou is whisking I'm going to add flour , baking soda and a tiny bit of salt to make it doughy . Then I'll add chocolate and vanilla chips ." Harry poured the ingredients into the bowl while Louis whisked , it became a dough so he had to stop and start kneading it with Harry's help .
"So now it's the fun part ; we'll make small balls and flat them to make the cookies , I'll go get a tray ." Harry turned and took a tray , going back to Louis and placing it in front of them , with cooking paper on it .
Louis took a bit of the dough on his finger , smearing it across Harry's cheek giggling . Harry got him back on the nose , making him whine quietly . Harry chuckled and licked it off his nose , Louis poshed his head away , "You're gross ."
"Oh come on , like we don't kiss ." Harry leaned down and pressed their lips together , Louis giggled and pushed him away playfully .
Soon they filled the tray with cookies , "Now we bake them for fifteen minutes , in our preheated oven ." Harry took the tray and put it in the oven , "Now we have fifteen minutes to do whatever ."
Harry went to the stereo system in the living room , plugging his phone in and putting songs on . The first song he put was Sing by Ed Sheeran , he took Louis' hands and pulled him closer , dancing around the kitchen with him . Louis giggled , Harry's dance moves were dorky and clumsy .
Soon the song changed to Worth It , Harry was shimmying and twerking awkwardly , Louis threw his head back in laughter and leaned on the counter , burying his face in his elbows . Harry laughed and pulled him closer , holding his hips and swaying side to side with him .
"You're such a dork ." Louis giggled , burying his face in Harry's shoulder . Harry grinned proudly as he made Louis giggle and laugh , he wrapped his arms tightly around his waist and leaned forward , making Louis' back arch backward . He peppered his neck with kisses , Louis giggled and pushed at his shoulders , "Haz stop , it tickles ."
Harry lifted his head up and pressed their lips together , Louis cupped his cheeks and smiled into their kiss .
Soon the oven went off , Harry let go of Louis and took the tray out , placing it on a towel on the counter , "Now we'll wait until the cookies cool down , then we can shove them all down our throats ." Harry chuckled at the camera , Louis took in the amazing smell of the freshly baked cookies .
"What's in the box Lottie got you ?" Harry asked as he placed the box on the bed in front of Louis , Louis sighed , "My mum did a bit of cleaning and piled up everything that belongs to me like pictures and stuff ... She wanted to throw it away and told Lottie to get rid of it , but she gave it to me instead ." Louis scooted a little closer to the box and opened it , taking out an album .
"I don't have a lot of pictures , since I wasn't the favourite in the family ." Louis bit his lower lip , looking at his baby pictures .
"Aw , you were so cute ." Harry cooed at the baby pictures , "You didn't grow an inch since you were five years old , didn't you ?" Harry chuckled , laughing when he recieved a light punch to the chest .
Louis took out a picture , smiling sadly , "This is my nan . I miss her so much ." He pointed to an old lady next to him , "I haven't seen her in a really long time , she's old and I wish I would have time to go visit her sometime ."
"I can drive you to her place , just tell me when , okay ?" Harry said softly and pressed a kiss to his cheek , Louis nodded and flipped through the album .
He pointed to a picture of him at five years old , "That was my first day of school ." Louis smiled sadly , "I remember standing outside with my mum , she took the picture and said 'now go inside to your class , dad will pick you up' and then she just turned around and left ." Tears gathered in his eyes , "She made it so obvious she didn't like me , I was so nervous for the first day and she just left me there ." He wiped under his eyes , "I didn't even have friends to rely on ."
Harry took the album away from his hands and put it back in the box , wrapping his arms around Louis . Louis cried quiety into his shoulder , "I will never , ever treat my kids like this . I will love them and support them and be there for them ." His voice cracked mid-sentence , Harry shushed him and rubbed his back , "I know baby , I know . You're so so much better than those people who you called parents , but now you're not with them , you're here with me ."
Louis relaxed , he stopped crying and just wiped his tears . "Thank you . Sorry about your shirt ."
"I don't care about the shirt ." Harry smiled softly and moved his fringe from his eyes , "I'm here for you , yeah ?" Harry pressed a light kiss to his slightly salty cheek , "Would you like us to go visit your nan tomorrow ?"
Louis nodded , "Thank you ." He took a deep breath and closed the box , going to put it in the closet . He came back into the bedroom , Harry lifted the covers us , "Come here ."
Louis crawled in next to Harry under the covers , Harry hugged him into his chest and traced patterns on his back softly , "Try to relax , okay love ?"
Louis sighed and nodded , he scooted closer to Harry and lifted his head up to peck his cheek . Harry smiled and kissed his forehead , "I love you ."
"I love you too ." Louis mumbled back into his chest , closing his eyes . Harry smiled lightly and squeezed him closer , "I'll always be here ."
It took me freaking ages to update , and I apologize . I'm caught up with school and volunteering and friends and family and ugh this is too much .
I love you all , I hope you enjoyed the chapter , tell me if you didn't . x
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