Ch. 32
So this chapter is hella hella hella loooong . Prepare yourselves .
Enjoy the chapter x
"Hey love ." Harry smiled as he walked into the record store , Louis smiled at him , "Hi Haz . I'm almost done , okay ?"
"Don't rush ." Harry nodded and pressed a kiss to his lips , Louis finished cleaning the front desk and brooming the floor , he put his jacket on the stuffed his phone into his pocket , just as the store's door opened again and Briana walked inside .
Harry grabbed Louis' hand and intertwined their fingers , "Let's get out of here ."
"My love !" Briana squealed and ran towards Harry , Harry dodged her and tugged Louis out of the store , "Not today , Satan !" He called towards her over his shoulder and got Louis and him out of the store .
Louis started giggling , "That was brilliant ."
Harry chuckled , he pecked Louis' cheek and crossed the street with him to his car , opening the passenger door for him .
"Nap time ?" Harry asked as they finished eating , Louis bit his lower lip , "I think ."
"Come on , I'll cuddle you ." Harry smiled and took his hand , they lied on the couch facing each other , Harry put his arm around Louis and kissed his forehead , "Excited for tonight ?"
"Yeah . A bit nervous too ." Louis mumbled into his chest .
"Hey , we talked about it . Don't be nervous ." Harry rubbed his back , Louis sighed , "I know . I can't help it though ."
"Aw , baby ." Harry brought him impossibly closer to his chest , "Remember what I always tell you ?"
"It's a work in progress , I know ." Louis smiled into his chest .
Harry smiled aswell , "And what did I say about me ?"
Louis mumbled something into his chest , Harry pulled his face out of his chest , "Say that again ?"
"That you're going to help me ." Louis mumbled with blush covering his cheeks . Harry smiled wider , he lifted his head up and pressed their lips together , "That's right , and I'll remind you every day ."
Harry intertwined his fingers with Louis' as they walked up to Zayn and Liam's house ; they had a pretty big house , one master bedroom , two guest bedrooms , two bathrooms , a basement , a huge living room and kitchen , a basement and a yard with a swimming pool .
Harry knocked on the door with his free hand , Louis munched on his bottom lip and took a step back shyly . Harry turned to him and brought his thumb to his lips , pulling his bottom lip out from between his lips , "Baby , don't be nervous ."
The door opened , Zayn smiled at the two , "Hey , come in ." He hugged the two and let them in , "I hope you brought clothes to sleep in ."
Harry nodded and held up a bag , Zayn nodded , "Alright , go change ."
Harry took Louis to one of the guest bedrooms and handed him a pair of sweatpants and one of his shirts , Louis took them , "Haz , this is your shirt ."
"I know ." Harry smiled and gave him a wink , Louis blushed lightly and smiled back . Harry smacked a kiss to his cheek , "I'll go change in the bathroom right here , alright ?" Harry pointed to a door near the guest bedroom , Louis nodded and walked into the room , locking the door behind him .
The two finished changing , Harry folded their clothes into the bag and put it in the corner , he took Louis' hand and they walked to the kitchen , where Liam was with Zayn and Niall .
"Hey guys ." Liam smiled and hugged the two , Niall jumped on Louis in a hug , "Missed ya !"
"You saw me two days ago ." Louis giggled and hugged him back , Niall chuckled and playfully sweeped him off his feet , Louis let out a yelp and giggled as they were spinning in circles .
"Off my boy , Horan ." Harry grabbed Louis' waist from behind and lifted him out of Niall's embrace , Niall laughed and patted Harry's cheek , "All yours , Styles ."
Louis leaned his head back on Harry's shoulder , still being held up in his arms , "Stop being possessive ."
"Well you can't blame me for protecting what's mine ." Harry mumbled into his ear , Louis shivered and he smiled shyly , "Stop worrying , will you ?"
Harry chuckled and put him down , when there was another knock on the door . Liam went to get it , Louis sat near the island in the kitchen with Niall while Zayn went to the basement to get drinks with Harry .
"Look who I've got !" Liam smiled as he walked into the kitchen with Alfie , Zoe , Bethany and Troye . Niall and Troye jumped into each other's arms , laughing and jumping around .
"Hi Louis ." Zoe smiled and hugged him , Louis smiled and hugged her back , "Hey , how are you ?"
"I'm good , you ?" She pulled back with a smile .
"I'm good ." Louis smiled and his gaze locked with Bethany . They hugged , "I haven't seen you since Harry's party , how have you been ?" She asked .
"I've been good , you ?" Louis smiled as they pulled back , she said she's okay and Louis went to greet Alfie and Troye .
"Tyler didn't come ?" Louis asked Troye , Troye shook his head , "He didn't find a flight in time , he was quite upset . We should call him later ."
Louis nodded , Harry and Zayn walked into the kitchen and put the drinks on the counter , greeting everyone who got there .
"Okay , so we just have Phil and Dan and we can get started ." Liam said , they all walked into the living room which was half set-up ; there were blankets all over the floor with pillows for them to sit on , snacks in bowls on the table in the corner , movie cases near the TV .
Harry , Liam , Zayn and Alfie got all the drinks to the living room , placing everything on the table with the snacks .
Harry handed Louis an XL can , Louis hesitated , "I'm not sure ."
"Baby , it's not alcohol , it's an energy drink . Tastes like lollipop ." Harry assured him and opened the can , Louis took a sip , nodding at Harry .
"Okay ?" Harry asked , Louis nodded , "Okay ."
There was a knock on the door , Niall and Troye raced to the door and screamed in happiness , hugging Dan and Phil who laughed and hugged them back .
Harry took Louis' hand and pulled him to the door , Phil and Dan broke away from Troye and Niall , smiling at Harry .
"Harry , mate !" Dan hugged him , Harry smiled and hugged him back , holding one arm out for Phil to join them . Phil joined their hug , "Haven't seen you in two weeks , how are you ?"
"I'm great ." Harry pulled back , he turned around and grabbed Louis' hand , pulling him to stand in the front . "Guys , this is Louis , my boyfriend . Lou , these are Dan and Phil , you know them ." Harry wrapped his arms around Louis' waist from behind , chin on top of his head .
"Ahhh I've been dying to meet you !" Phil engulfed Louis in a hug , Louis giggled shyly and hugged him back , "Same here ."
Dan ripped Phil away from Louis so he could hug him , "Harry told us so much about you , well because we didn't stop asking questions . We watched your videos and saw you on Snapchat and you're honestly the cutest couple on the planet ."
Louis blushed , "Thank you ."
"Guys , we want to get started , come on already !" Zayn called and walked towards them , placing each arm around Dan and Phil .
Harry lowered his lips to Louis' ear , "See ? Wasn't bad at all ." Louis smiled shyly and nodded , Harry grinned and led them back to the living room where everyone waited .
They sat down on the blankets on the floor , Harry lied with his head on Louis' lap , Troye lied with his head on Harry's stomach and Niall on Troye .
"Okay , so we have a few things for tonight , as usual ," Liam started , "Movies , truth or dare , twister , and hide and seek in the dark . We'll have a toss , we have four notes for each one , we'll decide what goes first , second , third and fourth . Who wants to pull the first note ?"
Everyone started yelling , Louis giggled and watched everyone . He locked eyes with Zayn , who walked over to him with four folded notes . He put them in his palm and made a small box from his hands , shaking the folded notes inside .
"Choose first ." Zayn opened his hands , Louis bit his lower lip and chose a note . "Sh-should I read it ?" He asked , Zayn nodded . Louis opened the note , "Twister ."
"Yeaahhh !!" Niall , Troye , Alfie and Harry called , throwing their fists in the air .
"They're excited because they're the only ones holding on all their rounds ." Zoe giggled from next to Louis , Louis giggled aswell and watched as Liam spread the sheet on the floor , "Who goes first ?"
"I am !" Niall shot up , Alfie right after him , "Bring it on ."
"Like donkey kong ." Liam chuckled to himself , recieving playful smacks from Harry and Niall .
"Whoo , go Alfie !" Zoe cheered , Liam handed Bethany the card to tell them what limb and what colour .
"Niall , right hand blue ." She said , Niall obeyed .
"Alfie , right foot green ."
"Niall , right foot red ."
"Alfie , left hand blue ."
"Niall , left foot yellow ."
The round went on and on , the two got twisted in each other , making it hard for themselves and the other to stay standing . The group who were watching was laughing to no end , eventually Niall gave in and collapsed , sending Aflie down with him .
"God , you squish me !" Alfie called from under Niall and pushed him off , the two returned to their places .
"Who wants to be in the next round ?" Liam asked , straightening the crampled sheet .
Harry looked at Louis , "Do you want to go with me ?" He asked , Louis shook his head shyly , "No ." Harry pouted , Louis blushed and looked away with a smile .
"Are you sure ?" He asked , Louis nodded , "I'm sure ."
Harry pressed a kiss to his cheek before getting up , "Who goes with me ?"
"You know what , I will ." Zoe got up , everyone cheered . The two stood on each side of the sheet , playfully shaking their hands .
Bethany handed Louis the card and moved to sit next to him , Louis spinned the arrow .
"Zoe , left hand yellow ."
"Harry , left foot red ."
"Zoe , right foot blue ."
"Harry , right foot green ."
"Zoe , left foot green ."
Soon the two were tangled in each other , Harry had to stretch himself over Zoe's small body , and Zoe was laughing and barely could keep herself up with Harry's weight on her stomach .
"Okay , I'm done !" Zoe dropped herself on the sheet , Harry let out a call of victory and dropped down on her , both laughing . The two crawled back to their seats , Zoe leaned her head on Louis' shoulder , "Why did I ever think I could win , your boyfriend is too fit ."
Louis giggled and smiled shyly , Harry smiled and kissed his cheek .
"You did great ." Louis gave him a smile , Harry nudged their noses together , "Thanks love ."
"I'm throwing up ! I'm throwing up !" Niall groaned playfully , holding a confetti can in his hand , an explosion noise was heard and confetti scattered all over the living room .
"Oh , that's nasty ." Niall cackled , Liam , Zayn and Troye laughed along with him .
"What's the joke about ?" Dan asked , while everyone else nodded in confusion .
"We mock Harry and Louis for being a really cute couple , we always say we're going to throw up confetti and unicorns and rainbows and all kinds of shit ." Niall explained , still half laughing .
Louis hid shyly in Harry's chest , everyone around them cooed and made him blush even more . Harry grinned and wrapped his arms tightly around the small boy , pressing a kiss to his head .
"Okay , who goes to the next round ?"
"Okay , Phil , take out the next note ." Zayn mixed the three left notes and opened his palm , Phil hesitated and chose a note , unfolding it and reading out loud .
"Hide and seek in the dark ."
Everyone cheered , Louis looked at Harry confused , "What is it ?"
"We turn the lights off all around the house , there are two seekers and the rest hide . And they need to find them , in the dark . It's extremely funny ." Harry smiled and helped Louis up from the floor with everyone else .
"Alright , who wants to be the seeker ? We need two ." Liam asked .
Alfie turned to Harry , "Mate , you're going with me ?"
"Absolutely ." They high fived , everyone chuckled .
"Alright , we have seekers . You guys are going to be counting to fifty in Zayn and Mine's room -"
"Where all the magic happens . Good luck with being there , lads ." Niall cut him off , everyone laughed at his remarked and Liam smacked the back of his head .
"Anyway , we'll turn the lights off around the whole house then you can start counting , alright ?"
Alfie and Harry nodded , they walked to Zayn and Liam's bedroom to count as Liam , Troye and Phil turned all the lights off .
"Who wants to hide with me ??" Niall called , but everyone rejected . He pouted , "Whyyy ?!"
"Last time I hid with you I was found first because of your laugh , Ni ." Troye told from the kitchen , everyone laughed .
"Lou , hide with me ?" Dan asked , Louis nodded with a smile . "Okay ."
They waited until all the lights were off and stood in a group , Liam called to Harry and Alfie , "Start counting !"
The group scattered around the house , giggling and laughing to themselves .
Dan took Louis' hand and pulled him to the kitchen , where they hid under the table . Louis was nervous , but a good nervous . He couldn't stop smiling , excited for the two to start looking for everyone .
A little while later Alfie opened the door , "Here we come !"
The house was quiet and completely dark , the only noises heard were Alfie and Harry's footsteps , when suddenly there was a bang .
"Jesus christ , I didn't see that wall ." Harry rubbed his forehead , Louis couldn't contain his giggle and it slipped his lips , Dan following quietly .
The footsteps slowly got closer , Louis was biting his lower lip and holding his giggles in . Dan was tapping his feet on the floor and glancing at Louis , knowing they're both dying to laugh .
"Alfie , you go to the living room , I'm getting the kitchen ." Harry said .
"Deal ." Alfie patted his shoulder and kept a hand on the wall to support his way to the living room .
A few seconds later Alfie called , "I found someone !!"
"Noooo !" Phil whined , when Niall started cackling from beside him .
"And I found Niall who could keep hiding but his big mouth doesn't allow it !" Alfie called again , making Niall and Phil laugh .
Dan squeezed louis' arm , who unpurposely let a giggle slip his mouth .
"Oh , was that a giggle ?" Harry chuckled , the two could see the outline of his legs in the dark . Their heart skipped a beat when Harry crouched down to check under the island , screaming , "Boo !"
Bethany and Zoe screeched , Harry laughed loudly and pulled them out of their hiding place , "I found Beth and Zoe !"
"Dang it !!" Zoe pouted and crossed her arms , Harry chuckled and shooed the two to the entrace , where everyone who was found stood .
"I found Troye !" Alfie called from the living room , "The tiny one could actually fit himself under the coffee table ."
Louis bit his lip hard to stop himself from giggling , Dan squeezed his hand as if to warn him that Harry is right there .
Two voices screamed from the living room , Alfie cackled , "I found Zayn and Liam ! They actually thought that covering themselves in blankets on the floor is a good hiding place , I'm dead ."
"Heeey , we barely had time to think and all the hiding spots were taken ." Liam whined , and you could hear the pout in his voice .
"Who do we have left ?" Harry asked as he walked out of the kitchen to the group who stood in the entrace of the house .
"Louis and Dan ." Phil said , Harry smirked , "The tiny one could hide anywhere , he's literally two inches ."
Louis hid his face in his knees shyly , thanking the darkness so Dan didn't see him blushing . Dan cooed and ruffled his hair gently .
"I'll be right back ." Harry turned and walked back to the kitchen , Alfie right after him .
Harry pointed to under the table , Alfie nodded and crouched down , making out two figures who probably didn't see him . He reached out until he caught one of the figures' legs , making them yelp .
"Found someone !" Alfie called and playfully tugged at the leg , dragging Dan out from under the table . Alfie nodded to Harry , who smirked and crouched down , seeing Louis sitting there .
"Oh , I don't see anyone . Are you sure Louis is here ? He's too tiny to notice , even in light ." Harry chuckled , Louis pouted and held himself back from reaching forward to smack him .
Harry reached his hand to Louis' ankle , but Louis shuffled back playfully . Harry raised his eyebrow , "Cheeky , are we ?" He smirked , and in one swift move be pushed the chairs out of his way , launching forward to catch Louis .
Louis yelped and giggled loudly , Harry pulled him out by the waist and threw him over his shoulder , "I've got you now !!"
Louis giggled madly and hugged Harry's torso as they made their way to the group , who laughed at the two .
"Okay , so it seems like Louis and Dan won the game , since they were the last ones to be found ." Liam announed , everyone cheered as Harry put Louis down . Louis smiled as Harry pressed a light kiss to his lips , "You were the one who giggled earlier , am I right ?"
"You ran into a wall , how could I not laugh ?" Louis giggled again , Harry rolled his eyes playfully with a small chuckle .
"Next is , truth or dare ." Troye read the next note , they all sat in a circle with an empty beer bottle in the middle . Although it was nearing two a.m , they were a bit tipsy and energetic .
Bethany spinned the bottle and quickly returned to her seat , they all watched the bottle spinning until it stopped , on Alfie and Troye .
"Alfie , truth or dare ?" Troye asked .
"Dare ." Alfie said with a smile .
Zoe jumped from her seat and went to Troye , whispering a dare in his ear . Troye turned to her , "Are you sure ?" He asked , she nodded excitedly .
"Okay . Alfie , I dare you to do the "grind on me" dance in your boxers and pants on your head ." Troye giggled , everyone laughed as Alfie gaped , "I - what !!"
"A dare is a dare ." Niall patted his shoulder and laughed , Alfie pouted but got up , removing his shirt and pants , wrapping the elastic of his pants around his head .
Liam cabled his phone to the stereo system , playing Grind On Me while Alfie did the dance and Zoe filmed him , everyone laughed .
Alfie did his dare and put his clothes back on , everyone returned to their places in the circle . Alfie spinned the bottle and leaned back to his seat .
The bottle stopped on Louis and Niall . "Lou , truth or dare ?"
"Truth ." Louis bit his lip shyly .
"Have you and Harry did the dirty yet ?" Niall asked and wiggled his eyebrows , Louis' eyes widened and his cheeks flushed .
"Ask a different question , Niall , this is none of your business ." Harry spoke up , seeing Louis was uncomfortable .
"Alright , uhm . Was Harry your first kiss ?"
Louis nodded with a shy smile , "Yeah ."
"Aw ." Everyone cooed , Louis' cheeks turned rosy red and he covered his face in his hands . Harry took his hands off his face and pressed a kiss to his nose , chuckling when it wrinkled .
"You're so cute together ." Beth had her hands over her heart with a fond smile , everyone nodded .
"Yeah , it's hard to get it when you're just told you are . But now that we actually saw you together , no one deserves this award more than you guys ." Phil said with a smile , Dan nodded .
Louis had a wide smile on , he buried his face in Harry's shoulder shyly . All the nice comments made his heart flutter , which was a new feeling for him . Harry smiled down at him and pressed a kiss to the top of his head , "Go spin the bottle , baby ."
Louis pulled his face out of Harry's shoulder and crawled to the middle of the circle to spin the bottle , and Harry may have or haven't stared at his bum that was in such perfect angle in front of him .
Louis returned back to his seat , crossing his legs . Harry placed his hand on Louis' thigh gently , making Louis turn his head towards him , "Need anything ?"
"A kiss ." Harry turned his head and pressed a quick peck to his lips , Louis jumped in surprise and giggled quietly .
"Beth , truth or dare ?" Liam asked Bethany .
"Mm ... dare ."
"I dare you , to ... win Niall in a staring contest ." Liam smirked , knowing this is impossible and Niall always wins .
Beth gaped at him , "What !! You know he always wins !"
Niall laughed , "Hell yeah I am , I'm the maestro ."
Beth sighed and turned to Niall . Liam counted , "One , two , three , go ." Niall started in Bethany's eyes , Bethany stared in Niall's . She bit her lip to stop herself from laughing since Niall was making faces and crossing his eyes , she tried getting him back but failed when Niall pulled a face .
"Winner !!" Niall threw his fists in the air , "You have a lot of courage just to try standing against me ." He laughed and hugged her , Bethany chuckled .
It was three a.m , Liam put a movie on as everyone took places around the living room , some on the floor and some on the couch .
Zoe ald Alfie were already asleep on each other on the floor with a blanket over them ; Niall , Troye and Bethany were watching the movie with heavy eyes ; Liam and Zayn were on the couch , Liam laying with Zayn on his chest ; Phil and Dan were on their phones on the couch ; Harry was laying on the floor with Louis cuddled up to him , half asleep .
"This is probably the latest I've ever stayed up ." Louis mumbled quielty , making Harry chuckled , "Goodie little two shoes ."
Louis yawned and leaned his head on Harry's shoulder , Harry brought him closer , "You tired , little one ?"
"How can I not be ?" Louis giggled tiredly , Harry smiled and lifted him up to lie on his chest , hands on his waist to still him .
"Get some sleep , baby ." Harry pressed a kiss to his forehead , Louis lifted his head to kiss Harry's cheek , "Good night Haz ."
FINALLY I FINISHED . It was reallyyyyyyyyyyy long , sorry you had to read it all but I didn't feel like putting it in two chapters . Hopefully you liked it , I feel like it was the shittiest one so far .
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