Ch. 30
Hiii , I'm sorry for the late update . I have a lot going on in my mind , school is getting even worse for me (I literally have two teachers think Im depressed don't even ask) . I'm trying my best to keep myself sane right now before I blow up , so please understand me .
Enjoy the chapter xx
Harry woke up in the morning to Louis still asleep on his chest , a blanket covering the both of them . He smiled to himself and closed his eyes , taking a deep breath .
His phone went off with a text message , he looked to the nightstand and took it , opening the message .
From : Nialler
Mornin mate , if your up before 11 a.m then get yo lasy ass up bc were goin out for breakfast with Joey , he asked t see us again before we leave
Harry sighed and texted him they'll be ready , since it's only nine thirty . He put his phone back down on the nightstand , then brought his arms to wrap around Louis' small body .
He rubbed his hand up and down his back gently , feeling him shift slightly . He looked down and saw his eyes opening , he groaned and hid his face in Harry's chest .
"Good morning ." Harry said with a smile , Louis smiled slightly , "Morning . Night ." He closed his eyes and tried going back to sleep .
"Hey , don't go back to sleep , we have breakfast to attend ." Harry shook him , "Joey wants to see us before we leave ."
"Mm , five more minutes ." Louis settled himself and relaxed into Harry's chest . Harry sighed and wrapped his arms around Louis , bringing him closer to his body .
"I had a dream about us last night ." Louis spoke after a few seconds of silence .
Harry's lips immediately stretched into a smile , "About what ?"
"Nothing unusual , uhm - just you being cheesy ." Louis giggled .
"Come on , tell me ." Harry chuckled , "I want to hear ."
"Well , we were back in England , at your house -"
"It's our house , love ." Harry cut him off , Louis blushed and nodded .
"We were at our house with Bear and Milo , all four of us snuggled up to each other on our bed . You were saying cheesy things and getting me to smile , and uh , we kissed , and that's it ." Louis finished , his face now red as a tomato .
Harry grinned , he pressed a kiss to Louis' forehead , "I can definitely make your wish come true ."
Louis hid his face in Harry's neck , a grin spreading on his lips .
"But for now , we need to get up and get ready , yeah ?" Harry sat up and got Louis to sit up with him , Louis sighed and nodded , yawning into his hand .
Harry pecked his lips , "You're cute ."
Louis booped Harry's nose , "You're cuter ."
"Oi , fluff goblins are here ." Joey turned his camera towards Harry and Louis , who waved with a smile .
"Daniel said he's sorry he couldn't come , but we'll be in England soon we hope to see Troye too , so we'll get you all to meet up ." Joey said , they all nodded and walked into the Cafe .
Zayn , Liam and Joey sat at one side of the table , Harry , Louis and Niall sat on the other side . The waitress handed them menus and they started discussing their meals .
"Want to share a meal ?" Harry asked , Louis nodded , "Yeah , sure ."
They ordered pancakes with whipped cream and strawberries on top , with a side of vanilla ice cream and two cups of tea .
Joey and Harry got into a conversation about their dogs , Zayn and Louis were sharing their boyfriends' stupid jokes and laughing at how dorky their are , and Niall and Liam were having a constant staring war or thumb war .
Their food arrived ten minutes later , Harry cut the pancakes into pieces and handed Louis a fork , "Dig in ." Louis smiled and took a bite , a bit of cream left on the corner of his mouth . Harry wiped it away with his thumb , pressing a dry kiss to his lips .
"If Harry were a cream , he'd be whipped cream ." Niall remarked , getting a high five from Joey , "I was thinking the same thing !!"
"I really like your nails , Joey ." Louis said and nodded his head towards his hands , Joey smiled and looked down to his nails , "Yeah , got them done two days ago , though storm just had to ruin them somehow with his baby teeth ." He picked on his polish .
"He's cute though , right ?" Louis asked , "I saw on your channel ."
"Yeah , he's really adorable . He doesn't beat you , though ." Joey smiled .
Harry's arm wrapped around Louis' shoulders protectively , Louis turned his head to face Harry because he knew Harry didn't really like when other guys talked to him like this .
"Haz , relax ." Louis held his hand that was on his shoulder , Harry sighed through his nose and pressed a kiss to his temple , "I know , I know . I can't help it ."
Louis smiled , he liked knowing Harry is protective .
"Come on , Harry , we both know he's yours , lucky you ." Joey said with a playful eyes roll , Harry had a small smile on his face , "I know he's mine . I trust him . But I don't trust anyone else ."
"Yeah , we heard about the guy you punched a while ago ." Niall added , "I should've been there to see it ."
"The fucking di -"
"Harry ..."
"Sorry love . That - the guy , he touched him right in front of my eyes . What else could i do ?"
"Well , you could -" Liam started but Harry cut him off , "No you're too nice , don't you dare start listing me what I could've done ."
"Well I could have worked better than just punching him ."
"Honestly , I would have punched a guy too if he tried talking to my girl ." Niall said , "No one is going to touch my girl , around me or not ."
"I wouldn't punch anyone . I'll let Daniel do this job ." Joey said , "He has pretty big biceps and he's slightly taller than me , and he kind of looks more intimidating than me , but I'm still better ." Joey rambled .
"Louis isn't intimidating too . No matter what he does ." Harry chuckled , Louis punched his stomach playfully , "I am scary . I just don't show it so you won't be scared ." He crossed his arms over his chest .
Harry let out a laugh , "Nice try , baby kitten ." He gently ruffled his hair a bit , Louis smacked his hand away and tried giving him 'the look' , which made Harry coo at him , "Aw look how cute you are !" He pressed a few kisses to his cheek .
"I'm trying to scare you , stop ." Louis tried pushing him away , Harry laughed and turned his head to kiss his lips , "There's nothing you can ever do to make me scared of you ."
Louis pouted , "That's not true ."
"Sure it isn't , baby ." Harry pecked his lips one last time .
"Are you all packed ?" Harry asked as he entered Louis' room , Louis nodded as he zipped his suitcase , "Yeah , just finished ."
Harry took the handle of the suitcase and rolled it out , Niall took his and Louis' room keys to the reception as Louis took Niall's suitcase to the car .
Dale , Alberto , Louis and Harry were in one car , Liam , Zayn and Niall in the other .
They all drove to the airport and went through security , a few hours later they were on the plane .
Louis was sitting near the window , holding Harry's hand .
"Excited , much ?" Harry chuckled , Louis nodded with light blush on his cheeks , "Yeah , kind of ."
Soon they were asked to put on their seatbelts so the plane could take off , Louis was mesmerised by the view and kept his eyes glued to the window .
Harry watched him with a smile , he liked seeing him happy and smiling .
Louis turned his head to Harry to tell him something , but stopped himself when he caught Harry staring at him . He blushed , "What ?"
"Nothing , I just love watching you smiling and being happy ." Harry smiled at him and lifted his hand up to kiss the back of it . Louis smiled at him with the blush still covering his cheeks .
"Home sweet home ." Harry sighed heavily as he parked his car outside their house .
"Yeah , I missed the familiar civilization ." Louis added with a smile .
"I hope Gemma didn't stay up to wait for us ." Harry said as he got out of the car to get their suitcases , Louis took their back packs and the two walked through the door to their house .
It was quiet and smelled like toast and maybe vanilla , Gemma was sitting on the couch with her phone pressed to her ear , Milo on her lap and Bear sprawled on the couch next to her .
She looked up in surprise when the door opened , smiling when the two boys walked inside .
Bear straightened up and ran to the door , excitedly running inbetween their legs , Harry grinned and crouched to his knees to hug and kiss him . Gemma put Milo on the floor aswell so he could join the feast , Louis took him into his arms and let him lick all over his face as much as he wanted to .
"I missed my boys so so much ." Harry cooed and moved to hug and kiss Milo , whil Bear barked happily for Louis' attention . Louis grinned at him and pressed a kiss to the to of his head , laughing when Bear ran around him in excitment .
"Hi Louis ." Gemma smiled and gave him a hug , Louis smiled and hugged her back , "Hey Gemma ."
"Did you have fun in the US ?" She asked , Louis nodded , "Yeah , it was good ."
"Hey Gems ." Harry smiled and went to hug her , but she slapped him across his face . Harry was taken aback .
"You deserve it ." Gemma said and crossed her arms over her chest . Harry sighed and rubbed his cheek , "I know ."
"What the hell were you thinking ?! You know that he's a trouble ! I've never liked him , he -"
"Gemma , we're over this . Okay ? It's in the past ." Louis cut her off , Gemma sighed and nodded , then pointed to Harry , "I'm not over with you yet ."
"Okay . Can I get a hug now ? I missed you ." Harry opened his arms , Gemma sighed and hugged him , "I'm still mad at you ."
"Don't beee ." Harry whined childishly .
"It's your fault ."
"If you start talking about the incident , I'm going to leave . Let's not talk about it , okay ?" Louis asked , the two pulled back and nodded , "Okay ."
"Well I don't know how jet lagged are you two but I'm super tired so I'm going to go to sleep , okay ? Night guys ." She patted their shoulders and walked into the guest bedroom .
"We'll go to sleep too , yeah ?" Harry said , Louis nodded and picked Milo up , going to their bedroom with Harry and Bear following .
The two changed into their pajamas , Harry took a run and jumped on the bed , "Finally our bed , missed it ."
Louis smiled and crawled next to him under the covers , he let Milo cuddle up on his stomach as he pet him softly .
Harry joined him under the covers and lied on his side , petting Milo aswell . Bear stuck himself on top of all three , making them laugh . Harry hugged Bear and kissed his head , rubbing his stomach .
"Missed our babies ." Harry cooed in a baby voice , Louis nodded , "Yeah , our cuddle fests can finally rejoin ."
"Now they're going to be extra annoying to make up for those two weeks ." Harry sighed playfully , Louis giggled , "I hope not ."
"They always do . Let's just hope that this time they're not going to be extreme ." Harry scratched behind Bear's ears .
Louis yawned , Milo licked his cheek and got off his stomach , cuddling next to his head . Louis smiled and kissed him one last time , "Night , Haz ."
Harry turned on his side to face Louis' back and let Bear cuddle up to his back , he pulled Louis into his chest and kissed his cheek , "Night baby ."
A short one and pointless , but uh , yeah .
If you have requests feel free to ask !
Tell me if you liked it , or if you didn't . x
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