Ch. 3

Another chapter , hope it'll be okay . x

Enjoy !


The storm was getting closer and closer , it started with light rain tapping on the windows , which made Harry shut all windows and curtains in the house , turning the heat on . The rain got heavier with every passing minute , thunder was roaring outside .

Louis was sitting on the couch , curled up under a blanket trembling . He's always hated storms , the noise scared him .

Harry got out of the shower and walked to the kitchen with Milo and Bear following behind , "C'mon , beasts , let's feed you two ." He chuckled . He poured dog food to each dog's bowl and the two are quietly .

Harry looked over to Louis , seeing he's curled up under a blanket , visibly trembling . "Is everything okay ?" He asked , Louis looked up at him and nodded silently .

"Are you sure ?" Harry walked towards him , "You're trembling ." He sat next to him , "Are you cold ?"

"N-no . I'm just not a big f-fan of storms ." Louis blushed and looked away , when another thunder roared , making him jump in his seat and hold his breath in .

"Hey , it's okay ." Harry scooted closer and rubbed his back , "Well , since it's still your birthday , what do you want to do ?"

"I don't know ." Louis moved his fringe from his forehead .

"We can have a movie marathon ." Harry smiled at him , "I have a few serieses , tell me which one do you want to watch , yeah ?" Louis nodded , Harry got up and opened the drawer under the TV .

"Alright , so I have all Iron Man , The Hunger Games , Twilight - don't ask , it's my sister's - , Pirates Of The Caribbean -"

"Pirates Of The Caribbean !" Louis burst with a grin , then blushed as he looked away , "Please ?"

Harry chuckled , the boy is definitely adorable . "Sure . Do you want any snacks ? Or just hot chocolate ?"

"Hot chocolate is alright ." Louis said shyly , still embarrassed from his outburst . Harry put the CD in and gave Louis the remote to turn the volium up , Louis paused the movie and waited for Harry to join him with the hot chocolate .


Around the end of the third movie , Harry's eyes started closing . Louis and him were sitting side to side , Louis' eyes were glued to the screen during the fight between the Black Pearl ship and the Flying Dutchman ship in the middle of the whirlwind . 

Harry was fighting to keep his eyes open , the movie was truly interesting but he's too tired . He wanted to stay awake and keep listening to Louis' quiet giggles during funny moments , but he can't keep his eyes open anymore .

At the end of the intense fight , Louis felt a weight on his shoulder . He looked down to see Harry's head , his eyes closed . He bit his lower lip , he really didn't want to wake him up , but the movie in ending soon .

He waited to the end of the movie to see if Harry wakes up , but he didn't . Louis bit his lower lip , he looked around and tried thinking of something to do but nothing came to his mind .

Harry shifted next him before he opened his eyes , he looked around and sighed , "I missed the end of the movie , didn't I ?"

"Yeah ." Louis said , "I assume we're going to sleep now ?"

"You can stay up some more if you want to watch the fourth movie , but I'm just really tired ." Harry closed his eyes and let his head stay on Louis' shoulder .

"I'm pretty sure I'll end up falling asleep in the middle of the movie ." Louis said with a quiet giggle that made Harry smile .

"Well then , off to bed , are we ?" Harry opened his eyes and lifted his head off Louis' shoulder , when Bear jumped on his lap .

"Hey , big guy ." Harry chuckled as Bear sprawled over Harry's lap and chest , Harry wrapped his arms around Bear and kissed his head . Milo barked from his place on the floor near the couch as he tried jumping up . Louis reached down to lift him up , and Milo immediately jumped towards Harry , licking his cheek nonstop .

Harry's face scrunched , "God damn it , you two ." He laughed as he tried turning his head away , "Mind helping me ?" He called to Louis , who giggled , "You didn't help me when I asked , so enjoy the assault ." Louis got up from the couch and took the two hot chocolate mugs to the kitchen sink , filling them with water and leaving them there .

He returned to the living room and took Milo off Harry , who took a deep breath , "Thank you ." Louis sat on the couch and Milo cuddled close to him , Harry put Bear on the couch and got up , stretching his arms up .

"Off to bed ?" Harry turned to Louis , Louis nodded and put Milo down , walking behind Harry to his bed in the guest bedroom .

"Good night , Lou ." Harry gave him a warm smile .

"Good night , Harry ." Louis smiled back at him with light blush on his cheeks .


Louis couldn't sleep . The storm was getting even worse , and it scared him .

He lied in bed awake , clutching the covers tightly around him . He covered his ears to prevent hearing the terrifying sound , but it was no use . He was shaking , tears shone in his eyes . He hated it with a passion , he wanted it all over .

A loud thunder roared and Louis whimpered , curling into a tight ball under the covers .

Harry was fast asleep , when he felt something nudging this back . He groaned and turned his head , trying to get back to sleep . The nudging won't stop , so he had to turn around to see who disturbs him during his beauty sleep .

He saw Bear , sitting on the bed , waiting for him to wake up .

"What is it , buddy ?" Harry yawned and rubbed his eyes , Bear let out a quiet bark and jumped off the bed , scratching the door .

"Do you want out ?" Harry asked , he sighed and got up from the bed to open the door . He opened the door and let Bear out , and Bear immediately ran to Louis' room .

Harry's eyes widened , he didn't want Bear to disturb Louis aswell . He walked to Louis' room , when a thunder shook the house , and he heard a whimper .

He opened the door to Louis' room , he saw him curled under the covers , whimpering at the sound of the storm . His heart fell , "Lou ..."

Louis opened his eyes to look up at Harry , he wiped his eyes as Harry sat next to him .

"S-sorry ." Louis sniffled and sat up .

"What are you sorry for ?" Harry asked as he rubbed Louis' arm comfortingly .

"I - I probably woke you up , didn't I ?" Louis asked .

"You didn't . Bear woke me up , he wanted to get out of the room , so I let him and he ran to yours , so I came to check he's not disturbing your sleep ." Harry said softly , scooting a little closer , "What's the matter ? Is it the storm ?"

Louis nodded , "It's pathetic , I know -"

"It's not pathetic . I promise ." Harry cupped his cheeks . "You can come sleep in my bed tonight , if you want ."

"Thanks , but - .. I'll stay here , I don't want to keep you up . I'll just handle it , yeah ?"

"No , I promise , It's okay . Come on ." Harry lifted the covers off Louis' body and helped him out of bed to his room .

Thunder roared again , Louis flinched and whimpered , immediately covering his mouth . "Sorry ."

"Don't be sorry , come on ." Harry pulled him to bed and tucked him in , "Do you mind if Bear and Milo will join us ? They always sleep in my bed , so ..."

"No , I don't mind ." Louis said , Harry nodded and let both dogs lie on the bed . He crawled bext to Louis and closed his eyes , "Good night ."

"Good night ." Louis said quietly . He wrapped the covers tightly around himself , he wasn't familiar to the feeling of three warm bodies in one bed with him . Even his sisters didn't sleep with him during storms .

Thunder roared , Louis bit his knuckles harshly to prevent himself from making any sound . Harry sighed and reached out for him pulling him close .

Louis' eyes widened , "Harry , what are you doing ? You - you're - "

"I know what I'm doing . And I don't mind , you're like a giant teddy bear ." Harry tucked Louis' head under his chin and closed his eyes .

"B-but - .. I'm a boy and -"

"I'm bisexual ." Harry said , "But I can say I'm more attracted to boys than girls ."

Louis was speechless . "Y-you nev-ver said anything about i-it ."

"Because I was still confused about it . But some things made it clear for me ." Harry smiled softly . "Now go to sleep , we have an intense Christmas morning coming up ."

Louis bit his lower lip and closed his eyes , feeling Bear snuggling into his back , Milo at his and Harry's feet .


"Gooood morningggg !"

Louis woke up to jumps on the bed , he groaned and buried his face in the pillow under his head .

"Don't go back to sleep , It's Christmas morning ! Wake up wake up !" Harry fell next to him and shook him , Louis pulled the covers over his head , "I'm tired ! Let me sleep ."

"Nope . Now come on , up up ." Harry pulled the covers off his head and upper body , pulling his arm gently . Louis pulled his arm back and tucked it under his body so Harry can't pull it again .

"Don't make me force you out ." Harry thretened , Louis just closed his eyes and tried falling back asleep .

"Alright , you leave me no choice . But because I'm nice , I'll let you choose : It's whether I call Bear and Milo to persuade you , or , I tickle you out of bed ." Harry smiled mischievously .

"Nooo ..." Louis whined , "I don't want to ."

"Come on , choose . You can also choose to get out of bed ."

"I can also choose to sleep more ."

"And I can choose to tickle you out of bed ."

"And I can choose to hit you ."

Harry laughed , he poked Louis' side and jumped out , "I'll start making breakfast , You have until I finish to get up ."

Harry finished making breakfast , he settled everything on the table and went to get Louis .

Louis sat on the edge of the bed , his back turned to Harry .

"Lou , breakfast is ready ." Harry said , "Are you coming ?"

"I'll be there in a minute ." Louis said quielty , his voice cracked . Harry got worried , "Is everything okay ?" He walked towards Louis , seeing him in tears . "Hey , what happened ?"

"My s-sisters called . To s-say Merry Christmas ." Louis wiped under his eyes . Harry sat next to Louis and rubbed his back , "How many sisters do you have ?"

"Five . And one brother . All younger ." Louis sniffled . "I miss them all so much , they were the only ones I had . Hearing their voices , it was just too much ." Louis buried his face in his hands . Harry pulled him into his arms and let him cry a little .

"Sorry I'm a crybaby ." Louis wiped his cheeks .

"You're not a crybaby , okay ?" Harry squeezed his shoulder , "Let's go have some breakfast now , yeah ? Then I'll give you your Christmas present ."

Louis nodded and they got up to the kitchen table to have breakfast .


Harry went to get Louis' present from his room , Louis went to get Harry's from the guest room , where he hid it .

They sat on the living room carpet near the tree .

"You start ." Louis said and put the present behind his back .

"Me ? Alright , uhm . This is for you . Merry Christmas ." Harry handed Louis a wrapped box , Louis thanked him and gently ripped the wrapping paper .

He opened the box , to see two new pairs of shoes . "Oh my god , Harry . Thank you ." He took the shoes out , one pair is white , the other black .

"I saw your shoes were a bit dirty , so I got you new ones ." Harry smiled at him . Louis grinned , "Thank you ." He closed the box and turned to get his present for Harry . "This is yours . Merry Christmas ."

Harry took the wrapped box from him and tore the wrapping paper , he opened the box as a smile stretched on his lips . He took out of the box a few CDs , all right on his music taste .

"You're a good listener ." Harry chuckled , "Thank you ."

"Welcome . But there's more ." Louis motioned to the box . Harry looked down to the box , seeing a few more things he missed . He put the CDs down and pulled the box closer , he grinned at the leather jacket , beanies and snapbacks . "As I said , you're a good listener ."

Louis giggled quietly , "I know you already have a leather jacket , but it's a little torn and old , so I got you a new one ." He blushed faintly .

Harry grinned and put the presents down , opening his arms for Louis , "Come here ."

Louis' blush deepened as he scooted closer to Harry , letting him cuddle him close .

"Thank you ." Harry said and rocked them back and forth .

"Thank you , for being there , for treating me nicely . I'm grateful ." Louis grinned into his shoulder .


Well , that's it for now . I hope you like this book so far , I hope for things to get more interesting , I just want to start things slowly .


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