Ch. 29

Hi loves , incase you didn't notice - there's a character asks , and I'm updating it soon . So if you have any more questions you're welcome to ask :3

Enjoy the chapter xx


"We're leaving back to England tomorrow night ," Harry said , "I'm booking us flight tickets ."

"Okay ." Louis nodded , "Can you place me by the window ? I didn't get to last time ." Louis asked , blush slowly rising to his cheeks .

"Already did ." Harry smiled at him , "I remember you telling me you were sitting between Zayn and Niall in the middle row , so I got us seats by the window ."

"Thank you ." Louis smiled shyly at him , Harry pecked his cheek , "You're adorable ."

There was a knock on Harry's hotel room door , "Guys let me in !" Niall called , Harry got up from the bed and opened the door , "Need anything ?"

"Tyler called , he asked if we want to go out to dinner and then go to the park . You up for it ?" Niall asked , pointing to his phone .

"Up for it , Lou ?" Harry turned around , Louis nodded with a smile , "Of course ! I like Tyler ."

"Ooh , dark Harry rises ." Niall cackled and ran away .

Harry shook his head with a small chuckle , he closed the door and walked back to bed . He wrapped his arms around Louis and lied himself on top of him , not leaning his full weight on him , just enough to pin him down .

"Mine ." Harry mumbled and pressed their lips together . Louis giggled and kissed him back , hands cupping his cheeks . "Don't be jealous ."

"I'm not jealous , ju -"

"Just possessive ." Louis mocked Harry's deep and slow voice , giggling . Harry shook his head with a small smile , "You're something else ."


"Louis !" Tyler squealed and hugged Louis , holding his camera with one hand . Louis smiled and hugged him back , "Hi Ty ."

"Well today I decided to vlog , because I really need to get footage of Harry and Louis being cute together ." Tyler kept one arm around Louis as he held his camera in front of them with the other .

Louis blushed , "You're silly ."

"I'm not silly , I'm fond ." Tyler said , pinching his cheek . Louis giggled and pushed his hand away .

"Come on already , I'm starving ." Niall put each hand on Tyler and Louis' backs , pushing them towards the entrace of the restaurant .

"You're always starving ." Louis rolled his eyes playfully , Niall poked his back , "You like my anyway ."

Harry wrapped his arm around Louis' waist and pulled him closer to his side , "Are they bothering you ?"

"No , they're real fun ." Louis gave Harry a smile , Harry smiled back and pressed a kiss to the top of his head as they walked into the place .

The hostess showed them their table , on one side sat Tyler , Louis and Harry , on the other side Niall , Zayn and Liam . They were handed menus and left to decide what to eat .

"And here we are with the cutest , fluffiest couple in the world , known as Larry ." Tyler turned the camera towards Harry and Louis , who smiled and waved . 

Harry wrapped his arm around Louis' shoulders , "And we're here with the cutest YouTuber on YouTube , known as Tylah ." Harry smiled at the camera , Louis giggled and Harry laughed with him .

"Aw thank you , I'm flattered ." Tyler bit his lower lip with a smile , "Louis you're blessed with the best boyfriend ever ."

"I know ." Louis blushed ,  looking down then back up , the smile never leaving his face . Harry pecked his cheek , mumbling into his ear , "And I was blessed with the most perfect angel god could give me ."

Louis blushed deeper as a grin stretched on his lips , he turned his head to Harry just as Harry leaned to kiss his cheek , making his lips land on Louis' . Harry pulled back surprised , Louis giggled and Harry laughed softly , pecking his lips again .

"Seems like their meal is each other ." Niall remarked , making the others laugh , Louis blushed and gave them an apologetic look , Harry just smirked and moved his hand to rest on Louis' thigh .

A waiter came over to their table to collect their orders , they all ordered and made a small talk with each other .


"Where's the park you were talking about ?" Liam asked as they were led by Tyler towards the park he was talking about on the phone with Niall .

"It's just around the corner , I promise ." Tyler pointed forward , and soon they arrived .

"There's a playground , a field over there , tons of flowers right there ," Niall pointed to different directions , "Make yourselves at home ."

"Playground !!" Niall grabbed Louis and Tyler's arms , running towards the playground with them laughing at him .

Niall ran up the slide and waved at Tyler's camera from the top , Louis couldn't stop giggling and Tyler was laughing .

"Come on up !" Niall waved them over , Louis went to climb the ladder and joined Niall .

"Wait for me !!" Harry called and climed the ladder aswell , "Let's make a train down this big slide !" He called in excitment , Louis got the giggles and he couldn't stop . 

All three climbed up to the tall slide , Niall sat in the front , Louis in the middle and Harry behind him , Louis grabbed Niall's shoulders and Harry hugged his waist .

"Ready ?" Niall asked , the two nodded . They slid down , cheering and laughing all the way . They reached the bottom , the forse of two bodies sent Niall flopping on the ground on his bum .

Louis threw his head back on Harry's shoulder , his hands going up to cover his face . He couldn't stop giggling and laughing .

"Baby , breath ." Harry laughed along with him , he loved Louis' cute giggles and sweet laughter so so much . It was soft and rolling , not loud and obnoxious .

"I-I can't ." Louis wiped under his eyes , "But my tummy hurts ." He kept giggling .

Harry laughed and pecked his cheek , he kept his arms around him and rocked side to side , waiting for Louis to calm down . Every few seconds Louis relaxed , then had another giggling fit because he remembered what made him laugh .

Harry put his chin on Louis' shoulder , "You're adorable , you know that ?"

Louis smiled widely , his cheeks hurting from smiling and laughing .

"Come on , baby , let's go to the swings , yeah ?" Harry suggested , Louis nodded and they got up to walk to the swings .

Louis sat down and started pushing himself with his feet , swinging back and forth . Harry stood in front of him and gave him small pushes , Louis giggled every time Harry was distracted and he had to give him a light push to the chest with his feet .

Harry raised his eyebrow at him hitting his chest , and when Louis swung forward Harry grabbed the chains and stopped him , Louis yelped in surprise and giggled . Harry lowered him back in place and looked down at him , towering over his small frame , which was now shorter due to him sitting on the swing .

"Why hitting me ?" Harry raised his eyebrow , trying to look intimidating .

Louis giggled , "You're not scary , you're a frog . Frogs aren't scary ."

Harry stared at him for a few seconds , Louis giggled quietly as he waited for his next move . Soon Harry grabbed Louis by his thighs , throwing him over his shoulder gently .

Louis called for help as he kicked his legs , giggling . "Put me down !"

"Apologize for kicking me !" Harry tightened his grip on him as he spinned in circles , Louis hugged Harry's middle and giggled into his back , "I'm sorry !!"

Harry laughed and put him down , keeping his hands on his waist to balance him . "You okay ?"

"Yeah ." Louis giggled , moving the fringe from his forehead . Harry pecked his cheek , "Good ."

"Do you want to go anywhere else ?" Harry asked and looked around the playground , Louis shook his head , "I'm quite tired , actually ."

"I'll get you back to your hotel ." Harry offered , Louis bit his lower lip , "But we're leaving in a bit , I want to spend a bit of time with Tyler ."

"Then we can all go to the hotel , then if you fall asleep I'll let you . okay ?" Harry asked , rubbing his thumb on Louis' cheekbone . Louis nodded , "Okay ."

Niall ran up to them , "Are you guys alright ?"

"Yeah , but we might go back to the hotel , Louis' tired ." Harry said and kept his arms around Louis .

Niall nodded , "Alright , I'll let the other know we're leaving ." He ran towards Liam and Tyler , who were on the monkey bars .


They settled in Harry's hotel room , Tyler and Niall were reading funny tweets to the camera , Liam and Zayn laughed at them and read funny comments on Liam's videos .

Harry had his back supported to the wall with a pillow , and Louis laying on his chest . Harry drew circles and randon shapes on Louis' back , knowing it calms him down .

Harry looked down at him , Louis fought to keep his eyes open . Harry smiled softly and kissed the top of his head , "Don't hold yourself back , baby . Go to sleep , okay ?"

"But I don't want to hold you down if I fall asleep ." Louis yawned .

"I don't mind , love . As long as you're comfortable . And you're keeping me warm , so it's a bonus ." Harry pulled him closer , Louis smiled and pressed his face to Harry's chest to hide his blush . Harry's smile widened and he held him closer , pressing another kiss to the top of his head .

"Get some sleep , baby . Okay ?" Harry whispered to him , Louis sighed and nodded , "Okay . But wake me up if you need , okay ?"

"Nope ." Harry shuffled down a little so he's laying on his back , he lifted Louis up a little to rest his head in the crook of his neck , "Good night , love ."

"Night , Haz ." Louis closed his eyes and snuggled a little closer to Harry .


"They're so adorable ." Tyler cooed in a whisper , he held the camera towards them , "They make me want to shove glitter down my throat ."

"I already did ." Niall stuck his face in the camera frame , Tyler laughed quietly , "So it's time for me to go back home , let the cuties sleep ."

He hugged Niall , Liam and Zayn and left , Niall took another picture of Harry and Louis cuddled together .

"I literally have an album just for their pictures ." He laughed , Zayn and Liam rolled their eyes and playfully shoved him out of the room .

Liam stayed to cover Harry and Louis in a blanket , he tucked them and turned the lights off , walking out of the room .


A short chapter , hope you liked it . Tell me if you didn't . xx


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