Ch. 26

Sorry for the cliffhanger last chapter !! I love you . Okay ?

I don't know if I ahouls say to enjoy the chapter , but ... uh ...

Just read .


Niall's eyes widened . "No ! Lou , you can't leave ." He shook his head , "You need to stay here and show him he's wrong , whatever he did ."

"N-no , I can't ." Louis spoke quietly and shook his head , "He yelled at me that I'm a gold digger and that I should leave . I don't even know how it even came to his mind ! I can't face him , not now ... I need some s-space , I n-need - n-need -" Tears gathered in his eyes again , a lump growing in his throat .

Niall was quick by his side , wrapping his arms around him in a hug and rubbing his back , "Okay , okay . I understand ." He pulled back to look at him , "Let's go to sleep , I'll check the flights tomorrow morning ."

Louis nodded and wiped under his eyes , wincing at the pain in his wrist when he tried moving his hand .

Niall made one of the beds for Louis while Louis took his shoes off and went to wash his face . When he was back Niall tucked him in , "Get some sleep , yeah ?"

Louis nodded , "Thank you for helping me ."

"Of course ." Niall smiled at him and got into the other bed , "Night , Lou ."

"Night ." Louis croaked out and closed his eyes , trying his hardest to fall asleep .


Harry slowly woke up , almost immediately groaning at the killing headache he had . He didn't feel Louis' warm body against him , so he extended his arm out to try and reach him , but all he felt was cold sheets .

He turned his head to the empty side of the bed , frowning slightly at Louis' loss . He pushed himself up on the bed , sitting straight with a groan . He saw a water bottle with a box of aspirin pills , and smiled at the thought of Louis caring for him .

After taking two pills he lied back down , staring at the ceiling . Louis is probably with Niall and Liam , he thought to himself .

He threw the covers off him and swung his legs off the bed , going to the bathroom . He saw Liam sitting on the chair , a scowl on his face .

"Li , what are you doing here ?" Harry asked , his voice rough from sleep .

"Go wash yourself up , we need to talk ." Is all Liam said , going back to looking down at his phone .

"Do you know where Lou is ?" Harry called as he entered the bathroom , grabbing his toothbrush . Liam didn't answer , which made Harry frown .

After he freshened up he walked out , Liam gestured him to sit on the bed in front of the chair . Harry did , watching Liam typing something on his phone (which by the way , was a text to Niall to tell him to lock the door , just in case) .

Liam pocketed his phone and locked the door , walking back to a worried Harry . "What is happening , Liam ? Why did you lock the door ? Where is Louis ?"

Liam looked at Harry , staring him right in the eyes . "What do you remember from last night ?"

Harry was confused , but he answered . "I remember going out with you , Zayn and Nick , we drank , you and Zayn got me back to the hotel , Louis waited in the hallway , then I fell asleep ."

"Anything else ?" Liam asked , Harry shook his head , "No , that's it ."

"What did you and Nick talked about ?"

"I don't know , a lot of things ."

"Such as ?"

"Old times , friends ."

"Did you talk about Louis ?"

"Yeah , we did ."

"What did you talk about ?"

"What's with all the questions ?"

"Just answer me ."

"Well , he asked about him , and I answered . I don't remember what we talked about ."

Liam sighed and rubbed his face in his hands .

"What does Louis have to do with Nick ? Did Nick hurt him ??"

"No , Harry , Nick didn't hurt him ."

"Then what the fuck is going on ?!"

Liam was quiet for a few seconds before he spoke again . "You have to promise me that you'll stay as calm as you can , and don't do anything you'll regret ."

"Li , you're scaring me , what the hell happened to Louis and how the hell is Nick connected to it ??"

"When you were talking with Nick last night , he gave you a lot of drinks and you got heavily drunk . He made you believe Louis doesn't love you and that he uses you for money , calling him a gold digger ."

"That fu -"

"Listen , don't comment ."Liam cut him off . "We got you back to the hotel , and when you saw Louis , you - .. you , uh , -"

"Just say it !!"

"You got really angry from the brainwash Nick did to you ."

It was quiet for a few seconds .

"And ?? What have I done ? Tell me !" Harry was frustrated , tears of fear pooled in his eyes from what might have happened .

"You pushed him , really hard . He flew to the floor and landed on his hand . He broke his wrist ." Liam said quietly , watching Harry closely .

Harry's breath was uneven , he shook his head , "N-no , no , I - I would never h-hurt him , never . I promised I would never !" He got up and reached for his phone , calling Louis . He put the phone on speaker and dressed in a pair of jeans and a shirt , not caring Liam was in the room . He dialled again when it reached the voicemail , pulling on his shoes .

Harry snatched his coat and took his phone , walking to the door .

"Where are you going ?" Liam asked , rushing after him .

"Where the hell does it look like I'm going ? To find Louis , obviously ." Harry opened the door , dialling again when the voicemail spoke again .

Laim rushed after him , when Harry stopped near Niall's room door . He listened carefully , hearing Louis' faint ringtone from inside the room .

He started knocking furiously on the door , "Niall ! Niall let me in , please let me in ." He begged as he kept knocking . Soon the knocking turned into banging , and the begging turned into screams .

From inside the room , Louis was freaking out . He was terrified , he didn't want Harry in . The banging , screaming and how the whole room shook made him lose his breath , going into a panic attack with tears streaming down his face .

"Shh , Lou , please breath . He can't get inside , I promise , Liam is outside helping us . Okay ? Breath ." Niall rubbed his back as he tried calming him down . He reached for hi phone to dail Liam , who answered very quickly .

"Tell the cunt to stop banging because Louis is having a fucking panic attack !" Was the first thing Niall screamed into the phone , not even letting Liam say anything .

"Oh shit . I'll go get Zayn ." Liam said , hanging up and quickly dialling Zayn's number .

"Yeah babe ?"

"Where are you now ?"

"In the lobby , why ?"

"Be here as soon as possible , Harry is doing problems ."

"I'm on my way , what is he doing ?"

"He found out Louis is in Niall's room , he's banging on the door and screaming , Niall just called and said to control him because Louis is having a panic attack because of him ."

"I'm right here ." Zayn said , when Liam saw him running towards them with Dale and Alberto . "You get Harry , I'll tell Niall to let me in ." Zayn called Niall , telling him to unlock the door for him .

Liam , Dale and Alberto took control over Harry , who was now screaming louder for them to let him go , his voice scruffy from the screaming . They pulled him away from Niall's door towards his hotel room , closing the door behind them and locking it .

Niall's door unlocked and Zayn quickly slipped into the room , locking the door behind him . He rushed over to Louis , who was bright red from lack of oxygen .

"Lou , breath , deep breaths , come on . He's not here anymore , he's gone now ." Zayn sat next to him on the floor and rubbed his back , Niall right by his side with a water bottle for when he'll calm down .

Louis slowly calmed down , Zayn wiped his tears and let him lean against him in exhastion . 

"That's it , you're okay , yeah ? We've got you ." Zayn moved his hair from his sweaty forehead , Niall opened the bottle for him to drink . Louis took a few small sips before placing the bottle down .

"Sorry you had to see me like this ." He croaked out , wiping his cheeks .

"Don't apologize ." Niall shook his head and rubbed his arm , "We're your friends , we're here for you ."

It warmed Louis' heart to hear this sentence . He smiled faintly , "It's the first time I hear someone say this sentence ."

Zayn and Niall hugged him , making sure to be careful . They pulled back and helped him up to his feet , "Do you want to get some sleep ?"

Louis shook his head , being careful not to get dizzy . "I'll just get in shower . Can I ?" He looked at Niall , who nodded immesiately , "Of course ."

Louis took himself some clothes from his suitcase and walked into the bathroom , locking the door behind him . He prepared himself for a long shower , since one of his hands isn't available .


Niall looked at Zayn with worried face , speaking up when he heard the water running . "I booked him and I a flight back to Englad , it's tonight , we need to leave for the airport in a few hours ."

Zayn bit his lower lip and nodded , "Yeah , it's probably the best thing to do right now , as hard as it is ." He sighed , "I'm really worried about Louis , he's back to the state when I first met him , all too shy and fragile ."

"I'll help him , and we'll figure things out ." Niall sighed , when Zayn's phone rang . He took it out of his jacket pocket , seeing Liam's name on the screen .

"Hey , Li ."

"Hi , how's Louis ?"

"He's calm now , just got in shower ."

"Thank god ."

"How's Harry ?"

"Honestly , he's a mess . We got him to calm down , now he's just laying in bed not moving ."

"Listen , we're going to separate them a bit more ."

"What do you mean ?"

"Niall booked him and Louis a flight back to England , tonight . They leave in a few hours ."

"Oh god , how did we even get into this situation ?"

"Maybe a demon called Nick Grimshaw is the answer for all this mess ."

"I'm going to fucking murder him , he had no right -"

"Li , let's focus now on Harry and Louis , yeah ?"

"Yeah , you're right ."

"I'll talk to you later , okay ?"

"Okay , bye ."

"Bye ."

They hung up , Zayn sat down on the bed and sighed , "We really need to find this Grimshaw fuckhead and smash his head into a brick wall ."

"I'll do it for free ." Niall sat next to him , "I'll go sign Louis and I out of the hotel , are you staying here with him ?"

"Yeah ." Zayn nodded , "I'll call you if something happens ."

"Alright ." Niall nodded and left the room .


Meanwhile , Harry was laying motionless on the bed , until his phone started ringing . He jumped up and reached for his phone , answering without checking the contact .

"Louis ! Baby , I -"

"Whoa there , I'm not your boy toy ." A familiar voice chuckled . Harry's blood boiled , "You , how dare you call me -"

"I'm actually down in your lobby , came to see how you're doing . You had quite a few drinks last night ." Nick chuckled again .

Harry rose up from the bed , unlocking the door . "When I reach the lobby , you'd better be gone , you hear me ?!" He ran to the stairs , too hyper to wait for the lift .

"Whoa , what's gotten into you ?" Nick laughed , still thinking it's a joke .

Harry heard Liam , Dale and Alberto rushing after him so he sped up . "I'm one floor from the lobby , if you're there I'm going to fucking kill you ." He growled and hung up , shoving the phone into his pocket .

He reached the ground floor , his face red with anger . He saw Nick looking down at his phone , rolling his eyes and laughing to himself , which made him even angrier , if that was possible .

He marched towards him , his steps echoing through the huge lobby which made Nick look up at him . He smiled , "Harry , m -" He was cut off when Harry's fist flew up with all the power he had in him , he punched him in the face and made him fall to the floor .

Nick grabbed his jaw , Harry was definitely not into jokes right now . 

Harry grabbed Nick by the collar of his shirt , swinging his fist at him three more times before he was pulled off him bt Dale and Alberto .

"Get the fuck out of here ! Don't you dare try to communicate with me , no matter how ! I fucking hate you , you son of a bitch !" Harry struggled against Dale and Alberto , he wanted to hit him and take all of his anger out on him , because he deserved it .

"Nick , leave now ." Liam stepped in front of him , "You're not welcomed ."

Nick huffed and got up from the floor , he wiped the drops of blood from his nose , "At least I got what I wanted ." He smirked and sent Harry a wink before leaving .

Harry's chest rose and fell rapidly , he slowly calmed down and let Dale and Alberto take him back to his room with Liam following .

From the corner of his eye he saw Niall at the reception , his head snapped towards him , "Niall ! Niall , please tell me Louis is okay ! Please , is he okay ? Niall please answer me ." Harry begged , he didn't have any energy left to scream .

Niall turned to him , he sighed , "He's okay . He had a panic attack when you were banging on the door , it scared him . But he's okay ."

"Please tell him I love him . And that I'll wait for him , when he wants to talk . Tell him he's the love of my life ." Harry said , his voice slowly quieting down as tears gathered in his eyes again .

Niall felt bed , he walked over to him and hugged him . Harry hugged him back , his face burying in his shoulder , "I need him , please tell him I love him and I need him ."

"I'll tell him ." Niall nodded and rubbed his back , "I promise ."

Harry nodded , he pulled back from their hug and walked to the lift with Alberto , Dale and Liam .


"Harry is asleep , we'll get going now ." Niall told Louis , who nodded . He felt bad for leaving , but he needed to get away for a little while to make up his mind and not freak out when Harry screams for him .

Niall helped him into his coat , Alberto waited outside the room to drive them to the airport .

"Are you okay , little guy ?" Alberto placed his hand on Louis' shoulder , Louis nodded , "Yeah , just shaken up ."

Alberto nodded , "Okay . Let's get going ." He helped Louis with his suitcase .


In the airport , Alberto left when they reached the security , leaving only Louis and Niall there .

"You'll be okay , I promise . Harry has to stay for one more week because of another photoshoot and a few interviews , he won't be able to just fly back to England ." Niall rubbed Louis' back , Louis nodded and sighed , "I need time ."

"We all do , take as long as you need ."

Louis heard his phone ringing , he checked the contact name to see Tyler .

"Hello ?"

"Lou ! Oh thank god you answered , you owe me some explanations ." Tyler said , "First , why the hell did Harry punch Nick Grimshaw ? And why are you in the airport with Niall ? What happened ??"

"Uh , Ty , this is really complicated . Can I talk to you when I get to England ?"

"Sure , but please call me I'm really worried , and now I'm seeing pictures of Harry running out of the hotel and it looks like he's crying ."

Louis' heart dropped to his stomach .


"He what ?!" Harry growled as soon as Liam explained why Niall's room is empty .

"Yes , Harry , you have to understand -"

"No , I want Louis here with me , he can't leave ! I won't let him leave . I won't ." Harry snatched Dale's car keys and grabbed his coat on the way , speeding out of the hotel room .

He heard Liam and Zayn running after him , Dale joining them quickly . Harry ran as fast as he could , getting into the car and locking the doors so the others won't be able to get in .

He started the car and pulled out of the parking lot , driving to the airport as fast as he could without breaking the speed limit .


When he reached the airport , he ran inside and looked around . He didn't care if anyone recognized him , he needs Louis to stay with him . He looked at the digital screen , searching for the England flight . It needs to leave in fourty five minutes .

He ran around the airport , asking people if they saw Niall and Louis . Some didn't know what he was talking about , some pointed to different directions . He was frustrated .

He didn't know how long he was there , but soon he heard , "All passengers to flight 477 to London , England , please approach the plane ."

He started freaking out , he ran towards the gates and started looking for the two . He couldn't find them , which made him freak out even more .

people walked past him , when a body bumped into him . He quickly turned his head to apologize , when a small voice made his heart skip a beat . 

"I'm sorry , I wasn't looking where I was going ."

Harry looked down , he saw Louis . Louis didn't know it was him , so he slowly turned to him , "Baby ."

Louis' head snapped up , his eyes widened and he took a few steps back . It made Harry's heart drop to his stomach .

Louis hid his injured arm in his coat sleeve , still staring at Harry . 

"Lou , are you -" Niall approached him , when he saw Harry . He quickly stood between them , "Don't get any closer ." He looked at Harry , who nodded , "Okay . Can I just say something ?"

Niall turned his head to Louis , who nodded faintly , not trusting his voice not to crack .

"Go on ." Niall nodded his head towards Harry .

Harry turned his attention to Louis , "Baby , I just want you to know how sorry I am . I never meant for it to happen . N-Nick made me drink more than I remember , he said some things that if I were sane I wouldn't have believed no matter what he said . I am begging you right now , please stay with me . You don't have to sleep in the same room with me , but please stay , so I can keep myself strong . Because you make me strong . I need you , I love you ."

Louis was in tears , he wiped them away with his uninjured hand , "I n-need some space right now ."

"And it's perfectly okay , just please - don't leave . I'm begging you -" Harry dropped down to his knees , not caring people are watching , "On my knees , stay with me . I want to show you just how much I love you , how much you mean to me . You're my light , my mate . Please stay ."

Louis let out a shaky breath , the gesture made his broken heart reconnect a few pieces . He wiped his tears and nodded , "Okay ."


Okay I just wrote 3200+ words in a few hours . Hope you forgive me for what I put you through .

Next chapter will be up as soon as I can , alright ? Love you . x


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