Ch. 24
This chapter is dedicated to my beautiful and amazing friend Ally , I love you girl x
Enjoy the chapter !!
"Going out already ?" Louis pouted as he sat up in bed , watching Harry putting on his shoes . Harry gave him a smile , "Yeah , it's only for two hours though . I'll be back with Joey , Tyler and Shane , we'll go out for a movie and lunch with Liam , Zayn and Niall ."
Louis nodded , he lifted the covers up more to cover himself while still sitting . Harry walked over to him and sat on the edge of the bed , pressing a soft kiss to his lips , "Niall ordered you two breakfast to up here , Zayn is going to a photoshoot and Liam and I are going to a quick interview . I'll text you when I'm on my way with the other three , alright ?"
Louis nodded , "Okay ."
Harry pressed another long kiss to his lips before getting up . "Bye love ."
"Bye Haz ." Louis smiled with light blush on his cheeks , Harry winked at him and left the room just as Niall walked in with room service .
"You're lucky I haven't had breakfast yet or else I'd be throwing up all over the place from you two ." Niall teased , Louis blushed with a shy smile on his face . Niall tipped the waiter and the waiter left , Louis joined Niall near the small table .
"So I see you and Harry are doing good ." Niall said and took a bite from his pancake .
"Yeah ." Louis smiled , "We're good ."
"Still cheesy and lovey dovey as always ." Niall chuckled , Louis giggled lightly and blushed , "He's always been like that ."
"He loves you , we knew ever since he first started talking about you ." Niall gave him a smile , "His eyes sparkled , his smile was huge , voice soft . We knew you're special ."
Louis blushed deeper with a grin on his lips .
"I always wonder how did you meet , Harry never told us ." Niall added , making Louis' grin flatter . Niall frowned , "I shouldn't have said that , right ?"
"N-no , it's just , uhm - sensitive subject ." Louis scratched the back of his neck , "We met on -"
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to , I just have a big mouth and I talk a lot ." Niall cut him off .
"No , I'll - I'll tell you . We met a few nights before Christmas eve , my birthday . Uhm , I told my parents I'm gay , and , they - they kicked me out . Literally ." Louis looked away from Niall's eyes , "Harry passed by and saw me getting kicked out and offered me to stay at his place ."
"I'm really sorry , Lou ." Niall rubbed his shoulder , "They're not worth it , you have all of us now , yeah ?"
"I know . And I'm grateful ." Louis gave him a small smile , "I've never had friends before , and thanks to Harry I have everything I've dreamt of ."
Niall smiled at him , "Harry is a lovesick fool for you , fucking whipped ."
Louis cringed slightly , "Please don't swear ."
"Ooh , sorry Lou ."
They ate their breakfast in silence , after finishing Niall went to his room to get dressed , Louis getting dressed aswell .
They met in the hallway when they were done , "Want to go explore the hotel a little ? It'll be fun ." Niall suggested , "I always do this with Liam , you should join us too ."
"Okay ." Louis nodded , Niall grinned and took his hand , "Let's go !"
"Niall , you're insane !" Louis said in a fit of giggles , watching Niall running over to him after shaking his bum in someone's window . He took Louis' hand and they ran towards the lobby , both still giggling .
Louis' phone rang from his pocket , he pulled it out to see Harry calling him .
"Hello ?" Louis answered , still in a giggling fit .
"Hey love , I'm - is everything okay ?" Harry stopped as soon as he realized Louis is giggling .
"Yeah , it's just Niall -" Louis was cut off by another giggling fit , Niall joining him .
Harry chuckled , he loved hearing Louis's giggles . "Love , I'm in the lobby with everyone , tell Niall to get you two there , okay ?"
"Okay ." Louis giggled and told Niall , Niall nodded and they started walking to the lobby . "We're on our way , we'll meet you there ."
"Alright , see you in a few ."
"See you ."
They hung up , Louis let out the last few giggles as they reached the lobby .
"Louis !!" Tyler called and ran towards him , Louis grinned at him and grabbed him in a hug , "Hey Ty ."
"I missed you so so much !!" Tyler squeezed him and pulled back , "How have you been ?"
"I've been good , you ?"
"Me too . Harry told us you were having a giggling fit over the phone , what was that about ?"
"Oh , it's just Niall being Niall ." Louis said , not able to contain another small gigging fit .
"Well that explains it all ." Tyler laughed with him .
"Mister Oakley , if you let me have my baby for now I'd really appreciate it ." Harry said from behind Tyler , Tyler patted his chest , "He's all yours , Styles ." He went to hug Niall .
"Hey love ." Harry smiled at Louis and hugged him , face buried in his neck .
"Hi Haz ." Louis wrapped his arms around Harry , "How was the interview ?"
"It was good , real fun with those four ." Harry turned to Shane , Joey , Liam and Tyler who were talking to Joey's camera , with Liam and Zayn .
"I haven't met Shane yet ." Louis said nervously , Harry kissed his cheek , "He'll love you , baby . Come on ." He took Louis' small hand in his big one and they walked towards the rest of them .
"Hi Louis ." Joey turned to Louis with his camera , going to hug him .
"Hi ." Louis offered a shy smile and hugged him back .
"Hey Louis , I haven't seen you since Harry's party !" Shane smiled at him , Louis smiled back , "Hi , nice seeing you again ."
Joey put his arm around Louis' shoulders , "Ah , the feeling of reunion . I could kiss you right now ." He didn't notice Harry's glare and the fact that his eyes turned dark , but Zayn and Liam did and went over to him to calm him down .
Joey squeezed Louis into his side when Shane spoke up towards the camera , "You guys can't see this right now but Harry is literally stabbing Joey in his mind like a thousand times right now ." He laughed .
Joey turned to Harry , "Oh , did I steal your little guy ?" He said in a baby voice .
Louis bit his lip and walked over to him , hands going to his cheeks . He turned his face down to him , "Relax , okay ?" Harry stared into Louis' blue eyes , calming down quickly . He nodded and wrapped his arms around Louis' waist , bringing him closer .
"You're mine ." He whispered possessively in his ear , Louis shivered and nodded , "I am ."
"I know Joey is just doing this for fun , but I'm the only one allowed to put their arms around you like this ." Harry whispered , Louis pulled back a little , "Don't be jealous , Haz ."
"I'm not . Just possessive ." Harry pecked his lips .
"That means you're jealous ." Louis giggled . Harry's expression softened at hearing his giggle , a small smile spread on his lips , "No one is taking you away from me ."
Louis nodded and hugged him , Harry hugged him back and rocked them side to side .
"See ?! I told you they're a fluffy couple !" Tyler screeched through the lobby , Shane made gagging noises , "I'm going to throw up unicorn poop ."
They all laughed , Louis blushed and hid his face in Harry's chest . Harry kissed the top of his head and turned to the guys , "Well we were supposed to go to the movies today but turns out the movies is closed today . So we can all go to lunch together and then back here , yeah ?"
The whole group of eight people bunched in Zayn and Liam's room , all laying in bed .
Louis sat with his back against the headboard , Harry between his legs with his back against his chest . Harry had Tyler against his chest , and Tyler had Niall against his chest . Zayn sat next to Louis , Liam with his back against his chest , Shane with his back against Liam's chest and Joey against Shane . (I hope it was clear enough) .
Joey held his phone up with the front camera open , "Smile ." They all looked at the camera and smiled , Joey took the picture , "This is so going on Instagram ."
"And by the way , I just opened a snapchat this morning , add me ." Harry announced , passing his phone around so they all could add him .
Louis played gently with Harry's curls , Harry turned his face to the side and upwards , smiling at Louis who blushed and smiled back . Harry kissed under his chin , Louis pecked his cheek gently .
"Guys , we're right here ?! Keep this in your pants !" Shane snapped his fingers , making everyone laugh .
"Relax mate , just some kisses ." Harry rubbed his hands up and down Louis' arms that were on his chest , Louis blushed and turned his face away from the group , hiding behind Harry's head .
"Shane , they were being adorable , why did you make them stop ?" Tyler pouted , playing with Niall's hair .
"No no I was kidding , make babies if you want to ." Shane laughed and patted Harry's leg , Harry smacked the back of his head lightly .
"Hey !" Shane hit Harry's leg , Joey moved his hands to Shane's knees and squeezed them , "No hitting Harry !"
Shane laughed and smacked him , "You're literally possessing me , stop !" He kicked Joey out of bed to the floor , making him squeal .
Louis giggled , Harry lifted his head up to look at Louis upside down , Louis smiled at him and rubbed his thumb on Harry's cheek .
"You're going to make me fall asleep like this ." Harry smiled at him , Louis giggled , "Then I'll have Tyler to help me wake you up ."
"Oh will you ?" Harry smirked , Louis nodded and bit his lower lip to stop himself from giggling again .
"Yes Harry , we may be tiny but we can definitely handle a monkey like you ." Tyler reached up to slap Harry's cheek lightly . Harry growled playfully and flicked Tyler's glasses to the tip of his nose , knowing he hates it .
"Styles ! Damn you ." Tyler elbwoed him , "I don't like you anymore ."
"Lou , he doesn't like me !" Harry fake cried into Louis' arms that were wrapped around him , Louis giggled , "Your fault , Haz . You're annoying ."
"Hey ! I'm not annoying !"
"You won The Annoying Challenge ."
Harry furrowed his eyebrows playfully in a pout , "I'll get you for this later ."
"Oooh , get some !" Shane called , everyone laughed and Liam quickly covered Shane's mouth , making him laugh harder .
"Jeez , Shane , you pervert ." Harry chuckled .
"Oh , you know I love the saucy stuff ." Shane wiggled his eyebrows .
"Unfortunately we do ." Zayn ruffled his hair gently , Shane smacked him away , "Liam tell your boyfriend to leave me the fuck alone !"
"Don't swear , dickhead ." Niall playfully glared at him .
"Stop swearing assholes !" Harry growled playfully .
"Harry ..." Louis whispered in his ear , cringing at every curse .
"Sorry , baby , I'll stop ." Harry kissed the back of his hand , playing with his thin fingers . He took Louis' hand and pressed his palm to his cheek , cuddling his face into Louis' hand .
"Harry , you're so whipped ." Tyler patted his leg , "If you two want to be alone then just tell us ."
"No no , it's okay ." Louis shook his head with a smile , trying to pull his hand back from Harry but failing .
"Just let me show my baby I love him , please ?" Harry pouted , Everyone groaned at his sappiness and started smacking him .
"Hey ! Hey ! Stop !" He tried shielding himself , "Baby help me !"
Louis giggled and wrapped his arms around Harry's head , burying his face in the crook of his elbow .
"Sappy shit ." Shane punched his thigh , Harry stuck his tongue at him .
"Children , stop ." Liam shoved their faces away , recieving smacks from the two .
"You're all such animals ! That's why I love Niall the most ." Tyler hugged Niall , Niall hugged him and started rolling on bed until they fell to the floor , resulting in Tyler squealing and both of them laughing out loud .
Harry turned his face to the side , "Looks like we're the only sane ones , eh ?"
"I wouldn't consider you 'sane' ..." Louis teased him , Harry raised his eyebrow , "Oh yeah ?"
"Yeah ." Louis nodded , biting his lower lip . Harry reached both his hands back and tickled his sides , Louis giggled and pushed at his hands , "Stop !"
Harry just laughed along with him and kept going , "Say you're sorry !"
"Harry you'd better stop tickling him because I was in his place with this dick ," Shane pointed to Joey who laughed , "And trust me this is not fun ."
Harry stopped and pouted , "I was having fun and you ruined it ."
"Thanks Shane , I owe you one ." Louis gave Shane a shy smile .
"Eh no problem , I know it's a torture because Joey has no mercy on people when he tickles them ." Shane messed Joey's hair .
Harry sat up and moved Louis so he was sitting sideways on his lap , "But I love my baby and I always have mercy on him ." He kissed Louis' cheek , cradling his small frame into his chest .
"Harry please for the love of god don't get sappy again I'm actually going to throw up ." Shane warned .
"Oh shut up you all , you love me getting sappy !" Harry pouted and hugged Louis protectively , burying his face in Louis' neck .
"Bye guys !" The five waved goodbye to Shane , Joey and Tyler who left the hotel . Harry wrapped his arms around Louis from behind , head buried in his neck , "I'm tired ."
"I'm not really ." Louis said and turned around to face him , Harry kissed his cheek , "Let's go to our room , yeah ?"
Louis nodded , he took Harry's hand and they walked to the lift , pressing the third button to the third floor .
They walked into their room , Harry kicked his shoes off and fell face first on the bed , Louis giggled and took his shoes off , going to lie next to him .
"Haz , go change into something more comfortable and then go to sleep , okay ?" Louis stroked his curls , Harry nodded and got up , changing into sweatpants with no shirt on . He walked back to Louis , "Come cuddle me ."
Louis lied on his back , Harry lied on top of him with his head on Louis' chest , tucking the covers around them . Louis played with his hair and rubbed his thumb on Harry's cheek gently until he fell asleep .
Louis looked around the room , searching for something to do . He wasn't tired yet .
He saw Harry's phone on the nightstand right next to him , he carefully reached for it and logged into his snapchat . He turned the front camera towards him and took a picture of Harry asleep on his chest , "Harry fell asleep and I'm taking over his snapchat" .
He put it in "My Story" and saved the picture , going back to the camera . He positioned the phone and held the capture button to record . He rubbed his thumb on Harry's cheek gently , Harry's lips twitched up and he snuggled closer to Louis . Louis smiled and stopped recording , saving the video and putting it in the story aswell .
He took another video , where he whispered "I love you" to Harry , and Harry mumbled it back in his sleep .
He then logged into Twitter , seeing the fans going crazy with the videos and pictures . Louis smiled and placed the phone back on the nightstand , reaching for the covers . He tucked them up to Harry's shoulders , turning the lights off with the switch near the bed , leaving the lamp on .
Hopefully you liked it , tell me if you didn't .
Love you all xx
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