Ch. 23
The next week and a half are going to be really busy for me , so I apologize in advance that there won't be chapters . I've got school stuff , babysitting , volunteering and some preparations for something in a few months .
So forgive me , I'm doing my best to keep myself sane with all of this going on .
Enjoy the chapter . xx
"Do you have anything planned for today ?" Louis asked , cuddled into Harry's side on the bed . Harry sighed , "Yeah . I have a photoshoot . Then I'm going with my agent to a meeting , I don't even know what about . I need to leave at ten a.m for the photoshoot and I'll be back at six p.m ."
"Okay ." Louis nodded , sighing sadly .
"I'm sorry baby , I'll make it up for you , okay ? I'll get us some chinese , and ice cream and movies , and we can have a night in together , yeah ?" Harry hugged him closer , pressing a kiss to the top of his head .
"You don't have to apologize , I knew you'd be away most of the time . I'll be okay , I'll talk to Niall and see what we can do ." Louis kissed his cheek .
"Okay ." Harry nuzzled his hair and closed his eyes , "Tomorrow I'll be gone only for two hours for an interview then I'll be able to take you out more , yeah ?"
Louis nodded , "What did you plan for tomorrow ?"
"Mm , we'll go for a movie and lunch . Then we'll do something with Tyler , he says he misses you , also shane and Joey might join us . I think Niall needs to call them today ."
There was a knock on the door , "Harry , we're leaving in twenty , get ready ." Alberto said from the other side of the door .
"I'll be out in a few ." Harry called back , sighing to himself as he got out of bed to get dressed .
Louis sat up and propped a pillow behind his back , reaching for his phone to text Niall .
To : Neil
Hey , are we doing anything today ?
He waited a few seconds before getting a text back .
From : Neil
Yeah , well be goin out w Z in a few
Louis sighed at his grammar but texted back that he'll be ready in a bit , getting up to get dressed after Harry .
"Are you going out with Niall ?" Harry asked before Louis entered the bathroom .
"Yeah , Zayn is joining us ."
"Alright , I'll go talk to him about something quick , yeah ?" Harry pecked his cheek before sprinting out of the room .
Louis was confused but got into the bathroom anyway to change .
Once he got out Harry was all dressed and ready , "I need to leave baby , I'll text you when I can , alright ?" Harry hugged him , Louis nodded and wrapped his arms around Harry .
"If there's something wrong or you don't feel well text me so I can come and get you , okay ?"
"Okay ." Louis nodded again and pulled back , "Have fun at the photoshoot ."
"Mm , doubt that . I don't really like those female models , they're ... uh , in the nicest words ? They're skanks who want sex ."
Louis slapped his arm , "Don't swear ."
"Sorry ." Harry chuckled , "But it's true . Every time I have to shoot with them I find myself being pushed into a wall by at least three and they leave sticky , disgusting lipstick on me and if I push them off too harshly I'll get into trouble . Maybe I won't go ."
Louis bit his lip , his shyness taking place . He looked away from Harry , "This is your job , Harry . It's just for a few hours and that's it ." He tried to sound as less insecure as he possibly could .
"I know , but I'd rather stay in with you ." Harry pouted and buried his face in Louis' neck . Louis smiled softly , "It'll be okay , just ask Alberto to make sure that no one is in the dressing room while you're there ."
"Or maybe , you can come with me and then they'll all get the fuck off m -" Harry was cut off with another slap to his chest , he laughed lightly and pecked Louis' nose , "Sorry ."
"It's okay ." Louis lowered his gaze and crossed his arms over his chest .
"What do you say ? Do you want to come ?" Harry gave him a warm smile , "Louise is going to be there too with Lux to give you some company , and I'll show you the photos when they're taken ."
"I-I don't know ." Louis said quietly , hugging himself tighter . Why would he go to a place full of models that will make him feel even more insecure about himself ? He's already feeling disgusted with himself around Harry , he doesn't need any more reasons .
"Lou ? Are you okay ?" Harry asked , cupping his cheeks and lifting his face up .
"Y-yeah , I'm fine . Just thinking ." He sighed .
"Please come with me ? Please ." Harry pouted at him , "I want you to come with me ."
Louis bit his lower lip , the last thing he wanted to do is say no to Harry's pouty lips .
"Okay ." He whispered .
"Okay ?" Harry asked with a grin .
"Okay ." Louis nodded .
Harry wrapped his arms around Louis and lifted him up , spinning in circles , "Perhaps okay will be our always !"
Louis buried his face in his neck and giggled , his cheek turning red .
"Harry , we need to leave , come on ." Alberto knocked on the door , Harry let go of Louis and opened it , "I'll just get mine and Louis' coats ."
Harry helped Louis into his coat and tucked himself into his own coat , his hand going to the small of Louis' back , "Let's go ."
They reached the building , fans were waiting outside . Harry had his fingers intertwined with Louis , he turned to him , "Do you want to come with me to talk to the fans ?"
"I- ... I don't know ." Louis bit his lower lip .
"You know they love you , yeah ?" Harry smiled at him , Louis nodded shyly and looked away . Harry kissed his forehead , "Come on , you'll be okay ."
Harry pulled Louis with him towards the crowd of fans , smiling at them , "Hello ."
"Hi Harry !" They waved and some squealed , Harry signed them with one hand , the other still linked with Louis' . Louis gently wiggled his hand from Harry's grip , "I'm going to stand with Alberto , okay ?" He said quietly and started walking away , but Harry pulled him back , "Nooo don't go ."
"Louis stay with us !"
"We love you Louis !!"
"Kiss Harry !"
Louis blushed at the comments thrown towards him , Harry smiled and wrapped one arm around his waist , bringing him close to his chest , the other signing papers .
"Your video yesterday was so so so cute !! Please make more !" A fan commented , soon they all started making comments about how they should do more .
"We will make some more videos , we promise ." Harry smiled at the crowd , then down to Louis , "What do you say ?"
Louis looked up at him with blush on his cheeks , he nodded before burying himself close to Harry , hiding his face from the fans .
The fans cooed at him , Harry grinned and squeezed him into his chest , rocking back and forth . "Well we really need to go , see you soon ." Harry waved the fans goodbye and turned around to Alberto with Louis , going into the building .
"You're adorable ." Harry smiled and pecked Louis' nose , Louis blushed and looked away shyly . Harry turned his head back to face him , "You know you don't need to be shy around the fans and I , yeah ?" He kissed his firehead .
"I-I know . It's just , anxiety , crowds and new people aren't doing good together ." Louis said quietly .
"I know , baby . And we'll work on it . Like I said , a work in progress . We started small , with a few friends at a time . Slowly we'll get on to the next level , when you feel comfortable , yeah ?"
Louis nodded , "Yeah . Thank you , I can't say how grateful I am ." He smiled up at Harry and left a soft peck to his cheek . Harry smiled at him , "Don't thank me , it's all good ." He squeezed him into his side as they walked into the lift .
Soon they reached the fifth floor , where the photoshoot should be . Alberto took them to Harry's dressing room , Louise , Lux and Caroline were already there .
"Hazzie !" Lux ran up to him and hugged his knees , Harry smiled and picked her up , gently throwing her in the air before catching her , "Hey Luxie ."
"Missed you ." She hugged him , Harry cooed and hugged her close , "I missed you too , munchkin ."
Louise smiled at Louis , "Hey , how are you ?"
"I'm good , you ?" He smiled back , Louise nodded her head , "I'm good too ."
"You remember Louis , Lux ?" Harry pointed to Louis , who smiled at the small girl .
Lux nodded excitedly , "Hazzie's boyfriend !"
"Yeah , that's me ." Louis smiled , giggling lightly . Harry smiled at him and put Lux down , taking Louis' hand , "Lou , this is Caroline , my stylist . Caroline , this is Louis , my boyfriend ."
"Hi , nice meeting you ." Caroline shook Louis' hand with a smile , Louis shook her hand back with the same smile , "Nice meeting you too ."
"Now , as a part of my job I'm going to embarrass Harry . Ever since you came into his life he became happier , he definitely smiles more and he can't stop talking about you . Every time I dress him up for a photoshoot or an interview he always tells me stories about you and he has this wide smile on his face , before I even met you I knew you were special . So do me a favour and never leave him , as annoying as he is ." Caroline blabbered , Louis giggled with blush covering his cheeks , a shy smile on his lips .
Harry whined and buried his face in Louis' neck , "Sorry about her ."
"It's okay ." Louis said , giggling once again , "You're cute ."
"You're cuter ." Harry left a light kiss on his soft skin , hugging him close to his body .
Louise quickly snapped a picture , posting it on Twitter . "We need to get started but these two won't leave each other . (:"
"Come on Harry , we need to get started ." Louise sighed , Harry whined but pulled back from cuddling Louis and sat on the chair Louise took out for him .
Louis went to sit on the couch , watching Harry getting his hair and make up done . Lux came up to sit next to him , Louise's phone in her hand with the front camera open .
"Louie , take a picture wit' me ?" She asked , Louis smiled at her and nodded . She grinned and sat on his thigh , holding the phone with both hands , struggling a little to focus on them two . Louis helped her , smiling at the camera as Lux smiled her toddler smile . She pressed the button the took the picture , looking at Louis with a smile .
"Come on , you're ready , let's get you to the set ." Caroline and Louise finished getting Harry ready , and Harry looked so handsome .
Louis stared at him in awe , Harry looked over to him and caught him staring , chuckling to himself . He walked over to him and pecked his cheek , "Like what you see ?" He winked .
Louis blushed and looked away , Harry smiled and turned his head back up , pressing their lips together lightly .
"Come with me , yeah ?" Harry asked , Louis bit his lower lip and nodded shyly . Harry took Louis' small hand in his big one , intertwining their fingers together .
They walked out of the dressing room through the halls with Alberto leading them , Louise and Lux following .
"Harry is ready !" Alberto called , the male model that was currently on the set gave Harry a smile and shook his hand , "Nice seeing you again , Harry ."
"You too ." Harry smiled back and patted his shoulder , the model left and Harry got ready on set .
"Where's Noel ?! We don't have all day !" The head photographer called , when a tall , blonde model walked into the room , all caked up with make up and a dress that barely covered anything .
Harry looked over to Louis from his place on the set , Louis looked back at him . Harry crossed his fingers and placed them on his heart , smiling at Louis .
Louis smiled back and returned the gesture , but his smile quickly vanished as Noel grabbed Harry's cheeks and roughly turned him to face her , "Eyes on me , just like you love ." She smiled .
Harry's lips tightened in a thin line , he did his best not to push her away or swear .
The photographer instructed their poses , Noel did it all gladly and groped Harry as much as she could . Harry on the other side wasn't pleased at all , his moves were hesitate and slightly shaky .
Louis could see he's not comfortable , but he still couldn't help the slight pain in his chest . He crossed his arms and watched them with a sad expression , until he felt a hand on his bicep . He turned his head and saw Louise giving him a comforting smile .
"They're always doing this , groping Harry I mean ." She started , "Harry never liked it , and ever since you two got together he hated it even more . He always complains to his agent , to us , to Alberto , but this is no use because most models will do it anyway ." She stopped and rubbed his back comfortingly , "But don't you ever doubt his love to you , because he loves you more than anything . Trust me , if you tell him to quit the job he will , because he wants to please you and do what's best for you ."
"I won't tell him to quit the job . I just ... Don't like how they're touching him ." Louis looked back to Harry , watching him clenching his jaw as Noel dug her fingertips into his shoulder blades , her lips ghosting his jaw .
Louis felt his throat tighten lightly , he looked away and debated with himself whether he should leave and spare himself from having to watch it , or staying and keep torturing himself .
Just as he decided to leave the photographer announced they're done for now , Harry let out a breath he didn't know he was holding . He quickly pushed Noel off him and wiped the purple lipstick marks she left on him .
He turne to go to Louis , but her hand caught his bicep , pulling him back roughly .
"What the -" He was cut off by her lips pressing to his , he pushed her away not even a second later , "Okay , you listen to me now . I have a boyfriend , touch me like that once again I'm suing you ." He growled at her .
"God , that was so hot ." She moaned and grabbed his button shirt , ripping the buttons open . Alberto quickly took over her and looked at Harry with a worried look , "Listen mate , Louis ran to the bathrooms , go check on him ."
Harry's heart sank , he bolted out of the set to the bathrooms in the end of the hall . He slammed the doors open , making Louis jump and quickly wipe his tears away .
"Baby ..." Harry said quietly , "Baby I'm sorry ."
"N-no , it's not y-your fault ." Louis shook his head and wiped another tear , "It's h-her fault . You pushed her away , I saw it . B-but it still hurt ."
Harry walked over to him and brought him into his chest , "I'm sorry baby , you shoudn't have seen this ."
Louis wiped his tears , "What h-happened to your shirt ?"
"The bitch ripped it open ." Harry's jaw clenched again , Louis bit his lower lip and looked up at him , "You still h-have her lipstick on ."
Harry turned his head to look in the mirror , he groaned , "I'm going to sue her ." he tried washing the lipstick off with water but it wasn't working . "God damn it ."
"Maybe Louise has make up remover ." Louis suggested , wiping under his eyes with his sleeves to dry his cheeks .
"Yeah , let's go see ." Harry turned to Louis and took his hand , and before leaving the bathroom he leaned to kiss his lips . Louis turned his head away , "The lipstick is still on ."
Harry nodded , "You owe me kisses ." He tried lightening the mood , which worked because Louis cracked a small smile .
They walked into the dressing room , Louise looked at them worriedly , "Are you two okay ?"
The two nodded . "Do you have make up remover ?" Louis asked , Louise nodded , "Yeah , the bottle over there . You put a bit on the cotton ball and clean the make up off ."
Louis nodded , he took the bottle and cotton , squeezing a bit of the liquid out . He turned to Harry and grabbed his chin to keep him steady , he gently wiped the purple lipstick off his lips .
Harry watched his expression , the way he focused and his tongue poked out of the corner of his lips .
Louis looked up at him , his cheeks reddening as he caught him staring . He looked back to his lips shyly and finished wiping the lipstick , throwing and cotton ball to the trash under the table .He turned back to Harry , only to have a pair of soft lips pressed to his .
Louis pulled away after a few seconds , "Your lips taste like make up remover ." He giggled shyly . Harry chuckled and wiped his lips on the back of his hand , "Should've thought about that before the kiss ."
"Maybe you should've ." Louis sassed , Harry raised his eyebrow and poked his stomach , Louis giggled and pushed his hand away .
In the evening , Louis was laying on the bed in his and Harry's hotel room , waiting for Harry to come back from the meeting .
He lied on his stomach , going through his Twitter when he saw that Louise posted a video of them . He pressed on the play button , watching Harry staring at him as he wiped the lipstick off his lips . He blushed harder when he saw what Louise wrote , "These two won't leave each other ! Cutest couple of the year award !! ;)"
He buried his face in the crook of his elbow , smiling to himself . He heard the door open and lifted his head up , turning his face to see Harry walking in with a smile , "Hey babe ."
"Hi ." Louis smiled back , Harry kicked his shoes off and placed three plastic bags on the table near the chair , "I brought chinese , Ice cream , gummy candy and a movie ."
"Mm , snounds good ." Louis let his head fall onto the pillow , Harry crawled next to him and lied his head on Louis' back , closing his eyes , "You're warm ."
The smell of the chinese food drifted to Louis' nose , making his stomach growl . Harry chuckled and looked up at him , Louis blushed and buried his face in the pillow under his head , "Let's get some food for your hungry tummy ." He poked him gently before getting up , Louis sat up as Harry brought him the box , "There you go ."
"Thanks ." Louis smiled and took the box , Harry soon joined him with the movie running in the TV .
They finished eating , Harry opened his arms for Louis to cuddle up to his chest , Louis leaned on Harry's chest , his arm across his torso . Harry pressed a soft kiss to his forehead and brought him closer .
At the end of the movie Harry was asleep , Louis looked up at him and carefully removed his arm from around his shoulders . He turned the TV off and put the ice cream in the small fridge , throwing away the empty boxes of chinese food .
He turned to Harry who was still asleep , he tucked him in and lied next to him , stroking his curls out of his face . Harry's lips twitched up in his sleep , Louis smiled and closed his eyes , turning to lie on his side with his back facing Harry .
He almost fell asleep but soon he felt Harry's body shuffling a little , then his arm wrapped around his waist and pulled him back . "Thought you could get away from me , didn't you ?" Harry smirked , Louis let out a giggle and tucked the covers up to his chin .
"You were asleep , I didn't want to disturb you ." Louis said quietly . Harry smiled and leaned down to kiss his cheek , then he tickled his side , "Not an excuse for not giving me cuddles ."
Louis giggled and squirmed away from him , Harry stopped and pulled him back into his chest , spooning him . "Good night , baby ."
"Night , Haz ." Louis said , falling asleep with a smile on his face .
Okay this chapter is really long , took me three days to finish it .
I hope you liked it , tell me if you didn't . x
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