Ch. 22


Enjoy the chapter . xx


"Lou , wake up ." Harry shook Louis gently , Louis groaned and shifted away from him . Harry chuckled , "Baby , I just need to tell you something then you can go back to sleep ."

Louis turned his head to Harry and opened his eyes sleepily , "What is it ?"

Harry just stared at him , admiring his cute sleepy form .

"Haz ?" Louis furrowed his eyebrows , Harry shook out of his trance and smiled , "Oh , sorry . Was caught up staring at you , you're beautiful ."

Louis smiled shyly and buried his face in the pillow , Harry chuckled and ruffled his hair a little , "Well , I just wanted to say that I'm going out , I have two interviews to attend . I'll come back by lunch time , so you can go out with Liam and Niall , they're free . Then after lunch there's a video I want us to film , alright ?"

"Mm , okay ." Louis turned his face to Harry , "Text me when you're on your way back ?"

Harry nodded , "Sure ." He pressed a kiss to his cheek , "I'm going to go now , have a good morning baby ."

"You too ." Louis yawned and pulled the covers up , Harry pressed one more kiss to his cheek before getting up and leaving the room .

Louis closed his eyes and tried going back to sleep , ten seconds later a body jumped on him , "Get up get up !!"

Louis groaned and turned his head to see Niall , smiling brightly at him . "Niall , I want to sleep ." He turned away , but Niall pulled his arm , "Nooo come on !! Let's do something , Liam is already up and we're going to do something together ! Well we can't really leave the hotel , it's freeing cold outside and it's snowing a little ."

"Give me five minutes ." Louis closed his eyes , Niall sighed , "Five minutes and not a second later ."


"I asked on Twitter what should us three do , and the fans suggested a video . Who wants to participate ?" Liam asked , holding his phone . All three of them were in Zayn and Liam's room , laying on the bed .

"Oooh ! I want !" Niall sat up , jumping on the bed .

"Alright , alright just sit down ." Liam pulled his arm to make him sit back down on the bed , then he turned to Louis , "You want to ?"

"Uh ..."

"You don't have to , I know you're not really comfortable with it ."

"O-okay , but I can help from the side ."

"Cool , what video should we film ?" Liam turned to Niall , who made a thinking face . 

"Uh ... an Ask ? Yes ! Then Louis picks us questions and asks us and we answer them !" Niall nodded excitedly , Liam chuckled and tweeted the hashtag .

"I'll get everything ready to film ." Liam got up from the bed , Niall and Louis made it as Liam got the camera and lighting ready .

"Ready ?" Liam asked Niall , Niall nodded and Liam pressed the button to start recording , he sat on the bed next to Niall .

"Lou , you getting the hashtag ?" Liam turned to Louis , Louis nodded as he searched it on Twitter .

Liam turned back to the camera , flashing a smile . "Hi everybody , Liam here . Today I'm joined with the Irish merchandise -"

"Horan , Niall Horan ." Niall said in a low James Bond voice , Liam nodded , "Yes , agent Horan . And today , we're having an Ask video , since we literally didn't have anything else in mind . And Louis is also here , say hi ."

"Hi ." Louis said quietly from behind the camera .

"He's camera shy , so he's going to read us the questions you sent , with the hashtag AskLiam ." Liam turned back to Louis , get us the stupidest questions you find ."

"Okay ." Louis nodded , scrolling through until he landed on one , "What are your thoughts about Zayn's new modelling pictures ?"

"Oh god , he's so freaking hot and I just want to -"

"TMI ! TMI !" Niall cut him off , trying to cover his mouth .

"To strip him down -"

"My innocent ears !!" Niall cried outloud .

"And just -"

"No you cruel world !"

Louis laughed into his hand , Liam smacked Niall's head to shut him up , "Next queston ."

"Pet peeves about each other ?"

"Noisy eater ." Liam said .

"Perfectionist ." Niall shot back .

"Too loud ."

"Too nice ."

"You're messy !"

"You're too clean ."

"I love you though ."

"Love you too mate ."

They hugged and lied down on the bed , laughing at their stupidity .

"Next question ." Liam said as they sat back up .

"Loudest screamer ?"

"I know Liam is a screamer . A while ago , we were staying in a hotel and the walls were thin , I couldn't sleep -"

"Okay that's enough !!" Liam covered his mouth .

Niall cackled , clutching his stomach .

Louis giggled , "Next question ?"

Liam nodded , Niall sat us and wiped under his eyes .


Louis was laying on his back on the bed , Niall had his head on Louis' stomach and feet on Liam , as Liam edited the video .

"When are Harry and Zayn should be here ? I'm hungry ." Niall whined .

"They should finish at one , it's now quarter to one , so just a little more ." Liam said , going back to editing the video .

"Lou , play with my hair ?" Niall looked up at Louis , a small pout on his lips as he fluttered his eyelashes .

"Oh , be careful , Harry might beat you up ." Liam teased , making Louis blush .

"What do you mean ?" Niall asked , looking between Louis and Liam .

Liam lifted his head up from the laptop screen to look at Louis , "You tell him or I do ?"

Louis bit his lower lip and looked down to Niall , who was still confused . "Uh , Harry punched this guy at the record store because he touched me ."

Niall's eyes widened , "What !?"

"Y-yeah ."

"And there was this girl , he told her something about her ." Liam added .

"Yeah , she's not the nicest . Harry's doesn't like her , and I get why ."

"What did she do ?" Liam asked , "He only told us she's a bitch and he's going to kill her next time she does something ."

"U-uh , she um , she's sure Harry and her are dating . Everytime she sees him she tries kissing him , she pushed me away one time so she could hug him ." Louis played with his fingers .

"Okay , next time this bitch is there I want to rip her insides out ." Niall declared .

The door to the room opened , Zayn and Harry walked in with a smile on their faces . "We're back !"

"don't you say !" Niall sassed back at them , Harry slapped his forehead , "Get off my baby ."

Niall rolled his eyes and got up , Louis smiled up at Harry with blush covering his cheeks . He was about to sit up so he can greet him properly , but Harry quickly kicked his shoes off and jumped on the bed , hovering above him .

"Hello ." Harry smiled at him and pecked his lips .

"Hi ." Louis said back shyly , poking his dimple . Harry lied down on him and buried his face in Louis' neck , Louis wrapped his arms around Harry's neck and rubbed his thumb on his temple .

"Ugh , I'm going to throw up ." Zayn faked gagging noises teasingly .

"Pass me the can when you're done ." Niall added , placing his hand on his mouth and puffing his cheeks .

"Shut up , you're jealous ." Harry flipped them off , making them laugh .

"Well now that you're here , let's go to lunch , okay ? I'm getting hungrier every passing second ." Niall said and stood up from the bed .

"Just a bit more ." Harry held Louis closer . 

"No , I'm hungry !! Get the fuuuuck up !" Niall grabbed Harry's leg and pulled him , making both Harry and Louis drag over the bed . Louis giggled and unwrapped his arms from around Harry , Harry got up and helped him out of bed , Zayn and Liam following .


"What video are we filming ?" Louis asked as Harry positioned the camera .

"I saw Jesse and Jeana from boyfriend versus girlfriend doing this challenge , and I wanted to try it with you . The Annoying Challenge ." Harry gave him a smile , "Two rounds , each one of us gets thirty seconds to annoy the other . You get a point of you make the other get up from their seat ."

"Okay ." Louis said .

"Can you please get the chair ?" Harry pointed to the chair next to the desk , Louis nodded and placed it in front of the camera . Harry finished positioning the camera and the lighting , he pressed the recording button and went to sit on the chair , patting his lap , "Come here ."

"Wh-what ?"

"You're filming the video with me , and we don't really need another chair so just come here ." Harry grabbed his waist and pulled him to sit on him .

Louis bit his lower lip , he blushed as he causiously placed his arm around Harry's neck for balance . Harry chuckled , "Don't go all shy on me ." He pecked his cheek , Louis nodded and positioned comfortably on him .

Harry turned to the camera , "Hey everyone , it's Harry here . And today , I am joined once again with this lovely boy ." He turned to Louis , who smiled and blushed , "Hi ." He smiled at the camera before looking away shyly .

Harry cooed and pecked his cheek , nudging his nose against his cheek for him to look back up . Louis looked up and smiled at Harry , Harry pecked his cheek and looked back to the camera .

"Today we'll be doing The Annoying Challenge , I saw Jesse and Jeana doing this challenge and honestly is was one of the funniest videos ever . So I thought , we annoy each other all the time , we should try too ."

There was a knock on the door , "Guys ?! Open up , I want a snack !!" It was Niall .

"Can't kinda busy !" Harry called back .

"Doing the dirty , are you ?" Niall laughed , Harry groaned , "No you pervert we're filming a video !!"

"A sex tape ?!"

"No , a challenge video ."

"Too Hot Challenge ?!"

Harry growled , Louis giggled and buried his face in Harry's neck .

"Go the fuck away , no snacks for you !!"

"Aww come on mate , just one snack !!"

Louis sighed and got up from Harry's lap , he grabbed a random snack bag and opened the door , "Here you go ."

"Thanks Lou . This is why I love him more than you !" Niall called to Harry before running away .

Louis closed the door and giggled , Harry pouted playfully and crossed his arms over his chest . Louis uncrossed his arms , "Come on , let's keep going ."

"Okay ." Harry nodded and pulled him back to his lap , he turned back to the camera , "Well after that scene of Niall being a pain in the ass , let's get to the challenge . Two rounds , we each get thirty seconds to annoy the other . We get a point if we make the other get up from his seat ."

"I'll go first ." Louis got up from Harry's lap and took his phone , putting the timer on . "I can do whatever I want , right ?"

Harry nodded , Louis placed his phone on the TV dresser , holding his finger above the 'start' button .

"Ready , set , go !" He pressed the button the turned to Harry , biting his lip as he smiled mischievously . He ran his fingers slowly through his hair , before he shook his hair all over , making Harry huff and try leaning away from him , "You know I don't like when you mess my hair ."

"Well this is the challenge , isn't it ?" Louis giggled , he stood behind Harry and tilted his head up , brushing his fingers under his chin . Harry just rolled his eyes , "I'm not sensitive , baby ."

"Dang it ." Louis pouted , he moved his hands to Harry's cheeks and pinched them hard , moving his head side to side .

"Ow , ow , ow ." Harry shook his head away , Louis giggled and tried pinching his cheeks again but the timer went off .

"Ohh , how sad , the timer went off ." Harry got up from his seat , Louis sighed and sat down , biting his lip nervously .

Harry re-set the timer , "I'm getting you back for this abuse . Ready , set , go !" He turned to Louis and held his head up from under his chin so he couldn't move away and started blowing warm air into his ear .

"Harry !" Louis giggled and tried peeling his hand off his chin , Harry laughed and let go of him , ruffling his hair , "Not so funny when it's you , huh ?"

Louis huffed and tried batting his hands away , Harry pulled his hands back only to come stand in front of Louis , his back facing him . He dropped down on his lap .

"Ugh , Harry !" Louis tried pushing him off , "You're squishing my legs !"

Harry just sat there , laughing at Louis' attempts , "I already told you it feels like a fly is headbutting me ."

The timer went off , Harry got up anf Louis sighed , "Thank god ." He got up and shook his legs , going to re-set the timer as Harry sat on the chair .

"Ready , set , go ." Louis pressed the button and ran to the little fridge in the closet , he pulled out a water bottle and uncapped it , trying to spill some on Harry's pants .

"Hey !!" Harry pushed his hand away , making the water spill on the carpeted floor . Louis giggled and spilled some on his hair , making it drip down his face . He capped the bottle and threw it on the bed , turning back to Harry .

He slapped his forehead and down to his cheeks , Harry squinted his eyes and scrunched his nose , chuckling to himself because Louis is adorable .

Louis started pulling Harry's ears , Harry tried pushing his hands away , "Ow , Lou , ow ."

The timer went off , Louis sighed and stopped , Harry got up from the seat letting Louis take the place , "Prepare for revenge ." He smirked , Louis giggled nervously and watched as Harry re-set the timer .

"Ready , set , go ." Harry pressed the button , he stood behind Louis and wrapped both arms around his body , preventing his arms from moving . His face buried in his neck as he fluttered his eyelashes against his skin , Louis giggled and scrunched away , "Don't ."

"I'm not asking you ." Harry chuckled and started tickling his sides , Louis pushed at his hands and brought his knees up , "Stop !!"

"Never !" Harry laughed evilly , holding him with one arm , his other hand moving up and down his ribs . Louis squirmed away from him , getting up from his seat . Harry threw his hands in the air , "A point for me !!"

Louis let out the last giggles , "I can still feel your fingers ."

Harry poked his stomach playfully , Louis giggled more and pushed his hand away . Harry sat on the chair and pulled Louis to his lap , rubbing his back , "Well , seems like I won ."

"You won because you're a cheater , it's power abuse ." Louis crossed his arms over his chest , Harry chuckled and pecked his cheek , "I still love you ."

Louis smiled at him and caressed his cheek , "I love you too ."

Harry kissed his lips , Louis pulled back and left another light peck on his lips , "The video ." He giggled .

"Oh , right ." Harry chuckled and turned back to the camera , "Well , I won the challenge -"

"Because he's a cheater ."

"I still won . And since I won , I'm going to tickle him some more . See ya later !" He quickly got up with Louis in his arms , Louis yelped as he was thrown on the bed with Harry ontop of him , "Harry no !"

Harry laughed , "Okay , okay ." He lifted his head up and kissed his lips , going to sit on the chair in front of the camera , "Well , it was just a quick little video , hope you enjoyed it ." He flashed a smile .

Louis took the water bottle and playfully threw it at Harry , but accidentally hit his lower area . Harry groaned and cupped his crotch , falling to the floor .

"Harry ! I'm so sorry !" He got out of bed , giggling . He kneeled next to Harry , "Are you okay ?"

"You're going to have to kiss it better ." He chuckled .

Louis slapped his chest , "You wish , you pervert ." He blushed .

"I think my lips are hurt too ..." Harry winked , Louis blushed deeper and pecked his lips , "Now get up ."

Harry got up and stretched his legs a little , "Okay that hurt a lot ."

Louis giggled again , going to lie back on the bed . Harry stood in front of the camera and smiled , "See you next video ." He turned it off and sighed , "I'll edit it later ."

There was a knock on the door , "Guys , open up !" It was Zayn .

Harry went to open the door , a hand still cupping his lower area . He opened the door , giving Zayn a questioning look , "Need anything ?"

Zayn looked at Harry's hand that cupped his crotch , then turned his head to the side where Liam was standing , "Yep , they definitely did the Too Hot Challenge ."

Harry raised his eyebrow , "What ?"

"You're flushed and cupping your crotch , Niall said you're doing this challenge and we didn't believe him ." Zayn chuckled .

Harry sighed , "We did The Annoying Challenge , and Louis threw a water bottle at me and it hit my crotch ."

"You thirsty ." Zayn laughed and winked , Harry smacked the back of his head and turned to Liam , "Come take your boyfriend away from me ."

Liam laughed and walked over , throwing Zayn over his shoulder , making him yelp .

Harry walked back inside , Louis was laying on his side facing away from him , scrolling through his phone . Harry smiled and crawled behind him , he placed his arm around him and snuggled his face to the back of his neck , "You're warm ."

Louis smiled and cuddled back further into him , his fingers trailing softly up and down Harry's arm . Harry sighed contently , "Let's stay like this forever ."

"I don't mind ." Louis smiled with blush covering his cheeks , Harry pressed a light kiss to the back of his neck .


I wrote it in six hours . My god I'm tired now . I did it extra long , because you've been so supporting and I love you .

Well , I hope you liked it , tell me if you didn't .


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