Ch. 21

Hiii , I hope this one goes well !! It's going to be long since I didn't write the last few ones as long as I usually do , so hopefully you'll enjoy it . xx


Harry woke up at nine thirty a.m , immediately smiling at the familiar warm body in his arms . His eyes kept close , he shifted closer to Louis' body and sighed to himself .

Today is Valentine's Day , his first one with Louis . He planned some small things for them , knowing they're both a little tired and that Louis doesn't like major celebrations .

He opened his eyes and looked down to Louis' sleeping figure , pressing a kiss to his soft cheek . Louis' eyes slowly fluttered open , he groaned and closed his eyes again .

"Morning ." Harry smiled down at him , Louis sighed , "Morning . I'm still tired ."

"Well too bad , we got to get up ." Harry kissed his cheek again .

"No we don't ." Louis pulled the covers up to under his eyes .

"Yes we do , it's Valentine's Day ."

Louis opened his eyes and looked at Harry , "Is it really ?"

"Yeah ." Harry nodded and moved his hair from his forehead , pressing a light kiss to his hairline , "I have a few small things for us to do today , since we have the day off ."

"Mm , okay ." Louis nodded , "Just five minutes more ."

"Five minutes and I'm pulling you out of bed ." Harry chuckled in his ear , Louis smiled and bit his lower lip to contain his giggle .


"Where are we going ?" Louis asked , sitting next to Harry in the taxi .

"We're going to have brunch , since we kind of missed breakfast . I always go to this place when I'm around here , you'll love it ." He placed his hand on Louis' thigh and smiled at him , Louis nodded and looked out of the window , still taking in that he's in America .

"How was your flight ?" Harry asked , Louis turned his head towards him , "It was okay . I freaked out a little when the plane took of , but Niall and Zayn helped me calm down ."

"Hm , did you eat or drink something ?"

"Just water , and a few cookies . We ate before the flight , so I wasn't hungry ." 

The taxi stopped , Harry payed the driver and they got out , Harry quickly put his arm around Louis , "Good . The landing was alright ?"

"Yeah , less frightening than I thought it would be ." Louis smiled shyly , Harry brought him closer , "I'm glad ." He stopped in front of a small restaurant , "Well , this is the place ."

Harry opened the door for him and Louis , walking in with an arm around him . They sat at a table in front of each other , a waitress handed them menus .

"Well I'm just going to get my usual meal here , did you pick something ?" Harry asked , Louis tilted his head to the side , "I'm not sure . I think the toast salad would be okay ."

"Hm , sounds good . My regular here is mac and cheese with chicken , god it tastes like heaven ." Harry bit his lip and looked into space dreamily , making Louis giggle .

Harry smiled at him and held his hand from across the table , "I missed hearing your giggle in those four days , and your smile , god your smile ..."

Louis blushed and looked away , smiling into the sweater paw he pressed to his face . "You made me blush again ."

"You know I love making you blush ." Harry smiled genuinely and removed his hand from his face , holding both his hands in his large ones .

"But I look like a tomato ."

"A cute tomato ."

Louis giggled again , looking away shyly . He was still not used to Harry's compliments , even though Harry showers him with them .

"I don't think I'll ever get used to getting compliments from you ." Louis confessed .

"Well better for me , I'll get to see this blush on you and hear your cute giggle , and your smile ..." Harry grinned at him , and Louis didn't know where to bury himself from happiness . He beamed , letting out another giggle .

A small cough was heard from near them , they looked away from each other to see the waitress . "I'm really sorry to interrupt , but I need to take your order , so let's do this quick so you can go back to being adorable , yeah ?" She smiled with a small chuckle , Harry smiled and sent Louis a wink , making him blush deeper .

"Alright , so , what's your order ?" She flipped her notepad out of her pocket and clicked her pen .

"Louis ?"

"O-oh , uhm . I'll t-take the - the toast salad , p-please ." Louis said quietly , the waitress nodded and wrote it down , "And for you ?" She turned to Harry .

"I'll take the mac and cheese with the chicken bits ."

"Alright , anything to drink ?"

Harry turned to Louis , "Is coke alright with you ?"

Louis nodded , not trusting his voice not to stutter .

The waitress nodded again and wrote it down aswell , "Alright , it'll be ready in a few ." She smiled at them and left .

Harry turned his attention to Louis , holding his hands again , "You stuttered ."

"I know . I-I'm just not used to - to talking to new people . Anxiety sucks ." He bit his lower lip nervously .

"I'll help you with it , alright ?" Harry gave his hands a small squeeze , "I'll help you . It's a work in progress , not overnight . It'll be okay ."

Louis nodded . "Thank you ."

"No need to thank me ." Harry pressed a soft kiss to his knuckles , returning the blush to his cheeks .


"I was thinking , we could take a stroll down the street , not really doing anything ." Harry suggested as they left the restaurant , intertwining his fingers with Louis' .

"Yeah , sounds good ." Louis nodded with a small smile , walking closer to Harry since the street was packed and he was afraid of losing him .

"And unfortunately we don't really have that much time to ourselves , fans are probably going to swarm us . So we can just start walking towards the hotel , and if we'll be close enough we'll just go straight there , or we'll take a taxi ."

"Okay ." Louis nodded , "Who did you collab with , at the YouTube party ?" He asked , changing the subject .

"With Phil and Dan , it has been a while . I just uploaded the video before we picked you up from the airport . I need to edit mine and Shane's video , it was one of the funniest I've ever filmed ." Harry laughed to himself .

"He's one of my favourites ." Louis said with a smile , "I like how he can laugh at himself , and laugh about his past . As hard as it is . He's carefree , and I like it ."

Harry smiled and kissed the side of his head , "He'd better not be stealing you away from me ."

Louis giggled , "No , he isn't ."

"Good ." Harry tugged him closer and wrapped his arm around his waist .

"Its' hard for me to keep up with your pace , your steps are bigger than mine ." Louis pouted , when he found himself half-running ot keep up with Harry .

Harry chuckled , "Come on , short legs ." He wrapped both arms around his waist , lifting him up and walking . Louis gasped in surprise and clutched Harry's coat , "Harry ! Put me down !" He tried being serious but ended up giggling .

Harry laughed and spinned in circles , Louis clutched him closer as his giggles increased . He put him back down and pecked his lips , smiling at his soft giggles .


"I asked the reception to bring us the dinner here , okay ? So we don't have to leave the room ." Harry mumbled as he cuddled closer to Louis in bed , his face buried in his neck .

"Mm , perfect . It's cozy and warm , I get cold easily ." Louis agreed and ran his fingers through Harry's hair . Harry smiled and pressed a light kiss to his warm skin , "You're like a human-size warm teddy bear that I can cuddle with all the time ."

Louis blushed with a shy smile on his lips , his hand rubbing up and down his back . "When did you tell them to bring the food up ?" He asked .

"Around eight thirty ." Harry said , "What time is it now ?"

"Eight fifteen ." Louis looked at the watch in his phone . He then looked down to Harry , who had his eyes closed agaisnt his neck . He put the phone on silence and turned the front camera on , taking a quick snap of him . He then logged into his Instagram , posting the picture with a caption "Best Valentine's ever x" , he turned his notifications off because he knew his phone is going to blow up in seconds .

He placed his phone down and looked down to Harry again , Harry sighed contently and opened his eyes , looking up at Louis , "Hey ."

"Hi ." Louis giggled , his thumb rubbing softly on his cheek . Harry shifted up so he was eye level with Louis , pressing their lips together .

Harry's fingers touched Louis' hip under his shirt , making Louis jump , "Your fingers are freezing ." He giggled lightly .

"Whoops , sorry ." Harry chuckled and brought his hand to his waist on his shirt , drawing small circles on him . Louis shifted under his hand , leaning away from the touch .

Harry raised his eyebrow at him , looking at his hand then back at him with a smirk .

"No , Harry ." Louis shook his head and pushed Harry's hand away , Harry laughed and brought him closer , his fingers gently wiggling on his ribs . 

"Harry !" Louis giggled and pushed at his hand , squirming away from him . Harry just smirked mischievously , "There's no stopping once the tickles begin !!"

"Nooo !" Louis did his best to push Harry away , when he successfully did Harry was pushed out of bed , to the floor .

"Harry ! I'm so sorry !" Louis said , looking down at him and giggling .

"Ugh , Lou ... what was that for ?" Harry groaned and rolled to his back .

"You know I don't like tickles . You deserve it , I did say I'm not responsible for your injuries ." Louis got out of bed and held his hand out for Harry to take .

Harry took his hand , but pulled him down on him . Louis yelped as he crushed into Harry's chest , both of them laughing .

There was a knock on the door , Harry sat up and pulled Louis with him , "It must be our special dinner ." He kissed Louis' cheek and they both got up , Louis straightened his clothes and sat on the edge of the bed , waiting for Harry to be back with the food .

Harry opened the door , smiling at the waiter . The waiter smiled back and rolled the cart into the room , "Good evening , sir . Here's your dinner ." He started listing what Harry ordered , Harry nodded and pointed to the table where they'll be eating .

He tipped the waiter and held his hand to Louis , "Let's eat , yeah ?"

Louis nodded and took his hand , letting Harry lead him to the table . They sat down , Harry held his hand and kissed his knuckles , "I'm happy you're here ."

"I'm happy you want me here ." Louis blushed with a smile on his face , Harry grinned at him and pressed another kiss to his knuckles , "I hope you'll like what I ordered us ."


"Ready to sleep ?" Harry watched Louis crawling under the covers , Louis nodded and yawned , "Yeah , I'm super tired ."

"I can tell ." Harry smiled and sat next to him , "I'll join you in a bit , alright ?"

Louis nodded and lied back on the pillows , shifting so he's more into the middle of the bed than the side . He lifted the covers up to his nose and shivered at the cold , mentally asking Harry to hurry up .

Soon Harry joined him , hugging him into his chest , "Good night , love ."

"Night , Haz ." Louis put his arm around Harry , Harry engulfed him close and closed his eyes , both drifting off to sleep in a matter on minutes .


Sooo , I wanted to surprise you with another update , as an apology for barely updating .

I hope you liked it , tell me if you didn't . xx


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