Ch. 20
Once again , I'm sorry for not updating . I hate school , and I have two projects to finish by the end of the week and it sucks . Most of the time I'm not even home , so it's getting difficult . I'm trying my best though , that's all I can do .
Hope you'll enjoy the chapter . x
"Need me to hold your hand ?" Niall chuckled , sitting to Louis' right on the plane , Zayn to his left .
"N-no , I'm okay ." Louis shook his head , biting his lower lip . His knee was bouncing , Zayn put his hand on his knee comfortingly , "Hey , Niall and I are here with you for the whole flight , no need to be so nervous ."
"I know , and I'm thankful . It's just , my first flight . I've never been on a plane before ." Louis blushed lightly , looking down to his lap .
"It's okay to feel nervous . I was nervous aswell , but it'll be alright ." Zayn patted his knee , when they were asked to put their belts on so the plane could take off .
As the plane started taking off , Louis sucked in a deep breath and clenched his fists , when Zayn and Niall's hands un-clenched them and held his hands .
"Relax , Lou ." Niall squeezed his hand softly , "We're here ."
"Thank you ." Louis breathed out , slowly getting his breath back to normal .
"That's it , it's over ." Zayn said as the plane came to a stop , Louis nodded with a small smile , "Yeah , wasn't so bad ."
"Come on , let's get out of here ." Niall got up from his seat and to the exit with Zayn and Louis following , Louis turned his phone on so he could text Harry .
"Harry said he should come get us with Liam and Dale , but it's really late I doubt he's up ." Louis said as they waited for their suitcases .
"Trust me , he will be here ." Niall chuckled , "He can't go a day without you , I bet he's been waiting here since the morning ."
Louis blushed and smiled shyly , he saw his suitcase and took it , rolling his suitcase with one hand , the other holding his coat and a backpack on his back .
Zayn and Niall got their suitcases aswell and they started making their way through the airport .
Louis got a text from Harry , saying they're waiting near the area where they get the tickets from . Louis was a little surprised when Harry texted him , since it's almost three a.m , but he was happy he came .
He rubbed his eyes tiredly and stood next to Zayn and Niall , who were looking around to see if they can see the other three .
"Here they are ." Niall pointed with a smile and then cupped his mouth , calling , "Harry ! Liam !"
The two turned around with Dale , a smile stretched across Harry's lips as he saw a sleepy Louis yawning and rubbing his eyes . Niall nudged Louis' shoulder and pointed to Harry , who was already making his way quickly towards them .
Louis perked up and dropped his backpack near his suitcase , letting Niall snatch his coat and let Harry engulf Louis . He wrapped his arms around Louis' waist and lifted him off the ground , Louis' arms tightened around Harry's neck as he giggled tiredly .
"I missed you ." Harry whispered into his hair , Louis buried his face in Harry's neck , "It has only been four days , Haz . But I missed you too ."
Harry put him down , Louis pressed a light kiss to his cheek making him whine , "I want a proper kiss ." Louis blushed and let him press their lips together .
Zayn looked at Liam , who was eyeing him back . Zayn let out a breath through his nose , Liam walked over to him and wrapped his arms around him , "I'm sorry ."
Zayn bit his lower lip and cuddled close to him , "I'm sorry too ."
"You have nothing to be sorry for , I was the asshole ."
"But I said some things too ."
"You had every right ."
"No I didn't ."
Liam sighed , "I'm truly sorry ."
"Do you want to talk about it ?" Zayn asked and pulled back from their small cuddle to cup Liam's cheeks .
"At the hotel , alright ?" Liam asked , Zayn nodded , "Okay ." He pressed their lips together .
"OAH , IM SO LONLEY !" Niall fake-cried on Dale's shoulder , making everyone laugh .
"Come on everyone , it's late , let's go get some sleep ." Dale said , he led them all through the airport . Even through it was the middle of the night there was still a small crowd of fans . Louis stood with Dale aside and let the boys handle it , when Harry walked over to him and put his arm around his waist , taking him towards the crowd .
"H-Harry , what -"
"The fans asked for you ." Harry gave him a smile and soon they reached the crowd , "There he is ."
"Hi Louis !" The girls chanted , waving at him . Louis waved lightly and let out a small 'Hi' , immediately thinking he was rude . "I-I'm sorry , i'm just tired ." He looked down .
Harry brought him closer and kissed his forehead , "We'll get some sleep soon enough , alright ?"
Louis nodded , the crowd cooed at the too , making Louis blush and press closer to Harry , while Harry chuckled and held him close .
Soon they reached the car , when Dale sighed , "This is a five seat car , we're six ."
"Louis will sit on my lap ." Harry suggested , but Louis shook his head , "N-no , I'm heavy , I'll squish you ."
"You ? Heavy ?" Harry chuckled , "You weigh nothing , love . I'll be fine ."
Louis didn't have time to argue , everyone got in the car . He shifted inside the car until he was seated on Harry's lap sideways , with Liam and Zayn together with them int he backseat , Dale driving and Niall next to him .
Louis yawned once again , Harry draped his coar over him , "Go to sleep love , we have an hour to drive ." He pecked his cheek , Louis nodded and leaned on his chest closing his eyes .
"Love , we're here ." Harry shook Louis gently , Louis opened his eyes and yawned , rubbing his eyes . He slowly scooted off Harry's lap and out of the car , Harry following .
Harry helped Louis into his coat and took his suitcase and bag , walking into the hotel . Louis had his arm linked with Harry as he tiredly followed him .
They walked into the lift , Harry pressed the seventh floor button , holding the doors open for everyone else to get in .
"Tomorrow you have the day off , so do whatever you want . Harry , you have an interview the day after , at eleven a.m , okay ?" Dale said , Harry nodded as they reached their floor .
"Alright , go get some sleep ." Dale dismissed them , they walked down the hallway until they reached their rooms .
Harry opened the door and let them in , placing Louis' suitcase near his , along with his bag . He took his coat off and helped Louis out of his , "Come on , bug ." He smiled at him .
"I'll go get some clothes ." Louis went to his suitcase and took out sweatpants and a shirt , walking into the bathroom to change .
Harry made the bed for theem to sleep , turning the lights off only leaving the bed lamps on .
Louis walked out and put his clothes on his suitcase , walking to bed .
Harry wrapped his arms around Louis and kissed his forehead , "I'm glad you're here with me ."
Louis smiled into his chest and gave him a light squeeze , "I'd like to talk with you some more but I'm really tired ."
Harry chuckled and kissed his forehead one more time before pulling back , "Get in bed , I'll go change ." Louis nodded and crawled into bed , wrapping the covers tightly around his cold body .
He was almost asleep when he felt the bed dip behind him , arms wrapping around him and a warm body pressed to his back . Harry kissed his cheek , "Missed going to sleep with you ."
"It has only beed a few days ." Louis giggled tiredly and cuddled further into Harry , Harry smiled and shook his head , "Still missed you ."
"I missed you too . Milo and Bear aswell , they didn't have anyone to annoy ." Louis teased , Harry laughed , "Did they annoy you instead ?"
"Oh , they so did ." Louis sighed , "They managed to pin me down two days ago , and they wouldn't stop licking my face ."
"I wish Gemma good luck watching over them ." Harry laughed again , Louis nodded with a smile on his face , "Yeah , she needs it ."
"And we need to go to sleep ." Harry kissed his cheek a few more times before pressing one long kiss to his cheek , Louis blushed and smiled shyly , giggling when Harry nuzzled his neck . "Actually , can we stay up a little more and talk ?" Louis asked , Harry nodded and held him in his arms , "What do you want to talk about ?"
"Tell me how was the YouTube party ." Louis asked , Harry sighed contently , "It was fun . I met a lot of my friends , a part of them you know from my party . They asked where you are , and wanted to know how we're doing ."
"Really ?" Light blush creeped on Louis' cheeks , Harry nodded , "Yeah , really . Tyler wouldn't stop asking me to call you so you can talk ."
Louis giggled , "Yeah , he told me on the phone ."
"Jenna Marbles said she really wants to meet you sometime , since she couldn't come to the party . Phil and Dan were there aswell , and asked for every detail possible about us ." Harry stroked his fingers up and down Louis' arm , "The YouTube family really loves you ."
Louis' blush deepened , a smile stretched on his lips . He couldn't be happier , this is more than he ever imagined .
"Did you do something interesting while I was away ?" Harry asked , Louis nodded . "Yeah , I went to Zayn's with Niall , we had a small movie night . We thought Troye might be joining us but we forgot he's at the party ."
"Hm , what did you watch ?"
"It's an old movie , but a nice one , I liked it . What's Eating Gilbert Grape , you know that movie ? With Johnny Depp and Leonardo DiCaprio ?"
"Haven't seen it , is it good ?"
"Yeah , it's amazing . It was a little weird seeing Johnny with long red hair but he's great , Leo too . Leo is an amazing actor , I'm surprised he didn't get an Oscar yet . He should have for this movie for sure , he played an eighteen boy with autism , he did it so well and didn't get an Oscar , what a shame ." Louis rambled tiredly , Harry chuckled findly and pressed a long kiss to his cheek , "I think someone needs his sleep now ."
"Nooo , I'm not done talking !" Louis whined and squirmed in Harry's arms , Harry laughed and held him still in his arms , "Tomorrow you'll do all the talking you want , alright ?"
"I'll forget until tomorrow , Haz ." Louis pouted .
"You won't , I promise . Now let's get some sleep , yeah ?" Harry lied his head behind Louis' and cradled him close , Louis sighed and nodded , "Okay . Good night ."
"Good night , love ." Harry kissed the back of his head , drifting to sleep with him .
A small one . I'm sorry it's short . Hopefully next chapter will be more interesting , I'll do my best .
I love you all , stay amazing . xx
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