Ch. 2

If any of you think this story will be good , I'd really appreciate it if you shared it or helped me get people to read it . I'll update whenever I can . x

Enjoy . (:


It was 23rd of December , the day before Christmas eve , and Louis' birthday . Harry went out and bought Louis both a birthday present and a Christmas present , knowing he doesn't have anyone else to get him these .

It was late noon when he finally got home , "I'm home !" He called and shut the door behind him . Bear ran up to him and pushed his big frame into Harry's leg , making him chuckle , "Hey , big guy ."

Milo was on the couch barking for attention , Harry went to pick him up and pressed a kiss to his head .

"Lou , are you home ?" He called towards the bedrooms area , when Louis walked out , his bag in his hands . Harry frowned , "Where are you going ?"

"I'm staying at a hotel ." Louis said as if it's nothing . "I just wanted to thank you for letting me stay these past few days , I -"

"Why are you leaving ?" Harry asked and put Milo down , walking towards Louis .

"It's really close to Christmas , and you're going to spend it with your family ." Louis said , looking away from him . "I can't let myself stay around , I just won't fit . Like always ..." He whispered the last part , but Harry heard full well what he said , and it made his heart pang .

Harry sighed through his nose , he took Louis' bag from his hands and went to put it back in the guest room .

"Hey ! What ? Harry ." Louis followed him , "Why are you doing this ?"

"Because , I'm not going to spend Christmas with my family ." He sighed , "I was going to , but there's a huge storm coming up and we can't meet each other this year , until after New Years ."

"S-Storm ?" Louis shivered as he bit his bottom lip .

"Yeah , a really big one . You know , snow , lightning , thunder ." Harry said , not knowing he's making Louis feel more uncomfortable .

"W-well , I'm still g-going to st-tay at a hotel . I was here f-for too long ." Louis went to grab his bag again , but Harry caught his arms and took him out of the room , "You're staying here and that's final ."

"Why are you insisting ?" Louis asked , "Why don't you throw me to the street , like my parents did ? Like everyone else would ?" He could feel tears welling in his eyes . Harry is just too nice for him , he never had someone this nice to him .

"Because I care ." Harry said .

"Why do you care ?" Louis asked quietly , keeping his tone just above a whisper , if he doesn't want his voice to crack .

"Because no one should spend Christmas eve alone , and especially not their birthday . And other than that , you're just sweet and nice , I like having you around ." Harry offered a smile .

Louis looked away , he sniffled and reached up to wipe under his eyes . Harry frowned and took Louis' face into his hands , "Hey , why tears ?" He wiped his tears away with his thumb .

"You're just so nice to me ." Louis sniffled , "No one was ever this nice to me . anybody else would treat me like I'm inhuman , and you're just nice to me and let me stay here , a-and -"

Harry engulfed him in a hug , "I'm nice to you because you deserve nice treating . Whatever people do to you , is wrong . But i'm here , yeah ? I'll treat you like you should be treated ."

Louis just cried into his shoulder . Harry is so nice to him , and he likes it .

When he calmed down , he lifted his head off Harry's shoulder and wiped his cheeks , "Sorry for crying like a baby , and ruining your shirt ."

"It's no problem , really . I don't care about this shirt , and everyone needs a cry every now and then , it's not wrong ." Harry pressed a soft kiss to his forehead , making Louis blush .

Bear pushed himself between Louis and Harry and looked up at Louis , nudging his face into Louis' leg .

"Someone wants your attention ." Harry chuckled , "Let's go to the living room , I'll make us some tea ."

Louis walked to the living room with Bear following , he sat on the couch and Bear immediately jumped next to him , placing half of his body on Louis' lap . Louis scratched behind his ear , when Milo stood on two paws , asking to be brought to the couch aswell .

"They're like that when they sense someone is sad ." Harry said as he watched from the kitchen , a smile on his lips , "When I'm sad or stressed they always cuddle me and make me feel better . You're quite lucky they don't lick you , they're unstoppable ."

Louis bit his lip to hold back a giggle , he let Milo cuddle under his arm . With two dogs surrounding him , he was held down and couldn't really move . 

Harry brought the tea to the coffee table and chuckled , "You can't move , can you ?" Louis shook his head with a small smile on his lips , "Bear is all over my lap and I can't get up ."

"Just be ready , Milo can strike any second now . They team up , Bear is going to hold you down and Milo will attack you . Just warning ." Harry winked . And honestly , Louis was a little nervous .

"I remember this one time they both had me on the floor , Bear was literally on top of me and they both teamed up against me ." Harry laughed .

"You're not helping ." Louis giggled nervously . "I'm smaller than you , they have no problem taking me down ."

"Anyone can take you down , even a meerkat ." Harry teased , Louis rolled his eyes . He reached for his tea that was on the table , but then Milo stood up and started licking his cheek .

"Ah , Milo !" Louis giggled as he tried pushing the small dog off gently , but it wasn't working . "Harry , help me !" Louis giggled as Milo licked his neck .

"I don't know , that's quite amusing ." Harry chuckled , watching them with a wide grin .

"But , but it tickles ! Come on , help me ." Louis giggled and held Milo's small body in his hands . Harry laughed and took Milo off him , "Good job , buddy ." He 'high fived' him .

"Hey , that was mean ." Louis pouted and crossed his arms over his chest . Harry rolled his eyes playfully , "I can let him go and continue his assault ."

"No ! Don't ." Louis giggled , "I had enough ."

"You know , I should let them assault you more often , it's quite funny ." Harry winked .

"Stop ." Louis whined .


It was the morning of Louis' birthday , Harry woke up early to get everything ready . He asked his friend , Liam (who is also a youtuber) , to get the cake he ordered when Louis fell asleep last night , and was told that he needs to meet Louis sometime .

Harry took the cake out of the fridge and held it with one hand , the other holding the present for him . He slowly made his way to Louis' room , Bear and Milo following him curiously .

He opened the door and saw Louis is still asleep , curled under the covers . He placed the cake on the beside table with the present , he sat next to Louis and shook him gently .

"Louis ... Lou , wake up ." He said softly , Louis moved a little then settled , still asleep .

"Lou , I'll get Bear and Milo ." Harry threatened playfully , Louis pressed his face to the pillow under his head , "Shu'up , I want to sleep ."

"Hmm , you leave me no choice ..." Harry tapped the bed , signaling for Bear to jump on it , then he took Milo and placed him on the bed awell . "Come on , my boys . Wake the birthday boy up ." He chuckled .

Bear started barking , he 'rubbed' his paws into Louis' back , while Milo was trying to copy him , but ended up jumping on the mattesss . Harry laughed at the scene , then decided Louis had enough so he took both dogs out of the room .

"You're mean ." Louis said into the pillow . Harry chuckled and lied next to him , "Happy birthday ." He grinned .

"Thanks ." Louis turned his head to Harry with a small smile .

"I got you a cake . And a present ." Harry sat up and grabbed the present , handing it to Louis . 

"You didn't have to ." Louis sat up , Harry placed the present on his lap , "Open it , come on ."

Louis opened the bag , he pulled out a new phone case , Blue with white stripes . He smiled and took his phone , changing his old case to the new one . "I like it , thank you ." He smiled at Harry .

He pulled out of the bag three sweaters , one light grey , one white and light blue . "I hope they're your size , you can go get smaller sizes if needed ." Harry said . 

"They're my size . I like them ." Louis said with a smile . "Thank you , you really didn't have to ."

"I wanted to , It's your birthday ." Harry said with a smile , "Now come on , up up . We'll have the cake for dessert , breakfast is ready ." Harry threw the covers off him , Louis sighed and didn't try fighting , knowing he's going to lose .

They ate a big breakfast , with Harry constantly making Louis smile and laugh a little . They ate the cake for dessert , putting it back in the fridge after .

"Go get changed , I'm taking you out ." Harry said as he started picking up dishes from the table .

"Harry , I really don't want to do anything ." Louis tried convincing him . 

"Nonsense , I'm taking you out , at least until after lunch . We won't be doing much though , we'll probably get mobbed in some point ." Harry said as he poured water on the dishes .

"M-mobbed ?" Louis asked nervously .

"Yeah , you know . Paparazzi , fans . The usual ." Harry said and dried his hands with the towel , turning to face Louis , sensing he's nervous . "Why are you nervous ?"

"I-I prefer avoiding b-big crowds ." Louis said quietly .

"You have anxiety ?" Harry asked , Louis was surprised by the sudden question but nodded . Harry moved closer and rubbed his arm , "It's alright , I already talked to my body guards , they're going to come with us ." Harry assured him . "Now go get ready , It'll all be okay ."


It was freezing cold outside , Harry and Louis were making their way quickly through the parking lot into the mall , with two body guards walking with them . Harry introduced them as Alberto and Dale .

"We can go on a small shopping spree , I haven't really got decorations for the tree , and Bear and Milo kind of ruined the ones from last year . Do you mind helping me pick some ?" Harry asked , Louis nodded , "Yeah , let's go ."

They walked around stores , bought decorations ,  Harry tried getting Louis in a good mood as much as possible .

"It's close to noon , do you want to sit anywhere for lunch ?" Harry asked , turning to Louis . Louis nodded silently , Harry told Alberto and Dale where they'll be sitting for lunch and told them they're free for the next two hours .

They walked into one of the restaurants on the third floor of the mall , the hostess smiled at them , "Hello ."

"Hey , we'd like a table for two , in the back of the restaurant if possible ." Harry said , the hostess nodded understandingly , "Follow me ."

They followed her through the restaurant to the back , showing them their table . She placed two menus on the table , "A waiter will come to get your order soon ." She said and left back to her spot in the entrace .

Louis held his manu open in front of him , so he could see only Harry's brows and eyes . He sneaked a look up to Harry , seeing him crossing his eyes . He bit his lower lip to stop himself from giggling , Harry started wiggling his eyebrows in a way that always made him laugh when he did it in a video . He let out a laugh and covered his mouth , Harry smiled softly at him and lowered the menu to look at him , "You had fun ?"

"Yeah , it was nice ." Louis smiled with a light blush on his cheeks . "I've never had this much fun ." He gave Harry a sad smile .

"Well , with me , you're going to have all the fun in the world ." Harry grinned , Louis' blush deepened and he buried his nose back in the menu , making Harry chuckle quietly .

"Did you choose something ?" Harry asked as he closed his menu , Louis shook his head , "No , I don't know what to take . Every meal here is just too big ."

"Eat as much as you want , it's my treat ." Harry smiled at him . Louis shook his head , "I'll pay this time -" "No . I'm paying . It's your birthday , you're not allowed to pay ."

Louis huffed and chose himself a meal , placing his menu down aswell . A waiter approached them , "Hello , my name is Jack and I'll be your waiter today . Are you ready to order ?"

The two gave Jack their order , Jack wrote it down on his notepad and asked for a drink . "I'll have grape juice ." Harry said . Jack nodded and wrote it down , turning to Louis . "Water please ." Louis said . Jack nodded , "It'll be ready soon ." He took the menus and walked away .


"Alright , there's a big crowd on the first floor and outside , and people are looking for you everywhere . Let's do it as fast as possible , yeah ?" Alberto said as they rushed to the escalator from the third floor to the second .

Louis was growing nervous , even with two bodyguards and Harry with him he knew he's going to freak out . 

They stood on the escalator , Harry's hand gripping Louis' tightly , "It'll be okay , we'll be home in no time , I promise ." Louis nodded , though he wasn't convinced .

They could hear loud talking and a few screams , and people started noticing them , walking after them with cameras , throwing questions .

"Ignore them all , yeah ? No matter what they say , just ignore it all ." Harry tugged Louis closer , Louis nodded and tried controlling his breathing .

They reached the first floor , and the screams got louder . The mall security came to help them push through the crowd and led them outside . Louis was losing his breath , he tried breathing through his nose but it ended up in him having a headache . Harry turned to him and stopped walking , he let go of his hand only to wrap it tightly around his waist . Louis fisted Harry's shirt and soon they were outside , they marched quickly to Harry's car .

Harry opened the passenger door and let Louis slide in , he closed the door and hurried to the driver's side , pulling out of the parking lot . They were on the road on their way back to Harry's , when Louis let out a breath he didn't know he was holding .

"Are you okay ?" Harry asked , Louis nodded faintly and took deep breaths until his beating heart calmed down .

They reached Harry's place , Harry rushed to Louis' side to open his door before he could do it himself . He let Louis out of the car and they made their way to the door .

Harry locked the door behind them , he took off his coat and jacket , and helped Louis take his coat off .

"Does it always happen ?" Louis asked , Harry sighed and nodded , "Sometimes it's worse ." Louis breathed through his nose , Harry stepped closer and engulfed him in a hug , "Sorry you had to go through this ."

"It's okay , I should've been more prepared , since you're famous and all ." Louis said as he hugged Harry back .

"Do you want to help me decorate the tree ?" Harry asked and looked down at Louis , Louis nodded . "Good , let's get started ."

Harry took all the decorations they bought and placed them on the coffee table and some on the floor , the two started placing all the decorations on .

Louis tried reaching a higher branch , but he was short and even on his tip-toes he couldn't reach it . Harry stood behind him with an amused smile , he walked towards him and held his waist , lifting him up . 

Louis let out a surprised noise , "God , you scared me ." He sighed and reached the branch with Harry's help , hanging the decoration .

Harry chuckled , "You're really small , you know that ?"

"I'm not that small ." Louis rolled his eyes playfully , knowing it's a lie and he's tiny .

"Alright , we just have the star left ." Harry picked up the star , handing it to Louis , "Come on , birthday boy ."

Louis took the star and looked at the top of the tree , just standing there , knowing he can't reach it .

"C'mon , I'll help you ." Harry crouched down and hugged his thighs , lifting him up . Louis placed the star on the top , smiling to himself . Harry put him back down and lit the tree up , admiring it . He took a picture of the tree , then turned the front camera towards him and stood next to Louis , "Smile ." He held the camera in front of them , Louis immediately turned his back towards it .

"Hey , what's wrong ?" Harry asked . "I don't want to take a picture ." Louis said .

"Oh come on , please ? Just one , with the tree and I ? Please ?" Harry begged , doing his irresistible pouty face , that made Louis melt every time he did it in a video . Louis bit his lower lip , "Okay ."

Harry broke into a huge grin , he stood with Louis in front of the tree so it'll be in the background of the picture . "Smile ." He put his arm around Louis , Louis smiled shyly at the camera and looked away the moment the picture was taken .

Harry looked at the picture , "Do I have permission to put it on Instagram ? Or Twitter ?" Harry asked and showed Louis the picture . Louis looked at the picture , he thought it was quite cute but he didn't want attention from people on internet . 

He shook his head and looked away , and Harry frowned , "Why not ?"

"Because , people will start asking who I am and in no time they will know who I am and I don't want attention from the whole world ." Louis said and sat down on the couch .

"I won't tag you if you don't want to , I'll just put it on with no explanations ."

"But people will ask for it , and eventually you'll tell them ." 

"You know , being my friend does include people knowing you . I can't really control it ." Harry sighed and sat next to Louis . "But if you don't want me to put it on , then I won't ."

Louis felt guilty , Harry wants to put it on so bad and he's the reason he's not doing it . He knew he'll have to face his fears sometime . "No , you ... you can put it on ."

"I can ?" Harry asked and looked at him . Louis nodded . Harry grinned and pressed a kiss to his cheek , "Thank you !"

Louis blushed and sat there , confused for a few seconds . A minute later his phone went off violently , and he knew it has already started , there's no going back .


I didn't have my computer for the past two days , sorry about the delay . x

Tell me what you think , if I need to change something \ you have a request . 


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