Ch. 19

I'm quite sad my other story ended , but relieved that now I have more time for school and personal business .

Don't forget the Character asks is still open to my other story !! Keep commenting .

Enjoy this chapter . xx


Harry was halfway done with packing his suitcase , Louis watched him from the doorframe . He bit his lip , he honestly didn't know how he's going to make it four nights without Harry .

Harry placed more shirts into his suitcase , he looked up and saw Louis at the door , his arms crossed over his chest as he watched him . "Come here ." Harry opened his arms , Louis shyly walked into his embrace and let Harry's arms wrap around him .

"It's just a few days , love . You'll see me soon ." Harry kissed the top of his head , "You'll be okay , I've got Zayn and Niall driving you to work and back , and they will help you with everything you need ."

"It's n-not the same ." Louis mumbled into Harry's chest .

"I know , I don't like being away from you either . But it's only four days , not months . It'll be okay ." Harry lifted Louis' face up from his chest and pecked his lips , "Okay ?"

"Okay ." Louis nodded , Harry gave him a small smile and pecked his lips once more , "Good . Now don't be sad , smile ." Harry smiled at him , he pressed their noses together and rubbed them against each other , Louis giggled and turned his face away shyly .

"There we go ." Harry kissed his cheek , "When I'm done packing you're going to give me a cuddle , yeah ?"

Louis nodded , "I'll make tea ."

"Great ." Harry kissed his lips before letting go of him , turning back to the closet to get more clothes . Louis walked to the kitchen to make tea , Bear and Milo following .

Fifteen minutes later Harry finished packing , he walked to the living room to see Louis sitting on the couch with Bear and Milo , two tea mugs on the table .

Harry sat next to him and took a sip of his tea , then lied on the couch with his head on Louis' lap . "You're comfy ." He snuggled up to him with a smile , Louis smiled down at him with light blush covering his cheeks .

He ran his fingers through his hair , "When do you have to leave ?"

"My flight is at seven , so just a few more hours ." Harry sighed , "But let's not talk about it now , yeah ? Let's just have each other ."

Louis nodded and leaned down to kiss his cheek , Harry smiled at him and poked his nose , "Cutie ."

Louis blushed deeper and smiled shyly , one hand running through Harry's hair and the other caressing his cheek gently . Harry closed his eyes and hummed , turning on his side to snuggle his face to Louis' hip . Louis giggled lightly from the sensitive touch but didn't push him away .


It was time for Louis to go to work his evening shift , and Harry had to go catch his flight .

Harry drove Louis to the store , holding his hand the entire ride there . They got to the store and both got out of the car , running into the store since it was raining .

Once they were inside they sighed , until they heard a breath hitch , "You came for me again !"

The two looked up , watching as Briana made her way to Harry . Harry had an annoyed look on his face , meanwhile Briana was smiling widely .

She pushed Louis to the side and made him stumble back , she cupped Harry's cheeks and leaned to kiss him . Just a moment before she could press her lips to Harry's , Harry pushed her with all his power , "What the hell are you doing ?!"

"Oh come on ... I know you want me ." She tried sounding seductive , Harry growled and towered over her , "You listen to me now . I have a boyfriend who I love very much . Don't you dare try to anything stupid , ever again . Understand ?"

"Yes , Daddy ." She whispered and leaned up to press their lips together , Harry let out a frustrated growl and grabbed her arm , "You , out . Now . I'm getting a restraining order against you ." He opened the door and left her out , slamming the door and locking it .

"God damn it ." He mumbled to himself , hands running over his face to try calm down . He felt small arms circling his torso , hugging him gently . He looked down to see Louis , his head pressed to Harry's chest and arms around him .

"I'm so so sorry about that , baby . You shouldn't have seen this ." Harry wrapped him in a tight hug and rubbed his back , pressing a kiss to the top of his head .

"It's okay . It's not your fault , it was her who was doing all ... this ." Louis' voice was muffled against Harry's shirt , Harry took Louis' face in his hands and pressed their lips together , "If anything like this happens while I'm away , do not ever doubt my love for you ." Harry looked into his eyes .

Louis nodded , he pecked his chee softly , "You need to go so you won't miss the flight ."

Harry bit his lower lip , he hugged Louis tightly to his chest and rocked them side to side , "I love you ."

"I love you too . Have fun ." Louis pulled back and smiled at him , he reached his hand up to move his curls out of his face , Harry smiled and kissed his lips , "I'll text you before the flight and when I land , yeah ?"

"Okay ." Louis nodded .


Louis finished his evening shift , he put his coat on and took his things when the door opened . He looked up and saw Zayn smiling at him , "Hey Lou ."

"Hi Z ." Louis smiled , a little confused . "What are you doing here ?"

"Taking you home . Harry talked to Niall and I ." Zayn said , Louis made a mentel note to scold Harry later for making them drive him home when he could take the bus .

"Come on , let's go ." Zayn held the door opened for Louis , he thanked him and they got into Zayn's car .

"Tomorrow evening Niall and I are planning on a movie night with Troye , join us , yeah ?" Zayn said as he pulled out to the road , "We'll be at mine and Liam's place , I'll tell Niall to get you and Troye ."

"Okay , sounds good . What movie are we watching ?"

"We haven't decided yet , we'll see what we have in our library ." Zayn said and stopped at a red light . "So , how are you and Harry ?"

"We're good ." Louis said with a smile , "You and Liam ?"

"Things are a little ... weird , now ." Zayn ran his hand on his face before the light changed to green , "We had an argument before he left ."

"You want to talk about it ?" Louis asked quietly .

"It's , uh ... It's really stupid . I don't even know why we fought over this . Something ticked him off and he was throwing words at me , and I said some back . Nothing major , but it still hurt . And then he just left before we could discuss it ." Zayn took a deep breath . "I want to call him so we can talk , but I think it's best if I give him a bit of space and talk about it when we join them ."

"Do you know what ticked him off ?" Louis asked .

"No , he just came home angry , and as he was packing he was throwing these ... ugly words at me . And it made me angry , so I threw some words back at him . Then he left ." Zayn bit his lower lip as he turned left to the street where Louis and Harry's house is .

"Then it's better to give time for both of you , to think it over and clear your minds ." Louis nodded . 

Zayn parked the car outside the house , Louis smiled at him , "Thank you for the ride ."

"Welcome ." Zayn smiled at him , "Have a good night ."

"You too ." Louis said and got out of the car , he unlocked the house and walked inside , locking the door after him . Bear was asleep on their bed and Milo was awake , he ran up to Louis and jumped on his leg . 

Louis smiled down at the small dog and picked him up , "Hey buddy ." He kissed his head and put him back down , walking to the kitchen to eat something .

He took a shower and lied in bed , careful not to wake Bear up . Milo cuddled up to him , Louis scratched behind his ears softly as he watched a few episodes of Friends .

His phone went of with a Twitter notification , he saw Harry tweeted .

"On my way to the US with Liam , but missing my boo a lot . x" He tagged him and Liam , Louis blushed and favourited the tweet , tweeting him back a pic of Milo cuddling him and Bear asleep .

"I miss you too , Haz . These two give me some nice company :)" He waited a bit before tweeting , his phone immediately going off with endless notifications . He giggled to himself and put his phone on the nightstand , turned the TV off and cuddled under the covers .

It took him time to fall asleep , since Harry wasn't there . He was thankful Bear and Milo stayed with him all night .


A short one , but yeah . Sorry .

I have two exams next week , so I've been studying and writing a little bit everytime I could .

I hope you liked it , tell me if you didn't . x


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