Ch. 17
My birthday is coming up !! My date is December 24th , if you remember from my other story .
Well anyway , enjoy the chapter . xx
"Hold on , I'll ask ." Harry pulled his phone from his ear and turned his attention to Louis , "Love , Niall is asking if we want to come with him and some friends for ice skating and dinner tonight ."
"Yeah , sounds good ." Louis said as he finished cleaning the front desk in the store ; his morning shift is about to be over .
"Okay , we'll see you there . Right , bye ." Harry hung up , when the store's door opened and a guy walked in .
Harry moved from the desk and stood aside , the guy approached the desk and gave Louis a smile , "Hello ." He leaned on the desk .
"Hi , uh , do you need any help ?" Louis asked nicely and returned a small smile , the guy looked him up and down , "Yeah , I may need a bit of help with a few things ."
"O-okay ." Louis got a little nervous , he didn't like his tone . Harry kept a serious face on , watching every move .
"I'm looking for Blink 182's latest album , do you have it ?" They guy asked , Louis nodded and walked out from behind the desk , "Yeah , follow me ."
He reached the section where the album should be , "It should be here somewhe -" He was cut off by the guy reaching his hand down , grasping his bum . He jumped and pushed his hand away , "What the -"
Harry stood in front of Louis , his fist flew up and connected with the guy's face . The guy stumbled back , "Ow , jesus christ , what was that for ?!"
"For hitting on my boyfriend !" Harry growled , he took a step towards the guy but Louis pulled him back .
"He's mine , touch him once again and I'm not having any mercy on you ." Harry spoke lowly , making Louis shiver slightly in fear .
The guy smirked and wiped the few drops of blood from his nose , "Well , I'd still like the album ."
Louis turned around to find the album , Harry stood between them , shooting glares at the guy who kept smirking .
Louis found the album and walked to the desk , he put it in a bag and told the guy the cost . The guy handed him the money , Louis gave him the change and the bag with the album .
"I'll see you soon , cutie ." The guy winked , Harry grabbed the guy from the back of his neck and threw him out of the store , "You'd better not come back , jackass ."
Louis watched with wide eyes , the guy left and Harry turned to face him , "Sorry about that ."
Louis could just nod , Harry sighed and walked behind the desk to Louis . He cupped his cheeks , "Sorry you had to see me turn into a furious beast ." He kissed his forehead , "You're mine , and I would never let anyone steal you away from me ."
Louis nodded , he wrapped his arms around Harry's middle and cuddled into his chest . Harry smiled and held him closer , "What do you want for lunch ."
"Your lasagna ." Louis lifted his head up and smiled , Harry nodded and pecked his lips , "Okay ."
"Lou , are you ready ?" Harry called from the living room , Louis walked to the couch with his shoes in his hands , "Almost ." He sat down to put his shoes on , Harry crouched down in front of him and helped him put his shoes on .
Louis smiled as Harry laced the first shoe , "You're like Prince Charming ." He blushed .
Harry looked up at him and winked , "I'll be any kind of guy you want ."
Louis giggled , "You're quoting Big Time Rush ."
"That was th purpose ." Harry chuckled , "And I mean it , I'll be any kind of guy you want . You want me to be your protector , your lover , your bodyguard , your shoulder - I'll be anything ."
Louis blushed and smiled genuinely , he pressed a quick kiss to Harry's cheek and blushed deeper . Harry grinned and finished with his other shoe , "Come on love , let's go ."
The two said goodbye to Bear and Milo and left the house .
"Loueh !" Niall grinned and embraced Louis in a hug , Louis giggled lightly and hugged him back , "Hi Ni ."
"Haven't seen you in a while ." Niall patted his shoulder siftly before pulling back , Louis nodded with a smile , "Yeah ."
"Hello to you too Niall , I'm good thanks for asking ." Harry rolled his eyes playfully , Niall and Louis laughed . Niall hugged him , "Don't think I forgot about you !"
Harry chuckled and patted his back , "Where's everyone ?"
"Should be here any second ." Niall looked at the time on his phone .
"Who else should come ?" Louis asked and shivered , Harry wrapped his arms around him and held him to his chest to keep him warm .
"Zayn and Liam , I also called Zoe and Alfie , they're coming with Joey Graceffa , he's visiting , and Troye should come aswell ."
"Joey Graceffa ?" Louis' eyes widened , Niall nodded , "Yeah ."
"O-oh my ." Louis bit his lower lip , Harry chuckled , "You're a fan ?" Louis nodded , Harry kissed his cheek , "You'll get along , I'm sure ."
Zayn and Liam approached them with Troye , they all hugged and smiled , making small talk while waiting for the rest .
"Here they are ." Niall nodded his head towards Zoe , Alfie and Joey who were smiling and waving from afar .
Louis squeezed Harry's hand nervously , he took a step back to try hiding behind him , Harry turned his head to Louis and wrapped both his arms around him , pulling him forward , "Don't be nervous love , I'm here ."
"Hey guys ." Alfie said , his camera in his hand , "Here we are , with Niall , Zayn , Liam , Troye , Harry and Louis , say hi ."
They all waved at the camera , Louis went back to being shy and tried hiding behind Harry .
"Lou , what happened ?" Zoe asked , Louis peeked from behind Harry and blushed .
"He's just camera shy , that's all ." Harry gave her a smile and turned his attention to Louis , "Don't be shy , love ."
Joey approached the two with a smile , "I didn't get to meet you at Harry's party ." He flashed a smile and reached his hand forward for Louis to shake it . Louis shook his hand with a shy smile , "Hi ."
"Well , come on then , let's go get our skates ." Niall led the way into the place , Harry had his arm around Louis' waist .
"Harry ?" Louis patted him quietly , Harry turned his face to Louis with a questioning look . They all stopped walking while Niall and Liam went to pay for the tickets .
Louis stood on his tip-toes to reach Harry's ear , "I don't know how to skate ." He said quietly and blushed in embarrassment , Harry smiled at him and kissed his forehead , "It's okay , I'll teach you ."
"What if I fall ?"
"It'll be okay , I'll be with you the entire time . It's easy to get , you'll learn quickly ." Harry rubbed his back , Louis nodded as Liam and Niall were back , "Come on , we're getting our skates ."
All nine went to get their skates , giving their shoes and names to the employees along with their sizes .
Harry put his skates on and helped Louis put his own on , "Let's go ."
They joined Zayn , Liam and Zoe who already got to the ice , Zoe and Zayn were helping Liam with skating . Niall , Troye , Alfie and Joey were still putting their skates on .
Harry kept his hands on Louis' waist , gripping him to help him balance . "Okay , this is really easy . Follow me , yeah ?"
Louis nodded and gripped Harry's biceps , squeezing them lightly under his fingers . Harry was skating backwards while helping Louis , who was getting the idea quite fast .
"See ? It's easy ." Harry smiled , Louis smiled and nodded , "Yeah ."
Niall , Troye Joey skated pass the two , waving and laughing . Louis giggled at their loud laughter , Harry grinned at hearing Louis' giggle .
"Harry ! Louis !" Alfie called and turned the camera towards the two , they waved and smiled when Harry lost balance and fell backwards , pulling Louis with him . Louis fell on his chest , giggling .
Harry laughed and sat up , pulling Louis up with him , "Are you okay ? Did you get hurt ?"
Louis shook his head , he giggled again , "I don't trust you anymore ."
Harry pouted , Louis pecked his cheek , "I still love you though ."
"I love you too ." Harry smiled and pecked his lips .
"Stop making out and get the hell up !" Niall skated pass them again , the two laughed and got up , brushing a bit of ice off their clothes .
"Are you two okay ?" Alfie and Joey approached them , Harry nodded , "Yeah , just a little slip ."
"Clumsy oaf ." Louis teased him and giggled , Harry raised his brow at him and pinched at his side , Louis slapped his hand away and giggled more .
Zayn , Liam , Troye and Zoe approached them aswell , Zoe pulled her phone out and turned the front camera towards them , "This is going on Instagram , smile ."
Alfie hooked his chin on her shoulder , Niall and Joey made faces and made Troye roll his eyes and laugh , Zayn leaned on Liam for balance and Harry hugged Louis from behind . They all smiled , Zoe took the picture , "Perfect ." She smiled and stuffed her phone back to her pocket .
"Come on , let's move on ." Harry held Louis' hand as they skated , Joey and Niall were skating next to them as Zoe , Alfie and Troye were skating behind them , talking with Zayn and Liam .
Louis almost lost balance but Joey caught him around the waist , "Careful there ."
Louis blushed and thanked him for catching him , Joey smiled at him and passed him to Harry's arms , "You okay , little one ?" Harry asked , Louis nodded , "Yeah ."
"He almost made an omlette from himself on that ice ." Joey remarked , Louis giggled and hid his face in Harry's shoulder . Harry laughed and kissed his head , "Who's the clumsy one now ?"
"Still you ." Louis poked Harry's dimple , Harry pretended to bite on his finger and made Louis squeak a giggle and pull his hand back .
"You two are literally relationship goals ." Joey cooed , "I met up with Tyler not long ago and he told me you two were cheesy and cute , now I get what he meant by 'they're that kind of couple that makes you want to throw up sparkly rainbows' ."
Louis giggled again , Harry smiled and hugged him to his chest , "Well he's my baby , how can I resist ?"
Three girls approached them , all smiling . One of the girls spoke up , "Hi , Harry can we have pictures ?"
"Sure ." He smiled , he passed Louis to Joey , "Take care of my baby for me ."
"I'm not a baby ." Louis pouted as Harry's arms left him , and instead he was holding onto Joey's forearms .
"You're my baby ." Harry kissed his lips before turning to the three girls .
"You two are adorable ." A blonde girl cooed , Harry smiled at her and Louis blushed .
"Louis please film more videos with Harry , we want to see more ." A curly haired girl smiled at him , Louis nodded shyly , "Yeah , okay ."
"That's what I just said ! They're literally relationship goals ." Joey joined the conversation .
Louis hid his red cheeks in his hands , Harry finished with the pictures and the girls thanked him , asking Joey for pictures too .
Harry wrapped his arms around Louis , "My baby ."
Louis pouted , Harry pecked his pouty lips , "You have no say in this . You're my baby and that's final . Now turn that frown upside down ." He kissed all over his face , Louis giggled and turned his head away , still blushing .
"Can someone bring me a can ? I need to throw up , I think it's glitter ." Niall made gagging noises , Louis rolled his eyes and giggled while Harry slapped the back of his head , "Go away ."
After dinner they all went home , Harry parked the car in the driveway and him and Louis got out , walking into the house .
Bear was sleeping on their bed , Milo was waiting awake . Harry picked him up and kissed his head , "Let's get you to bed , little one ." He walked with Louis to their bedroom , he placed Milo on the mattress . Milo lied next to Bear and nuzzled his back , Louis cooed and kissed both dogs' heads .
"Let's have some tea , yeah ? You go change , I'll make us tea ." Harry kissed Louis' forehead , Louis nodded and changed in the bathroom while Harry changed in their room and went to make tea .
Harry took the two mugs to the living room , he sat on the couch as Louis came out of the room .
Louis smiled at Harry and went to sit next to him , but Harry pulled him to sit on his lap . He kept one arm around his waist , the other on his thigh , "Tired ?"
"A bit , not enough though ." Louis took his mug , he sipped on the tea and put it back on the table .
Harry placed his chin on his shoulder and nuzzled his neck , "Did you have fun today ?"
"Yeah , it was fun . I liked it ." Louis smiled , "It's nice , having all ... this ."
"What do you mean by this ?"
"You know ... everything I didn't have before ." Louis said quietly and looked down to his lap , "Having good friends , having a reason to smile and laugh . Having someone to be there for me ." He looked up at Harry with a small but genuine smile , "And I'm thankful , so so thankful ."
Harry smiled and kissed his cheek , letting his lips linger for a few seconds . He wrapped both arms around Louis and brought him into a hug , Louis' arms went around Harry's neck .
"I'm glad you feel this way ." Harry rubbed his back , "I'm glad I can give you all this happiness ."
Louis smiled into his neck , "I wouldn't want it any other way ."
Harry smiled aswell and squeezed him gently before pulling back to kiss his lips . Louis cupped his cheeks and smiled into the kiss , Harry following .
They pulled back to breath , Harry smiled and rubbed Louis' stomach gently . Louis giggled and squirmed a little , pushing his hand away , "Stop ."
Harry raised his brow , he clawed his hand and tickled at his stomach , Louis giggled louder and pushed at his hand with both hands as he tried getting up from his lap . Harry caught both his wrists with one hand and held him around the waist with his other arm , "You're not going anywhere ." He smirked .
Louis giggled and tugged at his hands though it didn't help , Harry chuckled and leaned in to peck his lips but Louis moved his head to the side so Harry's lips kissed his cheek instead .
"Oafs don't get kisses ." Louis teased , Harry growled playfully and held him closer , fingers tickling at his sides , "Give me kisses !"
Louis giggled amd tugged at his still captured wrists , Harry didn't let go , "Give me kisses !" He repeated .
"Okay okay !" Louis managed to get out inbetween his giggles , Harry stopped and let go of his wrists , he wrapped both arms around his waist and pressed their lips together , Louis giggled into the kiss and cupped Harry's cheeks .
"You make me so happy , you know that ?" Harry asked and pecked his lips , Louis smiled and blushed , "You make me happier ."
"You make me the happiest man in the world ."
"You make me the happiest man in the galaxy ."
"You make me the happiest man of all galaxys ."
"You make me the happiest ."
They laughed , Harry kissed Louis' cheek and Louis kissed his jaw , yawning .
"Time for bed ." Harry lifted Louis up in his arms , Louis wrapped his arms around Harry tightly . Harry put Louis on th bed and crawled in with him , Bear and Milo asleep .
"Good night , love ." Harry pecked Louis' forehead .
"Good night , Haz ." Louis smiled and cuddled to his chest .
Another chapter is over . Yeah .
I love you all , stay amazing . xx
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